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Chatty Member
Has Jodie not thought that maybe she install some proper hard standing with drainage canals down the side like a proper farmyard would be more appropriate than what looks like a temporary fix?
She could then sweep and hose them out like they do in proper farms and rescues. Everything is so halfassed with her. Some of her wooden sheds look like they’re straight onto the mud/grass so they’ll rot and get pests coming in. How she hasn’t been prosecuted I don’t know.
Norfolking, don’t be coming on here offering good, sensible, reasonable advice or I shall have to get my guard dogs out. Police informed of this comment.
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I genuinely hope this all plays out in public and she’s proven to be as fucking mental as she’s coming across. How her fans are lapping up her story is beyond me.

Sadly, people like her rarely get their comeuppance.
Keep the faith Diddi! So far we have:

- open investigation into indecent exposure to pensioners (criminal)
- clear, unambiguous breaches of planning laws and land covenants (criminal)
- harrassment and stalking of neighbours (criminal)
- defamation of character of several neighbours, including a sitting local councillor (civil law)
- by her own admission neighbours have reported her to RSPCA
- Peta have received detailed complaints of her animal cruelty and hoarding
- Impending noise abatement notices (criminal)

All the evidence of the allegations against her has been provided by her to a large online audience, no doubt screenshotted and logged by all relevant parties.

She's making a complete fool of herself (plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose) and incriminating herself further with every action and utterance.

She's fucked, absolutely fucked. Not even Parge's millions can get her out of this mess because only a small portion of it involves civil law.

I don't even believe she's taken real legal advice, probably just had DM's with some halfwit fan who did Law GCSE. Any decent solicitor would have told her to stop speaking about all this and attempt some kind of mediation process or compromise.

I just can't see how she can 'win' against all these various parties, authorities and organisations.
Wonder if she got arrested today?
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Well-known member
I have decided that I would actually be willing to crawl into Jodie's skin and actually be her!
While I'm there I shall ensure ALL the animals are rehomed to places that they will be cared for' by people that actually know what they are doing and that aren't mentally ill hoarders with npd.
I would then apologise profusely to the neighbours.
I would also enjoy some chips cooked in the deep fat fryer because I wouldn't want my own body to look like a rumbly pumply but... when in Rome :)
Note to add. There would be no wanking involved....
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Thread title suggestion:

Threatening police, flashing OAPs. Jodie's tits hang down to her knees.
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Marmalade Atkins

VIP Member
How many marriages and relationships has she had since the Mush days?

I've been in the same relationship since 1999 so 🤷🏼‍♀️ 😂

And, Jodie, we had a break from you for over a decade but we've slowly gathered here, unplanned, on these threads from 2019 onwards because you're still an absolute dickhead 👍🏻
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VIP Member
I genuinely hope this all plays out in public and she’s proven to be as fucking mental as she’s coming across. How her fans are lapping up her story is beyond me.

Sadly, people like her rarely get their comeuppance.
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I hope Jodie does send flying monkeys here, they'd have their arse served to them within minutes.

I'd also be interested in their views on old blogs like the one where she declares her greatest sexual fantasy is to have sex with a school uniform-clad minor. Or the OF video from last year where she says they only did the photoshoot with Nina because she looks like a "young, little boy" (don't bother deleting it Jodie, it's been screen recorded).

We're not speculating about what Auschfripps is really like - we get shown by Jodie herself. We're not speculating about her harrassing and defamng her neighbours - we get shown by Jodie herself. All evidence of her wrong doing is provided by Jodie. Only here, unlike Instagram stories, the evidence doesn't disappear after 24 hours, it's permanently recorded.

We have receipts for everything we say about Jodie Exotic. Everything.

So if you're thinking of flying this way, Jodie's flying monkeys, then fly away somewhere else my pretties. Unless you want to make fools of yourselves.
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Well looks like she has made a mint from the fb comments on her latest beg. Loved this comment though!!
Ah yes, that commenter is very smart indeed.... haha
Unfortunately I've not been able to get the pigs out of there, but very interesting reply from the place I contacted!!! Won't name them as Jodie reads here and don't want her ruining this sanctuary's life and accuse them of harassment or being VJBs


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Chatty Member
I’ve just watched the new enclosure/DWA video and another posted today where she’s asking Mark to build her a shelf to cut their cucumber and peppers and thinking about putting a fridge under the shelf (bad idea but when does she think about health, hygiene and safety of herself leg alone animals). She then throws her arms around Mark and says “I love you”.

I’m so sick of her. She needs to stop the hoarding. Whatever’s coming (probably Lemurs) isn’t being ‘rescued’. They’re family pets, from a private collector. These are hardly in any danger and yet she’ll think nothing of begging for donations got their (her) ongoing support. Absolute cunt.
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Original SoulMate Kyle

Well-known member
Crawl into her skin? After she has just posted a video saying she doesn't shower and goes off to kiss skunks?

And Jodie. Unlike you I can afford to take nice holidays when I want, I have plenty of things in my life that you don't have like relatives who talk to me, a long-term relationship, a career, and a sound circle of mates who I've had for over 20 years.
I think you could have had those things too if you were willing to listen, but your laziness and arrogance over the years means you're living hand-to-mouth at 45 years of age and you're still sponging off your dad.
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Chatty Member

I’m not “sleeping”!!!!!!!!!!!!!. But I’d also like to recommend these CBD gummies and Oil for the best night’s sleep EVAH. I’m really stressed and fearing for my life but these CBD!!!! things cure all of that. I’m living my best life EVAH outside with my animals but I’m scared to go outside my own PROPERTAAAEEE!!!!!

You better read this post or I’m reporting it to the police who are a joke, imbeciles and stupid weirdos and I’ll call it “harassment” as I have screenshots and video evidence of the the lack of likes over the past years. I WILL TAKE THIS FURTHER!!!!!!!!

I’ve thrown in some random punctuation to make the above sound scary and official.

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Chatty Member
I'm so intimidated and too scared to even go into my garden.

But Jodie the amount of videos you post of crowds of men and a biker gang all in your garden making as much noise as they can says you are a liar.

How do her followers not see how she contradicts herself all the time, sometimes even on the same post?

She allows her followers to think she has this farm in the middle of nowhere and the neighbours have no right to be there when the neighbours are on their own property or public paths.

My one wish for this year would be to see her finally fully exposed for what she is.
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Chatty Member
The vets she owes £9500 isn’t even part of a big chain it’s an independent one 🤦‍♀️
It's totally irresponsible to run up a vet bill like that. H&J have overheads, staff to pay, equipment and drugs to buy, fuels costs etc. Idiots on her Facebook page were suggesting the vets do it for nothing because she's a "charity!" For God's Sake! She is an animal hoarder who doesn't give a shit about the animals when she isn't on camera. That vet bill is her responsibility yet she is buying and hanging glass prints of herself in a stupid beanie hat and going out for facials. Her priorities are all wrong. A lot of my friends on FB are vets and vet nurses in the area. I have made sure they are aware of the H&J bill and the conditions at Fripp's, just in case she changes vets. Like any industry though vets talk amongst themselves.
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Well-known member
Not one but FIVE IG stories about her collection of crap hats/bags and hideous taste in home decor. That room is on a par with the house for sale on Purple Bricks that’s been doing the rounds on SM, done up like a chav caravan. It actually hurts my eyes. And what was the point hanging up all those clothes that she can’t even fit one leg/arm into any more? I bet the room smells like a charity shop with all the outfits she wore and sweated in and then shoved into black bin bags. Also love the way she excused the fact that she wasn’t able to tidy up due to being a fat lazy cunt the stress of being ‘stalked and harassed’ and how she described it as ‘a lovely guest bedroom’. Yeah, lovely if you’re Andrea Bocelli
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VIP Member
Bollocks was that wallpaper free! Brands like Divine Savages and Muck N Brass don't give stuff away free in return for 'promotion'. They're a luxury brand.

Makeup that's ten years old :sick:
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Chatty Member
has anybody seen this
View attachment 2758149
Jodie Marsh's zoo


how long does it normally take for you to discover and remove one of your dead animals? Can anyone guess how long it took Jodie Marsh to find her dead emu last weekend? 6 hours? 12 hours? Or 24 hours?
Over 24 hours and she had to be told by the nasty neighbours because no one had noticed or checked on the animals.. Just like the goat with it's horn stuck in the fence.
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