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Chatty Member
if i did that infront of my dad (which i wouldn’t)
my dad would clip me round ear even in my 30s you know why??

cus he’s a good dad not one who pervs off his daughter while licking those cat teeth
Only on a fucking Jodie Marsh thread would someone have to explicitly state that they would not flash their tits at, or near, their dad 😂😂😂😂😂
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wonder if they’re planning on doing content together hence why she’s suddenly pushing her OF again? if that’s the case her & Mark are definitely not a thing anymore…
I thought steff was trying to pull him at one of her karaoke parties. I wonder why they cropped his head off. Why would someone pay for an old bloke with a 6 pack over his keg when I can get a dick pick in my DM's for free.
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Mrs Brill

So much for eleventy million GCSEs - hasn’t got a qualification to her name apart from a photography course from Southend College! Does this fraudster tell the truth about anything?!

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I thinks it quite telling now she has admitted the police told her to stop being a drama queen! The amount of times she's said 'The police have been informed'
Haha bet they are mighty sick of her! so now she's implying they are having 'fun' with the footage 😅 yes! I expect shes old enough to be their mothers and have no doubt been having a crease up at some fat baggy middle aged police botherer getting her saggy old bits out 🤣🤣
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Still repeating the ‘11 GCSE’s’ boast. Yawn.

It’s a Law degree you’ll be needing after the shitstorm you’ve caused yourself, you bigheaded cunt
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She's pissing me off with this "my neighbours are harassing me I'm doing nothing to warrant their cameras etc" act.
My parents have a neighbour like her, atleast 10 households on the street have made police reports against him, has cctv everywhere but goes mad if you film his antics, constantly posting on the towns Facebook group about my elderly dad, posted horrid things about me and I don't even live in the same town anymore. Claims he's done nothing to anyone and the neighbours all have a hate campaign against him. Do you know what I think?
The guiltiest dog barks the loudest. Hope this goes to court and she gets her arse handed to her the vile cow. Bullying pensioners and families who've lived happily there for years with no trouble until she came along, but yeah of course it's them that's the problem and not her.
I have a neighbour like her I think that's why I'm so drawn and invested in this.

My neighbour gets people on side with her crying ( she can cry at the drop of a hat) and her so sweetness. I have never had any problems before, all the other neighbours like me whereas she has rowed with them all, she does not have any old friends only new ones ( I have new and old) Each time she gets new friends she drags them into our drama and they take the piss out of me shout at me, laugh at me, then, as suddenly as they came onto the scene they are gone and all goes quiet again until she meets another lot. rinse and repeat. I also have a huge folder of letters from housing, council and noise abatement all for things she does not me, but like Jodie she turns what she does into what you do and so complains about me all the time.

Sounds like Jodie eh?

I feel so sorry for her neighbours right now it's exhausting and it makes your world so small and intense
I even feel sorry for her ex-friends as it must be hard knowing you got dragged into fake drama and when you realise the truth of it you are suddenly public enemy No1 and you are part of the new drama, on and on it goes.

I do not feel sorry for those who have known her for a while and let her get away with this time and time again. If she was my daughter, I would be ashamed and back right away from her until she stopped this absolute bullshit. Her dad knows what she is doing and allows it, I suppose when she is doing something like this she is not bothering him as much as normal. Shame on him and anyone else who doesn't at least try to put the truth out there or stop her.

The thing with her followers is they are not as invested as we are, they don't watch as many videos as we do, so don't see what we see, all they see are these nasty people being awful to this lovely woman who is trying to do a good thing. The difference with me is if so many people were being unkind to someone so lovely, I would look closer because I know so many hide behind fake kindness to do awful deeds.

Sorry for the novel. I'm a bit stressed as I am having my garden done today and I know my neighbour will be jealous and it all might kick off again. if not now it will in the summer as it is new friend time and she holds onto her bitterness for as long as needed
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Who cares if the neighbours join tattle? Tattle had Jodie threads before she had these neighbours.
I don’t think tattle have caused or allowed the death of any animals.
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Chatty Member
She can't sleep?! Better not let the CBD company see that, thought she was having BEST SLEEP EVAAAHHHH
She ( nor her followers) have the sense they were born with. Every post she makes she contradicts either on the same post or one a little while after.

My animals are very quiet no noise here. Yes, Haley howls loudly all the time and shows videos of the donkeys and the geese doing what donkeys and geese do and that makes noise, as do many of the other animals, constant builders noise, and bikes revving Karaoke parties with them shouting at the neighbours to make it even more interesting.

I'm terrified to go into my garden. Always in the garden and always trying to aggravate those people she is terrified of.

Never have the sayings give someone enough rope, or digging their own grave, have been more apt than with Jodie
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Mrs Brill

Police are involved 😂

Oh and no one wants to crawl into your dirty, flabby, unwashed carcass, Jodie. If anything, exposing your lies and sham rescue seems to be getting under YOUR skin a tad, eh?

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Jodie's animal slaughterhouse is as muddy as ever. Possibly even muddier.

Jodie has accused her neighbour of being a nonce.

The Kaotic Angel Nomads are attempting to intimidate the neighbours with face masks and revving their penis substitutes. They certainly don't act like former law enforcement.

Jodie couldn't get Darren - the world's BEST EVAH animal trainer - to 10,000 likes on IG. There's been no word on a forfeit though as Jodie doesn't like to lose.

The genet is most likely dead.

Sound for a Pound has come and gone with no word of the total raised.

The fox has been named Flinty after Keith Flint, but there's no word of how much that competition raised either.

Mark is probably on the way out but Jodie has her eyes set on a builder who has a Youtube channel!

Nicky Johnson hasn't been around for ages.

Steph is MIA
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Who cares if the neighbours join tattle? Tattle had Jodie threads before she had these neighbours.
I don’t think tattle have caused or allowed the death of any animals.
Exactly, it's not illegal to slag people off on the internet. Even if they did join and said "hi, I'm noncey mcnonce, I live next door to Jodie and she does X, Y and Z and I really hate living next door to her" they're allowed to do that. Contrary to popular believe among bellends, Tattle is not the dark web of trolls, just a gossip site, and the neighbours are allowed to talk about her online in the same way she is allowed to talk online and in newspapers about them. Well hypothetically, since ironically she defames them constantly, which is illegal.
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Chatty Member
I actually can't believe that she is saying "well I purchased these lipsticks 10 years ago so it's ok to still use them as I wasn't vegan when I bought them" 👀 as if just because she bought them before she was vegan means it's ok to use them 😂😂😂😂


Also 10 year lipsticks 🥴🥴🥴🤮🤮🤮

Does anyone know the brand of beef crisps Jodie buys? Because unless they are from a vegan range then that is also a vegan fail 🫠
I bet Mark hasn't had his lipstick out in ages.
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Hang on, I’ll sort this out.

Clears throat…

”Excuse me Genet Alias…but is your real name N0ncey McN0nce?”


Not her neighbour.
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Chatty Member
has anybody seen this
View attachment 2758149
Jodie Marsh's zoo


how long does it normally take for you to discover and remove one of your dead animals? Can anyone guess how long it took Jodie Marsh to find her dead emu last weekend? 6 hours? 12 hours? Or 24 hours?
Fella is fuming as I’ve made him jump laughing at the caption on the illustration on that thread - “How I imagine Jodie Marsh flashed her neighbours whilst standing next to her dad” because it is just insane isn’t it. I see no lies on that thread and if it’s one of our lot then I love ya.

Can you IMAGINE if the shoe was on the other foot and her neighbours had done that?! The irony of her calling her neighbour a Nonce when the police want to speak to her over a sex offence. It is only Jodie who could see herself a victim here.

I am genuinely confused as to how Jodie considers herself to be vulnerable and how exactly she feels her life is under threat. She is absolutely not vulnerable. She has fucking guard dogs, cameras and someone is always there as we all know she cannot be alone. She doesn’t have any of the characteristics of what professionals would use to class someone as vulnerable. Why does she feel like her life is under threat? Because her neighbours have security cameras? She is taking away the stories of genuine victims here, she really is beyond contempt for me.

And I swear she is trolling us now by literally trying create a pet graveyard. I hate to break it to you Jodie but the whole place seems to be a graveyard. What sort of mad Cunt thinks that is appropriate? Is it even legal? I can’t say we covered that during qualification, or something I’ve seen in practice because no one else I’ve seen is stupid enough to try and do it so I can’t comment on legalities but surely there must be some laws about burying a fucking mongoose in a residential garden, sorry, deathcamp for animals

It is the animals and everyone around her that are vulnerable and harassed, not Jobby Marsh
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"Do I have to die by one of their hands before the police listen to me that I am scared and vulnerable"

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She's pissing me off with this "my neighbours are harassing me I'm doing nothing to warrant their cameras etc" act.
My parents have a neighbour like her, atleast 10 households on the street have made police reports against him, has cctv everywhere but goes mad if you film his antics, constantly posting on the towns Facebook group about my elderly dad, posted horrid things about me and I don't even live in the same town anymore. Claims he's done nothing to anyone and the neighbours all have a hate campaign against him. Do you know what I think?
The guiltiest dog barks the loudest. Hope this goes to court and she gets her arse handed to her the vile cow. Bullying pensioners and families who've lived happily there for years with no trouble until she came along, but yeah of course it's them that's the problem and not her.
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Well she’s gone very quiet about the neighbours, police etc. Suspiciously quiet.

Lots of deflection - bodybuilding photos, motorbike photos and now in her latest Facebook post she has wheeled out Mabel.

The comments are predictably nauseating and fawning but this one made me gag. These people walk amongst us. These people are why we have “do not drink” labels on bleach bottles.

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I'm shocked at the people who keep asking if she will open to the public...I mean seriously, it's a house with a large garden with houses either side....someone make it make sense....why didn't she just buy a small holding or farm, and don't get me started on scrounge for a pound....sell your own stuff to support your abducted/ purchased pets!!!!! ...ooooooo it makes me so mad 🤬
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