So, I started following Kate after she had Olive and generally felt sorry for her about being "attacked by trolls"....but, she went on and on about "that website", I googled and only had to read a few bits in a few threads and realised how much of an attention seeker and liar she is! The status saying the field was her friends garden was the eye opener! What a joke! How did she even think she would get away with it?!
I get people make mistakes and you do the best to give your kids the best in life. However, I do agree with what a lot of people on here are saying. If she hadn't of cried "troll" or mentioned "that website" I wouldn't of googled to see what she was on about, and I wouldn't of seen the actual truth of what she does or the kind of person she is!
As for vaccinations for babies (I had my 2nd daughter in March) and the vaccinations are at 8 weeks, 12 weeks and 16 weeks old. There are 2 injections at each appointment. There are 2 nurses to give the injections in the thighs at the same time, so less shock for the baby. Yes, babies scream, but give them a bloody cuddle and distract them, they soon stop!
I also had to have an emergency c-section, now what normally happens is - at 6 weeks old baby and mum have their 6 week check up, but due to covid, the 6 week check appointment was merged with the 8 week vaccinations appointment. This is so the GP surgery doesn't have patients coming and going regularly. I honestly was rushed in and out so quick, as they don't want you in there. They didn't even both to give me a check over, as they wanted us out (obviously, all for safety reasons) so how she can state the GP is happy to spread the vaccinations over multiple visits doesn't sound right? Unless, she thinks she's getting special treatment having 3 appointments, 4 weeks apart for the vaccinations, which is what everyone has??
Both of my girls cried for 1 maybe 2 minutes, no reactions to the injections, no fever (in fact, it actually made both of them sleep through 12/13hrs a night, every night from the first needles) i know every baby is different, but just get on with it and get out the GP surgery and go have cuddles with your baby at home!
They also advise to give calpol on the 1st and 3rd vaccination, not the 2nd, as its the 1st and 3rd that have the Men B that can possibly cause a high temp.
Anyway...what I've also noticed is that when people on here post their ideas of what they think Kate is going to do next, within 24/48hrs she's posting that idea on her stories (or something similar) e.g someone mentioned her weaning and setting up a weaning page to get MORE free stuff...I mean GIFTED stuff! And what did she do on her stories...showed of weaning stuff she'd ordered! Someone else mentioned the fact she'd been quiet around the time Olive was 8 weeks old, as she should of got her first vaccinations then. Now all of a sudden, Kate posts about vaccinations. She's definitely reading here and using your posts as ideas, whether that be calling troll or ideas to boost her income (if thats what you call it)
Also, I love the investigation skills of finding all those random "troll" accounts to show its Kate and her crazy crew behind it all!
Its also so obviously that she's set it up, as there's proof she blocks people with opinions different then hers, but the accounts she has arranged to be set up, she leaves up! She is an attention seeker and she knows she only gets attention from crying Troll! Just look at how much reposting on her stories with people showing support for her and feeling sorry for her. People only do it when she's crying of a troll...which is herself!
I'm sure her little Olive is gorgeous and I for one would be the first to shoot someone down for saying anything about any child, but I've seen nothing on here bad about Olive. Its all your own opinions and proving to people what a fraud she is.
I've been a 'leeker' on here for about 2 weeks and I just had to rant due to her stupid comments on vaccinations.
Also, can't believe she hangs people out to dry and to be attacked, just for them having an opinion. Pot calling kettle black or what! She seems like such a bully if you don't agree with her!