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She couldn't even lie straight in bed , every story is a bleeding lie , So there is a story in a lot of papers that she is horrified to learn that cesspit she owns has lost 1 million in value , she purchased it in 2014 for 2 million , lazy journalism,
A source said " Katie knew it was in a bad state ,but when she found out it was worth less than a million ,half its original value ,when filming the new show it came as a shock, well that's a lie because she paid 1,350,000 for it , she probably owes more than that because she took out a second mortgage ,
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They could have written this article so much better. And what a ridiculous comment to include..
"Cant wait for this. Never under estimate this girl, she's a fighter. Just love her, she keeps going for sure"
Firstly "underestimate" is one word, it does not need a space in the middle. Secondly Pwicey is not a girl, she's a grown woman (or something). Thirdly she keeps going just means that she doesn't care about her children, her debts, her pets or even her dignity. She just carries on flaunting her life.

These idiot fans look up to her for being "strong" and never giving up and then the same fans say she's got mental issues and is broken inside to justify her disgusting behaviour. Which is it?
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Not to judge obviously, but how on earth does Katie Price still have fans?!!!!
And what sort of people become her fans, even in her heyday she was just a talentless person who got famous from her comedy boobs and shameless antics
What sort of people aspire to be her?
anyone born since 2000(who either dont want to work 9to5, or at all, but want all the plastic surgery, designer crap and free stuff, just for having followers (sheep) or the" dolites" who want to live on benefits for life (NOT genuine claimants down on their luck, i must add,) the ones happy to either sire or have multiply kids by different partners, with no sense to stop or think of the poor kids involved, people who wear their pyjamas shopping r outside (putting bins out wearing them,perfectly acceptable) and those that are braindead, this is her fan base

She's younger, not cosmetically or bodily enhanced yet still better looking.
But more importantly, she's married to PA!
Emily has an inner beauty that shines through too, she wants to help others, by being a doctor she shes not selfish. katies a selfish hot mess !
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I have always thought she was managed well then, never believed the 'shrewd businesswoman' and back in her 'prime' would have been making a large amount of money so it's sort of easy to hold on to it when you have large amounts coming in all time to replace what you spend. I imagine as she got older her earning power dwindled but she's still snorted most of it up her hooter or pilfered it on tacky clothes. I wonder if her illiteracy could be to do with continued alcohol and coke use? Alcoholics can get brain damage in the end.
To be honest Helana I don't think she's ever had much intellect many moons ago I watched a programme billed young model becomes great business woman or something similar, I was so let down I expected to see a young woman, making cut throat decisions, marketing genius, financial acumen, heading up board meetings etc. Omg! I didn't know her at all before this. She came over really crass, I wasn't sure if she was a bona-fide East Ender or lazy in speaking, I thought Brighton was posh lol, she never had anything intelligent to say, these days she'd be assessed for some kind of sen at school.
She'd bought a place in Brighton I think, it was, it was the pits, discarded KFC boxes, mucky, like every place she's lived in, except if the current bloke cleaned it up. Apart from that it was just her doing photo shoots and promoting things she put her name to that was obviously deals brokered by management, not that she was actually doing anything other than promotion. I came away thinking how sad a silly little s****er, could even get that amount of attention from the media, but obviously there was a fan base out there. 🙄

It will be an excuse if she loses the MM, “My kids didn’t want to live there….” Not that it was her fault for not keeping up paying the mortgage arrears.

The lack of pictures seem to be more noticeable since her latest rant at Emily. Let’s hope SS laid down the law to her. I think the dads are doing all they can to protect the kids.
I guess the filth, the smell, having no routine, decent meals/times, men going through the revolving door. Unless she spent time doing make up with the girls, there's no interaction, no playing games, no arts and crafts etc, having no rules maybe fun for a while but the rest of the environment is probably just as disturbing as it was for Harv.
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Not a good advert for her KP equestrian range, if she even won’t wear it out on a ride 🤣 bet it’s been a huge flop 👍

Thought she said little Pricey was being launched this month, that’s all gone quiet too.
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I was exactly the same. Are like a horse, never exercised. Never needed maternity clothes, and left the hospital 4 hours after the birth of my 4th child in size 8 skinny jeans.

Now, 43 and find myself 11 stone and size 12/14 desperately trying to exercise regularly and really watching what I eat. Peri menopause is karma’s twin sister 🤣
I did go to docs a few yrs ago as I did put on 7lbs in a few wks and was knackered, was nearly 10 stone, and that was from a normal 7 to 8 stone. Checked my thyroid and it was low, so on thyroxin and back down to 9 and half stone. Think thats my normal now.
I'm always a bit wary of Alex Reid, he doesn't appear to have much contact with his daughter dolly & I'm sure one point it was supervised only visits. And obviously he has been to prison for a fraudulent compensation claim so he's no Saint. But he could be emotionally troubled from his time with kp who knows
KP got his ex , Chantelle to side with her and went to court against alex during custody case of alexs daughter and provided evidence regarding his cross dressing etc. She really did set out to destroy him.
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Palace Tone

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You can really see in that video how distressed Alex was about her revenge porn shenanigans. It seems prior to being with her this had been a very private thing for him but she encouraged him to be open about it, told him she was fine with it and then used it against the poor sod to humiliate and intimidate him. Evil cow.
She tried her best to completely destroy the fella. In my opinion he’s by far the best bloke she’s ever had. A lovely guy.
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Late to the KP threads here. Does anyone remember donkeys years ago when she did Faking It on Channel 4? She had to pretend she was ordinary Ali who loved horses. After 2 days she couldn’t stand the other people not knowing who she was and proceeded to strip off and flirt and call herself a “dog” when anyone said “You look like Jordan!”

She was sat in the back of her managers car seeing if she was printed in any of the newspapers that day. Always been so desperate to be news worthy and an attention seeker. The stable owners husband was a builder and he cottoned onto who she was. At the end she was so busy showing off and reversed and smashed into something! 🤦🏻‍♀️

(I can’t find any videos on YouTube).
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Hello my Lovely Krusties. Well she is being boring as hell. It’s my 37th Birthday tomorrow and I’m in Quarantine with Covid-19. Come on Skanky we need drama 😂
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Hampshire Hog

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So now she's letting that prat skate indoors ruining the floors. Has she literally no common sense at all? She's so destructive of everything.
You know the old saying Joanna easy come easy go she doesn’t care about anything, we all know she lives like a pig, would be interesting to see him skating around his house bet he wouldn’t do that.

They really irk me can’t wait for the outcome of the court cases she really believes she is untouchable 🤬
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Pom Bear

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Omg. Tell me I’m not going mad.Have you morphed Coles face with Sid?
I swear Sid is threatening me.
If I’m wrong, I need to book an emergency eye appointment.
Loooool 😄😄😄😘 xx.
Here's the original pic I made..I cut out Coles face to be in the background. 😄😄 My app don't morph them together though. 😄❤🤗🥰💖😘 xx

I was going to caption it with Sid saying Cole on my shoulder. It didn't work out in the end but kept it in my pics.


An old pic from last year lol...
I remember making this but forgot I had it up to now 😄 x

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Latest from the Scum
She is an absolute vile creature. How can anyone have the brass neck to do that after everything she has put the poor people through that she owes. Hope she "falls" off another wall and lands on her head (not that there is much in it to damage) 🤬🤬
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He's ace, I love his replies to the haters!
I know. He's so quick. Twitter completely changed the way he's perceived by the public. He sold a lot of records, but everyone thought he was really drippy - then he started a Twitter account and started demolishing the haterz. Practically overnight: most popular man on the internet.
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Genuine question: Is it safe to be on wheels when your tits are that big? Weight distribution/gravity and all that. Look what happen to the big GC when she tried to ice skate. 😬
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Joanna Surrey

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😪 1000% this... I have grandchildren who think I'm their mum.. cos of bringing them up.... love costs nothing... how could you live like this... my brain would be frazzled with the thought of losing everyone around me...sorry TMI xx
I honestly don't think she cares. She never really had anytime for any of them, you've only got to watch the shows with PA to see this.
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