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What a shitty reply.
I really hope pablo calling her out is the start of something more. Can we report her go fund me? Does she still have it active?

I think Im also going to find a way to report her to the TGA via their false advertising route.

I cannot fucken stand listening to her speak.
What on earth was that blue shit in the nebuliser? Why is she using a nebuliser? Omg im raging so hard.

The reason conspiracy theories start and all this other woo woo shit is because people cannot understand the science of how medicine actually works and so bc they're too stupid to understand it, its automatically evil, so they create this narrative that is easy to understand and thats how they do their teachings. The amount of people i have met telling me "doctors have a cure for cancer but it makes them too much money to tell us" and Im like DO YOU HONESTLY THINK ID LET MY PATIENTS DIE IF I COULD CURE THEM?! Part of what they dont understand is cancer is a blanket statement. None of them know fuck all about anything and "thinking away your cancer" seems like an easy process and humans want the easy way out.
I am SO sorry your friend said that you. Even though I know you know she is wrong, it can still play on your mind but I know you are doing all the right things by you! Only you and your doctors who have years of experience can know how you are. UGH. Who needs enemies with friends like that!
Tattlers have your back 💜
My friend is anti child immunisations, anything to do with covid treatments, pneumonia and whopping cough immunisations.. but when she said the covid immunisations caused my MS, I was a tad shocked and laughed. I explained that my MS was diagnosed before covid hit our shores. She doesn't believe in western medicine to treat any form of cancer. She said the only places you can depend on is centres like H4C ... I have a Dr that listens to me and works with me to stay healthy. I don't think we will ever know the truth with Kate. Shes a conspiracy theorist and a narcissist.
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This is an interesting comment thread on one of her posts, given the concerns discussed.

The clinic has clearly just taken credit for the work of the drugs and she has sadly spent a small fortune/influenced others into bogus treatments for nothing. Hard to understand how the H4C scammers can sleep at night taking that kind of money from seriously ill people.
What a shitty reply.
I really hope pablo calling her out is the start of something more. Can we report her go fund me? Does she still have it active?

I think Im also going to find a way to report her to the TGA via their false advertising route.
I think he’s spot on. I think she’s a grifter. Possibly a grifter with cancer but a grifter nonetheless. I’m glad he mentioned the money she’s making off of the necklaces as I had been thinking about that as well. She has had 875 donations on her MyCause page so it’s more than plausible to think that at least that many have bought a $50 necklace to support her. If she has sold 1,000 of those necklaces she’s profited close to $50,000. and that income is completely opaque.

Exactly. The FIRST thing I would do when I got back would be to get in for scans to find out how successful the treatment had been. Waiting 3 long weeks to know for sure would be absolute torture, especially if you are looking at a terminal cancer diagnoses and possibly not very long to live. She could have easily scheduled the testing in advance, even before she left for Mexico, to ensure that she could have them done immediately upon her return to Australia. Of course every extra day in “limbo” is more time for your supporters to send more money your way and buy your necklaces and frequent your business.

* all of Pablo’s stories posted below …
You can’t convince me that this is not 1000% PERFORMATIVE.

‘Look at me, look at how hard I’m fighting, look at all of these (batshit fucking crazy) things I’m doing that are saving my life!’

The blue mouth?! Wtf?
This is insane. She is a con artist. I get more and more angry with every post she makes.
I cannot fucken stand listening to her speak.
What on earth was that blue shit in the nebuliser? Why is she using a nebuliser? Omg im raging so hard.
There will be men and women out there that take that woman's word as gospel. Thats the terrifying thing about it, who's to say she could have lived longer with western medicine, maybe more than 2-3 yrs, she will never know now. There is nothing wrong with seeking some holistic therapy but combine it with western medicine. I have MS and just done my 3rd course of a chemo-based treatment; I have 1 round to go. It is horrible, but if it helps a little it's better than nothing. I have a friend that told me that the Covid vaxs gave me MS. Mind you I had it 2 yrs. prior to Covid. And she's telling me to go to the H4C clinic because they cure cancers and will cure my MS and I will be able to walk and stand up again. She has stopped talking to me cause I'm taking the easy way out with western medicines. there are some special people out there.
The reason conspiracy theories start and all this other woo woo shit is because people cannot understand the science of how medicine actually works and so bc they're too stupid to understand it, its automatically evil, so they create this narrative that is easy to understand and thats how they do their teachings. The amount of people i have met telling me "doctors have a cure for cancer but it makes them too much money to tell us" and Im like DO YOU HONESTLY THINK ID LET MY PATIENTS DIE IF I COULD CURE THEM?! Part of what they dont understand is cancer is a blanket statement. None of them know fuck all about anything and "thinking away your cancer" seems like an easy process and humans want the easy way out.
I am SO sorry your friend said that you. Even though I know you know she is wrong, it can still play on your mind but I know you are doing all the right things by you! Only you and your doctors who have years of experience can know how you are. UGH. Who needs enemies with friends like that!
Tattlers have your back 💜
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There will people that follow her and are reading and listening to todays results, and they will question their treatment and some will stop the western medicine. This is where the problems start. They mortgage their homes, use their life savings and call in there super for medical reasons. All cause Kate was cured in less than 2 mths. So they will think if she can do it so can I.
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also, in the comments she's blaming her recurrence on vaccination. She is fucking despicable. View attachment 2796252
And they can fuck off with the vaccine causes cancer bullshit. My husband died of damage done by covid! So they can fuck right off, the fucking maggots.
I know not one person who has had a "vaccine injury". Why is it always these nutters that know multiple?
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I've been doing some digging and found a couple of random semi-interesting things I didn't know:

1. Kate used part of the payment she was able to release as part of her first diagnosis to buy an Airbnb property, in addition to the Mexico trips. It appears to be booked out/unavailable for the next few months, but I selected some random dates and it would cost over £1000 (GBP) to stay there (it has a three-night minimum stay). So even with this asset, she still thought it was appropriate to ask for almost 200K from her followers this time around!

2. Her recent photo of all the medication she takes clearly shows a bottle of curcumin, which may have some health benefits but won't cure cancer. However, back in 2020, she had a very bad allergic reaction to curcumin. I have a food allergy that causes similar symptoms to the ones she describes herself as having (lips swelling, tight chest, etc.) and I'd never dream of actively consuming the thing I'm allergic to...but now she's back to taking curcumin, presumably with no issues? Very odd.
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I thought this review of Hope 4 Cancer was pretty interesting… Kate has mentioned she has been classified as “no evidence of disease” NED a few times after scans there.

I think she does have cancer. I think she picks and chooses what information she shares so it’s hard to pin down. If you compiled all the information she has shared over the past few years it would be comprehensive in saying she sought and received medical treatment for cancer. She said she has stage 4 non small cell lung cancer. I think the immunotherapy drug she has said she has taken is working to prolong her life. I think the alternative treatments are not doing anything. It’s called Hope 4 Cancer for a reason, it’s not a cure.
Does anyone remember when she said she got an infection from doing her own IVs and ports? Running circumin through them?

I feel very sorry for her. No one wants to question cancer. It’s such a sad story and she represents a lot of hope for people… it’s hard though when we have seen the rise of scammers and grifters too. I sincerely hope the best for her and her daughter.
I think Pablo is trying to make the point that, in sharing this experience to such a vast platform, Kate is essentially selling the success of this treatment - as an influencer - to an incredibly vulnerable audience. Pablo understands that not everyone can think critically when being spoonfed curated content on social media, and there is a responsibility to ensure that influencer content doesn’t end up costing anyone their life.

After Amanda Reilly was charged for her crimes, many people who had supported her looked back on certain things that “didn’t add up” and saw them with a completely different perspective. Cancer makes you unwell. You look sick. Your body changes. Your skin doesn’t glow. You lack energy. You struggle. It sucks so much from you. With so much cancer in her body, she has continued to look well. In my experience, I have never seen anyone fight cancer for this long and continue to look healthy.

It just doesn’t add up.

EDIT: spelling
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This woman will believe anything.
Colonics canNOT get into your small intestine and therefore into your stomach to give you good bacteria from sauerkraut. EAT THE FUCKING SAUERKRAUT!!!!!!!
There is a valve which prevents shit (literally) from going back the wrong way.
The fucking stupidity of these people. Its called a COLONic bc it cleans your colon. Not your fucking gastrointestinal tract. Omg. She'll sell her soul just to get something for free. Idiot.
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Ooh, I didn't know there was a thread for Kate. I've been following her for quite awhile. I discovered her through Jemma McGowan – she encouraged Jemma to go to the Mexico clinic and they seemed to be close for awhile (talking on the phone, etc.). Jemma died recently and Kate hasn't said a single thing about her.
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She keeps referring to 'my doctor in London' because she doesn't specifically want to refer to Olivia Lesslar as then people will start looking into her and realising she's a quack too (and also one of Kate's best friends). The only person in all of this who might not be completely dodgy is the actual oncologist (assuming she is going back to this James Fletcher person).

If he's legit, then he will tell her the truth about her medical status. I'm withholding judgement on him because, although he is clearly an oncologist, he was also recommended to Kate by Olivia as he was 'open-minded' about Mexico. I think right now I'm of the view that she does have cancer, but the Alectinib is working for her (plus that she's possibly had radiotherapy on the brain tumour that she hasn't shared).
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I came here as I follow the cancer influencer thread.

I would like to think no one would ever lie about having such a horrific disease but I know there are some sick people out there that would (i worked with someone that did and others who have lied about parents etc having cancer, sick b@stards 😡)

A friends husband has stage 4 lung cancer at a young age and he too has it in his brain, spine, liver and pelvis. He has had everything thrown at it in less than 6 months; chemo, radiation, now targeted chemo pills (verylast stop option will be immunotherapy) He was told by his oncologist to yes make healthy changes/choices but dont go radical with it as it can shock the body and lead to other complicationsThe alternative treatments such as diet etc in mexico may have helped her immune response but absolutely no way will they shrink or cure anything as serious as this, imo it’s nothing more than a wellness/detox retreat.

I went down a rabbit hole like others here on the h4c page and all but her and another lady seem to have passed away. If she was this medical marvel why is it not in the mainstream news/media?

Out of curiosity did she have chemo at any point? Or did she not get offered it/declined it?

Something I dont get is she never mentions family on her instagram but as its so public, if she were lying, surely a relative would have appeared to say something?!

It’s certainly a very odd story. Cancer is a truly awful disease and while she would be evil for making this up, I hope she is because dying of cancer and leaving a kid behind is not something I would wish on anybody.
My brothers ex gf said she had leukemia to get a week off work. She told my brother she had annual leave. Then she got all these flowers and gifts sent to the house and my brother was like whats wrong? And she's like I told them I had cancer. He was like yeah nah bye.
There have been scammers for centuries. Unfortunately now with the Internet its easier to scam bc its so much easier to look up how to say your cancer is going and learn about bullshit therapies etc.
She definitely had cancer but the grift for mexico is just one giant grift.
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And who exactly has ordered the Alectinib she claims to be on? That is prescription only and would have to come from a doctor in Australia, who would require that she be under their care. Yet she says she has not been under a doctors care for 3 years.

I don’t think she’s taking Alectinib. I think it’s a lie. At this point I think the whole cancer story is a fabrication.
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This Mexican clinic has been hoodwinking and fleecing people for years. Really shocking.
Lottie Bowser’s partner Ben went there after treatment in the UK didn’t work, paid so much money, was told it was shrinking the cancer and 16 days later was dead. She later met Ellidy and together they worked through their grief on losing their partners.
People who are grasping on for hope will do anything for a chance at their life to be saved.
Here is a few screen shots. Obviously every case is different, but they all seem to end up dying, if they say they are cured they never had cancer in my personal opinion.


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wednesday adams

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She cured ten brain tumours in a couple of months? She doesn’t seem to have an oncologist in Australia? The radiologist told her the cancer was gone (as others have mentioned I too have had multiple scans and they never do this) ?

what the hell is going on? Someone needs to investigate her story….either as a major scam or a medical marvel!
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I still can’t get my head around her story especially this last diagnosis- I know there’s people out there low enough to fake stuff like this (I’m a scam podcast junkie) and maybe I’m being naive but surely this radiologist can’t be in on the scam? And if they follow her on social media then they’re aware of the narrative she is spreading??
I definitely don’t believe that she’s gone from riddled with cancer to NED in 6 weeks and I strongly believe any improvement she’s having is due to the targeted therapy and her story definitely doesn’t make sense in parts but I just cannot fathom that all these practices are in on the lies especially the radiology clinic that’s the hardest one for me to wrap my head around!
A radiology place like that I think would go along with most things if it means social media likes
They literally do MRIs for cancer screens just cos
Their advert is “get the same scan Kim kardashian had”

This place is pretty much the radiology worlds answer to the fake over the top everything augmented Gold Coast culture
Influencers health care

I’m surprised Christie swaddling doesn’t fly up for one to find out why she’s bloated all the time…. (Spoiler alert it’s the alcohol)
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Kate really is a very unfortunate combination of someone who is able to pass as normal while being absolutely batshit and with zero scientific literacy or critical thinking abilities.
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Her doctor in London gave the Australian radiology clinic permission to give her results on site.
Read Tattle much, Kate? 👋
She keeps saying her doctor in London.
She's a GP and she is not registered in the UK.
She is only registered in Australia. Stop making yourself sound more exotic. Unless you can find her on the GMC register here while I couldn't then she isnt a doctor in London. She is your GP mate who is currently physically in London. Fuck me the grift is strong with this cunt.
Also, agree with you Miss B, she's been reading tattle. Had to carefully explain that they're private so that we wouldnt get them in trouble.
Also her choice of words in the last sentence are deliberately misleading. MRIs are no-radiation anywhere in the world, its magnetic resonance. Stop scaring people into getting scans that can save their life.
And yes spectral CT uses a bit less radiation than standard CT but not enough to make people spend a fortune on scans when they can get a CT for free under NHS/Medicare.
She could say spectral is superior as it has a way to detect different materials. But no, she has to demonize radiation. Which I very truly believe she got tonnes of when her brain was zapped. Liar, cheat, grifter.
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Bullshit she is not getting kickbacks. She is now an influencer for quacks who want to make money from vulnerable people. Absolutely disgusting.

The level of ignorance of people who say ThE gOvernmEnt dOesn’T wAnt thEm.

ummm do you even know how the law works? How much research has to be done and peer reviewed? Not to mention meeting ethics requirements?

These dickheads live in such a small, low knowledge world that runs on conspiracy theories that they truly do not understand the “real” world.

Like little kids “But I want to and my friend has done it and it wooooorrrrks…so *stamps foot* just LET ME! The rules are STUPID!”


“I have a secret….shhhhh….if you pay me $1 I will tell you and you can have all the secret information that the grown ups don’t want you to know *pout* *baby voice* because they are MEAN and BOSSY and DON’T CARE AND THEY DON’T KNOW BETTER! I am 13 and I know more than MY MEAN, BOSSY PARENTS”

just replace grown ups with government and kid with conspiracy theorists.
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As somebody who so desperately wants to stay alive for her daughter, she’s still drinking? People stop drinking for far less.
I don’t know a single person who is going through serious cancer treatment who is still drinking. If it’s not the illness making you feel shifty, it’s the treatment. I have a bad cold at the moment and I’ve jacked it in.
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Ok I want to preface this with a couple of things:

1. I’ve met Kate, but don’t really know her.
2. I have no idea if she’s legit or a scammer.
3. I knew most of what Pablo had shared prior to seeing it and think he did a fair job representing some of the concerning things about this clinic.
4. This is going from my recollection so I might not have everything completely straight but I’m fairly confident this is based on exactly what she has said:

- She did see an new oncologist before she left for her treatment in Mexico.
- She is taking traditional cancer medicine too, the same one that they know worked last time.
- even the doctors at the place where she is at have openly said they don’t know if it’s the cancer drugs getting the results or what they’re doing.
- She must have legit had the terminal diagnosis as her life insurance was paid out, you do have to jump through hoops for that
- she largely self funded her own treatments the last time she did do some “fundraising” but as the treatment is $60k per block and I think she did 4 blocks (with one of them donated by h4c) I doubt she would have sold nearly enough hats and necklaces.
- she knows it sounds a bit kooky but last time she was out of options and this is what saved her so this time she didn’t hesitate.

things I don’t like so much:
- I do suspect she’s getting some kind of kickback from h4c. I would think it’s highly unusual that they would gift a treatment (how do they decide who??) and also she has documentary and book connections that are also somehow linked to h4c.
- She does kind of romanticise the treatment when the reality is that if you do your research it really is a Hail Mary. The thing you try out of desperation when there are no other options.
- I think it’s super weird that Olivia keeps going there. Olivia has her fingers in a lot of pies and is very money motivated. I know they’ve become friends but it still seems weird she’s been there twice in Kate’s stay this time.

So not sharing this to defend or accuse, just my observations outside of what Pablo shared. I don’t like the way she promotes h4c almost like an influencer she should be sharing as “this is a desperate decision and I have no idea if it works, but I’m willing to try anything”, but I do think Kate will respond head on (she usually does) and I do think she’ll provide receipts.
If she doesn’t that will be telling.

I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if she pops in here or if she addresses all the comments on her insta. I think that would shut things down quickly if she can address.

You say she saw a new oncologist before she left. Do you know why a new one? Is this because she shunned all traditional medical supervision and cut ties with her doctors when she returned from the last trip to Mexico, like she bragged about doing?

See, this is the part that is very problematic for me. Hope4Cancer did not save her last time, like she claims. Like she has been paid to say by the clinic (accepting their donation of free treatment for promotion is payment). They just fucking didn’t. They are pumping her full of sham treatments and delusions. If she had any reprieve from her cancer it was only because of the traditional medicine she continued under the advice of qualified scientists and doctors at home and it is what she has fallen back on now that she stuck her head in the sand and woke up one morning coughing up blood. Yet she chooses to emphasize the “life saving” powers of this place. Her convincing others to bankrupt themselves to pursue this dangerous treatment is beyond unethical. All while she traipses through waterfalls, has her daughter flown in, is dining on gourmet meals and getting a beautiful bronze tan to pretend that she is getting miraculously healthy in this garden of Eden.

We may not ever know whether she is intentionally misleading or being misled. Her transparency with where the money went remains to be seen. Her transparency around her health status remains to be seen. (If she doesn’t immediately get tested when she returns and share every bit of her actual prognosis then she is being deceitful in my view.)
What I DO know is that the rhetoric she is spreading by collaborating with this criminally unqualified snake in Mexico, who is making himself wealthy beyond belief off of people’s desperation, is reprehensible.
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The way she spoke to Pablo is disgusting. ‘Youre thaaaaaat guy’ made me cringe.
I've actually followed Kate for a few years and previously thought she seemed lovely but this has really opened my eyes and Pablo explained why this is so problematic very well.
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