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What’s the phrase when only you can see your comments on Instagram? Skanky’s obviously done that to me now… comments and the likes it got about her trotters must have finally made their way through her drug addled mind and she’s done whatever it’s called to me (not blocked tho 😂)
I believe it's shadow banned. Can't see the point personally, either block someone or don't. Just shows they still want the interaction though. Desperate saddos.
Regardless of whatever else Kieran spends his money on, why should he have to spend it on fighting her insanity? He works for his money and he should be able to enjoy a normal life for his kids, I think part of the point of the GFM is to allow him to fight for the kids without scraping every penny to do it, because it's totally unfair that he has to spend thousands on malicious allegations when he loves his kids and is a good dad.

Why does Marsh get investigated on the back of apparently one report of taking a meerkat to the pub when KP gets absolutely no consequence at all for multiple reports of actual abuse?! (Not saying I agree with taking a meerkat to the pub but it seems more of a grey area!)
Probably because it's an 'exotic animal' so therefore is more in need of protection than regular dogs and cats? In their eyes anyway. Or maybe because it gets a bigger headline than domestic animals.
I have a Romanian rescue. We got her when she was about 5 months old but she lived on the streets for her first few months. I don’t know what she went through but she is terrified of people. She didn’t like my husband either but she’s fine with him now, we’ve had her 5 years though lol. She is the most loving and affectionate dog with us and I wish she would trust other people but I wouldn’t be without her. This is Lulu 💖
I don’t understand how anyone can mistreat animals, if my pets kept dying through my negligence I’d be mortified and I certainly wouldn’t keep getting new ones!View attachment 2132753
Aww, she's gorgeous!
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They will have lined up some local funeral director to run them around like one of the plasterclasses! How grim is that!
Such grifters. But if she has friends there, I'm sure they will collect them as any good friend would! Friends- what a crock of shit! Dodgy as f**k the whole thing
That's a bit IF, Skanky talking bollocks again, she's Billy No Mates.
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Surely you're not saying that you don't believe her are you?? Noooooooo, it's all true! It must be because Katie NEVER lies 😜
she never lies its true, its just knee tremblers in alleys or bending over,never,never laying down. everyone knows its the most effective form of birth control 😂 ;) 😂
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Looks his bollocks don’t like to be split up,poor dear bollocky bill.
Elvis the pelvis or Rodrick the bollick ? wheres his willy gone, did skanky take it to go with her collection ?
I agree.I suspect that a lot of these type of appearances are cash in hand.But if I cared about KP, I would be anxious about the type of people she is associating with.Doesnt seem to worry her family though.
lets hope they are setting her up for a fall,skanky,SB, rimme and co., 20 years for gun running,drug smuggling and money laundering, but before that, the local priest and the locals, desending on them at the club, complete with pichforks and a good old tar and feathering , for good measure 😂
But WHY haven't the RSPCA been & removed the animals from Kate Price's home? Dogs living in cages when nobody around. Not being fed regularly & animals shut in sheds, small rooms. Latest say's dogs have messed everywhere & living in unhealthy environment (and the kids). Signed petition over 27,000 because animals dying or injured. RSPCA seem to do nothing.

Comment on DM re Jodie (not by me, but very much agree)
unless its because she took the meekat to the pub,its classed as a wild animal,not the usual family pet, she may have had a harness on it,or collar that could have been rubbing ( i dont know if you can buy these for meekats,so could have been an ill fitting dogs ?), maybe she or customers were giving it booze to drink ? got to be a reason.
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And all that mess is clearly in the kids room going by the decor! She is so disgusting, just dumping clothes everywhere like that. Does she just come home from a trip and empty out her cases onto the floor and leave it all there? I admit I hate unpacking but I could never live like that. I guess that's one advantage of having a large house, she can just dump stuff in a room and leave it there.
looks like the cat sat on the curtain pole/pelmet and had the shits ??? cant think what else that could possibly be in that photo :poop::sick:
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pepe le pew

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I don’t think that child services are aware that Jet has been removed from school. Simple as that. I don’t think Keiron informed them. And Price certainly didn’t, sometimes something in full plain view of thousands of people, literally thousands of people, are invisible. Jet should, at the very least, have a home tutor.
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Did anyone make any progress on finding out who KP's former partner was that covered up a dead cat with a bucket and carried on with the interview? As I mentioned earlier, I'd be shocked if it was Kieran. Boyson....maybe?
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