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Ok ... now Im no prude, woman of the world ( or so I thought 🤦‍♀️ ) but this really does bother me now .... every time I see a sink ANYWHERE .... my mind is triggered back to what he does IN SAID SINK/S 😖 😖 .... I even asked my OH and 23yr old son ... is this what men, young guys do, and WHY??? .... both laughed their heads off ... son did his usual eye roll, shaking his head ... looking at me with pity ... ` fuckin hell mum ... you really are going loopy in your old age ... think its time we put a MAMA lock on the internet, to stop you from straying into rabbit holes .. stop your access to this weird shit ` ... any men here ... please explain .... WHY would a 30ish bloke WANK in a sink, and then sell the video for a few quid on only fans??? ..... from what Ive seen and read ( dont tell son, he already thinks I'm completely nuts, need sectioning 🥴🥴 ) quite a few of these young guys are shooting their loads into sinks, and being paid for it and who the fuck is paying for this 🤷‍♀️ ... ` when did SINK WANKING become a thing?? ` .... I honestly am suffering from ` SINK TRAUMA `:sick::sick:🤮🤮
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Pink Squirrel

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All caught up reading again, phew 🥵 I was busy all day yesterday with a function at my child's school. You know, doing ACTUAL real parenting stuff for a whole entire day. Not for payment, not for the gram, not to pretend what a great mum I am. But because I am a parent & that's what you do. Today I am completely crippled & on the pain meds. But at least that'll give me time on here 🤭

The pink Jeep was retrieved from Kris' dad's drive because he was sick of it being there. She announced she would be auctioning it off for charity. I'm 110% confident that no charity saw a penny.
A bit like raffling off her manky wigs for charity. That money was going to charity.
And selling all her REAL fur clothing after she got called out on it. She said she was donating all monies from that to an animal charity.
She's a truly disgusting low life piece of shit. And nothing more than a criminal.
No charity will have seen any money from these things.
She's ripped off people who bought in good faith thinking money goes to charity. She's ripped off charities by giving them fuck all.
Why are these things seemingly never looked into?
She won't have the required licences for these things.
Anything she does is to benefit her & nobody else.

As for Harvey. I don't believe he is a danger to others at all. I do believe due to his complex neurodiversity he will exhibit behaviour that challenges, resulting in smashed TV's, holes in walls etc. It's also perfectly plausible to believe that the younger 2 have been scared of him at times. They were very little. Harvey is very big & I'm sure if he's been in meltdown & trashing things while they've been there, they have been scared. But we have also seen examples of how gentle Harvey is with them & some beautiful interaction's.
Clearly Rolo's true passing was a cover up. The whole YouTube afterwards was total bollocks. And so many different versions. IF Harvey had anything to do with it it would have been down to piss poor supervision & absolutely zero malice on his part.
Again whatever happened, Skanky will only thought of protecting herself, nobody else.
Time & time again we have seen she has put Princess in awful positions lying to cover her. Skanky does this for herself, nobody else.
The emotional/mental damage to her kids must be truly horrendous. I can't bare to think about it 😭
J has done the very best thing & completely distanced himself from her poison.
I truly hope that each of those kids write a book detailing their lives with that thing as a "mother'. And I bloody hope she's alive to read them!
She has put out multiple books full of shit & lies. It's about time the tables were turned 😡
@PTMe get writing. Spill the dirt 👍
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Been doing a bit of research and unsurprisingly she’s hidden the amount of subscribers she has. Says it all really doesn’t it! 🤣
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I'm having to reassess my understanding of the world, of humankind, of the meaning of matter and of relativity.

Seeing @Binfest chatting away has really messed with my head.
It's like a magical happening.
I'm terribly confused.
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On Shoreham high street, where her mate Melodie works. Probably another freebie. Called the paps, to show what a devoted mother she is! Kieran must be fuming. She never spends quality time with kids. Drags them along, while she gets pampered. Poor Jett. What a horrible time he would have had. She looks dirty. Unfit parent. who supervised the visit? kept them out of shot. Wonder when she sneaked her defoliated arse back into the country? she’s vile.
Is it even safe for kids. I've never been in one but when i've walked past and the door has been opened, Christ on a bike, the smell of fumes! Smells like Chernobyl. The two wee ones will be going home high as kites.
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View attachment 1417055

State of her new"glossy and wavy" extensions already 🤣
Surprised the lot of them aren't wearing MTV t shirts to promote her imaginary Travel Show 🤣 On a serious note ... Since when is taking all the kids with you so your eldest daughter & you can get your nails done 'quality time' ... AND PRINCESS LOOKS NOTHING LIKE HER ... She is an Andre, takes after his side of her family ... Pete has curly hair too ... My Mum was determined to claim me as looking like her when I was a young model ... Even claimed that I had her father's eyes ... I only met my Dad at 30 ... I actually look like him ... And I have his eyes
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Chatty Member
Not sure I'm buying what Binfest is selling..

H IS a gentle soul but on countless occasions I have witnessed wall punching, window smashing, TV smashing and ripping cupboard doors off.

I've never seen him go for a human before but any near object he will easily smash.

The walls were smashed by him.
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VIP Member
All caught up reading again, phew 🥵 I was busy all day yesterday with a function at my child's school. You know, doing ACTUAL real parenting stuff for a whole entire day. Not for payment, not for the gram, not to pretend what a great mum I am. But because I am a parent & that's what you do. Today I am completely crippled & on the pain meds. But at least that'll give me time on here 🤭

The pink Jeep was retrieved from Kris' dad's drive because he was sick of it being there. She announced she would be auctioning it off for charity. I'm 110% confident that no charity saw a penny.
A bit like raffling off her manky wigs for charity. That money was going to charity.
And selling all her REAL fur clothing after she got called out on it. She said she was donating all monies from that to an animal charity.
She's a truly disgusting low life piece of shit. And nothing more than a criminal.
No charity will have seen any money from these things.
She's ripped off people who bought in good faith thinking money goes to charity. She's ripped off charities by giving them fuck all.
Why are these things seemingly never looked into?
She won't have the required licences for these things.
Anything she does is to benefit her & nobody else.

As for Harvey. I don't believe he is a danger to others at all. I do believe due to his complex neurodiversity he will exhibit behaviour that challenges, resulting in smashed TV's, holes in walls etc. It's also perfectly plausible to believe that the younger 2 have been scared of him at times. They were very little. Harvey is very big & I'm sure if he's been in meltdown & trashing things while they've been there, they have been scared. But we have also seen examples of how gentle Harvey is with them & some beautiful interaction's.
Clearly Rolo's true passing was a cover up. The whole YouTube afterwards was total bollocks. And so many different versions. IF Harvey had anything to do with it it would have been down to piss poor supervision & absolutely zero malice on his part.
Again whatever happened, Skanky will only thought of protecting herself, nobody else.
Time & time again we have seen she has put Princess in awful positions lying to cover her. Skanky does this for herself, nobody else.
The emotional/mental damage to her kids must be truly horrendous. I can't bare to think about it 😭
J has done the very best thing & completely distanced himself from her poison.
I truly hope that each of those kids write a book detailing their lives with that thing as a "mother'. And I bloody hope she's alive to read them!
She has put out multiple books full of shit & lies. It's about time the tables were turned 😡
@PTMe get writing. Spill the dirt 👍
Imo, there's only one person responsible for the death of that poor puppy, Rolo and that is Skank!
She's supposedly the adult of the house, she took the pup in and left it unsupervised. You cannot expect kids to be responsible for taking care of a puppy, especially not 2 young kids or a disabled young adult. The stupid, neglectful bitch left the pup unsupervised while packing and somehow he got into trouble. She should have treat him like you would a baby and place him somewhere safe if you have to take your eyes off him like a dog cage, I don't like cages but when training or keeping them safe they are useful. She's just a lazy, neglectful cunt who cannot look after anything, her house, her kids, her pets, her money - nothing. But it's always a 'tragic accident' or somebody else's fault

If those kids were left full-time in only her care something serious would have happened to one of them by now too because she's just unfit, lazy, doesn't give a fuck about anything except herself, men and money.
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I've been fasinated by this video and Harvey's behaviour.

IMHO I've always thought something had happened between Harvey and Coal (teasing and taunting Harvey spitefully until he retaliated maybe?). Sink Boy and Skanky (his own mother) made out SBs hand was broken as a result. Harvey looks scared and uncomfortable through out with those two bastards in his face making him feel guilty. Right at the end when they manipulate Harvey into saying he'll look after Cole his facial expressions change dramatically and he looks angry and said something like 'fucking cunt' under his breath. Watch the last few seconds and see what you think?
What sort of sick game were they playing on Harvey? We know that Cole hadn't broken anything so why were they taunting him? Harvey looks crushed. I listened to every word and quote the following extracts when Cole was waving his plastered forearm in Harvey's face:

Katie “Look what you’ve done Harv”

Katie “what you’ve done, it’s like mummy’s feet, you’ve broken it”

Carl “You’ve broken it in three places”

Carl “Will you look after me?”

What the fuck, playing mind games on a disabled boy. Sick, sick, sick, sick.

I love that just as they switched off the recording Harvey screwed up his face and only just audibly, said Fucking cunt" to carl.
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Can see how successful that was then, all her months of hard work down the drain, That poor drain is featuring more and more in her life .

Why does she always feel the need to do these things when kids are there. Read in one of the DM comments they were spotted on Sunday at airport coming home, she had 2 and a half days to go get them done before she saw kids . Think she hangs off for the photo opportunity, poor kids
well this " working" holiday has been an eye opener, too skint for any plastic surgery "tweaks/overhauls", too skint for a photographer (another job for sink boy),no photos of the hotel room (The last one was under the stairs, and she showed that , so she must be in the basement or domestic cupboard this time), grifted/begged ill fitting or (badly) hand made clothes, nobody willing to do her nails or hair (for free), so she's had to wait until she came back to blighty for a freebie ( where else can she grift a free nail makeover and get a childminder at the same time ), she havn't seen her kids, in god knows how long, but the priorities, once back off hoilday are,1, "hair " freebie and 2. "nail" freebie, oops, forgot, needs to show off kids (to piss off former partner and current girlfirend, whilst selling the photos to backgrid for her next holiday, and showing fans she's a good mother, bet she forgot her mum and sister on holiday, so has to take them with her, her face says it all!............ meanwhile sink boy has banged out two more wanks and made enough for a packet of fags!
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Chatty Member
I always thought the load of stories appearing in the press painting H as a monster were very fishy. First of all, what kind of a mother smears her vulnerable disabled child like that? It all seemed to be laid on with a trowel, how violent he was and how he even frightened his brothers and sisters, why make it public? At the time I thought it gave her a 'pass' with her braindead mummy fans about sending H to residential. Now it seems it could be to cover up violent incidents by her no1 priority Cole. She is sick! :sick: :mad:
I remember on one of her shows back when I didn't hate her quite so much, it was her first christmas without J&P post split. She left H in a room on his own in a nappy whilst she wrapped pressies moaning about how much she hated not having her kids with her instead of playing with him. Why not wrap pressies when he's in bed? Then she got a new TV fixed to his wall covered in a screen so he couldnt break it & proceeded to test it by violently hurling heavy toys at it to see if it would withstand. I'm sure he would copy this. Why even have a tv in his room? Oh yes to keep him quiet. :rolleyes:
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She hasn't seen her kids for three weeks and she takes them to a fucking NAIL BAR???
The younger two wouldn't be getting treatments so where is the bonding? She (and maybe Princess) gets hers done and B&J just sit around, bored? Mind you, Princess is yawning there too.
Looks like the two younger ones have been made to wear her shitty equestrian tops.
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