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I do believe she has mental health issues but my sympathy and empathy for her ended a long time ago. She has the money and resources to get help and she has a responsibility to her children to get the most out of both. Many people will never have access to the help she could get but they do their best with the resources they do have and she just continues to spiral and make her situation worse and worse.
If like she says, she has been going to the Priory, surely they wouldn’t entertain being on social media as much as she is. It comes across that she doesn’t like being told what to do and listening to any advice given. She constantly keeps making the same mistakes over and over again.
She said the next relationship would be kept private because she didn’t want the next man living off her ‘fame’ I see that’s going well 🙄
Telling people she is going to be the next Mrs Woods after 5 minutes of meeting the guy, yet his body language and what he says, look like a different story, maybe he was hoping her bankruptcy would end in November before any ‘proposal’?
In that Maldives video, already looks like she was talking down to him in front of someone else. Her current PR team are doing a shocking job and clearly lying on their responses when asked for a comment...the McDonald’s story, you could clearly see that wasn’t a menu list on his phone, the walking on holiday, seen many times clearly walking, yet they were trying to spin it was her first couple of steps. The grass story, that clearly wasn’t his house, so why try to make out it was, they seem to think everyone is stupid and will believe anything they say.
One day this is seriously going to unravel on them all.
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Her pathetic boohoo story about Harvey is disgusting. Had she fed him properly from a young age she probably wouldn’t be having these issues now. It’s much harder to control what a 29 stone young man eats than a young child. She has always bribed Harvey with food. She has never encouraged him to eat the right foods or exercise. She has never taken proper care of his emotional or physical needs. She has simply touted him out as her accessory to gain sympathy and money. I’m shocked his school didn’t step in so much sooner and get him the help he needed. He won’t live a long life most likely now because she couldn’t be bothered to put the real work in when he was younger. He deserves so much more.
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The garden centre she has visited is local to me and they just posted a photo of her on their facebook page with a member of staff. Arm around him. No masks. Won't be visiting there again in a hurry.
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I was kind of lurking on the last thread, at the time when it was running over. Would anyone have minded if I had created the new thread with Moobiemoo's title?
Thanks Robin. I'm sure no one would mind at all. We are lazy bastards who normally wait for 265 to get home from work , eat their dinner , make a cuppa then create a new thread for us 😁. Bit of a cheek really thinking about it.
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Chatty Member
It was a 15 minutes directions hearing. If it’s disappeared from the listings today then she has agreed to an extension.

Just one of many complaints I’ve seen. The Autistic community are incredibly upset with Katie. I’ll see if I can find out more but this definitely explains why she’s highlighting Harvey and her concern. It’s not to protect Harvey. It’s to protect her!! 😡
Y does she have to agree to anything? Im
Bamboozled by legal stuff 🤦‍♀️

It’s great that people are hopefully starting to listen! Years ago u always saw her taking Harvey to fun things, even in that video of her when she was a lot younger, she interacted with him so much more! Now, this constant show of ‘tell mummy how much u love her’ crap is gut churning! I’m a true believer that everyone else helped Harvey (her mum was his main career, whilst she played the ‘working mum’ 🙄)- more like enjoying the limelight and people putting her on a pedestal and having any man she wanted at disposal-she had a good team around her and when her mum had to give up cos of age/illness and I’m assuming there isn’t as much help when they go into adult care, although still a lot, and she had do take care of him more alone, she struggled like fuck and he was put into residential! I heard all sorts about him staying with anyone and everyone! How can these people be trained in his needs? ☹. Now I know it can’t be easy but when she wants all these gold stars and pats on the back, it CRAWLS me 😡. You never see him go anywhere now, he just wanders around any house she’s in with hardly any clothes on, learning the new guys name 🙄, clearly eating what he wants. I can’t imagine his personal care is taken after much as she’s too lazy to sort the younger kids out, let alone a 28st man!!! I hate the fact she has got away with everything all her life! GET OVER YOURSELF KATIE! You have had many more opportunities than most can ever dream of, nannies on hand to help out with sleepless nights, money on tap, a successful career, YOU have fucked up. They way she acted after Pete was shocking! Writhing around on that beach in Ibiza, throwing Alex Reid in his face etc she was a grown woman. If u want that single life, don’t have kids, don’t make them fit in around u and ur ego 😡😡😡. I pray to god she’s stopped in her tracks this time, I really do for her kids, family, all people she owes money to, the animals and most of all herself.

Bloody ridiculous turkey teef!!! 😂😂😂
And how cringe is she going on about how much she loves him! View attachment 314927
Y does she think there love is better than anyone else’s? They don’t even k ow each other ffs 🤦‍♀️
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I'm surprised you haven't put a GPS tracker on coils car..... :LOL::LOL::LOL::LOL::LOL:
Hahaha it’s luminous green you can’t miss it 😂
I might have to start driving the longer more annoying way, past a shop and a school and the parking is annoying AF! Thankfully we were spared the airport Parker’s this year who clog up the whole estate for weeks on end!
my daughter gets the bus from outside their house and is always reporting back to me ‘Carl was in the kitchen!’ Or something equally non exciting😂
I was worried about paps being really annoying here but doesn’t seem like she’s remotely famous enough anymore for that!
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Jane L

to be devils advocate, after Pete left their toxic relationship when she was drinking heavily and never home she started accusing Claire of shagging Pete and accused him of not loving Harvey. How could they have carried on working with her? Pete won that court case against her, then she tried to countersue and had to settle all their legal costs. Her anger began to bankrupt her right back then.
Agreed, I keep being surprised by folks here giving Katie way too much credit. i also thought she became nice through the Peter association, prior to that she was a lads mag/WAG wannabee and Peter gave her an element of respectability and what definitely appeared to be genuine love on both sides at the start. unfortunately Katie being Katie meant that the loyal hubby, new kids, Harvey, the improving career choices ,nice pad, horses, dogs cats chickens blah soon became peripheral to her desire to be a top star and fame whore. She became a total and utter bitch to Peter and anyone labouring under the misapprehension that Peter was an evil genius really needs to watch all episodes of her crappy reality shows from the start - like Mark Wright, Peter was a youngish guy, not perfect, and neither was Katie/Lauren. the girls have to take responsibility too!!!
so to assume Katie was shafted by Peter's management slightly bypasses the main point that Katie became a rather nasty piece of work, she has followed the same old routine with every single guy: meets him, falls in love in jig time, he's perfect, life kicks in, the name calling and random public fall outs start, the "he's only with me to be famous" (i mean pullllllleeeeeease....) mantra commences, it's all over, and then the book will come out with all the personal gory details that you'd really rather your ex kept secret.
my point - i don't like to say this about any other human being, BUT.... she's lost any of the good she had a long time ago, and the reason people repeatedly leave her (ref NO consistent friends) and animals repeatedly die around her and companies that have any professional nous get shot of her, is because that's what happens to people with bad karma. IT IS NOT THEIR FAULT, IT IS HERS.
i say this not to judge her but as someone who has lived a life myself, and am by no means perfect. but i went on a very long difficult journey to turn myself from a not very nice person into someone at 50 who kinda likes herself, and my life now is a lifetime away from the screwed up selfish years of my 20s and even 30s. until she gets shot of the groupie/young/hangers on, cuts off the fame fix, stops the coke and learns to like herself, she has no chance. and it will takes years. if she makes it without dying of a sudden tragic accident.. probably on the op table, i will be surprised but happy for her.
and happy Thursday to all you Tattlers. Digressing slightly, Moobiemoo i must say i'm loving your work on this thread!
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Chatty Member
Watch the latest video. Coal is clearly annoyed with Katie while he's putting the tree up, and she's sat there screeching and being typically obnoxious and immature. She is either high or brain damaged.

They should still be in the honeymoon phase, but something doesn't seem right. He's making 'jokey' digs at her, and as she does with every partner, she's begun to put him down and criticise him for no reason. After he both put up the tree and decorated it alone (while she tied decorations to her head), she went on to repeat that it 'wasn't that good'.

100% he bought a puppy for the headlines. She said in one of her interviews that she knows what to do to get people talking, and plans life around this. Why isn't she banned from owning animals?!!!
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I’ve seen her on film with the other blokes she does the same to them she does Harvey. There are countless interviews where she admits she is needy clingy and insecure and wants to spend 24/7 with her boyfriends. She says so do you love me then x 10000 a day

I can pretty much predict that once lockdown is over, Cole will get distracted and fed up with her being so clingy and want to go to the gym, out with his mates, do his own thing and she will not be able to handle it. They are both in a battle of wills. He’s got her right where he wants her in terms of emotional neediness (she needs him so much she won’t leave him) and she’s hoping for the same, but it won’t happen. This guy isn’t one of the wet blankets you had before...
I had a Cole in my life and it’s all good when they have nothing else going on so they come across like you are the best thing ever, but they will get bored of you and be suffocated and treat you like shit and pick you up and put you down when they want to. He’s in total control.
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Henny Penny

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Wonder how much she gets paid for these constant ads- it’s painful!!!!

mans OMG!! The eyelashes and eyeliner 😬
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Yes, even begging for a Christmas tree for Harv that costs, what was it, £25 in Wilco?

Well, in fairness, I don't think she was asking for anyone to donate one; she just wanted to source one, presumably because he likes rainbows and they seem to be out of stock?

Actually, Princess might be marginally more mature.

in the time she did that post she could of googled rainbow Christmas tree and it would of shown an available selection to buy, she knew exactly what she was doing when a few people on her IG and offered to get one.
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Chatty Member
She's really stirring up sympathy via Harvey at the moment, she's made several more posts about him.

It's disgusting. In so many past interviews she has said that she doesn't want to use him as a 'performing seal', but she does EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.

Her relationship with Princess is more matey than mother/child too.

I think the only reason she's shut up about her exes for the most part is controlling Coal. This is going to be another shambles like Mel B and her husband. Oh so happy, best every relationship on the outside. On the inside, drugs, fighting, abuse etc. watch this space.
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I was a teenager when they were together and even I could see he treated her horribly, I liked Katie back then, I wasn't a 'fan' but I thought she was smart and funny and I had no idea what the hell she was doing with him. I still don't like him now, he makes me feel cold looking at him, I can't explain it, sometimes someone will get in a lift with you and you get out or walk past you in a shop and you shudder, well I feel like that when I see him. I don't like Katie anymore for various reasons but I can't even look at Peter.
Smart? You must be joking. She is and was always thick as shit.
She was making money in the early years because her brother was managing her and her money and making wise choices while she ponced around getting her nails done and shagging random blokes then selling stories on them.
Once she got with Andre his manager took her on and they made literally millions from good management, nothing to do with talent or smarts from either one of them.
You only have to look at her finances once Andre and his management dumped her. Downhill all the way while he did nicely thank you. She started up shit businesses that all went bust because she robbed them blind. Robbed her own businesses, yeah really smart. She simply whored her way through footballers, rugby players and drug dealers hoping to land another mug who'd fund her lifestyle ... and shoved her money up her neb.
My dog has more smarts than her. At least our mutt knows where to piss and it's not in the sink like miss smarty price.
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Cloud Chaser

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@Cloud Chaser are you working for the insolvency practitioners? You seem very in the know :) What else are you guys specifically looking for?
We are helping with the case as it affects family and friends.
Finding and securing the missing Range Rover would be a Jack Pot so to speak.
Each letter, each phone call, each email to Katie to remind her of her conditions is actually adding to her cost, but still she chooses to need reminding.🤷🏻‍♀️
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