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Her Rod Stewart ` mullet ` is coming along quite nicely .... shall we tell her?:unsure: .... Naa let her think, looking like Rob in the 70`s is cool, hip, dwwwn wiv da kids ✌ ...... the ` decline ` continues (y)
“ Wake up Slaggy, I fink I’ve got sumfing to say to yewwwwww”🎶
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It's belly button looks like a friggin keyhole 😖 must be where they place the batteries, always knew it wasn't human
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Probably an unpopular opinion, but I have always felt that part of the reason Price has gone off the rails, is her Mother's deteriorating health. She hasn't visited her because she cannot face the thought of her Mother dying. I dread to think what will happen when Amy does inevitably pass away, we will see even more self destruction than we have already.
Of course none of this, excuses her treatment of her animals and children.
You are entitled to your opinion, I have had people I have absolutely loved and idolised, knew I was going to lose them, But I made every second with them count , I think you are making a poor excuse ,
Her mother has been Ill for ages, don’t seem like she’s worried to me always fucking off abroad having the time of her life, Bet her sister , bet she’s the one by her mothers side , but if god forbid anything happens to her mother who will be milking it? Whose deteriorating health are you going to blame for her leaving her kids and animals? You are making the mistake of thinking the thing has feelings for anyone except for herself, I’ve never seen it, ask any Krustie
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Skanky was very vocal about having J and B with her all the time, and said awful things about Keiran. Yet she’s gone quiet now, not even putting up pretend messages about missing the kids, or ‘just having a much needed short break for my mental health’.
Surely even her most brain dead diehard supporters must realise she doesn’t have the kids in Spain with her?
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I'm sure there are more negative comments left up on her latest instagram post than usual, where it's mowdellin JYY on someone's steps. I thought they usually get deleted, probably by Edna. This one just particular made me chuckle.... filled more times than my nan's kettle!
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She still has money, maybe not as much as her heyday, but its still there, and Id bet quite an impressive amount ... its hidden away carefully, in many places, if there's one thing she loves more than SELF ... it`s CASH ... NO ONE IS HAVING ` HER ` MONEY ..... as suspected, she still pays for the best advice, financial, legal ( she would have done this well before becoming ` bankrupt ` ) ..... and ` magically ` finds lump sums at the last min to pay here and there ..... ` constantly ` goes on holiday, still spends like a millionaire ` she is ` ..... because of all the above .... she is ` bankrupt ` only on paper ... its all one big game to her, she will use any loophole possible to swerve all the shit she creates, and fuck those she owes, not one of them means shit to her .... those being paid handsomely in the back ground, are protecting her, that's how this cunt is getting away with everything, that's how most rich cunts get away with things .... sadly, as in this case .... money equals power, and if you have it, you can pretty much do anything, that includes the best financial, legal advice ( a supposed skint bankrupt still lives in a mansion, despite owing over 3.2 million .... and has paid a lump sum toward arrears owed to the mortgage company, yet again ... playing games ) .... she will continue to take the piss with the bankruptcy court, be drip feeding them small lumps, and the circus will keep chugging along at a snails pace, this suits her just fine, she can fit in more vacations ... her life is one big game .... one good thing though, she cant ` buy ` social services, or the judge concerning the children, and her long history of drugs, drink, and all other crimes committed, will go against her in family court, as it has before, that's the only silver lining in this whole shitshow, however hard her legal team try, that cant be erased ... again suits her just fine, kids get in the way of getting, hair, beauty treatments, surgery ... drunk, high, fighting with her ` on off PLANK ` going away when she feels like it ... clubbing to the early hours ... trying to bag a ` new egg ` ..... being the vile rancid, law breaking whore she has always been ..... she only did it, to show KH ....` that's what you get when you cross me ` .... to get one over on him, and MP ... not because she loves those children .... AGAIN all one big GAME ... other good news, the years of drinking, drugs, is affecting her mental health big time, that's clear for all to see ( she is also ` clinging ` onto the last dregs of ` fame ` for dear life, looking like a sad desperate clown, an object of ridicule ) .... that's something no lawyer, financial advisor, however expensive or good .... can fix .... her decline will get worse, in that respect .... the pwicccee shitshow circus continues
What boils my pee about skanky is she’s not paid tax or anything to society yet expects the NHS to fix her botched manky body at our expense,and give Harvey the benefit of the school board yearly. She didn’t even pay his last school bill
Other people have disabled teenage kids who could benefit greatly from that school but because they’re treated differently from skanky they get sweet f all
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Stan Butler

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Wish we had some good ☕ about cuntboysink.Well,anything actually..Just to keep this Dolly happy.🥴
I'm going with the "no news is good news" on the skank front Dolly,,, if things were all peachy and going in her favour regarding the kids, animals, BH and police investigation into harassment allegations skank would be shouting and selling stories to the press proclaiming "look i told you i wasn't lying and i'm innocent" but because all she's doing is deflecting and avoiding mentioning anything i'm going with the shits hit the fan and she's in deep trouble for at least one of those things. 🤣
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Cakky Prize

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I just spotted this photo on one of my friend's fb posts, it reminded me of somebody, can't think who...

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I actually think that Kipper is refusing to listen to reason from her family, including Edna ... lots of shit going down left right and centre... she is clinging onto slimi and Carol who tell her she is a star 🌟
I suppose she hasn't done any of these poses (YET) on holiday, I mean on this working trip.
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And finally practicing for Benidorm the Movie:
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Go on SB, I dare you to recreate this pose..
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That last pic ... he did try @DC16 ... during the corn on the cob fat Kipper Thailand trip ... he strained his underbite and gave up... she looked an absolute horror that day ...


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Has she had her arse done? The photos of her in the DM today make it look odd. Revolting article that she is. Those tits can probably be seen from space!
Her arse looks considerably larger, and the implants seem very separate to her body. Like lumps of fat just stuck on. I’m not sure how she sleeps at night, it must be very difficult to get comfortable with beach balls on the front and footballs on the back.
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She is so pathetic. She said time and time again that she was due her license back in June, then is seen driving around in April. Idiot. And if it’s been revoked due to a medical reason, I wonder if it’s ADHD? I said at the time she was trying to get diagnosed that she should be careful as she would have to declare it to the DVLA. Be careful what you wish for, Skankbag.
I think there’s a few things but mainly - she says her feet aren’t healed and she was wearing moon boots the other day. That won’t help?! 😅
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What I'm really curious about is why the massive suitcases when the have been wearing the same clothes for days?
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Stan Butler

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You're usually bang on but I don't think that's the case (sorry). It's too risky for her to risk knowingly driving without a licence. And as she revoked her licence at the time of the crash, the ban went from then, and with the reduction May is correct. She's had it revoked, I'd put money on it. You can report people driving with medical conditions. She's worn the moonboots and someone has reported her (imho). Police don't want her on the roads, DVLA are probably sick of her, she's been hoist by her own petard. House of cards falling down rapidly. End game is well underway. Toodlepip Skanky, take yourself away and rot in that shithole and let everyone whose lives you've destroyed, or tried to, live happily ever after. Game over. Bye Felicia. 🖕
I do hope someone has reported her Angelic,, the cunt needs to be off the roads permanently her own bullshit medical conditions are starting to catch up with her. The clocks ticking on skank being caught driving because she'll feel wronged and her narc personality won't let her accept that she's been told not to do something. 🤣
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I thought this could be the case too. KP may have pressured her for a big photoshoot and AFP might have told her to do one. I can't imagine wanting to do a photo shoot even if I had a bad cold, let alone after having an organ transplant!
With Kippers need to be the centre of attention and all the drama and chaos it brings with it everywhere it goes, I wouldn't be at all surprised if its been told to keep away. Who'd want that loud, insensitive bitch near you when you are dying. No fucker on earth
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View attachment 2158984
Oh my god the boobs are completely different sizes even more so now. Grant is twice the size of Phil!!! He's spilling out underneath. Something's definitely not right there 🤮🤣
Yep, very uneven. Grant starts jutting out from her chest a good 2 inches further down. Horrific!

Screen Shot 2023-05-09 at 19.22.19.png

She also has a nice right angle dent on her arse cheeks and 3 strange wrinkles, where the implants must join! I suppose we can call her KP Spongebob square butt from now on?!

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The cost of Harveys college makes me angry.Its so unfair that other families have to fight for every penny for their child.
We are funding this.Whilst his mother ( and all her little helpers), are doing their utmost to avoid paying her dept.
Whilst owing millions in tax.
If Kp was truly worth 30( plus) million in her prime, what on earth did she do with it?
It can’t ALL have gone on holidays and drugs?
And I thought that Harvey’s “ trust fund” should be paying towards his college.
I totally agree.. at this stage now Harvey has had a massive contribution from all the UK services for every stage of his life. His mother however has never contributed or appreciated anything done for him. Where does this end ? What about the thousands and thousand of Tiny children needing just a little bit of help and not getting it. This favouritism because of how high profile his mother is has got to stop. And the funds dished out accordingly to more deserving desperate little kids. Its heartbreaking for most of them and they need help too.
Enough is enough. 😔
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