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So madam is told she MUST appear at a meeting/hearing IN PERSON, she buggers off to Spain with no indication of when she will be back, so is then offered the meeting by remote (so did they back down by offering this when it was supposed to be in person?) Another blatant two fingers up at the authorities and her thinking if she just ignores them it will all go away. 😡
There is only so many times this can happen. It shows a clear pattern and disregard for the law and rules. Someone needs to force the issue 🤞
All she is doing is burying her head in the sand, the inevitable will catch up.

She chose to have a meeting in Spain, which probably could of been done remotely, over her kids welfare, that tells you EVERYTHING you need to know about that selfish woman and her priorities, probably leaving it all with any legal team, to sort out her mess and find any loophole to get her out of trouble.
It’s all circling at a fast pace now…
Social Services
Community service
Animal treatment

There will be no ice cream van moment this summer, no pictures of all her kids together (unless it is for AFP) so she can deflect all she likes, people are starting to notice the pattern. I’m not sure if her family have given up now trying to get through to her, she clearly doesn’t care about anything apart from fame, making money and being pampered. Ryan is like a limpet these days enjoying riding on her ‘fame’ coat tails. You can see the disgust in SB’s face and body language every time he has to go near her, I bet they are still having some cracking rows and I imagine his iCloud is full of evidence.
I really hope Princess and Junior can support Jett and Bunny, when you see videos of them together, you can 100% see the love they have for each other 🥰 they just need a calming influence if they can’t be with their dad yet. But above all, they just need the chance to be carefree children, without worrying if they are pleasing anyone, stuck on iPads and phones, constantly hearing arguments and goodness knows what else, while no one cares what they are up to. Back to a routine, early nights, school, healthy food, friends, love and attention.
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Brah Day Izit?

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I've made a couple of calls - it's shrouded in mystery, but I can say her absence has not helped.
Ok, confirmed; she didn't attend and, was given the option of remote. I suspect she is still living it up in Spain. I call bingo on deflection posts in the coming days.

It is not helping her but helping others we care about :)

Apologies for the lack of updates - we are all so busy after the two Monday bank holidays. I just had an email - I am making quite a nuisance of myself and will need to continue to be very careful.
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What ‘talent’ has Harvey actually got? Don’t get me wrong, lots of autistic kids and young people have talents. My own lad is very musical and has taught himself to play lots of instruments - he’s even played at concerts in Wells Cathedral. But Harvey, through no fault of his own, can’t seem to do anything except swear and eat carrot cakes.
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Stan Butler

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Just arrived at the villa the Boss of the grifting clan. 😘

Dedicated to Pom Bear your still the master animator. ❤
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Stan Butler

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Well Amy the terminal only had 6mths left according to skank and herself back in April 2017( live and exclusive on loose women), so she's had longer than my partner did, my partner was given a year but only got 4 months to spend time with our sons and myself before she passed away. So any sympathy i would have had at Amy the terminals passing will be replaced by a smile and a " thank fuck for that it's about fucking time" and it will be one less member of the scamming cunt clan to worry about. Sorry for that but this is just one of the reasons why i hate the whole fucking bunch of cunts.
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“Buntygate”( chortle).
Although, I don’t think Auntie SFP will ever give up excusing KP.I just think back to those “ not on my watch “ posts.I also think of some posts on the KH thread which I am convinced have the Price stamp all over them.
I think SFP and AFP are quiet because they don’t have much to work with.KP isn’t cooperating and is probably not listening to any advice.Clan Price hate Cole, and are probably worried about the non- Price approved shadiness that he surrounds her with.
They will “ have her back” as soon as she asks for help.
So, prepare for mental ‘elf and a lot of shade thrown at KH.
AFP is quiet because the lung transplant didn’t go as she hoped. On VERY borrowed time. KFP jets off knowing this & has only seen her 3 times since the transplant, (early Nov). AFP, may have 6 months if she’s Lucky. Mr PP with his knee replacement & AFP are not in KFP’s world, but you can bet 100% when her mother leaves this world, she’ll be milking it for all she can get. That’s why there’s been no pictures or statements about the mothers health. But there’ll be loads of stories, tears & excuses when the end comes. I just know, she would play the distraught daughter/mum when sadly her mum or Harvey passed away. But she’s a 💩daughter & parent, as we know. But she’ll turn it around to suit her. HOW can that happen, when knowing her mother is dying, she’s out of the country most of the time, instead of being there to support & help? 💩💩🤢😡😡
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its not that she will not cope she will just use the excuse for more publicity for herself and as a excuse for her bad actions everyones mother will die at some point but most people will not use it as a excuse for what they do(her behaviour is all ready bad but she will come out with it was her mothers fault for dying)
Kp is a year older than me, I lost my mum 13yrs ago, unexpectedly. I had to cope on my own, sort out the funeral, empty her home, hold down a full-time job and look after my daughter who was 4 at the time, done it by myself then several years later did the same for my dad after suffering several strokes. I went through hell. Kipper has no fuckin idea about real stress, real problems. Don't we all wish we could fuck off on holiday soon as the going gets tough but most don't have that luxury or conscious that allows them to be a completely selfish vile bitch.. soz, rant over 🤬
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I wonder if AFP would decline the surgery if she had her time over again. I suppose faced with the inevitable you grasp at straws. Skank seems to have cut AFP out of her life completely, no visit, no photos, no mention, no fucks given.
AFP didn't seem to realise the extent of the surgery. It must have been stressed to her, that carrying out a lung transplant on a 70 year old, had many, many risks (as for anyone, I imagine), but recovery for an older person, has to be more difficult. She believed she would not need the oxygen, but clearly, that's not been the case. Pretty sure, had she known the problems that could happen, she would still have gone ahead, hoping she would be lucky. I am sure Harefield would have fully discussed the operation & any likely advantages/disadvantages & side affects. I think from what I've been told, elderly people have a high rejection rate for this very serious operation. Given KFP couldn't even be bother to come back from Thailand when she knew her mother was having this major op, say's to all really. Then KFP had the gall to lie, when she did finally leave her 'jolly', saying it was for the kids safety/well being, using Kieran as the reason she cut short her holiday ! As I've said, she will milk her mum's passing, with constant TV/magazine interviews etc. She'll see it as a pay cheque. Couldn't spend important time with her now, that she will never get back. She's just a selfish, uncaring, robotic creature. EDIT to add .... HOW can SFP stick up & support her mutant sister? Goes to show, it must be the 'gravy train'. SFP the 'source' is clearly earning from her. If that was my sister I would be disgusted.
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H is in fully funded residential his being there was helped enormously by skank shrieking how she was "afraid" of him, he was violent and uncontrollable which meant he needed to be removed at her convenience . I'd imagine there are so many parents with equally challenging kids who'd welcome the respite skank was given, for which it does not contribute a bean! Its not right us it?
At the cost to the tax payer of £350,000 a year.

Yes, he has severe disablities, many have suspected possibly due to Skanky being constantly pissed/drugged and carried out of clubs unconscious, even falling down stairs whilst heavily pregnant. She blamed it on a genetic condition from Dwight.

I instinctly remember one of her shite shows the day she went to get him induced with Amy saying they had to go to the hospital and her saying 'I'm having my f'ing breakfast'.

I'm really sorry if this sounds cruel but I don't like Harvey. He's not 'cute', he's a grown man of nearly 21. He's violent, aggressive and has serious tantrums. He's learnt this behaviour plus the constant swearing and calling people 'cunts'. Learnt that somewhere, one of her favourite words of choice.

I remember one of the programmes at National Star and the way he spoke to staff, it was entitled, rude and I certainly would not have tolerated it. Then smashing things up.

I, and this is only my opinion, he's a ticking time bomb.

I personally and again only my opinion it will sadly only end 1 of 2 ways for Harvey. He'll thrown a serious tantrum and someone will end up seriously hurt and he'll be sanctioned. The alternative, due to his morbid obesity his organs will start failing.

Of course it will be everyone else's fault other than Skanky.
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Brah Day Izit?

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well its 17.18 pm, anybody heard anything yet ? i dont think its to do with the kids but i do think its to do with KH. for her to be somewhere today,i would say its to be charged or court,SS dont work that fast, so i think its more to do with skanky being charged etc., for Harrassement for KH and MP.wasting police time etc., lock her skanky arse up now. .... if anyone know any different or what is happening or happened, please let me know, its driving me mad x

she reminds me of hulk hogan
They can!
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Mental health, broken feet, drugs, take your pick….

Now the population of the Horsham area just need to keep their camera phones at the ready then Price vs Amanda Kelly in Crawley court 🙏🙏🙏

What a shame, couldn’t of happened to a more deserving person.
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Pom Bear

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As promised from yesterday.. suggested by @SewerGrapes and mentioned by @Dollylovesshoes ...Amy iron lung potato 😄😄💖❤💗💗💖🤗🥰😘 xx
I got two other pics coming up later or tomorrow, after a little flick through the thread seeing two Cole pics🧵😀💖 x..

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All you have to do is look at his client list of the dregs, most haven't been on the zlist ladder and those that have like skank, coketona, westcrack, Chloe khan and Jessica alves have fallen off it and rely on invites to crappy club openings after they've been refurbished or sell lies and staged pictures to the press. At least we know while skanks with this tosser and sink boy her whole life totally crap and humiliation. 🤣
#AskStan Dear Stan, I am the manager of a top model. It's taken me 2 years to get a 2 year meeting for a 2 years in the making meeting about a meeting 2 years ago. The problem is, my "client" has, shall we say, very little to offer in the way of acting/talent/dancing/cooking/literacy/parenting/empathy/walking in a straight line (you get the drift) This 2 year meeting, which took me 2 years to organise, was very important 2 years ago, the fact my client took 2 years to be just about coherent to attend worries me somewhat. Is there any advice you can offer about forward planning 2 year meetings which are 2 years in the making for 2 years time? Thanks Stan. You're the best!
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#276 Skanky is humming , Rim Me & Sinkboy are bumming . But fear not , big things are coming !
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