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KP has posted.
Of course she has I really hate to say this but she must be as chuffed as a butty with all the thousands of people all over the world concerned about him poor Harvey the golden goose has laid the biggest golden egg ever and Katie will be dining out on this for a long time, by the way I’m not saying she isn’t a little concerned after all he is her son but the crap on Instagram calling her the best mother in the world who has always been there for him and what a special unique bond they have MY ARSE bloody stupid sheep.
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Katie's new vlog up talking about the death of Rolo

"it's not even our fault its happened"

Does she think it is normal to lose this many pets 'by accident'?

I have had a lot of pets over the years but didn't lose a single one by accident. They all either died when they were old, or through illness.

Accidents DO happen through neglect. You can't turn your back on a baby/toddler and expect it to be fine on its own. A young animal is the same!

Neglect = accidents

She's saying the puppy wasn't left. Who were the people in the room? Children do not count. They are not responsible enough to look after a baby animal.
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I feel so sorry for those kids. Imagine growing up in such chaos where every single move your mother makes is for attention and money! It makes me sick. They won’t know any different and will think it’s normal. I cannot imagine having a constant stream of stepdads from such a young age.

I fear that Princess will follow in her mother’s footsteps in a few years. She’s only 13 and has already been exploited to a ridiculous extent by her mother, she has her own YouTube channel for goodness sake. I know she’s only a child but she just seems devoid of emotion and more interested in attention like her mother.
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Katie said she tried to give him cpr and then took him to the vet as soon as she could and he was pronounced dead.
How could she have given him CPR when she said she wasn't there? She originally said she was told over the phone. So she gave him CPR over the phone, ok :unsure:. Hang on while I shoo this herd of flying pigs off my roof ...
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Poor little puppy looked traumatised when Princess was giving it a bath and kept jumping up trying to escape and she was saying 'stop it, you'll hurt yourself'. Makes you wonder what the tragic accident was?

It's on The Sun online.
All the red tops have the story

"Katie Price is facing fresh heartbreak as the puppy she bought for daughter Princess has died.

The former glamour model gifted Princess the dog named Rolo earlier this month for her 13th birthday.

It's believed the puppy had been staying at Katie's house after Princess' dad Peter Andre initially banned her from getting a dog as his wife Emily is allergic.

A source revealed that Rolo had been found dead by Harvey's carer after a 'tragic accident'.
"They had to phone Katie to break the news," an insider told The Sun.

"It was a tragic accident nobody could have foreseen - it's no-one's fault but Katie can't stop crying."

So Harvey's carer is at home but neither she or Harvey (who's just come out of Intensive Care" lest we forget) are not. It's Princess's dog but she doesn't live there, only visits when it suits her mother by the looks of things. Sad as this all is, you really couldn't make this up
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It makes me really angry that she's making money out of her life. There are animals dying, children being in hospital due to neglect, and she's bankrupt. What actually does she have to do for someone to step in here and say ENOUGH.
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I darent have my blood pressure checked. This is just heartbreaking. I love animals (boyfriend called me female version of David Attenborough) and I could never put any pet of mine through such shit the way The Pwicey does. Why doesn't she get investigated by relevant authorities regarding her children and pets? If this was some Joe Public, they would be. But she seems to get away with so much.
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Twice I just watched her channel I think it was fine for money if it honest probably insurance there all that stuff there and it’s was all left

Junior talks like a gangster if he was my kids I wouldn’t have it
Junior talks like a typical teenager! He'll grow out of it

Off topic slightly I can't stand KP but Alex is sooooooo bitch made 😂😂😂😂
I really cannot stand Alex, he's every bit as dysfunctional as Katie. He also conveniently brushes over his disastrous relationship with Chantelle Haughton, and the many stories she released about him (mirroring things Katie said). At one point he wasn't even aware of where both she and his daughter were living.

One thing that Katie says which is true, is that every man she has been with (with the exception of Dwight Yorke) has sponged off of her name, and subsequently built a z-list name for themselves in the media. Even Peter Andre was a relic from the mid-90s.
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Them, Tiffany’s tea cups etc are just glorified puppy farms.
It’s disgusting I used to work with a woman who bred labradoodles years ago obviously the first breeding is to me ok if everyone knows what they are doing second breeding not goog IMO when she got to 4 with the same bitch and asked us all at work if we would like to buy her because she wasn’t any good anymore for breeding well let’s just say I kind of lost it .
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Nothing is ever her fault 🙄. The fact she mentioned in the video about 'Princess was at Pete's, so would of been there but he won't allow it as Emily has an allergy' (or something similar) just seemed to be another way of trying to deflect blame. She knew Pete said no to a dog before she got it. There was no need to bring him into it, or Emily's allergy. She's a complete car crash
I noticed that it was almost as if she was trying to put blame on Pete and Emily. "It is their fault the puppy was here, it wouldnt have happened if the puppy had gone with Princess " . She never takes responsibility!
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Forced to go without him? What the actual fuck, no-one is forcing you to leave your unwell child. Although in this case, he's better off without her.
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On Katie's latest IG pic with Carl and the kids in swimwear and her fans who are grown women are commenting on Junior's body and abs... so creepy and inappropriate :confused:
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Never commented on this thread but oh fucking hell this bitch shouldn’t be in charge of a gerbil let alone kids and animals.
I agree with everything Freda has said in the past she’s a waste of space. How many animals have now died in her care. I’m so angry she’s a piece of shit. To be correct an ugly plastic alien faced shitbag 😡
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I really hope Harvey is okay. I know it sounds stupid as I don’t know the boy but I really can’t stop thinking about him
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“Guess the 3 celebrities we’re giving these free pups to and win yourself a free limited edition hoodie with our logo.”

These people aren’t in this for the dogs welfare AT ALL. Utterly disgusting.

What kind of breeder has fucking merch?!?!?!

And they claim they did thorough background checks, bitch - you were willing to give the puppy away to a celebrity so you can get your photo op with these z listers and claim you breed “designer puppies for the stars” status.

Shut them down!!!

(They’ve turned off comments on Rolo’s posts on ig now)
ive seen somewhere on a comment they are licensed breeders but I can’t find them registered anyway as a licensed breeder - they certainly wouldn’t be kennel club licensed with Merle or advertising “huge rope” as that can come with boas issues. They also state in their website that their puppies can be shipped worldwide - so concerned with the welfare of their dogs that they will ship them anywhere where they haven’t done the right checking!
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I had my blood pressure taken earlier and it was pretty low. But I've a history of low blood pressure. Anyway, nurse said she'd take it again after 10 minutes and left my room.
Read this and Goodger threads, nurse came back and blood pressure went up. Not by much, but it made nurse happy.
The Pwicey even boils by blood!! 😂
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