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I don’t even enjoy working out or exercise.....and I had an exercise bike, still have a set of weights, kettlebells and resistance bands in the hope it will motivate me to do something! Lol!
I'm hoping it will motivate me soon again, as once I get into it I really enjoy working out 😂 But I'm only 11 weeks post partum so I'm not putting too much pressure on myself at the moment

I definitely think Carys is answering Tattle with her stories about her ‘mummy MOT’ and returning to exercise. Comments about her rushing back to exercise so she has to give her smug response as always
100%, that goodlucknic only had her MOT (😂) a few days ago so Carys was probably frantically trying to book the closest one she could get, so she could say she was given the green light to exercise. Probably would have travelled to Scotland if she had to🤣🤣
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I'm sorry she's 3 weeks post partum and is banging on about plans for a home gym. calling BS on all her body positivity recently then on taking her time and not rushing into anything, she clearly wants to workout and is probably upset her body didn't bounce back and isn't as small as it used to be a few years ago. Carys you've not even had your 6 week check up yet and barely worked out through pregnancy🙄
I dont know what to think about it to be honest. I feel like if she was so concerned about how she looks she would eat healthier? Totally agree she shouldn't be exercising or anything until its been cleared and safe to do so (although she didn't actually say anything about when she would start) but I thought it was quite good that she's being realistic and saying I'll do home workouts when I can fit something in rather than expecting to just go straight back into the gym after loads of time off and the physical stress of child birth? I think I would genuinely be the same wanting to get back into working out regardless of what my post pregnancy body looked like (although I can definitely say I would eat healthier than she did and continue working out as long as I could through pregnancy if I wanted to).
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If they’re a stay at home mum then yeah I can see why they’d mostly do the washing, but most of the time, if both partners are working then both of them do the washing (in my experience).
Yeah I suppose you’re right. I’m too much of a control freak anyway so even if he offered I wouldn’t let him do it, he brings the money home so the kids/housework is my way of being part of the team

James does the cooking and cleaning
Carys keeps amber swaddled and makes sure she stays fast asleep 24/7
That’s a very hard job.. can’t you tell by the vlogs🤣🤷🏽‍♀️😉
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with the job title of “influencer” where their literal job is to attempt to influence others then in my
Opinion they do hold responsibility to cater for people’s triggers, as they have chosen their job to be posting things to influence others thoughts and have tons of followers. So therefore they should expect to be actually thinking about what they post knowing that their audience that they are trying to “influence” may be triggered over certain topics.

Also it’s just about being a decent human being. knowing you have a large following which could include women who can’t breastfeed and women who could get hurt over the posts why would you then choose to plaster it all over social media? Yes it does swing both ways so people are allowed to think negatively of what she posts and how often. If it does help new mums that’s great but people are also allowed to be upset over what she posts and the frequency without others attempting to say it’s invalid because that’s not what she was doing
not saying anyone isn’t allowed to be annoyed or upset over her posting 😊 everyone is entitled to their opinion of course!
Just putting my view on it and spin it the other way incase anyone may not of thought of that that’s all!
That’s the beauty of this world we all think differently can can help open minds and eyes to other opinions 😁
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Is it just me or does it annoy anyone else when they talk about ‘reality’ when in REALITY most fathers do not stay at home 24/7 so all of the ‘routines’ this and that would be done solely by the Mother.. I have 2 kids and I’m alone with my two from 7am-4pm 5 days a week.. it’s lonely 🤷🏽‍♀️
Agree Deffo not reality! Im the same alone with my 12 week old from 1pm till 11pm cause my partner is working!
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I don’t believe it is the same though, because we’re not looking at the feelings behind it here. It is facts that many women feel completely insecure and like a failure for not being able to breastfeed, there’s literally tons of pressure around being able to do it and therefore through influencers posting constant pictures about how they can do it and how they soak their tops through how much they leak can be extremely triggering for those women who haven’t been able to do it, and therefore, for example have developed PND or have a low sense of self because they weren’t able to breastfeed. When they take on the job role of an influencer like Carys, then they surely have to accept that with a following that big, they need to be more responsible over what they’re posting and think more than others how their posts come across to people who can’t do the same thing as them.

also many women and parents in general don’t post pictures bottle feeding because that comes with judgements of its own- e.g “breast is best” (which scientifically it is but that still doesn’t take away the hurt when a formula feeding mother hears that statement), or how can you give that baby formula, it’s dangerous for them. That sort of thing.

i think lots can be said for both scenarios. I don’t believe we should be able to tell people what they can and can’t post on their Instagrams but I do think with influencers there’s an element of frustration and annoyance that is validly held when they don’t seem to be considering their followers possible feelings in what they post because surely being an influencer they need to accept all parts of the job, which is ultimately what they post will be being observed by people who haven’t done the same thing as them and therefore can be extremely hurt by what they’re seeing on their page if it is constant pictures of breastfeeding for example like Carys does. As much as I don’t think we should be allowed to say Carys should never post pictures of breastfeeding, I also don’t think we should be allowed to question why others get annoyed by these photos and hurt, because we’re all humans with our own struggles and therefore are allowed our own opinions on what she posts. It is just a shame that society doesn't always respect both choices, e.g- you get judgement for formula feeding, and judgement for breastfeeding. After all, on the surface they are just ways to feed a baby but it does deeply affect people!
I agree those concerns are completely valid. I was referring to the sexualisation of BF in the thread rather than the overall BF vs FF sensitivities. Those are completely valid and I wouldn’t dream of being dismissive of those.
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Does anyone know the brand of the baby sling? It looks so handy with the one panel at the back! I spend ages faffing trying to use mine which is just one long strip of fabric.
koala baby care cuddle band 😊 I've got a long strip of fabric too and someone recently happened to recommend this one to me so recognised it straight away 😂
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I gotta defend them on this one actually, it just seems like they're new parents trying to work out the right thing to do / what works for them. Maybe routines or waking every 3 hours for feeds isn't "the right" thing to do (although who really knows what is really "right"), but it's hardly harming Amber. They'll figure it out.

Okay, I'm ready to be sent me off the rave threads now!!! 😂😂
It’s easy to see it from both sides I think. I can
Remember the push for routine because everyone said it would be easier but also in hindsight I knew following his lead was much easier. The longer you get into parenting the more you settle and it really does take time like you said. I think perhaps if you’re an anxious person then babies can be harder than you think too. I don’t suffer with it, so I don’t know but I can imagine it would be rough.
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Babies do not need shoes! They shouldn’t have a pair on shoes on until they are confidentially walking, it might look cute but it damages their feet! I hate seeing babies in ‘cool’ little shoes it’s really not cool.
I do too!
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I didn’t say it was ok to be mean about one person than another 😂 i said simply that Instagram vs reality is BS. We’re all on tattle to have a moan and whinge ffs. I’ll happily call carys out for many things but her appearance as a post partum mother I think is a low blow.

Alright LITERALLY eating yourself to GD isn’t possible BUT making terrible food choices etc etc is just as bad for BOTH OF THEM. Both of them made/make bad choices and it should be called out. Likewise with Darby, I’m not gonna bang on about because it’s a Carys thread, it’s just as dangerous when it’s providing a false portrayal the exact same with Carys and the endless sleeping everyone goes on about. If people are mis informing people because of the size of their audience, yes they should be called out.

I’m not sticking up for Carys or raving about her I’m simply saying people nit picking about greasy hair yet simultaneously saying she’s not realistic is just such a contradiction.
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View attachment 572879
is it me or is that just terrible photoshop 😂 other than the random black line and pixilation (which she claims insta does), her arm seems to go down flat from the elbow in a straight line then curve down and up towards her wrist? that's not normal surely, you'd expect the whole thing to be in a sort of curve, or whole thing in straight line?
I don’t think it’s photoshop (as photographer) it would be v difficult not to warp anything with the background being tiles as it would knock on the effect of the lines quite obviously
Think it’s just a weird angle
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VIP Member
I'm hoping it will motivate me soon again, as once I get into it I really enjoy working out 😂 But I'm only 11 weeks post partum so I'm not putting too much pressure on myself at the moment

Omg! Lol! At least you have an excuse not to be doing it! I’ve never had kids, I hate absolutely hate exercise! I constantly buy things in the hope it will motivate me but it just doesn’t 🙈 I hate it! Congratulations though on the new baby :) x
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It wasn’t gifted Carys made it clear in a video that they bought it.
yes, I couldn't remember which one it was for the pumps, thank you 😂 makes it seem more like a waste if they don't get used then, but that amount of money probably doesn't mean anything to them. Think for both it is around £500 😱, I'd hate to spend that much to potentially not use them
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I think the line on the tiles is the string from the balloon. Also agree the bits on the top are creases/rollls similar to the ones further down.
I think the bracelets are cutting in too because she’s pushing her arm up against her boob which in turn is squishing the bracelets into her wrist. She’s basically framed her tit with her arm there. She’s pushing her shoulder forward to look slimmer and it’s ended up looking really awkward.
yeah the balloon thing makes sense now I've relooked. just hard to tell on some things because whatever filter she must use pixelates and distorts stuff so makes it look badly edited at times😂😂
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I know guidance on the sleeping aids they have are basically to not use them 🥴 but I have no problem really with them using them in a supervised way as that's safer than using it as a crib insert apparently (no judgement for anyone that has used one, considered one myself but never bothered). Just more shocked at the fact she has 4 places to sleep, 5 if you include her actual cot in the nursery too😂 they said the whole reason for the moses basket was so they didn't have to keep moving the snuzpod around. oh well, if you've got the money, as those sleepyhead are usually around £150 each
I guess the way I see it is she’s a first baby and they’re well off so they can throw money at it which isn’t always the case for everyone!
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