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Chatty Member
Hmm, back at rental, I see, and there's the dog people have been wondering about. Spooky - anyone might think she was reading this.
I’m sure she is, I remember in one of her shows the guy she was with at the time sorry can’t remember which but to be fair it’s not easy there have been many, any who they said that she spent hours reading everything that had been written about her every day obsessed was probably the word he used. I would of said narcissistic and self obsessed, by the way I can’t ever remember her having any mental health issues until it became fashionable to play the mental health card to make up for shit decisions and unforgivable behaviour.
By the way I am in no way putting anyone down who does suffer with their mental health I just think a lot of people these days use it as an excuse and to me that is really taking the piss out of true suffers.

Isn't he supposed to be a guard dog though? For her? Or for the house? If it's for the house, then it's hardly surprising that he's left there. Only hope that someone feeds and exercises him.
She originally said that she got Blade because of the car jacking in South Africa you know the one that didn’t really happen, apparently Princess was really scared and what with all the kidnap threats she needed a guard dog, seriously I can smell the bullshit from here.
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Chatty Member
Do you know what? I actually like Carl. I think he's got the measure of Katie.
Hmm, I agree. But I really do reckon we're going to get a Mel b type of reveal once they break up.

She's described him as being strict, controlling and jealous. They have each other’s passwords, they spend all their time together and seem to have no friends outside of the relationship, she's moved into his house and has taken on his identity, plus all the 'MY kate' crap he comes out with, and her public denouncement of her exes. I also think it's interesting that Junior seems to have distanced himself and we only ever see Princess.
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It was in the daily fail....

I remember this from the time. And then she wonders why all her wounds got infected/stitches popped under her melons etc. Who goes in swimming water after surgery?

Actually, after most ops, you're told to keep the wounds dry for at least 10 days. Stupid is as stupid does.

Bet she doesn’t use it!
I'll pass........if it makes me look like her, no thank you! 🤢
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Pink Squirrel

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Surely codeine would make her drowsy, not this shouty manic looking loony she has become
If she is on oramorph & codeine for pain relief that would explain the mania. She would be euphoric & then crash. It could also affect her ability to make rational decisions. If she reads tattle I'll await a story explaining her behaviour on prescribed meds use 🤣.

We've all been awful about her attempts at cooking. It's really not her fault though. It must be hard to cook with your arms on backwards & your head doing a 360 🤣. I just can't get past how weird that pic looks. Or maybe her last facelift pulled her skin up from her elbows & caused her arm to twist 🤷.
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Pink Squirrel

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is this really 3 weeks worth of work? Sound is terrible, so is the content...enjoy 🤣🤣🤣
Well that's nearly 9mins of my life I won't get back. What the actual f**k was that? Clearly in a lot of pain with her feet there wasn't she? What a pair of absolute chavvy losers they really are 😠🤢. Can we encourage the Mirror to do an article based on this 'work' film exposing the lies about her feet?
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He’s got loads on her, the drink driving, hiding money and what a crappy parent she is. He made it quite clear what he thinks of her parenting in his IG video 😂
Can’t say I’ve seen any pictures or videos of Carl interacting with Harvey, only the other 4. Begging on insta for gym equipment, yet apparently he can afford a new puppy? There’s just no priorities with these two, holidays, possessions and selling for £ before anything that most people would regard as important...
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Thanks Robin. I'm sure no one would mind at all. We are lazy bastards who normally wait for 265 to get home from work , eat their dinner , make a cuppa then create a new thread for us 😁. Bit of a cheek really thinking about it.
I should be getting paid per thread 🤗🤗💰💰
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Chatty Member
So last week she was taking faltering steps (yeah, right!) and now this week she can stand at a cooker making dinner. That is truly a miracle 🙄
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I aim to please, I have the ability to save stories.

I only hope Facehugger has a good laugh at them. ❤
Did somebody mention MOI?

For the love of God and the sake of my sanity, what the sodding hell does he look like, bare chest, hairy legs and baggy white drawers on! Thank god they're harvest festivals and it was all safely gathered in is all I can say!! Les Dawson in a dress looks manlier than that! 🤣🤣🤣🤣
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Chatty Member
His eyes creep me out, something really shifty about

He's trying to shift fleecy nighties for men. Oh my days, I've seen it all now.
Kieran popped up on stories, had to immediately get out, I think I have PTSD from the other night. Not making light of PTSD.
I've become so fond of Coal and his snake eyes, I've made him my display picture.

I was trying to turn Kieran's voice down on that video posted, as he sounds like Kermet the frog to me. I ended up accidentally screenshotting him and his yfronts dozens of times. What a shock that was to wake up to. :poop:
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Has she done a domestic abuse story on any exes, I notice she’s not giving Kris much stick I presume because didn’t he ‘allegedly’ take the blame for the drunk driving or cover for her? He said he didn’t want to ruin her career is that what he’s got on her?
He’s got loads on her, the drink driving, hiding money and what a crappy parent she is. He made it quite clear what he thinks of her parenting in his IG video 😂
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It's been mentioned that he calls her Dolly & also posted a clip of Sid & referenced MMA. The obvious is a sick dig at Alex. BUT what if it's a secret code because he's working with Alex to bring her down? He is in fact an undercover agent working for the courts, tax office & Alex 🤔. Yup, that would explain a lot. Yay me 🤣
Fucking hell, that would replace Wagatha Christie as the biggest celebrity twist of the year wouldn't it.
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They are both arseholes in their own way in my opinion. I think he’s better a parent as he’s more consistent and reliable than her but they were just horrible together, he was right to leave though before it got worse and worse. You can clearly see who is the rollercoaster out of the 2, - most of her exes have gone on to have what seem to be successful drama free long term relationships

the person who really damaged Katie was Dane Bowers. He was a nasty piece of work and I think he made her very insecure. He has been unpleasant to most of his exes

You can see from watching their old footage that Pete was head over heels for her to begin but their relationship turned more and more toxic, especially when she was getting bored of being a wife and mother. It came across to me like he began to resent that she openly mocked his singing career and wasn’t particularly supportive of him working. He did not want her to have more and more surgery, so her blaming him for that doesn’t seem entirely fair of her to say it.

I see from IG that Cole is not loving his new found fame as much now he’s in the sun every day getting slated on comments 😂
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I remember the old programmes with Pete, he begged her in one (in LA) to please be nice today - she was absolutely hateful, sadly she now looks as bad too!
Like the Roald Dahl quote which basically says if you're nice and kind you can never be ugly but even the most beautiful person will be ugly if they have ugly thoughts.

Like I used to work with a man who was tall, dark, handsome, blah blah blah, everyone thought was so attractive, really hot, sexy, whatever. Until they got to know him. He was the least attractive man ever and could figure out why he was always single. He used to say he was so good looking he was entitled to a girlfriend - there's some insight into his character. I could not say Katie Price was attractive, her behaviour, personality, whatever is just awful at the moment regardless of what she actually looks like.
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Rockin' Robin

VIP Member
A slight edit to the existing thread title suggestion -
From flogging crap, to buying dogs - she's crazy as a box of frogs..
Alas this is as good as it gets tonight. :)
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VIP Member
If she is on oramorph & codeine for pain relief that would explain the mania. She would be euphoric & then crash. It could also affect her ability to make rational decisions. If she reads tattle I'll await a story explaining her behaviour on prescribed meds use 🤣.

We've all been awful about her attempts at cooking. It's really not her fault though. It must be hard to cook with your arms on backwards & your head doing a 360 🤣. I just can't get past how weird that pic looks. Or maybe her last facelift pulled her skin up from her elbows & caused her arm to twist 🤷.
Soon she'll be blaming all the misery in her life on the Dr's that got her hooked on painkillers 🙄

Thanks be to God, its only bath bombs. Nearly lost my shit altogether.
Ironic that she is promoting bath products as she has the look of someone that hasn't had a bath in a while.
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Chatty Member
Boils my piss when she says she's brought H up alone - when has she ever been on her own? Apart from the 6 weeks between Peter & Alex and even then, Pete was trying to arrange contact.
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That Maldives video!! Well it’s defo a miracle! She can walk, she can pose, she can dance, she can jet ski!
She’s so hard faced putting that video out!
I remember when she was with Pete and she was such a miserable cow saying she couldn’t get on the jet ski because they gave her panic attacks! This is typical Kate, all nice and happy to play along when she first starts dating and then turns into a miserable cow when she gets bored
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Long time lurker here 👋 Just thought i’d say that this old ep of katie and peter came up on my youtube recommend and i’m shocked at how bad Pete comes across in it! I always got the impression it was Katie that was the one who put Pete down ect but he seems just as bad in this ep!! I think this was a few months before they split. Watching her in this she seems SO much more calm and less manic than she does now. Sad really :(

If you watch from 37 mins to the end:

He's not all sweetness and light and I've been saying this for years, he's always pulled the poor me card but it's ALWAYS been so clear that he's nasty. I honestly believe that he wanted to control her and he couldn't so he threw his toys out of the pram.
Don't get me wrong she's not and wasn't perfect but towards the end it seemed she'd given up and was down alot of the time.
Everything he does is look at me look at me, not saying she's not the same but he's just as bad!
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