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She hates it no mention of poor Harvey what a cunt she is...poor boy has probably been doing fucking donuts all night....he must feel so isolated 🥺
I think he is probably a lot happier when she isn't around him. He acts so on edge when she is around. I am sure college will be a safer, more secure and more routines which is what he needs. Not being wheeled out to "perform" when she needs him.
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Michelle made this post adding #restrainingorder #courts 4 days ago, so before the texts on Friday from KP. Which makes me think she had been slagging Michelle off before then and she was trying to warn her to stop. I take my hat off to you Michelle if you were warning her as she didn’t deserve a warning.


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Hope they kept the receipts for the priory, I’d want a refund!
You’re spot on about the complete lack of remorse or taking responsibility.

Honestly though, she is beyond therapy.
Prison or a secure MH unit is the only thing that might have some kind of effect on her now.
I have seen Priory take every penny a family has , still ask them to pay for a bag to put it in and bounce the patient back to the NHS when the money runs out ... PRIORY DON'T GIVE A TOSS ABOUT PEOPLE ITS ALL ABOUT MAKING MONEY
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Dawn Dayn

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Her crying at her phone being taken by the police has killed me. 😂 So, what's on it...
Ok, she's a cheater, so the usual clumsy cringe flirting.
But, how about convos with Jayda about which account to pay money into, and others.
Or, her and Cole arguing about slapgate, bet there's all the evidence the police need there.
Convos about her faked therapy.
Convos between her and the girl, either saying I believe you and will help you, or let's stitch him up and I'll help you sell your story.
Messages to kirsty, threatening her not to cooperate with the police about slapgate.I
Messages about her bankruptcy, that could be a goldmine.
But, could the police use any of it, as it's not to do with the abusive messages, does anyone know? And will anyone help me break into Worthing police station so we can have a look at it.
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It's of no use at all to keep saying that you hope she's not pregnant and has another baby.
The babies, boyfriends and husband procession will carry on to the day she dies.
One after another they are all part of some weird idea in her warped mind that the next one will be different and/or perfect.
She doesn't see anything wrong with that or what she does or says.
There's some deluded conviction that all of this stuff just happens to her and that it's a conspiracy by everything and everyone to stop her getting what she wants without actually knowing what that is.
The sooner she is incarcerated, the better.
The endless let offs, slap on the wrists and excuses made for her don't help.
She's very adept at manipulating and believes she is invincible and entitled all at the same time.
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Greggs Sausage Roll

Chatty Member
Still got her sparkle? Thought that dog died..🤦🏻‍♀️ Her big announcement will be she’s added men’s socks to her shitty horse gear and a new style cap for Harvey’s CodFather range🙄 she ain’t preggers and I doubt she’ll be getting hitched either. I also think the cocky little shit has been told she won’t be charged with sending messages to KH😡 she will have done a dodgy deal down at the copshop, we all know she likes to store amo😡
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yes that’s correct they’re not allowed to directly contact the person they’ve been ordered to keep away from, or indirectly, through someone else….

My tuppence-worth from my time in family and civil law is that I’m 50/50 on whether she will go to prison. She certainly SHOULD and the judge in December wanted to send her BUT prisons are full to the brim and with her issues (mental health and substance abuse imo) the judge may feel it could cause her serious harm to her health ending up inside and removing her safety net. Ultimately she can afford treatment and if she engaged it would be for the best.

it’s a tough call for the judge, I mean, what are the chances of her sorting herself out anyway, what’s the best decision for KP? It is actually the police I feel sorry for, they’ve done their job and they will want the law upheld to set an example But their hands are tied.
I’m afraid I disagree I don’t see it as a tough call for the judge, they’ve already messed up once with a loophole and if she’s let off again it’s beyond disgusting, this time for breaching a court restraining order (if it turns out to be the case). It makes a mockery of restraining orders and decent people like Michelle don’t stand a chance of being protected from the people that have threatened them. What’s the point of a restraining order if it means it can be broken, especially by a person who clearly doesn’t feel the law applies to her, time and time again and it’s hardly surprising if she keeps getting off.
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Katie's phone seized by police 😳🤭
Crying because she knows what's on there can't be deflected from? If she has texts about buying drugs, or further abuse she will know what it means, more proof that her 'mentil elf' is not to blame and she knows she is shady as shit.
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I feel A bit sad for her family, yes they live off her ... BUT ... I do believe that they have tried to get through to her since slapgate, if not before ... From my own family experience with a person who has a diagnosed personality disorder (in our case narcissistic PD) there is nothing you can do except protect yourselves By putting boundaries & distance in .. we have had to cut the person off altogether
I have kids at home and older kids with kids. If any of them behaved liked that they would know exactly how I felt. I think the problem with her family is the constant excuses. If they put out a statement along the lines of we will always love katie but her behaviour is disgusting and unacceptable, they might claw back a bit of respect. They just roll out excuse after excuse enabling her more.
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They just look so happy don't they. Genuine smiles, poor Jet doesn't look scared. That fuckwit should hang her head in shame.
I agree, she comes across as a lovely lady, and the children love her .... I think what we are seeing now, is the advice that Claire ... ` Pete ya cunts ` manager, has given both Keiron and Michelle, concerning how to get at pwiccceee, and hopefully destroy her ... through the media, and posting loving pics of the kids, on IG .... in order to wind pwiccceee up further, so she can continue to show herself up with all her deranged, uncontrolled rantings ... Claire being in the business for many years and being successful, must know every trick in the book by now, and also has a previous law suit, which she won ... they are drip feeding pwwiccee, knowing she will bite, react ( she's predictable ... so much for being a sharp savvy business woman ... complete BOLLOCKS ) and will slowly but surely ruin her ... my take on this is .... Claire has said to them ` give her enough rope, and she will eventually hang herself ` .... and all these media stories, are coming from Claire's `guidance ` ... have a feeling this what we are and will see from now on .... ` show her up, for what she really is ... put it out there, and she WILL BITE and finally destroy herself ` .... because pwiccceee is so vengeful, it blinds her ... she cant control that vile behaviour, or that cess pit GOB of hers ... I also think both fathers and partners, now know, she is a real danger to their children, and are left with no choice ... we only get to see, a small part of her behaviour, Id imagine behind closed doors, it is far worse and has been for many years for all of them being at the end of it ... those poor children, but if one parent is toxic, its upto the responsible one, to do what is right, in this kind of situation ... again pwicceee is the common denominator in this shit show
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I find it odd that still some people don’t hold KP accountable for her actions and that’s why she is the person she is, surely the onus is on Katie not to make a fake account to spy on Michelle’s. I don’t think it can get much worse for her children than finding out their mother chose drink, drugs and men over them. I’m far more concerned about Harvey being plastered all over social media atm as Bunny and Jett are too young to be on social media but when does Harvey get to live his life in private?
It works both ways what about the vile abuse KP posts on her IG which could push Kieran or Michelle over the edge, as I say at least Michelle’s account is private.
Michelle can’t win because if she posted family photos without Jett and Bunny she would get criticism.
Didn't the trooth say that on the night of slapgate, it all kicked off due to Katie messaging Kris through Princesses' account? What mother does that? It means she is highly likely to be using her account for many other things. It's a disgraceful way to parent...what is she teaching that child. It's certainly not morals and ethics.
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Can you imagine the shit that is stored on that phone!!!😮 even if she dirty deleted the messages they can still find them! You crack on Katie with your little sparkle and drive, everything will all be ok poppit 🤣😂🤣😂🤣
Police Officer - Ms Price, we've been through your messages and you use the word "egg" a lot. Can you please explain?
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Amanda Lin

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Also… what rehab is there for sending abusive texts??? Alcohol, drugs & gambling… those are tough additions to fight.

Not sending an abusive text!!! Just don’t do it!!
She is so infantilised in the media and by her family… she is a full grown adult woman… if she doesn’t have impulse control that’s on her.

How does everyone else in the world manage their difficult lives and not commit crimes?? Its not that hard…FFS.
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Chatty Member
Can you imagine the shit that is stored on that phone!!!😮 even if she dirty deleted the messages they can still find them! You crack on Katie with your little sparkle and drive, everything will all be ok poppit 🤣😂🤣😂🤣
I bet sooooo many messages are stored as drafts “Pete u cunt u ruined my life! Plz come back to me Pete u cunt. U was the love of my life! Cole has a chipolata dick but he keeps feedin me coke, so I av to stay! Wooooooo!”
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