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Stan Butler

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Might explain why skanks doing this nightclub thing in Ireland the night before the buckscounty spectacular,,, wonder if skank will be unable to attend the buckscounty thing because she'll be stuck in Ireland after missing her flight. Perfect excuse not to show its face and a possible backlash from all those animal loving horse and hound country set also wouldn't be surprised if skank was asked not to attend by the organisers aswell.
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It says something about the backdoor. It makes me think someone was outside, not necessarily a guest and they could be sued for invasion
of privacy if they shared the inside of her house without consent?
I think they just didn't print it, as it was 'too disgusting'
Regarding the recent 'dogs living in awful conditions' article ... Kipper was on holiday for a month ... she will sell a sob story saying that she sacked this person when she came home and saw the state her dogs were living in, that she had paid them to look after her animals whilst she was away ... I am sure that it takes longer than a month for the filth shown in these unpublished pictures to accumulate but even if the RSPCA spoke to her its an easy get out ... the usual 'disgruntled employee is lying, they were clean before I went on holiday to Ting Tong Land'
But she has always been this way, never picks up after them, SB is the same, will only pick up after Sid.
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Joanna Surrey

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Surely this time something will come on top regarding the heartbreaking plight of those poor animals. Let the whole country see the disgusting pictures and then ask the RSPCA what the hold up is. They love a tv crew and their roving poster boy. Well get them rocked up at the MM and blow this monster out of the water for good. I’d never be surprised if she didn’t get an unpleasant unexpected visit from the animal rights people. I joined here because of the animal abuse and poor Rolo. Those poor souls will keep me awake tonight, plus what’s with the poo and wee soaked floors?? She has children living in that squalor, does this not count for anything???? Beyond mad tonight is there literally nothing she can be held to account for? Once again the question we all want an answer to. Why, just why???
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But, as someone pointed out earlier, the photos can't legally be published as they appear to have been taken on private property.
The caretaker in this story did even photographed her drug wrapper
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Regardless of whatever else Kieran spends his money on, why should he have to spend it on fighting her insanity? He works for his money and he should be able to enjoy a normal life for his kids, I think part of the point of the GFM is to allow him to fight for the kids without scraping every penny to do it, because it's totally unfair that he has to spend thousands on malicious allegations when he loves his kids and is a good dad.

Why does Marsh get investigated on the back of apparently one report of taking a meerkat to the pub when KP gets absolutely no consequence at all for multiple reports of actual abuse?! (Not saying I agree with taking a meerkat to the pub but it seems more of a grey area!)
Marsh said she thinks it's a woman 'trolling' her & reporting her to RSPCA. I wouldn't be surprised if it's KFP ! Oh the irony. RSPCA should be removing KFP's animals. Seems Marsh has been cleared of any wrong doing's. Fishy how KFP just get's away with everything. RSPCA have been turning a 'blind eye' on dealing with this arrogant individual for years. It's disgusting.
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I have a hand signal for my dog, that I show her whilst telling her five minutes every time I have to go out without her, which is not often, but she knows from that I am coming back and relaxes.
Your animals love you so why would you not love them back?
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Just been lurking lately but the animal abuse has me fucking fuming!!!
She's been very quiet so she's either doing overtime to catch up on her many missed hours of CS.
Crashed while driving an uninsured car. (Again)
Sitting at AFP bedside with a camera man bawling her eyes out. (Doubtful)
Or 🙏🙏🙏 please god, has slipped on dog shit in the MM and broke her neck,
Shout out to the RSPCA, get off your arses and do your job!
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Skanky went to a lot of trouble to take Kieran's kids off him and yet she makes them
live in a shithole.

Even if the RSPCA do fuck all which is what I suspect, it will give Kieran some ammo.
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Look what happened to this woman cos she was breastfeeding her child! How the fuck is Skanky not being investigated? I don’t get it.
I think she is being investigated. They have 6 months to charge harassment this is coming up to 5 months now, might be the reason she's so quiet? Kieran's investigation was dropped after 3 months, so they obviously looked at everything they needed to in that time and decided no case....with her they've been at it 2 months longer? There must be more to her case then?

Screen Shot 2023-04-30 at 08.39.18.png

Screen Shot 2023-04-30 at 08.39.29.png

Throwing ideas out there to see if anyone takes the bait to produce it.
It just reeks of trying to live through Princess now. It's disgustink, Skank won't let her be her own person, Skank's needs come first.
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Wild horses couldn’t drag me away,
Ha pissed , love being a Krusty, celebrating, VIP, again,
Thanks first to our wonderful MODS , unsung heroes , and they’ve put up with me, they look after us,
All the krusties who sort out our thread, all my krusties girls , bloody beautiful, Krusty geezers wonderful,
All the krusties I’ve upset , you know who u are , But you know I love l you, know u forgive me,I’can be a dick,
I am not going to say names it’ll be unfair,,
Except for Monsieur Crumble, dearly departed, that is the stone we were built on , if you are a Krusty you will always be loved,we are family , you will always be supported and loved, big part of my life ,
Important, family xxx
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View attachment 2130855 My 13 year old pain in the arse but well loved kitty ❤
She likes to be near the baby hogs in a spare room! They fascinate her. Well loved & well cared for, as all our animals should be. To KFP, animals & kids are accessories & horses a status symbol. Hope all animals are removed from her, but I suspect nothing will happen. Authorities & everyone seem to be frightened of upsetting her😡💩 PS.... The hogs don't use that water bottle on side of cage to drink from. They're too tiny for that !


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@MrsEms No I don't sorry, just heard there was more to come.
Hope this has been forwarded to Keiron, will help with his case ... if those poor pups are living this way, so are the children ... makes me soo angry :mad: :mad: when will someone step in and say ENOUGH!!!
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More strange reposted stories by SB! :ROFLMAO:
(One says I've just split up with my girlfriend) :unsure:
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Are any of us surprised, No but it's about time the RSPCA started to do something about this cnut and her accesories i wont say her pets as she doesn'tcare for them . I've got a dog , 2cats and 2kids ( want more pets but don't have the funds to care for them) I clean my floors etc several times a day because they deserve a clean home .
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