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Tabloids had no qualms printing her lies about numerous individuals over the years. The mental health nonsense is accepted all too readily when considering KFP, and receives no consideration where it applies to Alex, Pete, Kieran.
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So checked out all the Panto cast SM just now. Today was the first day of rehearsals, they are all being very guarded in what they are saying, a couple have posted a video of her saying a week to go, exciting, blah blah blah, it wasn’t recorded today, it’s been pre-recorded when she was there last. I think she’s missed the first day of rehearsal and the producers are not letting the cast say anything. Be interesting to see if she appears tomorrow 🤔 I personally think she will start the Panto, but she will massively underprepared and they will have already cut her part to the bare minimum.
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Also those kids are probably really happy with Katie and crew, regardless of what we think of her, those kids will not want to leave their mum and will be telling the authorities the same. They are kids, who just love their mum, they know no better and aren't old enough to understand that things like rules and boundaries make for a safe happy home, not a bad one. Add to this that Katie would slag off Michelle and Kieran at absolutely any moment and it really is no surprise that they won't want to get to dads house. Can you only imagine what Katie has told them awaits them if they do. Its like beaten dogs still loyal to their owners no matter how shitty they are.
When they finally get those kids back, they are going to need a lot of support and help adjusting.
How do you know they don't want to go to their dad's house? That's a big assumption to make. I'm sure they both remember the love and safety and happiness they felt when they were at home. One year of that thing spouting her shite won't remove the feelings of love they hold inside them.

My Mum has put my Dad down since I was born. Didn't affect my feelings for him in the slightest. I could feel the love he had for me, through everything. Never once questioned or doubted it.
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No I don't believe she ever keep's a low profile, because I don't think she EVER take's responsibility for her actions. She ALWAYS think's she's right.
She's either actually in Liverpool (doesn't want F4J to know) or something else is going on. IF she doesn't get to appear in panto & doesn't get paid, where is any income coming from now? No TT, selling the tacky clothes & :poop: ? The mattress fund must surely have disappeared by now. Perhaps AFP made Mr PP give her some of the Critical Illness payout, to tide her over:ROFLMAO: All way TOO QUIET.
I would also add, drugs I assume, are very expensive. It's still a mystery who she's purchasing from ! Must be Crawl, or if not he must know where it's getting the stuff from. I think most of us on Tattle, wouldn't have a clue, where to buy Coke from. I certainly don't know anyone who uses it (as far as I know :ROFLMAO: ). I have my suspicions, as do others on here, that this flitting around the country & the Ireland fiasco, has something to do with her 'habit'. Dealers need payment upfront. If she's not earning, how is she going to get the 'gear'? Surprised her & Crawl have never been pulled over at an airport. Shame police don't raid the MM.
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Thanks @JaynieDay

Recap, and I’m drinking wine tonight, a few glasses methinks 🍷🤦🏽‍♀️😁

Thread kicked-off with laughter about the return of the pathetic specimen that is SadBoy, back again, as madam demands he must return to do her bidding. We should just call him ‘Hotel California’….”he can check out any time he likes, but he can never leave!"

From @Pom Bear

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We didn’t hear from her at all on Tuesday, something was up we thought 🤔

Skank finally surfaced Wednesday afternoon, having more 💩 pumped into her f*cked up face and yet again completely forgetting she has a needle phobia

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Then this happened…..

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We fell into two camps receiving this news, some thought this was a positive move from F4J, time to fight fire with fire, others including myself, were more wary, even alarmed, and thought it may badly backfire. Whatever your thinking, it was fair to say 💩 was getting real now for Madam 😈

Wednesday evening she appeared on GB News singing the praises of Nigel Farage. Skank looked like she was auditioning for a presenting role on that channel (especially as Pete Ya C*nt has one now), they’d be desperate if they did give her a job, as she chatted absolute toss. No chance.

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Stan was sent off for kicky-ball chat later that evening, I doubt he’s learnt his lesson though🤦🏽‍♀️

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Thursday morning, DC again listened to the podcast ⭐ Skank had managed to get Daisy May Cooper on for this one as a special guest. Skank said they are like 2 peas in a pod. Both have ADHD and into the same stuff, both vaping. It was generally agreed DMC must also be a weapons grade c*nt then. Highlights from this podcast were Skank slagging off all the men in her life, basically had another pop about the grinning charmless man that is SadBoy, and trying to get Netflix to make a programme about her life….like who gives a f*ck about that, and anyway it will all be lies, libel and slander. Ain’t happening.

@Helena-botham-farter called it….

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The podcast continues to slump in the podcast charts, but was at #151 in Malta, so that was nice.

Thursday night we had a very strange live with Skank showing off that AFP and PP Fencing were in da house. AFP had steroid face bloat, she looked and sounded very unwell. Sadly Bunny was also on the Live, now with an attitude, saying “I’m trying to control my life mate shup up” to someone in the comments, very sad what Skank has done to that little girl.

Junior and Princess were both ‘Out’ again 🤦🏽‍♀️

Friday morning this happened, F4J a letter sent to Edna (put that in next week‘s podcast) oooh la la here we go, The Skank is in big trouble…

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Meanwhile Skank carried on regardless, as she popped up on a TT live, still selling her overpriced tat to the Brain Dead fans. This time we had Tech (Robot Dog) that was broken and wouldn’t work. SadBoy raised himself from the sofa and tried to help out, he didn’t help out at all, as he’s a very stupid man. Next Skank proudly started to flog toilet roll that we later found out the dogs had peed on. We are really at rock-bottom now, it can’t get much lower than selling urine soaked bog-roll, but I expect she can find a way.

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The clan were now all gathering, Dan the brother arrived, obviously a clan meeting to decide their next move with F4J, ooooooh what would their plan be.

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Hair was also on its way as well, there was an awful lot going on 😱😁

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So the day wore on, 4pm arrived, no social media apology appeared and no update from F4J. As usual disappointment was rife.

Then this happened 😱….

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The Scum jumped straight on it, loving it they be.

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Here we go……

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Other Skanky Updates…..

Skanky stated a few weeks ago her YouTube channel was starting up again with fabulous new content in December….this hasn’t happened.

Still no new music or the Christmas single which wasn’t released last year either.

Skank’s continues to tell her fans all 5 of her children live at the MM. Junior is still living at the MM but always ‘Out’, Princess is also living at the MM, but spends all her time at her Dad’s house and H still lives with her, with Skank as his sole carer, but he also spends 98% of his time living at a residential college.

Skank still hasn’t started the paramedic course, despite saying last week she didn’t need the degree part. Still hasn’t started the weekly hospice voluntary work, but is now going to be training to become an exorcist. Those MM ghosts just won’t leave, exorcism is the only way to deal with this troubling situation….sorry to disappoint any of you that do believe in ghosts, but they really don’t exist, seriously now, they don’t exist, though a copious ❄ habit, can make you think they do.

Oh, and Skank’s having a 30th anniversary party next year, celebrating 30 years in the business. All the stars are coming, J-Lo, Taylor Swift, Dua Lipa, Elton John, Rod Stewart, Sting is reforming The Police to play and my Kylie is singing with them. The only trouble is that she’s only been in the business 28 years next year, so it’s a 28th anniversary party…..this isn’t a thing we celebrate as a rule 🤷🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️

I actually noticed the sexy Only Fans model is now basing her look and shape on Mr Creosote from Monty Python, a strange direction to take….

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On we go, we await the next F4J update or her response, and will Skank actually still leave on Sunday to ‘Star’ in the Liverpool Panto 🤔

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Cheers everyone….let’s get this party started 🥳🎉💃🏽

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I look forward to Kylie’s recaps almost as much as witnessing Skanky receiving justice.

Excuse 1 incoming : KFP was unable to post her apology to all of the socials she controls, cos, dontcha know she doesn’t control any of them.

Excuse 2 incoming ; Fanks for ruining her MH she’s so suggestible that she believed the ghost who told her it was F4J

Excuse 3 incoming: bunny posted that Tik Tok without her knowing, KFP thought it was a skit they were performing in

Excuse 4 incoming: Pete|Kieran|Dwight|Dane|Scott|Alex|Leo|Carl|Danny|Kris|Warren|Ace|Beckham|Joe|Ace| drove her to it

Excuse 5 incoming: Tattle made me do it
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Chatty Member
Pahahahahh sorry but this made me laugh- hope it does u all too!
She is now following one member of the cast!!! No one else, just one! Needless to say it is the male cast member who plays Prince Charming! She is so predictable. New egg hunted, operation crack new egg on!
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I still think the reason she’s kept Jett off school is because she knows Kieran would be able to collect them, and keep them, but she knows he wouldn’t pick up one of them and separate them from their sibling. So Jett has to stay home to keep them away from their dad.
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Love you dolly 😘

Just a quick word SmillieKylie xx I taped Kylie show on Saturday ( an audience with) and watched it bloody good is that mini queen 👸 she is fantastic xxxx ..on with the thread..I hope skanky goes to jail after everything she has done!
It was wonderful, I know I’m heavily biased, but I thought it was fabulous ( too many ITV people in the audience though, grrrrr Lorraine ‘simpering’ Kelly, could have done without her, and a few others being there 😁) Mr SK said I looked like the little 10 year old fan-girl I must have looked like 35 years ago throughout the show 😁

Back on topic 😁 Was thinking this morning, there Kylie was, on prime time TV, top of her game at 55, Kylie posted a photo of herself back in Vegas loving life today 😁 Then we have ❄head Skank, 10 years younger, but a washed-up has-been selling bog-roll whilst wearing plastic ears. Whenever we think Skank is winning, think of her selling the bog-roll covered in dog pee, that’s her standard now, oh she’s no Kylie 😁

Never underestimate the Pwicy 🤦🏽‍♀️😂…..

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I’m assuming they have proof of a failed drugs test? They wouldn’t say so otherwise surely?
It must be part of the family court stuff that Kieran got advice on from them.
Why has she still got the kids if she's failing drug tests? A father who I support (professional capacity), tested positive for cannabis recently and couldn't see his children for months. This caused him to become homeless! He's a former heroin addict and has done amazingly well, I thought it was grossly unfair to make him leave the family home for a blooming spliff. And there she is bold as brass off her nut regularly on SM.
DC has hinted last week. She is ignoring court orders that involve the kids.
I can only imagine that the only reason the kids can remain in that house is if other "responsible" adults are present at all times.
Still seems odd as to why Kieran can't have them - and again, my guess would be that she has poisoned their minds against him to such an extent that they've told the authorities they're scared of him. Mind you, from what I've seen of Bunny, I'd be surprised if she scares easily!!
She's just refusing to comply with court orders. I'm 99.9% sure the law says Kieran should have them back.
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Chatty Member
I definitely think something has gone on regarding princess and skanky, that plaster class was cancelled that P was due at, and she hasn't been seen with the creature since. Also as someone mentioned further up, P replied to Emily and Peters comments on her post but not her birth givers (late) back handed comment. Has P seen the light, or is it to do with the f4j stuff or that piece of shit dim Lynn's drama. Something has happened that is certain.
I reckon it's to do with the positive drug test. Mo way will Pete allow P around her when she is doing drugs
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I'm not doubting for a second that Kieran is doing absolutely everything he can. What I mean is about actual SS with everything that's becoming public knowledge even though us Krusties have been saying these things all along. I don't understand why SS haven't removed J & B temporarily until things come to court.
You don't know what has happened though. As has been said, repeatedly, SS can't just swoop in and remove children. It would require police involvement, force, and possibly physically dragging children away from their (fake) hysterical Mum.

Unfortunately, things have to be Court ordered. As I've also stated previously, the whole social worker stuff has (I believe), moved things forward. So therefore, things are happening. It just doesn't (yet) warrant physically dragging children out of the home they've lived in for the past year. And if someone is noncompliant and ignores decisions it will drag things out even longer. I'm not saying any of this is right. But that's how it works with situations like this.
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So another day passes, no sign of Skank, no promotion of the Panto by any of the cast in public or on SM. No mention of her or anything from all the cast members (I’ve tracked them all down, even some of the minor roles…..muhaw 🤦🏽‍♀️😁) they are posting nothing about the production. Appears to me The Arena have shut everything down relating to her, is this just because they are running scared of F4J 🤷🏽‍♀️ Whatever, I’ve never seen a show with so little promotion for it going on, where are the local interviews, media slots, my Sherlocking on the sofa is finding nothing. Something is up, the whole production is in hiding with just days to go until opening, what a great star they’ve booked 🤦🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️😁
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I still think the reason she’s kept Jett off school is because she knows Kieran would be able to collect them, and keep them, but she knows he wouldn’t pick up one of them and separate them from their sibling. So Jett has to stay home to keep them away from their dad.
I agree Moist but I think there is more to it in my humble opinion.

I think at least it's a 'control'. 'I gave birth to them so they're mine'.

Also I think, and this is in my honest opinion, that Jett may have witnessed things in that house. Why does she keep him so close to her and away from other people outside 'the coven'? No school, no friends, no sport, no contact with his relatives outside hers. The whole thing is weird, chilling and worrying.
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I feel sorry for the person trying to manage this whole panto. They're going to have their work cut out trying to train her to not cock her leg up, trying to stop her licking her teeth and not to start screeching "Eye got chew" at every opportunity.
I wonder how long it will be before she loses her rag at someone in the audience and calls them a cunt or something.
I've found Junior

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