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Stan Butler

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Wouldn't it be a laugh if skank just as she's sticking two fingers up to everyone driving the Hummer had her licence revoked and plod seized the Hummer for driving it illegally without a licence because she'd told everyone she owned it when it was sink boys would explain his angry snarling face at the airport and in every picture while on holiday in Spain. It got towed away a few days after skank had driven it and sink boy said it had broken down. 🤣
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Stan Butler

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@Stan Butler any updates on Blade?
Silence on that front,, but last time i was in contact with Blades trainers got the usual " thank you for bringing this to our attention we take the welfare of our dogs seriously when they have gone to new owners and welfare checks are carried out randomly" but it was interesting that a few days later skank did the staged pap walk with Blade on Pricey Towers driveway pretending it was some park she'd took him to for a walk. So think they actually did listen and checked on him (only by phone call or a email) then skank went out and staged these pictures to send them. They have my contact details if anything changes with regards to these new allegations so hope there's some movement with him.
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AFP didn't seem to realise the extent of the surgery. It must have been stressed to her, that carrying out a lung transplant on a 70 year old, had many, many risks (as for anyone, I imagine), but recovery for an older person, has to be more difficult. She believed she would not need the oxygen, but clearly, that's not been the case. Pretty sure, had she known the problems that could happen, she would still have gone ahead, hoping she would be lucky. I am sure Harefield would have fully discussed the operation & any likely advantages/disadvantages & side affects. I think from what I've been told, elderly people have a high rejection rate for this very serious operation. Given KFP couldn't even be bother to come back from Thailand when she knew her mother was having this major op, say's to all really. Then KFP had the gall to lie, when she did finally leave her 'jolly', saying it was for the kids safety/well being, using Kieran as the reason she cut short her holiday ! As I've said, she will milk her mum's passing, with constant TV/magazine interviews etc. She'll see it as a pay cheque. Couldn't spend important time with her now, that she will never get back. She's just a selfish, uncaring, robotic creature. EDIT to add .... HOW can SFP stick up & support her mutant sister? Goes to show, it must be the 'gravy train'. SFP the 'source' is clearly earning from her. If that was my sister I would be disgusted.
if Amy passes, edna may very well turn on skanky and sell the story herself ,"my selfish sister partied, while my mum was dying" she would have loads of info we are not privy to and she must know the true state of skankys affairs. i dont wish Amy ill in any way, i think its terrible the way skanky is avoiding her and how she treats people,including her own children, but i think Amys upbringing has helped form her, to the monster she is.
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Yes spot on. She needs a little group of people around her to fawn over her and to keep enabling her. The family are not that important now because they have their own stuff to deal with and can't be around her 24/7 blowing smoke up her arse on endless holidays,. Even better if her 'friends' can get her drugs.
Yes I'm sure she's high and drunk a lot of the time. Plus Crawl isn't welcome with SFP, AFP & 'Arry, so he's probably making sure she stays well away from that lot too. She is only with people she can use (hairdressers, Julie from Lanes Beauty etc). She has no real friends other than lap dog Melodie, who just loves the fame. Not that she's got anything important or exciting lined up, other than court cases & next holiday after this one. More INfamous now. I suspect both Crawl & RyMi may be fleecing her, but she's too coked up to realise. Must be, because where is Crawl getting an income? I still think there's something suspicious going on like laundering or smuggling. I think that was why Crawl following the Mule - BIG hint there.
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Well they must be safe now Dolly. An 8 year old alone and playing with candles is pure neglect and putting them in danger. The authorities cnan't ignore that, as it was out in public and seen by so many.
We all knew she would not look after them. At least nothing really serious happened ( apart from the emotional damage!).
I take more issue with an 8 year old meeting people on the internet late at night and saying she was 12. This could have led to all manner of unsavoury exchanges (and maybe did). Little ones need to be guided and protected and this one has been exposed and sexualised by her disgraceful mother who had repeatedly laid her on the line for any creep. I reported Skank to her local child protection team when, some years ago, she had Bunny, then aged about 5, in full make-up and sitting in her mother's favourite pose, legs wide open. I don't shock easy but that really got to me as beyond the pale. Katie Price is a disgusting mother.
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The Sun must be taking the piss, toned body, it looks like something thats died and been washed up on a beach a few weeks later. I would really like to know whose telling her these are good shots, and for her to let them be published is criminal.
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Poor Harvey. Why the fuck isnt he on Ozempic? He 100% qualifies and the drug stops you feeling hungry? Any decent mother would have him on it a year ago. But no too busy with me me me me me. I guess when he has a heart attack she can milk the sympathy.

Poor man must be so uncomfortable being that big. He never stood a chance from conception, always off her face at Chinas.
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Pink Squirrel

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This really is another level mess 😳 How do her norks even do that? They are literally in different continents 🤷 I'm in shock & hysterics in equal measure at this set of stunning sexy pics 🤣😳
Please, just stop now. She really doesn't know how to do anything else does she? If she's still here in 10 years, she'll still be doing this won't she? 😫 Make it stop.
Her face is now looking as solid as her norks. I think she's turning to stone 🤔
I'm going to put it out there & say I don't think there will be a noo egg, ever. That face & body is not going to lure anyone in 🥴
So Katie, how is comeback 7462 coming along? Is it everything you thought it would be? When are all these big things happening? Never underestimate the Pricey eh 😁


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does anyone think the kids have been taken off her how can she claim they live with her fulltime then go away loads of times without them any normal person if had to work would want the kids to be with the other parent she as not mentioned being with the kids for at least two weeks and no new pictures or facebook post with them in(it is so plain to see that since she took them to Thailand for a month something as happened regarding her having them they have either been removed or she as been told she can not picture or video them on social media in which case she will soon hand them back to the dad after all they are no use to her if she can not sell their lives to the media)
She managed to take them off to Thailand for a month not long ago, 🤷‍♀️ so this all seems to much of a coincidence after the Bunny IG/YouTube stuff.
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I have worked at residential colleges like the one he attends ( not as a carer) and he will more than likely is being given food by staff to control his tantrums, staff I worked with would started to give one girl a bag of crisps, can of coke and a mars bar to get her out of bed. You will all be shocked at what happened next.............correct she refused point blank to get up unless she got her goodies.
Or in Harvey's case he will kick off BIG time & smash anything & everything & then start headbutting walls, doors or banging his head on the floor. Very dangerous.
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Stan Butler

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I don't think any of clan Price will ever turn on her and throw her under the bus , they've all benefited in some way from skank.
Amy the terminal pimping her daughter out and making a tidy living looking after H.
Sophie the source selling stories and using skanks name to amass following on social media and launch her influencer career.
Mr PP once silent in the background but now using H and skank to advertise his fencing business and get his mug in the press and on TV.
If and when Amy the terminal pops her clogs instead of it being a solemn private occasion it'll be turned into a media circus of stories staged family sad pictures sold to the highest bidder and used for sympathy.
The whole clan are a bunch of grifting cunts out to save the gravy train and once Amy the terminal has gone Sophie the source will become chief enabler running deflection and the blame game to protect skank.
As for sink boy and slymi Rymi their a pair of chancers using skanks habits to their advantage sink boy is using, enabling and supplying skank to keep her dependant on him in return he gets free holidays, free nights out at events and daily mentions in the press to help his zleb status he desperately craves same with slymi Rymi skanks a commodity to him that he's using to get his mug in the papers and pretend to be a hotshot PR man with connections using skanks name for a jet set lifestyle and freebies.
The only one of clan Price that seems to be keeping a low profile is Danny( think that's what the brother is called) but i can only guess he's the one pulling the strings and hidden the money.
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The cost of Harveys college makes me angry.Its so unfair that other families have to fight for every penny for their child.
We are funding this.Whilst his mother ( and all her little helpers), are doing their utmost to avoid paying her dept.
Whilst owing millions in tax.
If Kp was truly worth 30( plus) million in her prime, what on earth did she do with it?
It can’t ALL have gone on holidays and drugs?
And I thought that Harvey’s “ trust fund” should be paying towards his college.
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