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Chatty Member
Oh yes this is so true! BUT when she was first diagnosed she said she was only given a short time? So she in essence was dying but then miraculously had 7 clear scans? I don't know, I'm not saying she's not sick but there are certainly inconsistencies which make people doubt everything.
My theory (for what its worth) is this - Kate is a little on the arrogant side and prone to dramatic retelling of events. I think the doctor that told her to go home spend time with your daughter and drink wine, may have said that as part of a longer conversation. Lots of cancer patients get told these types of things for their own sake, most experienced medical staff won't give false hope and see that as unkind. They, more than most of the general public, will have seen first hand the regrets people have when faced with death - plenty of them will have wished they had spent more time with loved ones; they probably encouraged this and I would bet she was already talking about alternative opinions and cures and that person was trying to sway her away from that. As we have seen those 'protocols' are time (and financially) consuming. Kate likes to see herself as a person that is in charge and won't take no for an answer (slightly arrogant) and now reframes that conversation as just that 'I was told to go home, drink wine and die.' I would not put it past her to have chosen the shorter of the timeframes given to length of life for a more dramatic retelling. As I said before Alectinib shows amazing results in some patients and I think it did in her, as she was healthy and possibly some of the alternative therapies and diet helped that response to the drug.
Scans not showing disease are not uncommon, I have a friend that had this and then it came back with a vengence and she was dead the following year. Bowel Babe (Deborah James) also had a clear scan with NED after a terminal diagnosis, but she died just over a year later. Cancer is a fucker - scans show changes constantly and healthy, young people can give it a good fight, which is why the figures they give you for how long you have left (only based on statistics) vary and why life insurance pays out on any stage 4 diagnosis. I think she has been experiencing all of the normal ups and downs of 'living' with cancer, but wants it to be her that made the difference -arrogance again - SHE put in the effort and the work so everything is down to her decision not to die. This gives hope to other people in the wellness space and makes her popular (and makes her money) H4C also need her publicity and so she keeps up the exagerations and neglects certain parts of her story that don't fit that narrative.
I also think H4C are complete charlatans and have enabled her delusions and arrogance and tell her any improvment, good scan, is down to them - she says herself that she choses to know nothing about cancer and has no family history or experience of it. So I think she believes the way that she looks healthy and doesn't feel ill is beacuse she is curing herself. If she had had an experience of cancer that some people on this forum, myself unfortunately included, she might realise that this would probably have played out this way anyway if she'd just gone to the hospital in Aus and saved herself (her daughter) the money.
This is so well said. I think people think cancer diagnosis = dying, moving towards dying/very sick. Which can be the case. But the reality is in many cases, diagnosis = commence treatment options and continue to LIVE with cancer. So the way she looks is kinda irrelevant in terms of her health, but super relevant in terms of opportunities to grift/fund raise and so on. I too think she has a diagnosis and the chemo drug is keeping it at bay. I wish these clinics existed to give cancer patients a lovely holiday during or in between treatments- not a false hope.

I hope so much that you are now well OP
Thank you - I am well now as far as I know x
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The Dr in London has got me 🤔🧐 Why? You live in Australia, you had one appointment with a local oncologist and presented a letter from him yet your “results” go to a London Dr? Could it be anymore convoluted and bizarre? It’s a story that just in the face of it is unbelievable?
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And I can see how easily people fall for the scam too. Sick people in times of desperation will cling onto to something they think could help, she should be jailed.
Shes belle 2.0, and she bungs on the woe is me and they all flock like flies...I still can't believe someone from the radiology centre commented on her instagram, even before they had been checked by a dr. And who lets the patient stand in the room while there going over the scans. I have had many many mris, cts etc and none have said come into the room and we will show you.
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As soon as I heard “necrotic tissue” I thought “she’s had radiation”. I’m not one of the wonderful Oncology nurses in this thread, I just had a close family member have radiation and this was one of the descriptions of what was left behind
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Pablo would be getting so MANY inboxes about Kate as we all want this exposed, just none of us are brave enough to use our face name to do so which is why we use this forum. We want justice and these dodgy, grifting, lying, narcissistic sociopaths to be called out. Pablo can use whatever they want from wherever they want and although they may get leads from here I think it’s fair to say they still research and clarify and delve into all details to ensure they are sharing accurate information.

Keep it up Pablo, you’re the MVP in my eyes 👏🏻
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I agree it does look dodgy buuut I would say this looks like it’s a page that has been folded before it was scanned - the black bit on the right hand side looks kinda goes in at the top of where the colour changes for the body of the text, in line with where a letter would be folded to go in an envelope (former office admin bitch, i scanned a lot of folded pages 😂) - I haven’t done a google on the actual doctor or anything, and she’s still a lying scammer, but this could be an actual document 🤷🏻‍♀️
I don't know that I'm convinced by these snippets of documents. The letter looks odd, partly because the phrasing of "I was asked to write this letter to prove..." is very odd for a letter of support or a referral or medical certificate. That raises a red flag to me.
Also I don't appreciate the lack of nuance in this whack job's understanding of palliative treatment and conflating it with palliative care. The use of the phrase "palliative treatment" denotes that the treatment is not curative. It refers to a treatment that is prolonging life by slowing a fatal disease process and/or managing symptoms for the remainder of life. It doesn't mean anything about how long a person is expected to live, it is not necessarily an "end of life" treatment. As apposed to a treatment that intends to reverse a disease process- curative.
"Palliative care" is adequately defined in the final slide.... but that's not what the word palliative exactly means in the phrase "palliative treatment". I don't know what she added that last slide other than to make her current status seem closer to deaths door and to make a "recovery" seem more dramatic.

Kate really is not the brightest bulb I feel.
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The letter she posted looks a bit pasted together if you ask me. Obvs she's blacked out the personal info but look at the colour difference in the main body copy, the address in the top right looks wonky, and it may just be my eyes but the left margins don't line up.

Screenshot 2023-10-03 at 4.28.53 pm.png

Or perhaps it's time for me to start wearing the tin foil hat....
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I havent been over kate for a long time, literally only since Pablo did the deep dive.
Where was it that she mentioned going somewhere for a low dose radiology scan?
How can anyone trust her that these results are real. When you are making these claims you have to have evidence. The burden of proof is on the person making the claims. If she is such a miracle she needs to put all her scans out in the public domain. With names and dates. How do we know those scans are from 12 weeks ago? How do we know she went to the same clinic?
People dont trust science and i dont know why? Science is based on fact not feelings. She can have her scans at one clinic and not tell them what to look for so they look elsewhere. Its all too weird for me. Shifty bitch
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This woman has gained like 9k followers in a short amount of time. Which means she has a huge reach and her story is going far and wide and then she posts shit like this.
If she believes a fucken bush toilet paper is the cure to cancer WHY IS SHE STILL ON ALECTINIB?!?
Why is she trusting modern medicine and radiology? Why not just chew on your leaf and know you'll live forever.
And the way Kate writes 'Boom', like it's an actual truth bomb. Kate, you are absolutely fucking deluded (like we didn't already know this), if you think something is true just because some Gen Z teen posts about it on TikTok.
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Thats interesting because from what I’ve gathered so far she seems very antagonistic towards traditional medicine so that definitely fits.

I started going through her feed from the very beginning to try to get a better grasp on this woman. So far I’ve only gotten as far as early 2019 after her second trip to H4C (apparently there have been several).

At any rate, I found this post interesting. In preparation for a visit back to the UK for the holidays at the end of 2018 she had been reaching out to the local hospital there trying to get them to agree to give her access to their hyperbaric oxygen chamber because she has been convinced by her quack practitioners (she called them “oncology specialists”) that it helps. They refused, of course, because she doesn’t know what the fuck she’s talking about and they have patients with a legitimate need for the treatment so naturally they weren’t going to let her saunter in and use them for free and take the access away from their patients. Not only was she so petulant about being refused access that she had to post to her followers bitching about them but she also had the audacity to lodge a complaint against the hospital, I’m assuming with the NHS.

She seems to be quite the entitled, nasty piece of work.
That caption/response from the NHS trust is the best thing Ive seen in a while.
Smart doctors who studied in the field FOR DECADES do not give a single fuck about someones feelings. They deal in facts and she got so butthurt over it.
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I bet taking your daily walks around a gated, upscale neighborhood in a tropical resort town on the other side of the world while indulging an 8 week wellness retreat paid for entirely by other people really helped your mindset, hey Kate? I just can’t with this entitled ignorance.
Ok…this video has completely flipped how I thought about Kate. 1. The story is ludicrous and completely unbelievable (in 9 months he didn’t have any scans?) and 2. Why do people have to donate thousands if you can just think your way out of it Kate? Initially I was sympathetic to her story and thought that if you want to stick coffee up your bum because you have exhausted modern medicine then go for it. However I now think there is something very very wrong with this woman and it’s not cancer. Like others I believe she had cancer, not at the stage she said it was at, and now no longer does BUT what she learned along the way is that people give a lot of attention and money for such a diagnosis. I would hate to think she is a con woman of the worst kind but I can’t shake the feeling that there is something very very wrong here.
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So.... even if she has sometimes shared details about the EVIDENCE BASED medical treatment she has received, this is not how she portrays her story on her IG. This is not what she credits for her "recovery".
She actively declines to be specific about what treatments she receives or summarise them. Instead she directs people who ask for details to trawl through hundreds of posts and captions and comments to see for themselves because "she has been so open and transparent". See this comment on one of her "I beat terminal cancer, yay me!" posts for example
View attachment 2433259
If she honestly wanted to tell her followers that she takes an effective targeted immunomodulator that is an easy reply... but instead she directs this person to consume hours of quackery propaganda.

We see the problem, yes?
That’s the exact issue I have, just be upfront about the actual western medicine that’s saved her, it’s not hard is it.
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Her doctor in London gave the Australian radiology clinic permission to give her results on site.
Read Tattle much, Kate? 👋
It's all such a load of smoke and mirrors bullshit, as if her doctor in London has any jurisdiction over what the clinic does or doesn't do.

She's really doubling down on her praise and promotion of that clinic isn't she? Do you reckon they waived or discounted their fee in return for promo?
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Just because Kate says her superfund has accepted her terminal illness paperwork to access her super doesn't mean any paperwork has actually been submitted, she can say anything she likes really, whose to actually know for a fact, she could write up and print out a letter that she has fudged up herself. She's an actress and is giving her beleivers a great show straight out of the play books of Belle Gibson and Amanda Reilly, the sympathy vote after the I'm cured, oh wait no I'm dying again, hang on I'm cured, now I feel terrible but please buy my 20c necklace that I will sell you for $50, oh wait I'm dying again but a coffee hose up my ass will save me.
I'm not buying her for a second, she's lying.
I found the Scamanda podcast absolutely riveting. Clearly these people are mentally unwell and has me questioning every single person and every single go fund me. You are right. They can say whatever they want and followers are none the wiser. What makes me suspicious is how well she always looks. Among other things.
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I will drop this article here that I previously linked last month.

Hope4Cancer is mentioned in the article. Which also points out that it’s ironically through GoFundMe that these places have been able proliferate, charging way more for their scams than the normal person could pay on their own. With crowdsourcing being so prevalent though and donors being so generous it’s not a problem anymore.

The myriad of other reviews I came across at the time described Hope4Cancer as a complete sham of a clinic that charges exorbitant sums for unproven, unregulated, dangerous and deadly therapies, as Pablo also pointed out. The guy who runs it isn’t even board certified in oncology. He sucks money out of desperate cancer patients who frequently pass away not long after leaving the facility, sadly. He oftentimes convinces them to shun western medicine and tells them radiation and chemo will kill them faster than the cancer and his therapies will save their lives. It is all so upsetting.

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Chatty Member
Thank you so much for this explanation, it’s so clear and I really appreciate it.
I hope it helps, I may have been half asleep and its riddled with shitty gramer and spelling errors haha
but the point is ultrasound is not used to detect cancer, and never to stage it. If something suspicious was found on ultrasound, you would then get an MRI or CT to confirm and then a PET depending.
Of course every patient is different, as is every cancer and every doctor, BUT, ultrasound is NEVER used to detect or stage cancer. If that stupid mexico bullshit 5 star quak fest is using it, its because no trained radiologist or radiographer is going to go along with this bullshit and I dont know but I would suspect buying a MRI or CT, and using it, wouldn't be that easy for a bunch of fakes?
Ultrasound though, wave the wand around, no danger, you can buy it easily and when you show people ultrasounds, even doctors with a lot of experience, it's really really hard to read them. I imagine they use them as proof, "look, there is nothing there", because tricking a patient with a blurry difficult to read ultrasound image, is a lot easier then a very obvious MRI or CT image
Thank you! So when Kate is talking about “scans” she had there they are actually useless scan that give false hope? Because didn’t she get a “scan” that showed 9 of her 10 brain tumours had disappeared?
Ill shut up now but here are some examples of ultrasound vs MRI of the brain and liver, and why I think they use ultrasound. It's really difficult to lie with MRI or CT images, where as ultrasound is hard to read for people who are not trained, you might see something, but it could be easily explained in a way that makes it sound like its shrunk or getting better or, you could just skip scanning that area properly and get no image of something that is actually there
MRI and CT are going to show the patient who knows what their original imaging looked like, that nothing has changed, if anthing its progressed


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Chatty Member
Notice how she always says "do your own googling"?
It really bugs me. As a scientist we have one rule, the burden of proof is on the person making the claim. You cant make these claims and then tell other people to do the research. Thats not how science and medicine and facts work.
That reel she posted the girl said "its been studied" i literally couldnt find any peer reviewed literature on it telling me the benefits of it compared to chemo. And every nutter in the comments is saying its bc big pharma make money of treating people with cancer. THEN STOP USING MEDICINE. Lets see how long you live. Arghhhhhhhhh 😡😡😡😡😡😡 i haveng dedicated the last 13 years of my life to cancer research in different fields to have cunts like this minimise it as "big pharma making money"
All those people who in Covid were “don’t trust medical people. Evil” etc etc. First to use that evil system when something is really wrong - see Taylor W when her son was sick, see Leila in and out of ambulances for imaginary diseases. WHICH IS IT GUYS? They don’t know what they’re doing and we shouldn’t trust them or don’t trust them when you can get content out of it but Aok when something is actually wrong? FUCKING HYPOCRITE SCAMMERS THE LOT OF THEM.
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Chatty Member
There cannot be a terminal cancer story where you're riddled with cancer especially in your brain then it magically disappears twice and you're this spritely. She has conned all of the people who donated to her, she is a crazy con artist
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Haha well thank you all i feel flattered 😂

I do love this thread. Its nice to find likeminded people who believe in actual science.
@GeorgieBox put it perfectly, its the first time something happened simultaneously (and also since the world has access to social media at the same time) it created this ridiculous scenario of anti science rhetoric which has now proved to be fatal.
But while people like Kate get rich we just off grifting we just have to hope that people start to believe in science again more widely.
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