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Looking good skank! ;)

Even worse for a boy! He'd rather be running about on the shingle or diving about in the sea but NO - skanks has them planted in chairs with an ipad in a steaming hot salon whilst it has more pointless treatments, plus it has a face on it like a slapped arse so clearly enjoying this precious time with it's own children :mad:

and look who she's saddled with instead LOL
She's got what she has truly deserved for decades :)
Nail salons should ban any children under 16. I was asked to leave an Anne Summers shop because I had a toddler in a buggy, no one under the age if 18 was allowed and I was only looking at underwear - not dildos!!
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pepe le pew

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People. Are you listening people?

is a troll account. Actively taking the piss out of Skank and Sink Boy by using the comedy technique of ‘irony’. How some of you think that it is a person actively supporting the gruesome twosome is beyond me. Have you no sense of humour at all? It’s a skit, when they say something like Britain’s best mother and most wanted shag, they are joking. I’m sorry I deleted Instagram now, because I miss them. They popped up today on the Daily Mail with a wonderful paragraph of sheer joy. Please, take life less seriously. Join in the fun. BUNNYCUDDLES for Prime Minister! [I think BUNNYCUDDLES is a guy}. Prove me wrong
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Totally can see SB being this aggressive way. Said from the start he gave me bad vibes, those vibes have only got worse over the past year, find him a very threatening character, there no doubt in my mind he’s a nasty piece of work. Met his type in my youth, men that make you shudder when you encounter them, I’ve met his type when they on C in those days as well, the C amplifying the natural aggression of these men, SB is deffo one of them.
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Her real hair hasn't grown much since the last lot of extensions (i've been poking around on Turdo's insta too) :LOL:

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She must straighten it virtually every day to try and blend with the straight extensions. You're basically boiling your hair at 200 degrees every time you do that, together with the bleach which destroys hair structure, it will just snap off the ends and will never get longer. I also poked around Turdo's insta 😅 Even he can't get her few inches of hair to blend in, just looks like a birds nest on top of the barbie hair and as soon as she goes outside or moves around a bit, Wooosh! up it goes like a cockatoo's crest again.


Absolutely. I've always thought it was bullshit. I remember some posters on here saying he should be locked up for the safety of others. There's folks on other threads stating as fact that Harvey killed the puppy. 🤬
I've said it before and I'll say it again. She's a pathological liar, so any story she sells to the paper ( Cole, slapgate, Harvey, Pete) should be treated
with extreme caution. With her being so manipulative, you've got to ask what the advantage is to her every time!
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Quality time? Who writes this absolute garbage? Those pics actually make me feel physically sick. I could cry for those kids. How sad do they look 😭 They clearly don't want to be with the sIag. And the pic of Bunny being dragged along by Skanky is upsetting. She looks like a neglected child, scared to speak out, incredibly sad, being forced to do something she doesn't want to do. They NEVER look happy when they're with that rancid old mess. I think they look sadder in every new staged pic. Skanky clearly can't even be arsed to be with them. Fucking stupid evil self centered rancid bitch, dragging them to a fucking nail bar. The amount of raging hate I have for that evil slapper is off the scale 😡
There is not one ounce of love displayed in the photos. 😪
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Imo, there's only one person responsible for the death of that poor puppy, Rolo and that is Skank!
She's supposedly the adult of the house, she took the pup in and left it unsupervised. You cannot expect kids to be responsible for taking care of a puppy, especially not 2 young kids or a disabled young adult. The stupid, neglectful bitch left the pup unsupervised while packing and somehow he got into trouble. She should have treat him like you would a baby and place him somewhere safe if you have to take your eyes off him like a dog cage, I don't like cages but when training or keeping them safe they are useful. She's just a lazy, neglectful cunt who cannot look after anything, her house, her kids, her pets, her money - nothing. But it's always a 'tragic accident' or somebody else's fault

If those kids were left full-time in only her care something serious would have happened to one of them by now too because she's just unfit, lazy, doesn't give a fuck about anything except herself, men and money.
We know what happened to Harvey. House full of people, yet Harvey got into a bath & turned on hot tap, badly burning himself. Peter found him & called an ambulance. Then a mirror fell on him, cutting his head open. She is more interested in herself, than watching the kids. Leaving others, mates, house keepers etc to see to the kids. Sitting in her house, for hours on end having hair extensions put in. All seen on video’s she’s posted. Harvey has a terrible temper, we’ve seen that too & he has injured pets and the other kids when he’s lashed out. He doesn’t realise what he’s doing, must be down to his many health issues. He needs to be in care, for his own safety and others/pets. She’s an unfit mother. SS have clearly been involved, hence why the kids have supervision & she has limited access. She also chose Crawl over the kids. I hope he calls it a day & spills the beans, but as usual, no doubt, he’s signed some NDA. He must have Soooooo much dirt on her. Drugs, hidden money, all the ‘cons’ etc etc. Time will tell. She is very arrogant, but I think even her Billy big shit attitude, will know, the walls are closing in on her. She knows there’s more legal cases simmering. Crawl leaving her will be the straw that broke the camels back. No driver to get her from A to B and wondering WHAT he may say/do. Plus, what decent man can she grab next, looking as she does….mutilated body/face. Won’t be woo hooing soon. Hotel Priory, next holiday.
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I don’t know what she’s doing all day every day but that house is still a complete tip,old tat and clutter everywhere. The money she wastes is breathtaking. Remember a show when she was supposedly de cluttering and threw brand new jump stands on the tip pile! Would rather throw them rather than let somebody else have the benefit of them.🤬
I think what she does all day most days is lie in bed recovering from the previous nights Cocaine & alcohol binges.
I believe - and I’ve always believed - that she is a far bigger addict than anyone realises.
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Pink Squirrel

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It's longer though, dead straight most of the time and always over her boobs....I don't think Skank had hair that length before Emily!

Emily vs skank ( as a bonus, Emily has a leg for an arm)

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Shittin' hell, she really is trying to be Emily isn't she 😳 There have been many 'sources' over recent years who have said "she's getting fit", "changing her diet", "taking care of herself" & load of other bollocks so she can "show her exes what they're missing" 🙄🥴 Yup, I reckon Pete, Kieran, Alex, Kris, Dwight, Dane, Tom, Dick, Harry, Wayne, Dwayne, Shane, Curly, Larry, Mo & countless others cry into their cornflakes every morning at what they've lost 😁
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The disgusting hag has also called Backgrid so that she can make money from seeing her kids. They've probably had a really fun day at school and then the poor sods have been paraded down the street, made to sit in a nail salon, given a load of sweets and no doubt Maccy Ds for tea.
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Omg she looks hideous. She’s got nothing behind her eyes - they’re dead. Can’t even talk properly with those teefs 🤦🏻‍♀️. She truly is vile. “Give you more of an insight to my life” - OnlyFans isn’t a bloody reality show - no one gives a shitttttttt 🙄
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Woo Hoo !!!! I Love it !!! This has actually made my day !!! OF is all she has got now in terms of maintaining her 'fame' and I think she knows it ... get stuck in Kipper ... spend every waking minute doing OF & pretend its making you millions like Katona ... get on that plane to Dubai with Danielle ... your 'fans' might think you are on holiday, but, we will know what you are really doing out there ... float around on the sidebar of shame so we can take the piss out of you on here ... No more TV for you you awful old trout !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I think JYY have still been posting her pictures, so probably not, although I don’t suppose Jeyda is too impressed with all of this drama, as she will be ultimately responsible for cancelling everything and because it’s been highlighted, issuing the refunds.
The salons will be seeing her still being papped, looking fine, the news that she is still on her OFs, yet she can let them down.
How many of them salons arranged other stuff, balloons, cakes, drinks, hoping to get their salons more business, plus loss of client business while the masterclasses were taking place (they weren’t all to be held after closing time)
I don’t really have any sympathy as everyone knows how she constantly cancels things at the last minute and lets people down, more fool them.
She’s quick enough to keep putting #ads out for salons to host her masterclasses, but when it all goes wrong, she doesn’t issue any kind of public apology, as no doubt she doesn’t see it’s HER fault 😡🤷🏻‍♀️
I can see there won’t be any further masterclasses, especially as Fern is due to give birth later in the year.
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Well Winepig, IF she were a halfway decent person or remotely NICE despite all this shite then I'd give her the benefit of the doubt, as it is she is nothing less than garbage, a stain on humanity, the dregs of civilisation oh and a complete and utter asshole to top it off.
I hate her !

Do you hate her to ? Do you ? Do you really hate her ?
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