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AFP is responsible for raising KFP the way she is. Pimped her out to photographers when she was 16. This is the chickens coming home to roost. KFP isn’t going to look after her mum. She won’t look after her children. I’ll even wager KFP is on holiday when AFP passes. And if KFP is featured in the press saying ‘oh my lovely mum, tragic!’ I shall pelt those pages with comments about what KFP really did when her mum was sick.

I wonder if the bankruptcy hearing are interested in KFPs funding of solicitors??
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The fawning over Harvey on insta makes me feel ill. He's a grown adult. If she'd not fucked up & stayed with Pete, Harvey would now have a much better life. I'm sure of it.
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IF SS made that call of immediate action the last thing a caring mother would do is fuck off to buttfuck and swam about in floss. You'd stay here and fight to prove your worth, do everything you can to get your wean back very much where they belong. I didn't think it was possible but she's gone further down down to the real down down down in my opinion.

She has not one redeeming quality a Mother, a woman or even a sub par bottom feeding human. I honestly hope she's rotting from the inside out from her filthy soul and backstreet botched jobs.
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No, despite the offer of remote she didn't attend. And someone is covering the hefty legal bills. She is still well represented.

Okeep - this is not okay. If, and I very much doubt it's Princess. When was it acceptable to negate the views of a 17-year-old? I suggest you back off being so controversial.
Darling Brah, in your haste to protect P you missed that Okeep was abbreviating a new member's name, Noseyprincess12. Let's hope Nosey (!) hasn't retreated in alarm and will feel safe to join in and post again.
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can i just check i've understood, these backgrid photos are the ones she/her PR have chosen to sell? As in, the best ones taken?? Erm, WTF were the bad ones like?!?! :oops:
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Her legal team will attend in her absence, and as in all of her legal matters she always has a very good legal team, who do not come cheap. Which does beg the question that she must have hidden assets, which she can draw on whenever needed. Its why she manages to wriggle out of most things. Money talks.
Makes me so mad.. hasn't got the money to look after her kids, home, animals or even herself but can always find the money to get her drugged up old ass out the shit. It's not just Kipper that stinks!
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Stan Butler

VIP Member
Two scenarios but with the same outcome.
1, skank is still in Spain and missed the meeting.
2, skanks home and went to the meeting.

THE OUTCOME is skank is in deep shit either way and is on an almighty bender so buckle up and get the popcorn ready. 😘
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Stan Butler

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#AskStan Dear Stan, I am the manager of a top model. It's taken me 2 years to get a 2 year meeting for a 2 years in the making meeting about a meeting 2 years ago. The problem is, my "client" has, shall we say, very little to offer in the way of acting/talent/dancing/cooking/literacy/parenting/empathy/walking in a straight line (you get the drift) This 2 year meeting, which took me 2 years to organise, was very important 2 years ago, the fact my client took 2 years to be just about coherent to attend worries me somewhat. Is there any advice you can offer about forward planning 2 year meetings which are 2 years in the making for 2 years time? Thanks Stan. You're the best!
Ummm i see the problem,, i'm sure the reasons for the reasons it took 2yrs was because the reason for the reason was a good reason why the meeting for the 2yr talks took 2yrs to get a meeting for the 2yr project and there were reasons for reasons why after the 2yrs it took another 2yrs to organise the and figure out the reasons behind the reasons why it took so long. As for your no talent "client" a very dear friend of mine who lives in Horsham is the same no looks, no talent and is thick as shit but lives a lavish lifestyle through conning and grifting, just post loads of heavily filtered pictures to social media of "big things happening" with random people you stalk in clubs and bars it gives the impression of being a zlist zleb and in demand. My friend has gotten away with it for years she used to get her tits out for a paper 25yrs ago and is still doing it in ill fitting bikinis. Hope this helps you and your "client" #ASKSTAN is always ready to help in times of difficulty. ❤
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Oh my god the boobs are completely different sizes even more so now. Grant is twice the size of Phil!!! He's spilling out underneath. Something's definitely not right there 🤮🤣
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Probably an unpopular opinion, but I have always felt that part of the reason Price has gone off the rails, is her Mother's deteriorating health. She hasn't visited her because she cannot face the thought of her Mother dying. I dread to think what will happen when Amy does inevitably pass away, we will see even more self destruction than we have already.
Of course none of this, excuses her treatment of her animals and children.
I don't think that fits with her character though. She's a sociopath, she isn't actually truly emotionally connected to anyone or any animal. These people know how to act like normal beings when it suits them ( such as happy family photo shoots). If Amy is ill she isn't giving KP attention, when the animals, kids or Amy aren't there for a photo-shoot or a story to get KP attention they're meaningless to her too. They're out of sight and out of mind for now. I truly think that's what she's like.
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I did a quick Google and IMDB on Derren Litten as I’ve never heard of him but as we don’t have broadcast tv, I didn’t think it that surprising. Having read his IMBD, I’m still wondering who is he?

It’s great being in talks with a writer, but you have to find a buyer willing to distribute, who is going to take a series with Skank in now? It’s not as if she’s some great actress or a talented comedian, she can’t even portray herself anymore she’s that far gone. I don’t think anything will come of this, she’s damaged goods, her brand is now too toxic especially after last week’s revelations from Bunny. She’d have to be seen to be cleared by SS for the public to even think of watching something with her in it.

perhaps he is going to write her autobiography? She has been talking about how her next autobiography is going to be explosive 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄
he owns the bar Mateo's in Benidorm(dump i have been)he will not be writing anything for her she will be turning up for a meet and greet or a couple of turns on the karaoke
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AFP is quiet because the lung transplant didn’t go as she hoped. On VERY borrowed time. KFP jets off knowing this & has only seen her 3 times since the transplant, (early Nov). AFP, may have 6 months if she’s Lucky. Mr PP with his knee replacement & AFP are not in KFP’s world, but you can bet 100% when her mother leaves this world, she’ll be milking it for all she can get. That’s why there’s been no pictures or statements about the mothers health. But there’ll be loads of stories, tears & excuses when the end comes. I just know, she would play the distraught daughter/mum when sadly her mum or Harvey passed away. But she’s a 💩daughter & parent, as we know. But she’ll turn it around to suit her. HOW can that happen, when knowing her mother is dying, she’s out of the country most of the time, instead of being there to support & help? 💩💩🤢😡😡
I wonder if AFP would decline the surgery if she had her time over again. I suppose faced with the inevitable you grasp at straws. Skank seems to have cut AFP out of her life completely, no visit, no photos, no mention, no fucks given.
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Aisleyne has put a story up saying ‘where’s my fucking money bitch, don’t fuck with me’ . She also says if she doesn’t get her money she will expose everyone. Wouldn’t it be beautiful if this is a threat to skanky!?
Runs 🏃‍♀️ 🏃‍♀️ 🏃‍♀️ 🏃‍♀️ 🏃‍♀️ to Aisleyne's insta 👀 👀
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Skanky: I have soul custardy of Bunny bops mini me and Jett the sensitive one. They are with me me me 24/7. I’m protecting my children. There’s a reason they are in my care 100% of the time. I’m looking after their mental health.

Also Skanky: The heat is on so I’m going to piss off on another holiday and not see the kids. I need some me me me time, so I’m not returning even if the courts want me to. I need to put myself first for a change.
Exactly. If the kids are no use to her now, she'll stay away and avoid them. She has absolutely no interest beyond her own!

Oh and the 'reason' they were in her sole care - she stole them from their actual home!
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Rockin' Robin

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You are entitled to your opinion, I have had people I have absolutely loved and idolised, knew I was going to lose them, But I made every second with them count , I think you are making a poor excuse ,
Her mother has been Ill for ages, don’t seem like she’s worried to me always fucking off abroad having the time of her life, Bet her sister , bet she’s the one by her mothers side , but if god forbid anything happens to her mother who will be milking it? Whose deteriorating health are you going to blame for her leaving her kids and animals? You are making the mistake of thinking the thing has feelings for anyone except for herself, I’ve never seen it, ask any Krustie
A very close friend of both my partner and myself, had been very ill for many months. He spent the last months of his life in a Nursing Home. I could not bare to visit him for the last month of his life, it was far too distressing. My partner visited him on the day that he died. I will always regret not visiting our friend in the last few weeks of his life.
I'm really sorry about going off topic, but I could write a whole chapter about grief and losing loved ones. It is something you never fully recover from, but you learn to live with it.
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