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Chatty Member
I just wanted to update you all, I had a scan last week and they thought they found an issue with a measurement of the baby. I have spent most of the day in hospital today in the assessment unit in manchester and the baby is very poorly and has a serious congenital health defect. They have advised us to terminate the pregnancy and I will deliver the baby next week and it will pass away. I'm beyond heartbroken and there are literally no more tears left in the world. I'm going to take a break from tattle for the time being and get through the next few weeks. I will be back soon you all make me laugh so hard I often cry and have kept me going through very tough times in the past too. Stay lucky tattlers especially quarantine mrs savage queen barb Jessica fletcher and too many too name x pls keep me and my husband in a little prayer xx 😓 I'm crying so hard I can hardly write this but it felt important to share after all your supportine messages xx love to you all x
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Charlie Farlie

VIP Member
What a crock of cunt juice!!
Someone is getting annoyed with moi. This fake account aka Sarah Sultamm, Save Olive Delamere now Charliefarlietattle is pretending to be me. 🤣🤣🤣 All under the same email account which I have pictures of with the various names, messages and the consistent email account!

Well it ain’t me never has been me and it never will be me. Tell your staff lass to stop faking it and pack the fuck in. You are deluded and this may just come back to bite you on the arse. Stop and have a think why I have these.

The sad part is that you keep crying Troll and screaming tattle! I don’t follow you and I can honestly say I keep my opinions and intellectual views for this site ONLY!

The sad part is that you had an amazing date night with Matt and then you felt the need to just randomly check yr messages and then share it on your story. A tad to convenient but hey ho let’s go!!!

This said account under so many names and horrid content to yourself and your most treasured possession ever, your child has still never been blocked or reported by yourself for abuse.


Please dry your eyes lass and set a good example by not putting your dirty mitts all over this one. You keep trying to name and shame me but alas my real name is not Charlie Farlie.

So here I am still on tattle, still having an opinion and still being vocal. If you need me I’ll be on my farm seeing to my big horse and little horse. 🐴🐴


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Kate Hayes #35 that's the worst apology we've ever heard, stop trolling yourself you gift grabbing turd.
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Kate Hayes #35 I’ve taken time out of MY day to write this thread title. Sorry for finger blasting it, I was nervous
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Charlie Farlie

VIP Member
I’ve just read all the comments between that kiss arse and the *small accounts are not allowed to be promoted, report this post* page and I have to see whoever is running this account is really articulate! And slamming the point across.

It must be someone from here who has had enough?

I’m so intrigued by it! Wonder how long is lasts before THM gets it shut down. But now the drinking video is up she won’t want anyone to see it. Whoever is running it should start tagging brands she works with to it. And the Superdrug video should be uploaded too with them tagged! I hope whichever shop she went into is taking this seriously, she genuinely needs banning for her blatant disregard and greedy nature.

But tbh it doesn’t even need to be an active poster, who knows how many people are reading these posts and having their eyes opened to this fictitious girl and her erratic ways
Is there a way of seeing how often threads are viewed, and not just commented on? It would be so interesting to see how much engagement is on this thread!👀👀👀👀👀
Generally there is about 30 regular tattlers on here, could be more or less. 🙈 Yet some of the screenshots of info that are added onto here generally have about 400 + views. Makes you wonder where the other 400 are sitting reading, watching, listening.

I’d just also like to pass on all of our ❤ ❤❤ for @Melmoo & her husband this week. Heartbreaking times for them & I’m sure us Tattlers have it on our minds regardless of our daily life’s & postings on here. 💔😞
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I’m sorry if it’s already been said, but I’ve suffered a misscarriage recently and this woman, today of all days decides to do throwback baby belly snaps?! Insensitive little bitch.
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Are olive’s shoes on the wrong feet? 😂

not to mention she’s in the dog bed again, poor thing must be so itchy 🙁
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So, I started following Kate after she had Olive and generally felt sorry for her about being "attacked by trolls"....but, she went on and on about "that website", I googled and only had to read a few bits in a few threads and realised how much of an attention seeker and liar she is! The status saying the field was her friends garden was the eye opener! What a joke! How did she even think she would get away with it?!

I get people make mistakes and you do the best to give your kids the best in life. However, I do agree with what a lot of people on here are saying. If she hadn't of cried "troll" or mentioned "that website" I wouldn't of googled to see what she was on about, and I wouldn't of seen the actual truth of what she does or the kind of person she is!

As for vaccinations for babies (I had my 2nd daughter in March) and the vaccinations are at 8 weeks, 12 weeks and 16 weeks old. There are 2 injections at each appointment. There are 2 nurses to give the injections in the thighs at the same time, so less shock for the baby. Yes, babies scream, but give them a bloody cuddle and distract them, they soon stop!

I also had to have an emergency c-section, now what normally happens is - at 6 weeks old baby and mum have their 6 week check up, but due to covid, the 6 week check appointment was merged with the 8 week vaccinations appointment. This is so the GP surgery doesn't have patients coming and going regularly. I honestly was rushed in and out so quick, as they don't want you in there. They didn't even both to give me a check over, as they wanted us out (obviously, all for safety reasons) so how she can state the GP is happy to spread the vaccinations over multiple visits doesn't sound right? Unless, she thinks she's getting special treatment having 3 appointments, 4 weeks apart for the vaccinations, which is what everyone has??

Both of my girls cried for 1 maybe 2 minutes, no reactions to the injections, no fever (in fact, it actually made both of them sleep through 12/13hrs a night, every night from the first needles) i know every baby is different, but just get on with it and get out the GP surgery and go have cuddles with your baby at home!

They also advise to give calpol on the 1st and 3rd vaccination, not the 2nd, as its the 1st and 3rd that have the Men B that can possibly cause a high temp.

Anyway...what I've also noticed is that when people on here post their ideas of what they think Kate is going to do next, within 24/48hrs she's posting that idea on her stories (or something similar) e.g someone mentioned her weaning and setting up a weaning page to get MORE free stuff...I mean GIFTED stuff! And what did she do on her stories...showed of weaning stuff she'd ordered! Someone else mentioned the fact she'd been quiet around the time Olive was 8 weeks old, as she should of got her first vaccinations then. Now all of a sudden, Kate posts about vaccinations. She's definitely reading here and using your posts as ideas, whether that be calling troll or ideas to boost her income (if thats what you call it)

Also, I love the investigation skills of finding all those random "troll" accounts to show its Kate and her crazy crew behind it all!

Its also so obviously that she's set it up, as there's proof she blocks people with opinions different then hers, but the accounts she has arranged to be set up, she leaves up! She is an attention seeker and she knows she only gets attention from crying Troll! Just look at how much reposting on her stories with people showing support for her and feeling sorry for her. People only do it when she's crying of a troll...which is herself!

I'm sure her little Olive is gorgeous and I for one would be the first to shoot someone down for saying anything about any child, but I've seen nothing on here bad about Olive. Its all your own opinions and proving to people what a fraud she is.

I've been a 'leeker' on here for about 2 weeks and I just had to rant due to her stupid comments on vaccinations.

Also, can't believe she hangs people out to dry and to be attacked, just for them having an opinion. Pot calling kettle black or what! She seems like such a bully if you don't agree with her!
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Hey Kate, because you read here 🙋‍♀️ can I ask where you get your evidence from that mental health issues killed more people than covid last month? See, I've looked into it myself and the ONS haven't released any firm data on it so wondering if you've got a special source I don't know about?

At best guess approx. 11 more people died of suicide in August this year than of Covid (thats about the same figure as died of suicide in 2019 so not exactly caused by restrictions then were they?). Using such a tiny difference to outright state one is more deadly than the other seems very misleading to me.

More likely you're chatting out your arse aren't you and repeating arguments you've seen on Facebook that suit your own agenda (that you want to be allowed to do whatever the fuck you want with no thought of protecting the vulnerable from a deadly virus).

Have a read of this before you keep repeating theories with no real basis:

This is not to say that mental health is not a killer or an extremely important issue. It's that it is damaging to use it as an excuse to do as you please. Covid is pretty much as deadly as suicide. Suicide is no more prevalent at the moment than it was last year. So just shut the fuck up and stay at home. Protect yourself, your baby, your family. Protect families and babies you don't know and will never meet because that is what kind, responsible people do. Take your tinfoil hat off and stop encouraging your young followers to be bellends.
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Chatty Member
Urgh so I haven’t commented on the last few threads cause, if I’m honest, this whopper is draining and quite clearly in need of help.

Howeverrrrr I have just watched that sarky ‘apology’ video and cannot believe the smugness of that little bitch. Once again completely missing the point. That profile commented because we are in a huge crisis in the North at the moment so it is completely irresponsible to be touching many products with no intent to buy them. Hand sanitiser at the fucking front doors of Superdrug or not. We all have a responsibility and I’m sorry love, but your ‘haul’ and your ‘good deed of the day for the peasants that can’t afford designer make up’ doesn’t make you exempt from protecting other people. I’m sorry if that’s inconvenient to your brand but tough shit. We are more than 6 months into this shit now, don’t go anywhere or do anything unnecessarily! It’s so easy. Protect the vulnerable. Why is it so hard? And why is anyone who quite rightly expresses that opinion then sneered at and called ‘Covid police’ or a ‘troll’. If you wish to be seen as a public figure expect your behaviour to be scrutinised if it’s not deemed socially acceptable. Especially if you’re dicking around and publicly laughing at something so serious. Wear your face mask, don’t be wandering round a store with it pulled down!

Ah the smugness on her face then riled me up something rotten. She’s doing us a favour...oh please. Like I’m not capable of walking into Superdrug and buying a cheap powder myself. Fuck off. I’ll take tips when you learn how to contour and overline your lips properly, looks like you borrow your fella’s trowel. Gross.
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Charlie Farlie

VIP Member
Someone clearly is STILL pissed by me. Maybe I’ve upset Anna when I called her a spanna ( spanner) I hate bad spelling!
The funny thing is they have to waste so much time changing accounts and creating accounts it just SCREAMS that it is alas them.

Please don’t obsess about me tho THM and your camp, I’m not worth it. 😉
Please change your caption from smelly to something a bit more relevant. I’m showered, tanned and smell of Black Orchid (Tom Ford)
Im not a cheap lass clearly. 🤣

Have this bugger for free courtesy of wor @MrsSavage..... You can call it first. 😉

Charlie Farlie revels the truthen, Truffs self medicates with I Bruthen.🥳
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Chatty Member
Wow sent so much shite she can’t keep up 😫😫 also WHY post a photo of your baby on the grid if you’re not gonna show her face?! She’s a fucking BABY not an A-List celeb
why does she only dress the baby in the muted colour tones of a russian peasant ? I've honestly never once seen that baby look like a girl or remotely nice ? Or I am just old fashioned and all clothes are now unisex ?!? If I do have this baby I dont want in in stone, olive green, grey or taupe !! wtaf ?!?
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Chatty Member
Thank you so much everyone for all your messages.. shed more tears reading them 😓 I cry it out then the tears dry up then I start again. I just feel like I dont want to be here anymore I feel so lost without my mum and without my baby. I would never do anything to myself but I feel so hollow and so empty and so broken and I just wonder if life is just perpetual sadness and grief. I dont want to go back to where I was when I lost my mum and my last baby when my mental health was in the gutter and I was self harming but if feels like all the work I have done since then on myself to heal has all been undone in one day I'm not even sure if that makes sense. I truly appreciate your messages and I really mean that and I'm sorry for rambling. Xx

@Redheadsrock it may be because my account is on private I think why you cannot message I will try and reset back to normal xxx
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