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Katie Price #276 She’s back from Spain, but where could she be? Come back soon, we need some tea.
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She's reminding me of something from Carry on Caveman or Stig of the Dump! That could be a headline for the DM.

'Glamorous Katie Price channels Stig of the Dump'.

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AFP is quiet because the lung transplant didn’t go as she hoped. On VERY borrowed time. KFP jets off knowing this & has only seen her 3 times since the transplant, (early Nov). AFP, may have 6 months if she’s Lucky. Mr PP with his knee replacement & AFP are not in KFP’s world, but you can bet 100% when her mother leaves this world, she’ll be milking it for all she can get. That’s why there’s been no pictures or statements about the mothers health. But there’ll be loads of stories, tears & excuses when the end comes. I just know, she would play the distraught daughter/mum when sadly her mum or Harvey passed away. But she’s a 💩daughter & parent, as we know. But she’ll turn it around to suit her. HOW can that happen, when knowing her mother is dying, she’s out of the country most of the time, instead of being there to support & help? 💩💩🤢😡😡
Am fucking raging, I watched my mom and dad both die in the last 4 years and I wouldn't even have a drink in case there were emergencies and I needed to drive.
Selfish bitch and its probably for the best because AFP would be worried shitless at the state of Skank.
I do feel for them all, but not Skank.
Plus it is a shame the grandkids can't spend quality time with AFP.
Makes me very sad. I'm probably over sensitive due to the trauma of the last 5 years, but I wouldn't be able to live with the Guilt the way Skank is behaving.
I might need a break from here as this has really upset me and triggered a few flashbacks to the worst period in my life
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Today is a good day Tattlers, let her get drunk, let her take all the drugs, she’s approaching 45, Father Time will be taking a keen interest in her now, she’s not young anymore, something will come for her soon as she continues her slide into the gutter, she’s on a one-way ticket, Skank thinks she’s indestructible, she’s not. The most important thing is the kids aren’t with her, hopefully today her malign influence has been brought to a shuddering halt, something has happened for sure, let’s hope it’s permanent, looks promising.

Skank really looks awful now, I know we’re biased, but I’m even seeing her fans say it, she’s really unattractive, actually looks deformed, and it’s getting worse month on month. SinkBoy is not her boyfriend, she has no relationship, she cannot find a new egg who will put up with her 💩 Rim Me is a user, they are both leeches, she has no friends. Skank has even abandoned her family as well, can’t even be bothered with her very sick mother, hasn’t seen her in months accordingly. Skank is a selfish, bitter, twisted woman, the complete opposite of the ‘family is everything to me’ image she portraits, sadly this narrative is never disputed by the Red Tops, though an increasing number of the public can see it now. Things are going very badly for her.

TV shows need to read the room, the public don’t want her on TV, read SM and the comments sections of the papers, she’s despised, stop platforming her, and that Liz woman who’s still trying to hawk projects around, can you just do one please….F*ck Off, she is NOT wanted 👍🏾😁 Watch the backlash if you do, Skank is truly hated now.

Miss Teflon Tits ain’t looking so invincible tonight, the cracks are appearing, there will be no return of The Pricey, it’s over, just she don’t know it yet, we still got the BH, I still believe it will not go well for her, a reckoning is arriving.

I would take a drink tonight, but Kylie’s being good and not drinking midweek, Friday though and I may well play Kool and the Gang, especially if we hear something more concrete about the situation with the kids 🙏🏾 Does appear things have finally turned against her, I’m taking today as a win.


Edit….OMG she has only gone and deployed the Ice Cream Van photo, I think I won’t stop laughing for the rest of the evening, maybe the rest of the week 😂😂😂😂😂😂
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What ‘talent’ has Harvey actually got? Don’t get me wrong, lots of autistic kids and young people have talents. My own lad is very musical and has taught himself to play lots of instruments - he’s even played at concerts in Wells Cathedral. But Harvey, through no fault of his own, can’t seem to do anything except swear and eat carrot cakes.
I don't get it myself. There are so many well deserving, polite (not potty mouthed), talented disabled children, young adults out there, who should be promoted. Really, KFP has exploited H for her own benefit (cash/publicity/deflection). He learned the disgustingly bad language from her, she actually taught him to swear. He has major challenges & issues because he has never had a proper upbringing. No consistency of people caring for him. Quick ready meals, junk & cake as a diet. No exercise. Never trained to use a potty, let alone a toilet. I am still very shocked though, that he spends most time at his college, yet is still morbidly obese. I don't believe his medication alone, is causing the weight gain. The strain on his heart must be enormous.
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I'M sorry but this has deflection written all over it, skank thinking she was clever and her need for publicity jumped behind the wheel early even tattlers worked it out that with the 25% reduction she wouldn't have got her licence back until June, someone's reported her and plods paid a visit and warned her. Now skank covering her arse gets Sophie the source to put a saucy spin on it and release a story claiming her licence has been revoked on medical grounds. What's the betting skank will get her licence back in June because this medical condition has been treated and she can drive again. 😎
You're usually bang on but I don't think that's the case (sorry). It's too risky for her to risk knowingly driving without a licence. And as she revoked her licence at the time of the crash, the ban went from then, and with the reduction May is correct. She's had it revoked, I'd put money on it. You can report people driving with medical conditions. She's worn the moonboots and someone has reported her (imho). Police don't want her on the roads, DVLA are probably sick of her, she's been hoist by her own petard. House of cards falling down rapidly. End game is well underway. Toodlepip Skanky, take yourself away and rot in that shithole and let everyone whose lives you've destroyed, or tried to, live happily ever after. Game over. Bye Felicia. 🖕
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Pink Squirrel

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I can’t say I blame them. I would not want to deal with an aggressive Harvey everday, working on a poor salary, easier to give him what he wants, Harvey’s problems should have been dealt with a long, long time ago, when he was young, nearly impossible now.
We did have a poster a while back who said they were connected to someone who works at the college (although not with Harvey) & they said he had shown aggressive behaviour towards a staff member 😢
I do wonder how he would be if he'd had proper care & support from birth. I feel he would be in a far better situation than he is now. It's just sick what she's allowed to get away with & in full view. She has failed every one of her children 😢
Parenting isn't easy. It isn't supposed to be. Parenting additional needs children is even harder. I know because I live it. Many of us here do. However I'd wager that we try our best. Sometimes we get it right & sometimes we get it wrong. When it's really hard & we have nothing left, do we give up? No, we carry on because it's what we do.
Her "parenting" genuinely blows my mind 🤯 She is pure trash in every way.
I've never watched any of her shows but it seems there are plenty examples of her "parenting". We've heard from @WillowTree21 how she speaks to her children. We've seen the social media evidence of her "parenting".
I just don't understand how she hasn't been cancelled 🤷 At what point will her behaviour become unacceptable in society?
She neglects animals in her care.
She neglects, exploits, mentally abuses her children.
She is a convicted drunk driver.
She is a drug driver.
She has restraining orders because her behaviour is so appalling.
She is a sex pest for multiple reasons.
She is bankrupt.
She is a con woman.
But most of all.....she is a CUNT!
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Brah Day Izit?

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She can't have it both ways. She was wearing medical-type boots on the way to the airport after driving a beast of a car with sliders on. Perhaps someone has reported her. Wouldn't that be karma!

Its not as if she has been keeping the life-changing injuries a secret!
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No, despite the offer of remote she didn't attend. And someone is covering the hefty legal bills. She is still well represented.

Okeep - this is not okay. If, and I very much doubt it's Princess. When was it acceptable to negate the views of a 17-year-old? I suggest you back off being so controversial.
I think she's referring to the fact that the poster's name is noseyprincess12, Okeep isn't impying it's actually Princess Andre ( or at least I don't think they are)
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I,m going to be controversial here, I don,t believe she is a model of 25 years standing, she is just a feckless individual who got her tits out for lads mags and learned a pointy toe pose.Unlike the drooling Neanderthals I have never found her sexy, to me she has no redeeming features. She has never modelled a known clothing brand or been an ambassador for a popular make up or hair brand. There have been no adverts of her promoting top of the range items, so what is her selling point? Oh forgot she is the top model for that quality brand JYY. Her most well known exploits are her drunken/drugged up behavior who is now turning into a parody of a lads mag model. Just my opinion feel free to disagree, but please let Karma roll on and let someone or something make her pay the consequences of her actions.
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Probably an unpopular opinion, but I have always felt that part of the reason Price has gone off the rails, is her Mother's deteriorating health. She hasn't visited her because she cannot face the thought of her Mother dying. I dread to think what will happen when Amy does inevitably pass away, we will see even more self destruction than we have already.
Of course none of this, excuses her treatment of her animals and children.
Skank was on a downward spiral long before AFP got her "terminal" diagnosis. More likely the reason she hasn't visited is there's no point. She can't watch kids for her, can't clean her house for her. Even AFP said as much on her trauma and me show. Was complaining how difficult it had been to get in touch with her, they both agreed was because of her drug use . Think that's more a reason for her downward spiral. Absolute shame on KP if she does give it the poor me , when the time comes She's wasted years she could have spent with her mum, helping her, being with her. She should be counting herself so lucky she had warning that AFP's time was limited. My dad was same age as AFP is now , got a phone call at work to say he had collapsed and died , no warning , hadn't been unwell, ruptured aneurysm. I never even got to say goodbye. I can't understand why KP thinks her bond with her mother is so much greater than anyone else's.
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He also has Prader Willi Syndrome where the sufferer is constantly hungry. They never feel full and will often eat from bins, eat frozen food, literally anything to try and curb their hunger. Which sadly they can’t. They need proper supervision pretty much constantly.
No,it’s never been diagnosed he has that,it’s HER that’s says that.She’s a liar.Krustie posters will back me up on that.
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Pom Bear

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Poor Charles, having that thing celebrate the coronation...I can't say I blame him how he retaliated 🤔😀 x


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