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VIP Member
Yes I saw that, she comes across as a serial moaner, so would have thought she would have been on here by now defending her heroine
They haven’t been on since 5.20 about the time beans train would be in Eastbourne 😂
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KUMBAAAYAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHRRRR. I remember taking a screenshot at the time because I couldn’t believe how fucking ugly she looked with the wobbly gob wide open 😂 that stupid filter makes it look like she has jizz on her face 🥴

View attachment 1973034
You must have your own Janeykins classic file saved 😂 look how much timber she’s piled on since then. I’m sure Hudson got some MLJ pwoducts to try.
The filter 😂
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We know tiny reads what is here and if he honestly still thinks she’s an amazing wife and person then sorry but he can’t be helped , I understand it must be hard for him the guy has zero confidence but if he don’t get out now he’s gonna really hate what’s coming , a life of even more misery and mental breakdowns
If I was him I’d have it out with her about the things she’s said online about his mum , that would be a natural thing to do , but he won’t because he’s scared and knows she will make his life even more of a hell , because it would all be about her and her feelings
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I don’t see how ‘working’ afternoons and evenings like she does now is preferable. I would rather do what she did before, up early and work a few hours, do chores when I got home (not that she did), then do fuck all for the rest of the day, even having time for a nana nap 😂 now she lies in until lunchtime and has to play catch up in the evenings. I think deep down she is full of regret but will never admit it. She had it made before IMO.
Not sure she has regrets. It what she’s always wanted not having to go to work. Even if they were totally skint she wouldn’t regret it she would be filling in applications forms for Charlie to get a second job 👍

Agree her hours and life seemed better before. No messy stock taking up room in the flat, afternoons and evenings completely free. Guaranteed income with paid holiday and sick pay. Discount on food.

It’s not like she’s making much more with what he’s doing now I might understand it if she worked hard and was building a proper sustainable business but it’s reached its maximum potential and people will soon (already are) bored of it
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Blimey we all knew she'd got big but has it really come to a drone being needed to get the head tilt & hide the chins camera angle???
She must realise that the shit arse filter she uses on these to make the colour look vibrant totally wash the label out so you cant read it. Oh sorry....this is Chins we're talking about, I was confusing her with a business owner who has half a brain...
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She doesn’t turn on TikTok shop during the games night.
I’m not sure if it’s just when tiktok shop is on or not tho, like if their filter that picks up when you say ‘website’ also picks up ‘lucky dip’ etc. even when the shop is off. It’s all very confusing 😂 like is it tiktok in general or tiktok shop only? I think tiktok have mistaken ‘lucky dip’ for like a lottery lucky dip and lumped them in with gambling, because with the amount of people that do them, surely it loses tiktok commission on sales if they ban it? Apparently you can’t say ‘banned’ on lives now either, how weird is that.
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[I can’t make out what it is 😂
I thought it was dessert with some kind of sauce with nuts :D
Can’t be desert there is still bread and butter on the side untouched
Yeah to be fair, I did wonder what the fuck it was on that plate. Is harvester one of those places where you just go round and fill your plate up with whatever shyte you want out of the bufffutt thing or do they take orders? I think I went some where similar for my nans 80th but not sure if it was a harvester or not, I seem to have mostly erased the experience from my memory. Says a lot though when a 30 something picks the same place as an 80 yr old for a meal out.. 😂
Looks like one of them salad bars where you help yourself and if a fat cnut obviously pile it all on
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The change in him within a few years is shocking I’d doubt any of his old buddies would recognise him now, he’s completely flat no spark there at all.
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Tiny made this one and she said she feels sorry for him as it’s no work of art 


Said she was the one who created the manifest wax now everybody does it  wow proper crazy 
there were loads of people before her! What was that wax company she worked with before? They even came round to do a demonstration and she was an ambassador for awhile I think.
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Has she been on since that person came on to have a go about the postage like a big freak? 😄
This is her day of rest 😂 she only came on yesterday because the bean was at footie, I think he wanted to go to the grave today that’s why she bought him the butterfly 🦋
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