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She's in Liverpool not a remote island haha. Whats app or Snapchat the many dealers that are advertising. Don't think she only uses sb to get stuff. I live just outside a small city in the north, plenty of runners will drop off at what ever time you want it. Drugs are very regularly available.

I do however think SB is involved in moving product and laundering money. I don't think the plaster casts are used for that. Not a high cash business all online traced payments. But I'd look closely at some of the salons visited. There's a couple with massive red flags.

edit to add - I don't take drugs myself but have friends/colleagues that do.
I’ve alluded to this before and agree with you but, KP drawing attention to the salons makes no sense? I think the salons are involved in some kind of laundering potentially involving Jeyda as she is always present. Rimi has taken a backseat publicity wise but there is something going on with them all. It’s a shame some posters have left the threads as they appeared to have some knowledge that was ignored or shut down but now is looking very likely true. Just my thoughts 🤷‍♀️
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This Panto is so weird, less than a week to go and there is negligible promotion for it, there has hardly ever been much promotion for it, just that flurry when she went up there for the day. The weekend before opening their ‘Star’ has completely disappeared, nothing from her, the rest of the cast, other than one post from Bippo about his daughter, are totally quiet, as if they’ve been silenced, their respective social media are tumbleweed. People on here who live in the local area are saying there is nothing being promoted in Liverpool 🤷🏽‍♀️ There is seemingly very little effort going on to put bums on seats and sell tickets, no one is raising the profile of this thing at all. It’s like the Mel Brooks film The Producers, where they try to make the play (Springtime For Hitler) a massive flop, hire the worst main star, someone who cannot act, sing, dance, and is a heavy ❄ user, zero promotion, virtually no rehearsal time, basically they try to make it a complete disaster and want it to flop to cover up their dodgy dealings….this Panto has all the hallmarks of that Mel Brooks film. It backfires in the film and people love it, becoming a big success, can’t see that happening here 😁

We must see some sort of promotion today, it opens on Saturday, like everything she’s involved with, it’s just really odd 🤦🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️
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No you are right. Nine years old and she's "Trying to take control of her life mate!" So sad that a little girl who should be enjoying a childhood without worries, playing with her toys and doing fun stuff is having to flunkey about after that skanky creature as well as fret about "taking control".
That ain't childhood is it?
Rita, Princess spoke the same way in her custody. Caked in make up and on video about the same age saying 'I do my own make up, not my mum so mind your beeswax'.

Quickly removed to Peters custody.
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It’s always everyone else’s fault, old stories, but just shows she will never change.

I've said it before and I'll say it again - she's the common denominator in literally every situation she finds herself in. Literally every one of them.

It can't all be a hate train or bandwagon, and nobody - literally nobody - is that unlucky to have everything in their life be disastrous 300% of the time.
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Harvey looking forward to Christmas video deployed on her IG….she’s in trouble, the big gun is being used, the Braindead’s are loving it…mum of the year is out in force
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I have been a Krusty for many years now, and my favourite thing is when we get new krusties, and they come on our Fred for one reason or another, might just not like Skanky, don’t really know much about the fucking thing, then they listen to krusties, read the wiki , ad realise what a god awlful liar, well what a fucking degenerate piece of shit it is , never done a good turn for anyone , could walk under a snake with her arms up in the air
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Chatty Member
I think that as she is saying nothing and is not shouting about how wrong they are or stating she is counter suing we can all assume she can’t deny it or sue them as it’s all 100% true.
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i was reading on the secret celeb thread a while ago and someone said that celebs stay at the mental age they became famous (micheal jackson and justin bieber etc.,) this would fit in with skanky as a young, vain 17 year old with no life experience who has just discovered sex and that boys and men fancy her. shes stuck at that age, a selfish teenager who only has to think of herself and the trouble is she has not accepted responsibility in her life for anything, including the responsiblitiy of looking after pets or children, she is not capable of looking out for anothers life. her mother has indulged her all her life and i think they have had enough of her and her shit now. they would rather accept SB, than have to deal with her themselves. they dont want the little ones, because they know if they intervened and took them or went against her on that matter, she would then vent her fury on them ,and they dont want that. so i think there plan is to move away, too far to help out , or for her to just call in on the off chance. SB your it, they are accepting you so you are lumbered with skanky.
Does anybody think KP has to turn up for panto as she has been paid a lot up front and would have to return it
And she has already spent it
im hoping that guy off F4J is understudy to the clown guy in the pantomine. :ROFLMAO:
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Anyone else think F4J must have been over the moon when she went for them on TikTok. Gave them the opening to go after her.
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Looks like the kids, well B anyway, is with AFP and PP, Those do not look like happy smiles from B 😔

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Again I’m in disbelief AFP is out and about meeting people, sat inside in close proximity with a child at school, with covid again rife (I have loads of friends currently sick with covid, flu or that bad cold going around) in her immunocompromised condition 🤦🏽‍♀️ Bloody hell AFP you like your daughter obviously don’t listen to any medical advice. AFP was coughing her guts up two weeks ago, thought she was in trouble then, but here she is out in public without a concern at all. This family 🤦🏽‍♀️

Appears Skank hasn’t taken B out of school, maybe she’s finally been told that she cannot do this anymore, and has actually gone to Liverpool without her. At least B is still receiving her education. Wonder if J is with Skank, driven up there by SadBoy.
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I wonder if there are criminal charges awaiting Dim Lyn. She was probably sacked for gross misconduct which brings immediate dismissal. I,m still at a loss why J and B are still with Skank . I can only conclude or hope that she,s ignoring court orders and it’s just a matter of process or time before there is a physical intervention. It beggars belief how all these so called adults in the Price clan are colluding with the obvious abuse that,s happening with the kids. I only hope if or when they are back with Kieran there will be a multi professional investigation as to why ALL these services let them down. I honestly do not know how Dim Lyn can sleep at night with what she has done. I,ve worked with some odd, very “woke” Social workers in the past but none as the likes of her.
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The comments on the Mirror article are hilarious! One person talks about Price’s revenge ‘pawn’, while another comments about something being a ‘poultry amount’! 🐔🤣
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If's so frustrating and so wrong.
Skank removed them from their Dad, took them half way around the world for a month and no-one could touch her.
Does this woman have to commit murder before she gets anything more than a slap on the wrist.
I don't envy you your job, it must get you down a lot.
it does at times, within my job we see some really good results with positive changes made by our service users which makes it worthwhile but there are some cases that you can't leave in the office when you head home.

Thresholds for social services intervention are incredibly high, social services work under the mantra keeping families together, unfortunately sometimes (in my opinion only) they keep the children there too long.

I hope that since the situation with DL positive things have been happening, and sounds like it from the posts here that this has happened but sadly it isn't moving quick enough and I really worry about the long term damage being caused to the children both from emotional and physical neglect and also the exposure to parental substance misuse along with sink boy and everyone else in her circle
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From ITV.

Louise Moller was a 27-year-old hairdresser in pursuit of an hourglass figure made famous by celebrities such as Kim Kardashian and Katie Price.Two months on from her non-surgical Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL) surgery, she still has an open wound that needs to be dressed by nurses twice a week.

But the reality is Louise is lucky to be alive. She's one of a growing number of incidents of liquid BBL treatments going wrong.Having been surrounded at work by the latest beauty trends and treatments, Louise is open about the cosmetic work she's had done before."I've had fillers done before in my lips, and some of my friends have had this (liquid BBL) filler done.

"I didn't know there was any risk, I thought it was a safe procedure, that's why I decided to go with it.

She saw an advert online from Lift Aesthetics in Essex offering filler injections in the buttocks for just under £1500. The clinic has been endorsed by Katie Price who got her own liquid BBL done by them.Louise booked in and when she arrived, was surprised to find out that her procedure would be carried out by a company called Non Surgical Clinic Essex Ltd.

Louise took photos of the treatment room as she became concerned about poor hygiene and infection control.

She also claims that the risks of the procedure were not fully explained to her."I got told this procedure was not painful, it's definitely painful.""It felt like like a stabbing pain, and then I got a shooting pain. I screamed and said that really hurt, and then when I left the pain wasn't going away."In the hours after the procedure, Louise experienced redness and heat coming from her left buttock.

She contacted the clinic and was sent antibiotics, but her body temperature continued to rise, and she began vomiting. A doctor at the clinic told her she had been injected with air bubbles and an infection.

"They'd blocked the blood supply to my bum so obviously my skin tissue started to die.

"He said I had got sepsis and he needed to operate in 20 minutes, otherwise I wasn't going to be here any more.

"At this point he couldn't tell me what he was going to cut off."

Four days after her filler injections, Louise collapsed in an ambulance taking her to hospital, where a surgeon revealed what had happened during her liquid BBL appointment.

While in hospital, Louise had an operation to drain the abscess and remove the tissue from her butt cheek. That treatment continues two months on.

"Obviously I nearly lost my life. My mum nearly lost her little girl. Hunter my son nearly lost his mum," Louise said.

"It's not just a procedure, it's a huge life impact on someone it can cause. If it can happen to me, it can happen to someone else."In the end, her nonsurgical procedure left her needing surgery.

Responding to comment Lift Aesthetics said: "This procedure was not completed by Lift Aesthetics. The treatment was completed by Non Surgical Clinic Essex Ltd, yes, in a room rented from Lift Aesthetics."

Non Surgical Clinic Essex Ltd told ITV News Louise "is one of our clients, not Lift Aesthetics - we currently rent a room from them to complete treatments."

They said "Louise Moller did not follow aftercare advice," a claim which Louise refutes, and that she signed a consent form, and that "she was happy to go ahead knowing there are risks to this procedure".

Louise is taking legal action, but ultimately in the pursuit of perceived perfection, she found the opposite.''

OOOoooooh! Ellie, what have you done!

Their non surgical bubble has finally burst and stupid Kipper was promoting a life risking service to millions of brain dead fans!
And the good old Mr Taxpayer funds whatever is required to put these disasters right, while Ellie & Crew pocket the cash and laugh!
All in the fucking name of stupid vanity, who would have a clue that in 2023 all people aspire to is looking like Katie Price?
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Rita Chevrolet

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What is this ' You're both as bad as each other' business? Is it the new 'be kind'? It really grinds my gears.

How is F4J pointing out a coke addict and may not be suitable to be around kids... as bad as her? She also accused them of things which are blatantly NOT true......whilst they are pointing out something TRUE. So how are they as bad as each other 🤦‍♀️

Yes there are kids dying in wars but there are two kids being emotionally abused, brainwashed and kept away from education and their dad by a corrupt social worker and a slanderous, coke-head parent...but we shouldn't mention that sort of abuse because it's 'nasty' ?!

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These are the sort of arse-licking cretins that skank propogates for her defence - the likes of Dim Lynne etc
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