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Pom Bear

VIP Member
Stil catching up ( page 31) and I'm writing the suggestions down as I make to put on tomorrow or the day after 💕 x

I forgot I did this's a few days or so old so I put this on now 😃 as it's already made. 🤭x

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I have to add that my comments regarding questioning from an Official in the last thread is not based on an actual conversation. It’s an example of answers Katie gives.
The Maldives statement is true. Carl did not pay.
I still cannot work out why she is being allowed so much time to return her paperwork, surely the accountant has an obligation to return it by a stated date, if the court requests it? They obviously have a lot of covering up to do and come up with excuses, hoping that the Judge’s forensic accountant will find some anomalies. Can the court check finances of family members and now CW too?
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Cloud Chaser

Well-known member
You’d be surprised, if they think she is deliberately hiding money or assets, they will go after her to the fullest extent. Also the last Court hearing was very telling, they are aware there is some dodgy dealings with her money. She’s not in for a good year if she continues her current behaviours. This judge is not to be messed with and his comments during that last hearing were very revelatory if you understand Court speak. She’s in for a tough ride, and personally I have my popcorn on standby 😃
Judge Schaffer will not be the presiding Judge in May. Her first deadline to hand paperwork in was January 2020! Covid (yes, you read that right) and the lack of current address was the hold up then. She was traced and paperwork served.
HW do have a forensic accountant working with them.
Have questioned why HW are the company dealing with bankruptcy when she didn’t cooperate with IVA? We’re told it was because they had creditors list.
She’s due to attend for a 3 Hr public examination mid May.
She tends to waffle and go off track.
Quote: I’ve been a large taxpayer in my time and given the taxman millions.... Yes, Katie but you still have not paid them what they asked for now.
You swore (semi under oath, it was Zoom after all) that you would comply going forward.
They can only check family members accounts if there is evidence, beyond reasonable doubt, that money is there. It then needs a court order signed by the judge before they can act.
Just because Katie appears to be getting away with it all doesn’t mean that she is.

I see on her most recently listed crap that she's removed the 'no returns, no refunds'. But I'll bet she still isn't doing accepting returns or giving refunds!

Surely all this designer shite should have been declared as assets? And in theory money from selling it should go to creditors 🤷. Maybe @Cloud Chaser should bring skanky flaps depop account to the attention of the courts?
They are aware of all activity. 👍
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Pom Bear

VIP Member
They stayed at 3 resorts and there were very few pics, mostly of her and him showing TT (turkey teeef) off, her being carried or her gushing about how he's "the one".

The first resort wasn't tagged at all by her and if it was it was in her stories which are long gone but if memory serves, it wasn't. Coal tagged it twice but not as an Ad or in paid partnership like he did with some of the other tat he was wearing out there. The second gets one tag and the third 2 but we don't get to see pics of it just the TT. BA who they flew out with didn't get tagged either, just Heathrow.

During these Covid times I no longer idle away time by standing at the mag racks in the supermarkets having a gander at the front pages and scouring for the exclusive "My baby making with Coal in Perfick Pawadise" articles in the likes of Closer, Heat or Take a Shit so they may or may not have appeared but don't believe our lovely Tattlers reported as having seen them either.

So who knows if they were gifted, surely they wouldn't break the law by not declaring is as such on their insta :unsure: But I'd bet my house that Coal didn't pay for it out of his own earnings, would have cost £20k+
Take a Shit looool 😄😄😄 xx
I had to make this 😄 x

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Just watched the Harvey video with his train drawing and found the whole thing so odd and uncomfortable... clearly on face time with him, but goes from all gushy and ‘you’re so cute’ to ‘right bye 👋’ in a matter of seconds and her voice totally changed!
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Linda La Hughes

VIP Member
I’m sorry call me a stalker so what, report me to the police
They have 2 extra cars outside today blatantly have visitors round
I may be mistaken as it could be neighbours but no one else parks at the front blocking Carole in
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Pink Squirrel

VIP Member
Love this one 🤣

Yes she took his virginity whilst pregnant with Harv
What a bloody role model 😏

Yh your right Mrs Ems , she only had a little bit of a pot belly in that video so she can’t have been very far along.
Yes, she was happy to gob off about GG. And then relentlessly ridiculed him. She made him mentally very unwell. You can bet your life she forced herself on him. Who in their right mind would've wanted to lose their virginity to a pregnant slapper? She stole what should have been a special loving moment from him. He was a very young vulnerable person thrown into the world of celebrity. Quite honestly he should fucking report her for rape. If it had been a bloke in their middle to late 20's & an impressionable 16 or 17 year old can you even imagine the backlash? For example how would she feel if a pregnant Lauren Goodger did that to Junior? OBVIOUSLY I HAVE JUST MADE THAT UP. IT HAS NOT HAPPENED 😹.
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Food shopping together. When all supermarkets are asking for one person per household. You know, because people are dying.
But don't worry Katie, as long as you get your bread and non-alcoholic beer... 🙄
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What I don't get is where is Carl's mother in all this? I know he's a grown adult, but if my boy who's younger at 23 was going with CuntyMcCuntison then I'd be livid! What sort of bloke wants to saddle himself with a woman with 5 kids and her reputation?. He must want fame so desperately.
Maybe she is very different when she with him.
She always behaves in the early days.Once the ring is on it she reverts back to feral snarling sarky bitch. I remember Kieran's mum baking a special cake for Harvey for his birthday(I think a frog or something) and when she turned up with it on the day she was kept at the gates, Kieran came and collected it and hugely embarrassed told her Priceys ma was there so she couldn't come in. :eek: This was just around the time they announced the separation but he was still living there and looking after the kids etc. The mum posted it on instagram I think.
Then Alex more recently said she got on great with his mum at first, but on the wedding day she totally blanked his mum and never bothered with her ever again.
It's her tactic. Reel them in with sugar and spice and then piss on them when mission accomplished (wedding).
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From the photos online, he seems smitten..
🤣 probably after looking at those photos yesterday of her at the mucky mansion. Imagine looking at all the rubbish in the grounds and inside the house and then thinking, that will be what his place will resemble in a few more months!
Probably got to renegotiate the 6 month contract 🤣
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He is adorable but why the shouting. He looks terrified and his responses just don't seem natural.

He's probably just wishing she'd shut up and stop yelling down his earhole!!!
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Both wearing designer Hunter wellies, breaking lockdown by travelling to her Mucky Mansion! Fresh new nails too!
All photos taken by her mate at W8 media! (Not Ryan, as he is in Dubai)
Fake Hunter wellies...look closer, one pair says Cunt and the other pair says Cuntier😁

Apologies for the poor use of the English language but I haven't been around for a while an I'm feeling cheeky 🤣😚
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Pink Squirrel

VIP Member
Mucky Mansion 2.0??

What the fuck is wrong with this woman?
Just wondering, has the 'lucky' winner of skanky flaps manky old hair actually seen pics of her beautiful & immaculately kept homes? And if so, does she really still want to put that whatever it is on her head?

I'm actually saving my money so I can buy loads of tickets when she raffles off her turkey teef 😂

She'll be giving us all the chance to win her pissed on ovulation stick next 🤢
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Peter has Covid. So I guess Katie won't see Princess and Junior for a while then as they will be quarantining with him.
How can Emily be working given she works as a Doctor, and if a member of your household tests positive the household needs to isolate.
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Chatty Member
Oooo I get excited when @Cloud Chaser comes on. God what a fickle life they all lead being a ‘zeleb’. It almost makes me not want to bite to anything she puts on, or click on any stupid article, as any publicity is good the these little zelebs, isn’t it. Bet she laughs her head off when people react knowing it was prob a fag dimp and a bit of hair exstention in them boxes 😡😡😡 thanks cloud chaser x
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