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I went to a strat about a baby in NICU which was wholly depressing and everyone was clearly demoralised by the fact there just wasn’t quite enough to stop them going home despite 🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩
That would be my advice. Concrete evidence
This is really his best bet. Stay away from all the other shit, focus on the main thing he knows is the issue. Even the PA is not worth his time to focus on too much - this will show up under CAFCASS they know what to look for. Drug use is his best bet. Which is why I get so fucked off he retaliated on IG
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Yeah but that story was just a he said she said situation wasn’t it really. He’s got evidence here of prolonged, sustained harassment. I just cannot comprehend how KFPs brain works, she’s thick as shit for thinking this was a good idea. I know realistically he’s doing the right thing staying silent but wow it must take some willpower! Hats off to him really, lesser people and I include myself in that, would have retaliated big time by now. I just can’t help thinking standing up for yourself and outing her is the only thing that works. It sure worked for Boyson.
Yeah, I think that story would have been bolstered if K&M had provided say copies of texts that KP had sent to them. It sounds like KP's abuse was verbal in that instance. I don't doubt that KP wished Apollo dead, but you're right that the 'he said she said" narrative doesn't really resonate with the public. Photos or texts might have bolstered the story, but obv none were available relating to this incident. Hence the story died a quick death. I've seen very few people on social media refer to it since, when criticising KP.
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Ok, soooooo, there's a potential noo egg on the horizon! He ticks all the boxes! Turkey teefs! Tatts! Follows her! Has a pulse! SB - don't let the door hit your ass on the way out. Toodlepip!

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Poor SB, I thought he would have lasted till she at least had her licence back.

Oh that wont last, he will be running to the nearest off licence within 2 weeks
Why are all these people” public figures” ?
I keep seeing this term, and sometimes, when you look into it,it turns out that they once did an advert for shampoo or were the entertainment at Is he famous?
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It’s not exactly the same, but in comparison but I reported a crime using an active crime reference number 2 weeks ago, someone else had already reported the same person for a crime (and passed the CRN directly to me, it’s work related involving me) and it’s fairly serious. I got a call from victim support afterwards with a new CRN but not anyone from the active investigation so I emailed back the victim support officer after a week and asked for an update as i think it should result in a stay away order and would like more info about it. I got a call back on Wednesday from an officer but I was busy at that moment and asked them to call me back, I still haven’t had a call even though he said it might be over the weekend so it’s not always the case that things happen very quickly, and I’m still non the wiser as to what’s going on
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Exactly right! Also let’s not forget she accused PA of cheating with CP! Anything goes only to take revenge. She is a pathological liar who seems to waste police time with numerous allegations against KH. She is bullying him really.
She wants to point fingers at her exes accusing them of cheating: anyone remember the questions around poor Jett’s paternity? Who is suspected of cheating then? Can’t have been Kieran…..
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Well said okeep , 👏👏 we all have a common interest that is the skank monster. I don’t post much , and ashamed to say I never figure out who the flying monkeys are.

KH must be strong because the shite he has had to put up with and still remains dignified is a testament to him and MP because she is still stood next to him and supporting him.

Inner strength is something skank does not have.
Yeah our Hampy, Sometimes spiteful hateful pride can blind you, if it has the kids, she took them on holiday, Now it’s Easter, Interesting to find out if it’s going to be a proper mother after and take them to school( isn’t it quite a distance?) parents evenings, no fucking off or holidays then there’s all the baggage that comes with being a proper parent, , Has it thought it out ? WE Shall see
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I may be talking or thinking rubbish but has it been considered she,s just faked this walk around the airport and has not been away. Or am I becoming to cynical ?
It's quite possible, she didn't seem to have any luggage with her. SB only had one case he was wheeling, she was wearing the same outfit she had posted in earlier in the week, as was H.
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Hammers of hell

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Seen that Nathan cretin putting the boot into KH on one of the red tops on FB, alluding to know so much about him!
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Feeling quite sad and angry seeing the arrogance of her just now with the kids, see my post above 😞 but your post made me laugh out loud, I’ll never not find his gormless face here funny, knowing she just dissed him live on TV, and he’s sat there looking a complete grinning simpleton, he’s so pathetic, also good to see him back to his errand-boy duties at the airport 👍🏾

Look at him, no filter, he’s got his normal ugly face on ….Twat 😁

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I may be talking or thinking rubbish but has it been considered she,s just faked this walk around the airport and has not been away. Or am I becoming to cynical ?
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im hoping 7pm deplop was cancelled last minute, because the police turned up and hauled her fat arse to jail ;)
It did drop, but I can’t remember if you can schedule listings on Depop, if so the listings could have been done at anytime by anyone, it’s not an app I use often, probably because I’m too busy buying shoes elsewhere 🤭🤭.
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