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People get passionate about infant feeding, not necessarily anything to do with carys in particular and thinking 'the sun shines out of her arse'.
my comment was more to do with the fact that it seems people can't make any negative criticism about carys since she gave birth. like suddenly people on here seem to absolutely love her or get defensive if you say a bad thing.

but moving on to those stickers 😂 saw that she followed that company and a hot tub company... hopefully she doesn't get a gifted hot tub for summer 🙄😂
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What are these terrible night sweats she’s having ? Is it to do with breastfeeding?
I've been breastfeeding (baby is 7 weeks) and I had night sweats for first 2 ish weeks, not as bad as hers sound though. I think it is a thing people do just get after birth as hormone levels decrease
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Ofcourse any parent would be grateful to have one child let alone multiple but does anyone else get the feeling they would be quite disappointed to have a boy/boys? Like even before they knew the gender I'm pretty sure I heard them mention a few times they wanted a little girl and didn't really discuss a boy- Maybe they already knew the gender and that's why but idk??
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Chatty Member
Yeah but everyone’s reality vs Instagram is different! My own Instagram is not at all like my real life day to day (tired, stressed, days where my son drives me wild) yet my Instagram would show otherwise. I put out what I want out. I don’t post stories of my toddler screaming cos whilst it’s relatable it’s not fun for anyone to watch it is?!

Where’s the line? I think carys is very realistic with some things. You wouldn’t catch me with my post partum stomach out for all to show!
Likewise I also don’t wanna watch her baby scream all day if she’s unsettled. Or her shitty nappies. Or her sick all the time

Just because people don’t mention things doesn’t mean that they’re not happening.

I think it’s clear that in 2021 the squares and minutes we show aren’t the full picture. If you want someone glossing over real life watch elle Darby - who’s eating her way to gestational diabetes at 30+ weeks pregnant and dresses up a growth scan as her child went from mid centile to high centile as ✨amazing✨
People were saying the same about Carys when pregnant though? She ate junk all the time and Amber was measuring big? So you’re asking where the line is but why is it okay to judge one influencer and not another for doing what we perceive to be the same things as each other?

so its ok to be mean about Elle Darby but not Carys?
Carys has mentioned Ambers poonamies how many times? (incase you dont know what that is, its a poo tsunami)
this thread is so confusing it a threat to moan about people or applaud them?
is it about Carys and James or Elle Darby and her bf ?
Have to agree with this, seems a bit hypocritical to ask where the line is in regards to what we judge influencers for and say about them and then go on to judge Elle Darby for what the OP perceives as glossing over real life.

also, I doubt they would have shared the "real" stuff if they didn't read here that it is not relatable for their baby to be perfect all day every day. Even when they say she has trouble sleeping, or she was "fussy" etc, it's followed by but she's perfect all the time, so this is just a one off, look at us and our amazing baby 🙄 then all the sheep say amber is so amazing/content because they are great parents 🤢 just horrible for anyone whose baby isn't "perfect" to read, basically being told you're a bad parent.

I also don't think Carys is genuine in the post partum posts, and she is only doing it for engagement and to appear body positive still, to me she seems upset she didn't bounce back, and that she hasn't kept up her fitness for the last one and a half years. that's why she always adds in she was so restrictive when heavily into fitness (yet that isn't evident by her old vids of what she would eat in a day), just the classic I gave up and gained weight excuse 😂🙄 honestly wouldn't surprise me if she loses weight again and tries to make out she wasn't restrictive this time and got the same body back, while being all smug about it🙄🤢😂 I mean, for someone who mentions that she doesn't own scales, she managed to have a pair to weigh herself when she found out she was pregnant (as she knew how many pounds she lost in first trimester from nausea/not eating)
this 👏 couldn’t agree more
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Maybe someone has told them if they cuddle the baby too much they will spoil her? I know that’s a bit of an old school approach - or maybe they are not confident with an awake baby yet so would prefer her to be asleep when they are out and about? Especially with Carys anxiety I can imagine being in the middle of Asda and your baby starts crying would be horrible.
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I formula feed and my little girl is taking 6ozs and still is waking every 3 hrs for her next bottle defiantly doesn’t make them sleep longer. My cousins partner breastfed her baby and she was still wakening every 2 hrs at night at 6 months to be fed lol so if she plans breastfeeding her for up to 6 months to a year or whatever she decides that’s probably the way it’s gonna be so she’s just gonna have to adapt and get used to it
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I will give her that the midwives will tell you to do something but they won’t always say when to stop. Perhaps they just haven’t realised if they can stop the 3 hr feeds. I had to for the first 2 weeks and was only told I could stop when I specifically asked. Same with blowing her little face or tickling her ear if she fell asleep in the boob. I was shown to do it various times in the hospital and did it when seeing the feeding team about 3-4 weeks old, “oh you only need to do that for the first few days” they said 🤦🏼‍♀️
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My little boy is almost one, he still wakes in the night. And I'm back at work now, my daughter slept through from 9 weeks. But it didn't last, there's teething, growth spurts, developmental leaps. I don't know why they are so obsessed, there could be people out there thinking there's something wrong with their baby because they don't sleep through or don't self settle.
Mine still woke up for a drink at 3yrs 😂, but you know what, she had a drink of milk, changed/ taken to the loo and back in bed, all in about 20 minutes. I went back to sleep, so did she. I really hope Carys starts tapping into her own instincts and stops religiously following books
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they have been out with amber, they have stated its had no hat or coat on.
it was snowing, baby was out with clothes that were not suitable for the weather!
That’s what I was saying! Lol I was just saying in the beginning about checking if baby is cold or hot etc and that may of been what she meant by saying she knows her baby etc

But yeah went on to say general rule is one more layer than you etc and agreed they haven’t been doing that lately

No need to get all short we are all on the same page here 😊
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Maybe she's hiding the true extent of how things really are in the fear of James not allowing her to validate her feelings, like on the first video after they had Amber and her emotions were coming to the surface and he was talking her out of getting upset. Maybe she's pretending everything is fine and dandy for the sake of not being patronized by James. 🤷🏼‍♀️
I also think there’s a fine line to pretending everything is ok to just not talking about it - i kind of understand that perhaps she’d want to get to grips with it herself before speaking about it, yeah she’s an influencer but we don’t need to know every tiny detail like we’re owed something. I don’t talk about the shit going on in my life on Instagram but that doesn’t mean I’m not going through it! I’m sure there’s a lot of truth that James wouldn’t want it spoken about on the other hand too!
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Just watching the new vlog and I’m so shocked James does the laundry! I’m surprised my other half even knows what a washing machine is, he’s never put his own clothes away let alone take an item out of it or put one in and (no he isn’t lazy at all he does other things around the house, he’s an amazing father and works very hard at his job while I get to be a stay at home mum with my 2 babies) 💗💙
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She reminds me of a mum who went to my NCT course who potty trained this baby from 8 weeks old...

I’ve actually heard of this it’s BIZZARE, have you watched Channon rose on YouTube.. I don’t watch her but I think she did that with her baby, isn’t it called elimination communication or something like that??
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I hate when people say they don't want their kids to grow up (Carys at the start of the vlog) umm yes you do. Now that's insensitive.
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i felt like the bit when james had the camera in the kitchen and carys just appeared was so put on! she was being very over the top when she knew the camera was on her and amber!

i think she has been reading here or perhaps got alot of comment about how little she hold amber so made the extra effort in the vlog

1000% I dont think it was put on per say but I think in a job like theirs they share so much that when they dont share its assumed it doesnt happen, i do think shes probably very cuddly with amber when the camera isnt on but i also agree that this part felt staged like she had to do it because of the comments etc. i think the realest ive seen them was in the end of this vlog when carys looked knackered and they were having dinner at 9pm, sometimes thats just the reality and i think now shes changing and getting older they're experiencing that a lot more and its hit them
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again so many comments by them that seemed to be in response to here 🤣🤣 made comments about her napping all the time, by saying they don't film much when she's awake, made a comment on amber being "so advanced".

everything is still a session or play/awake time 🙄 Carys and James, your day literally has little to no schedule, so why are you trying to make your kid have one at 6 weeks old 🙄🤣
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Well-known member
Just watching the new vlog and I’m so shocked James does the laundry! I’m surprised my other half even knows what a washing machine is, he’s never put his own clothes away let alone take an item out of it or put one in and (no he isn’t lazy at all he does other things around the house, he’s an amazing father and works very hard at his job while I get to be a stay at home mum with my 2 babies) 💗💙
To be fair, he's quite a good house husband
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