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We have to be living in a parallel universe. She cannot be telling a dying woman to add things she knows nothing about to her "protocol". What a piece of shit.
This sinister bitch. Tells a woman that CBD and THC are going to help her terminal brain and spine cancer. Jesus fucking Christ. I guess it’s never occurred to her that there have been millions of potheads around the world who have died from cancer despite regularly smoking weed. I hate her with a passion.
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Just because Kate says her superfund has accepted her terminal illness paperwork to access her super doesn't mean any paperwork has actually been submitted, she can say anything she likes really, whose to actually know for a fact, she could write up and print out a letter that she has fudged up herself. She's an actress and is giving her beleivers a great show straight out of the play books of Belle Gibson and Amanda Reilly, the sympathy vote after the I'm cured, oh wait no I'm dying again, hang on I'm cured, now I feel terrible but please buy my 20c necklace that I will sell you for $50, oh wait I'm dying again but a coffee hose up my ass will save me.
I'm not buying her for a second, she's lying.
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And they can fuck off with the vaccine causes cancer bullshit. My husband died of damage done by covid! So they can fuck right off, the fucking maggots.
I know not one person who has had a "vaccine injury". Why is it always these nutters that know multiple?
Vaccines cannot scientifically cause cancer, I just can't 🤦‍♀️. They know so many people with 'vax injuries' because they make up crap to suit their bullshit narrative! My sister would still be here if she had received a specific vaccine that PREVENTS cancer. Anti vaxxers enrage me.
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People are buying her bullshit and it's scary.
View attachment 2527553
They're all about as bright as her and honestly fuck em. I know desperate times call for desperate measures but if you have years to research all these snake oil remedies you have time to do a biomedical or nursing or pharmacy degree and actual science. Fuck em all. Grifters. She's gonna be dead in a year or two and got the 100 grand for what? To be a criminal 6 feet under.
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Yup, it’s all a lie.

She has completely removed herself from the health system but has somehow managed to get scans done showing a cancer recurrence and received a prescription for an immunotherapy drug with no doctor overseeing her care.

She depends entirely on the fact that it’s socially impolite to question someone who claims to be sick like this. Her Modus Operandi is that if anyone tries to pin her down on the details, like the woman in the recent podcast did, all she has to do is just talk a little faster, sidestep the issue with distracting info and generally be witty and charming and she worms her way around it.

This next set of scans in a week should be interesting. No doubt she will be equally vague about where they are being done, who ordered them, who will be reading them and what they say.
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The radiology place has commented on, and featured her story.

Also, H4C insta page is endless stories of people claiming her NED results are a win for the clinic 🙄

What makes me the maddest though, is how people frame these results as some kind of reflection on Kate’s character ie. you’re so strong, determined etc etc we knew you would beat it!

Pretty sure every other cancer patient I’ve ever known is also bloody amazingly strong and determined to live, but sometimes unfortunately not as lucky in their response to MEDICAL treatment. Stop framing this as a bloody personal character reference and implying that those who don’t beat it aren’t as ‘strong’ 😡


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So ok. If her live-saving wackadoo Mexico treatments are the tits, then why do they only work for a short amount of time? Why does she have to keep returning? Why does she have to buy a kooky helmet, pizza oven, and disco headband for home use?
Does Australia have a patient portal like MyChart where all health records are accessible online? Why the need for a letter?

Also this is fu*cking dangerous and next-level anti-vaccine type shit:
Freudian slip beachgirl?😂


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A lovely girl I went to school with was diagnosed with stage 4 metastatic breast cancer that had spread to her liver. Unfortunately she passed away 5 months after attending H4C. She documents her journey on her Instagram page (theholisticnutritionist). One post that stuck out to me was on the day she was returning back to NZ from H4C she vomited half a litre of blood in the shower, she stated she was accumulating fluid in her abdomen while she was there. She made it back to NZ and went to hospital to find oesophageal varices due to portal hypertension from a blockage in her liver vein. She was away from her small children for a month and then passed away 5 months later 😞
Also found this very interesting abstract on PubMed

Tijuana, Mexico, has become a refuge for cancer patients who have been convinced that they may be cured of their terminal illness by unconventional, unproved, and disproved methods offered in the border clinics. About a dozen United States promoters have joined with Mexican colleagues to offer a variety of treatments. Some patients are diagnosed using standard methods prior to arrival at the clinics, but many healthy individuals are misdiagnosed as having cancer or "precancer" and are then treated there. Others are told they have been cured or are improving even though they still have active disease. The modalities and regimens used are often referred to as "metabolic therapy" and, for the most part, are either not based on sound scientific principles or have been shown in controlled clinical trials to be useless or even dangerous. A basic metabolic regimen consists of three phases: detoxification with fasting and bowel cleansing, strengthening the immune system with numerous "supplements," and attacking cancer with "natural and non-toxic" chemicals. Popular treatments include injections of hydrogen peroxide, large quantities of pressed liver and carrot juice, coffee enemas, infusions of Laetrile mixed with massive doses of vitamins and dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO), special diets, and a host of other pseudoscientific regimens. Unfortunately, no evidence exists that any of these modalities is more effective than no treatment at all. Patients traveling to the Mexican border clinics for metabolic therapy are subjecting themselves to costly and hazardous regimens, especially if they forgo responsible medical care in the process. The American Cancer Society, therefore, strongly urges individuals with cancer not to seek treatment with metabolic therapies in the Mexican border clinics.
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**reposting from the Crazy Stead Thread**

I’ve said it before, but if you haven’t already listened to the Scamanda podcast, you must. Whilst I imagine it’s hard to fathom anyone would use serious illness to lie, deceive, and gain financially… it is absolutely possible, as Amanda Reilly’s case proves.

I haven’t yet seen Pablo’s investigation, but I am a proud critical thinker, and something seems very off about Kate’s cancer. I wish I didn’t, but I have too many friends that have had this insidious disease in their bodies, and I am all too familiar with the symptoms. She said she had 10 - TEN! - brain tumours. And 9 of them have just……. disappeared? Any kind of mass in the brain can have a serious impact on mobility, speech, vision, hearing etc. yet she showed no symptoms? What am I missing? Happy to be informed and/corrected by someone with a relevant qualification.
Also came here to repost from the Leila Thread:

What I would pay to hear what Dr Charlie Teo (arguably one of the best neurology oncologists in Australia, if not the world) has to say about Kate’s 10 brain tumours that miraculously vanished in the space of 3 weeks… I listened to a interesting podcast interview he did recently and in his own words, to have cancer in the brain there’s no two ways about it eventually it will be your death sentence and undoubtedly it’s the worst place cancer can ever spread to.. it’s the most difficult part of the body to treat because the brain is SO complex and so much of it is still so unknown.
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The radiology place has commented on, and featured her story.

Also, H4C insta page is endless stories of people claiming her NED results are a win for the clinic 🙄

What makes me the maddest though, is how people frame these results as some kind of reflection on Kate’s character ie. you’re so strong, determined etc etc we knew you would beat it!

Pretty sure every other cancer patient I’ve ever known is also bloody amazingly strong and determined to live, but sometimes unfortunately not as lucky in their response to MEDICAL treatment. Stop framing this as a bloody personal character reference and implying that those who don’t beat it aren’t as ‘strong’ 😡
This is very unprofessional social media behaviour for Mermaid Beach Radiology....
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@DunningKrugerEffect you’ve been sitting on these receipts for a while. I am relieved it’s being put out there for discussion. It’s not ethical to give people false hope… this is what I found about the drug she’s on
No, just found them all now in my first look at Ms Kate the Cancer Queen's page. I went down the rabbit hole as this type of alternative treatment influencer makes me see red with rage.
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Curcumin? Didn’t she end up with a severe allergic reaction to it last year or year before?

Out here curing cancer AND Anaphylaxis, miracle ✨🧘🏻‍♀️👩🏼‍⚕️
Curcumin? Didn’t she end up with a severe allergic reaction to it last year or year before?

Out here curing cancer AND Anaphylaxis, miracle ✨🧘🏻‍♀️👩🏼‍⚕️
Hang on, I missed something even MORE baffling.

“Hydrogen Oxygen” …. So (H2) + (O2).

A chemical reaction of which produces H2O.

If I’ve confused you at this point, that would be a resultant product of WATER 😂

Groundbreaking treatment.
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My cousin is a radiation oncologist and years before my own diagnosis I was chatting with him about a co-worker’s wife. She had been diagnosed with early stage breast cancer, very treatable with great success rates. Word got around in the office though that she had been lying to her husband about getting treatment at the hospital (said her friend was taking her) and she would sneak off to drive across the state line to get treated by an iridologist, of all batshit things. She refused the lumpectomy, the radiation, the chemo. Was convinced this guy could heal her. Months on we found out that her cancer had metastasized throughout her body. It was in her spine and was torturously painful for her. Sadly it was too far progressed for her to be treated at all at that point. She was 48 yrs old w/two young daughters.

My cousin was visibly frustrated from the story and said something that I will never forget.
“She will die, very soon, but not from cancer. She will have died from mental illness.”
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And Pablo’s commentary …
I don't follow or know anything about Pablo (someone here kindly pointed me in the direction of his Instagram), but it kind of seems like he is getting a lot of info from this thread. I mentioned the necklace/AliExpress thing, for example. And lots of other people here have raised various other points he put to Kate, particularly in relation to H4C and her scan situation. If he's essentially using Tattle for his own content creation without giving credit, that's not really cool.
Pablo’s expose on Kate was the impetus for this thread so they definitely had their content out there publicly first. We had been chatting about her sort of superficially in relation to Leila Stead over on Leila’s thread but Pablo was the one who connected all of the dots and went public with it. I don’t think they are lifting content from here in as much as I believe it’s more an issue of the community sharing the same concerns. Definitely go to their grid posts and watch the two-part video they did about Kate in early September. They mentioned the necklaces and money-making schemes back then if I’m recalling correctly. That said, Pablo has acknowledged on multiple occasions that they do read and gather receipts from tattle because we are so good at documenting in real time with screenshots and video uploads.


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Does anyone else feel like maybe she will lie low for a bit now? I could be wrong, but she's had way more attention/questions asked this time around and clearly that's made her uncomfortable. Initially she was talking about wanting to be NED by the end of the year and then last week she started mentioning how 'the end of next week' would be so much better. And now, very conveniently, she's NED!

She can either double down on the H4C claims, in the knowledge that people are asking difficult questions and that's probably not going to stop (also, she'll have to keep up with all the bullshit 'treatments' and sticking stuff up her bum to make it look like she's still following their 'protocol'). Or she can say that she just wants to move on from this experience/she's traumatised and needs to heal, blah blah (basically, take the money and run).

I'm curious to see what she does next. Although, if she has not had her results analysed and explained to her by an actual oncologist familiar with her history, and she's really just relying on her quack doctor and a radiologist report, then anything she says about the results is nonsense anyway.
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So I listened to a podcast that Kate was recently featured on (Spotify link here) and it's quite enlightening on several aspects of things we've discussed here. In particular, she confirms that she does not currently have an oncologist in Australia as she had removed herself from the Australian healthcare system and has not been to a doctor in the last three years. That bit is about 40 minutes into the interview.

Apparently she has been having some kind of low radiation scan that wouldn't have picked up the cancer recurrence. She says she did meet briefly with an oncologist before she went to Mexico and that he seemed 'open-minded'. However, he was found by her doctor friend Olivia (who, as mentioned before, has links to H4C), so I doubt that she would have recommended anyone who didn't fit the 'alternative' profile.

Absolutely terrifying quackery. And that healthcare system she ridicules so much is what she'll end up relying on when she either poisons herself with the stuff she's pumping into her body or when she eventually gets to the palliative care stage (although she'll probably still be in denial even then.)
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She left this comment on one of her recents posts and, unless I’ve overlooked where she has provided these things, it’s all completely untrue. I don’t see any of these things on her account. I only see opaque references to doctors and results and intentionally cropped images of documents that conveniently can’t be proven to be legitimate or that they even belong to her.



You know she has managed though? Within 2 years of debuting her cancer warrior page (which was conveniently started immediately after her diagnosis - who even has the presence of mind to do that when you’ve been given a 6 month death prognosis?) she managed to:
* double her business income
* open a second store location
* purchase a house
That’s not including the rental property that she also purchased using what she claims was the payout on her pension. (Again, no proof.) This whole escapade has inarguably been a financial windfall for her.

It seems abhorrently cynical but it is entirely plausible that this entire thing has been a fraud that was hatched with and aided by her scammy Dr. friend. I bet we’ve all probably listened to multiple podcasts outlining equally sensational and baseless schemes by deranged scammers. I get a pit in my stomach even considering it but in the absence of any concrete proof of her illness/recovery but the presence of her exhaustive posts on snakeoil cures and predatory money making scams to heal cancer patients, it’s a disturbing possibility.
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My friend is anti child immunisations, anything to do with covid treatments, pneumonia and whopping cough immunisations.. but when she said the covid immunisations caused my MS, I was a tad shocked and laughed. I explained that my MS was diagnosed before covid hit our shores. She doesn't believe in western medicine to treat any form of cancer. She said the only places you can depend on is centres like H4C ... I have a Dr that listens to me and works with me to stay healthy. I don't think we will ever know the truth with Kate. Shes a conspiracy theorist and a narcissist.
My daughter was diagnosed with a genetic condition but we had a friend tell me it was my fault because I’d vaccinated myself 😮💨
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Who are the men looking at her scans supposed to be - techs or radiologists? She doesn’t identify them. I ask because radiologists are never seen at any scanning places I’ve been (I’m in America). I’d never be allowed in the radiologists’ area.

Something about Mermaid seems off to me. More than 1,000 5-star reviews.
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