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She still has money, maybe not as much as her heyday, but its still there, and Id bet quite an impressive amount ... its hidden away carefully, in many places, if there's one thing she loves more than SELF ... it`s CASH ... NO ONE IS HAVING ` HER ` MONEY ..... as suspected, she still pays for the best advice, financial, legal ( she would have done this well before becoming ` bankrupt ` ) ..... and ` magically ` finds lump sums at the last min to pay here and there ..... ` constantly ` goes on holiday, still spends like a millionaire ` she is ` ..... because of all the above .... she is ` bankrupt ` only on paper ... its all one big game to her, she will use any loophole possible to swerve all the shit she creates, and fuck those she owes, not one of them means shit to her .... those being paid handsomely in the back ground, are protecting her, that's how this cunt is getting away with everything, that's how most rich cunts get away with things .... sadly, as in this case .... money equals power, and if you have it, you can pretty much do anything, that includes the best financial, legal advice ( a supposed skint bankrupt still lives in a mansion, despite owing over 3.2 million .... and has paid a lump sum toward arrears owed to the mortgage company, yet again ... playing games ) .... she will continue to take the piss with the bankruptcy court, be drip feeding them small lumps, and the circus will keep chugging along at a snails pace, this suits her just fine, she can fit in more vacations ... her life is one big game .... one good thing though, she cant ` buy ` social services, or the judge concerning the children, and her long history of drugs, drink, and all other crimes committed, will go against her in family court, as it has before, that's the only silver lining in this whole shitshow, however hard her legal team try, that cant be erased ... again suits her just fine, kids get in the way of getting, hair, beauty treatments, surgery ... drunk, high, fighting with her ` on off PLANK ` going away when she feels like it ... clubbing to the early hours ... trying to bag a ` new egg ` ..... being the vile rancid, law breaking whore she has always been ..... she only did it, to show KH ....` that's what you get when you cross me ` .... to get one over on him, and MP ... not because she loves those children .... AGAIN all one big GAME ... other good news, the years of drinking, drugs, is affecting her mental health big time, that's clear for all to see ( she is also ` clinging ` onto the last dregs of ` fame ` for dear life, looking like a sad desperate clown, an object of ridicule ) .... that's something no lawyer, financial advisor, however expensive or good .... can fix .... her decline will get worse, in that respect .... the pwicccee shitshow circus continues
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Am I the first to notice Keiran & Carl are now following each other ? Why would Keiran want anything to do with him?
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Jnr is 17, it's not impossible he could be having babies of his own in a couple of years, will she still be calling them all babies and wheeling this
photo out?
She's getting more and more desperate with each day that passes. A mum of 5 kids and hasn't got a recent photo of them all together because she's such a fuck up for a mother they are split up all over the place. I wonder if deep down she knows she's an appalling parent
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Old sinky obviously does this stuff just for shits and giggles... He's a millionaire remember. He doesn't need the money 🤔🤢😂😂😂😂

Imagine having to have sexy private chats with some random bloke for a couple of quid 😂😂😂😂


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i got no booze :cry: i might order a tesco woosh (delivery within the hour)😂 or should i wait for tomorrow ?
I treated myself to a Tesco Finest Dine in Meal for Two last week (just for me as Mr Angelic was being a dick), some other cunt got my order and I got theirs. A box of fucking Ready Brek 😭 that's it! They got my posh Chorizo and Sausage Macaroni Cheese, my Dauphinoise Potatoes, my Toffee Tarts, my pop, my vapes, my mini Chicago Town pizzas and my crumpets. I got fucking porridge. Still hurts. 😔
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Doctor “Im afraid ms price that your Mother is very ill and mustn’t be moved”
Skanky “ What no even a little bit?”
Doctor “No”
Skanky “ can’t we turn her on her side”
Doctor “ any movement will make her condition deteriorate “
Skanky “ can’t we just lift her up”
Doctor “ I’ve told you she cannot be moved at all”
Skanky “ But doctor, you don’t understand , I’ve gotta get in that fucking mattress”
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What ‘talent’ has Harvey actually got? Don’t get me wrong, lots of autistic kids and young people have talents. My own lad is very musical and has taught himself to play lots of instruments - he’s even played at concerts in Wells Cathedral. But Harvey, through no fault of his own, can’t seem to do anything except swear and eat carrot cakes.
Fucking cunt, I love carrot cake and my Mummy.
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Yes I'm sure she's high and drunk a lot of the time. Plus Crawl isn't welcome with SFP, AFP & 'Arry, so he's probably making sure she stays well away from that lot too. She is only with people she can use (hairdressers, Julie from Lanes Beauty etc). She has no real friends other than lap dog Melodie, who just loves the fame. Not that she's got anything important or exciting lined up, other than court cases & next holiday after this one. More INfamous now. I suspect both Crawl & RyMi may be fleecing her, but she's too coked up to realise. Must be, because where is Crawl getting an income? I still think there's something suspicious going on like laundering or smuggling. I think that was why Crawl following the Mule - BIG hint there.
I just had to post this joke I received, especially as we criticise RSPCA about doing nothing about KFP:

Always trust the NHS!
They were excellent at removing a mole from my arse.
Unlike like the RSPCA, who will prosecute me if I do it again. :ROFLMAO:

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That wig is like a bloody nest. There are probably things hatching in it as we speak.

What did she ask for in the salon when she got it? The biggest, fakest, cheapest, most backcombed hairpiece they could find?

If I collected all the loose fur off my dog with a strip of cello tape it would look more convincing than that.

I wonder what the wig model/ colour is called?
“Demented cave woman in dark turd.”?
Brilliant post, so funny 🤣

Stan your potatoes and comments about your son's view on things had tears running down my face 🤣

Dolly you crack me up somet chronic.

Feeling a bit emosh today and feeling a lot of love for everyone here 😘💖 x
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That fecking haircut. 😂 It reminds me of Friends when Monica asks Phoebe to cut her hair like Demi Moore and she gets mixed up and cuts it like Dudley Moore instead. 😂
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Amy Price is obviously very unwell and perhaps no longer has the wherewithal to deal with KP. It wouldn’t surprise me if the family have told her to leave her mother in peace. KP is so insular that, rather than behaving like a normal person and doing everything she can to help Amy in her last days, she’s going to extremes to pretend she’s not bothered. Unfortunately, it’s others who are suffering as a consequence, but she will never be able to acknowledge the damage she is doing because she doesn’t have the capacity.
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I suppose she hasn't done any of these poses (YET) on holiday, I mean on this working trip.









And finally practicing for Benidorm the Movie:


Go on SB, I dare you to recreate this pose..
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I do hope someone has reported her Angelic,, the cunt needs to be off the roads permanently her own bullshit medical conditions are starting to catch up with her. The clocks ticking on skank being caught driving because she'll feel wronged and her narc personality won't let her accept that she's been told not to do something. 🤣
From the Government website:

We can revoke your licence if you no longer meet our licensing criteria. An example of when we might do this is if you are convicted of a relevant criminal offence......................................Skank was convicted of drunk driving.

We may also revoke your licence if: we decide that you are not a fit and proper person to hold a licence.

We can also suspend your licence if we believe that you are a threat to public safety or that it is in the public interest to do so.
...............................................Driving an unfamiliar left hand drive Hummer in sliders having not driven (legally) for nearly two years?
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The main thing is, the kids are safe. They aren’t with Skanky, they aren’t at the MM, and they aren’t alone. It seems they are probably with Kieran’s mum, but we don’t have the right to any details (although I certainly appreciate the updates from Brah). It says it all really, that Skanky didn’t stay here and fight for them. And as usual, someone else will be clearing up the damage caused by her selfish, destructive behaviour. It would be better for all her kids if she just stays in Spain.
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I'M sorry but this has deflection written all over it, skank thinking she was clever and her need for publicity jumped behind the wheel early even tattlers worked it out that with the 25% reduction she wouldn't have got her licence back until June, someone's reported her and plods paid a visit and warned her. Now skank covering her arse gets Sophie the source to put a saucy spin on it and release a story claiming her licence has been revoked on medical grounds. What's the betting skank will get her licence back in June because this medical condition has been treated and she can drive again. 😎
Maybe it has been revoked 👍
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