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Jesus Christ! She looks like Jocelyn Wyldesteen(sp)!!
And the woman who Lloyd was racist about on BB, and who is nearly 10 years older than Danielle, looks way younger, and much more beautiful.

See Danielle, you were ugly inside back then and looks like you ugly outside now. Like Skanky you got the face you deserve. That vileness eats you up In the end.

Meanwhile, Shilpa today at 46.….

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In one of her really early interviews, she said "I'm really untidy". And yet she blames the downfall of the MM on everyone else. She's always been a pig.
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Latest from the Scum
That article is actually quite critical again from The Scum, lots of comments such as ‘which is disappointing for a lot of creditors‘, and they ain’t holding back on laying out all the failures to address her debts. They do seem tired of her antics, and I still have hope they are going to print much of the real truth about her affairs, after the bankruptcy date.

The best line though, they again described Crawl as a “used-car salesman” 😂 He’s really not making any headway with his ‘celeb’ status is he 🤪
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Katie Price #108 She’s meant to be bankrupt and claims she’s poor, so who is funding this makeover on Channel four?
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Out of interest, if she DID manage to get some deluded soul to make a film of her life, could any/all of her exes object legally and get it stopped? I can't imagine Peter Andre standing for that - or Alex Reid for that matter.
A film based on her vision of The Skanky life could never be made, as the version she portrays is just a never ending pack of lies. There would be lawsuit after lawsuit heaped upon it.

Now a film detailing the real truth would be interesting, but that will never be made as she would have to admit she is a narcissistic scheming biaaaaatch, who has spent her entire life lying, faking, bullying, harassing, hedonistic partying and generally ripping people off. I’d watch any film telling that tale 😁
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Carol is definitely not the one writing these replies ... must be his new 'management'

she didnt fly herself and Carol 1st class to LV or stay anywhere flash either ... everything was done on the cheap ...

she didnt fly herself and Carol 1st class to LV or stay anywhere flash either ... everything was done on the cheap ...

Carol & KP are really reminding me of Chorlton & the witch ....
Might have all been done on the cheap but they shouldn't be doing any of it in my opinion.
Makes no attempt to pay what she owes yet flaunts everything.
Finds money to pay to get off with her drunk, drugged driving whilst banned by going into the Priory and employs clever lawyers.
None of this is free!
I'm sorry, it's time this twat was dealt with in the manner it deserves.
I don't care if she can't carry on the celeb lifestyle, it's time to fucking pay the Piper and if that leaves her penniless I don't think anybody will care.
There's nobody to blame here but Skanky.
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Last night she spotted a light in the sky. Wooooooooo! She lives near the flight path to Gatwick airport! How dumb is this woman?
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Since when has Bunny lost another front tooth 🤔 had them all at Christmas…
KH insta shows bunny without that tooth feb/march 2021! Skanky hashing out old photos and he pathetic fans dribbling over them thinking shes a great busy mum taking her daughter to lessons 🙄

Edit, she surely can't have lost her adult tooth too! Im sure KH and Michelle look after their teeth and encourage them to also.

To add, no doubt if Bunny had lost the tooth again, lets say for example in a roller skating fall 😉, there would have been a cryptic insta story about a dad not supervising their child and an accident had happened.

God forbid bunny had lost an adult tooth and krusty arranged a visit to 'her' dentist!!!! 😱😱
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Sunday morning hack - on the road - with NO hi vis AT ALL on 🤬 This boils my p*ss - it’s totally irresponsible and puts not only your horse’s life at risk, but the drivers too… Sorry - rant over… it’s just a bugbear of mine… it’s lazy and stupid. Why risk it??? 🤷🏼‍♀️
Putting Buddy at risk too - Who rides a horse with a little dog in their coat 🤬🤬
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Early on in her career she was told not to give interviews , stay “ mysterious” - purely because she had nothing to say & is famously dim . So many parallels , but a lesson In listening & allowing oneself to be managed by those that know the game .
Price is incapable of following even these most basic rules .

What an absolute cockwomble.
It should’ve listened! What staggers me is that it actually won reality shows like I’m a Celeb and BB based on it’s personality. And 2.6 million people follow it on Insta! Who was fucking voting for it, and what does it say about society? I can’t read any article about it now, so rely on TL for updates. I genuinely have never loathed anyone in my life. But I loathe it. The poet Julie Sheehan sums it up:
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I’m really intrigued - I stumbled upon these threads in the summer last year as KP was one of the few people I’d actually heard of being discussed on Tattle. Obviously I was horrified to hear of the animal neglect and cruelty, and the poor parenting which I’d not realised before, but there are a couple of things that I wondered about:

Having only read her Instagram posts for the last six months or so, I’m intrigued to know whether back in the day was she able to spell, use correct sentence structure etc when she had some sort of management or PR? Or was she always this hilariously illiterate and dim but noone noticed?

Also, her fans or ex-fans often refer to being impressed by her business acumen - was this actually her staff advising her properly? I cannot imagine her having two brain cells to rub together to make her doing anything successful in life, so I’m wondering how it all happened before?
I don't think she could ever read or write properly. Her management/PR team most likely wrote it all for her. It's more noticable now as she has these rants that draw more attention that the tat she's flogging.
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the slosher KP

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Question Tattlers, looking at their IG grids, the last photo either posted of them together, was on the 21st December.

Since that day it’s Tumbleweed from the Skanky & Wanky posting their undying love pics. Curious, anyone got a theory as to why ?

They still post videos together (90% of these will be driving in a car somewhere 🤦🏽‍♀️) on both their IG stories, but nothing on the main grid. Seems very odd to me 🤷🏽‍♀️
Well, get this
Cole hasn’t actually posted anything or been seen in any of KP posts since Wednesday when he just posted a photo of Vegas.
Beginning of the week he was banging on about people owing him money. Maybe he owes the people above him money for the Coke and is keeping a low profile?
Or maybe he is recovering from a penis enlargement op?
I don’t know - but the silence is telling.,..
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