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Chatty Member
I haven’t properly grunked through yet, but I feel compelled to say I have about the same amount of unopened post in my hall, thankfully not for traumatic reasons but because several previous occupants of my house have not been thorough with their address changes.

Perhaps a common occurrence in RENTED houses, no?
Babe, same. I get more post for the last occupants of my flat than for me, and we've lived here for three years!
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Jack's obv been getting pep talks! Must be wrangling for an underwear shoot... Oh Hun you just need to up your confidence! Just upload a selfie and see you'll get the BEST reaction! A few tweaks here and there hurt nobody!
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He probably finds her acting "big and hard" at the door fucking hilarious and stops by to brighten up his round. He can't know that she's an accomplished decker and shin kicker.
I'm imagining him like the postie in Ricky Gervais' "After Life"..
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Marmalade Atkins

VIP Member
She's only managed 6 new patrons so far.

ETA: just read the above comment. It was at 356 last time I looked but that was a couple of days ago. Glad it's only three tonight!
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no one should be donating to the Jack Monroe charity, it’s criminal that she’s even asking. Her poor decisions are on her.

We saw that the fan recently had donated £20 so could put pressure on her to return it, but what about the others? Is there no transparency at all with the Tip Jar feature? And I see she’s turned off the Patron total so we can’t see her monthly income like you can with some others. Why are you hiding it Jack?
quoted myself to add that I’ve just investigated the tip jar link and it’s alarmingly easy to give whatever you want with no information at all. I hoped it was a bit like a crowd fund where you see the previous donations.
There is an option to report the use of the PayPal donations feature, has anyone done it before?
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quoted myself to add that I’ve just investigated the tip jar link and it’s alarmingly easy to give whatever you want with no information at all. I hoped it was a bit like a crowd fund where you see the previous donations.
There is an option to report the use of the PayPal donations feature, has anyone done it before?
No, I looked into it but I thought you had to have donated to make a report? If not I will flag it to paypal. They are very strict.

Edit just to add there is junk mail that comes in brown envelopes.
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That Go Fund Me fundraiser was created months ago. It’s obviously a good thing that she organised it, and there have been loads of donations, but no - I don’t think she’s mentioned the Trussell Trust in the last six months. Which is weird. I have no affiliation with any charity, and have no platform, but I’ve still shared charitable causes with the various groups I’m in. I always research, donate to them myself, then share via WhatsApp. Not too taxing, is it Jack?

Same goes for her never at any point bothering to promote small businesses, locally or otherwise. It’s definitely a bit of a staunch lefty/mc bubble where I live (I’m wc tho ☝), and in class WhatsApps we’re always sharing local ideas and great service, or things to get behind. Makes sense to care about where you live, and to try and keep businesses afloat. We share things like “hi guys, the little independent coffee place on x street is still open and serving with great social distancing and PPE. It’s the best coffee round here and they’re a small family run business”. Or people have asked for people to donate food and one parent had whizzed round and collected and taken to the food bank. We’ve all made lots of tiny attempts at being kind and helpful to the community around us.

She could share about her milkman, and wherever she actually buys her food from, give them a boost. Where does she buy her son’s shoes? Flowers, greengrocers, books? Knowing she has a huge platform but uses it for exclusively her own ends, shows what a vile human she is.
Hope she’s arranged the withdrawal of the donations and payment to the charity - they could’ve been using that money
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Sentient hams is a Ruby Tandoh turn of phrase, no? Possibly related to "gammon" for Brexit/Tory types, not sure
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Congratulations to @Droosie123 for the thread title - I believe your first! 76 reactions 🎉 One used, slightly muddy Burberry scarf for you.

Recap of thread #93

  1. She got a bee in her bonnet with Krishnan Guru-Murphy for tweeting about Fareshare (the charity Marcus Rashford supports). Krishnan just doesn’t get it it, with his charity chat. Mate. Are you aware of her work, Krishnan?
  2. She don’t ‘do nothing’. Now, Jack. Don’t talk in double negatives.
  3. She took the opportunity to retweet her poverty blog, the seminal art formerly known as ‘Potatoes’. ‘Feels like it’s a good time to remind people of this.’ Why tho.
  4. Soft delicious comfort, delirium and squeak. No, not another potatoes reference - Mom’s new book is out and Jack has a copy.
  5. She then had a beef on Twitter about her mate Krishnan with Kirsty Strickland but ultimately decided to back off and ‘agree to disagree’ (translation: admit defeat to someone who can argue calmly, with reason and not ... emotively.)
  6. She started a mini-discourse on cleaning and ADHD / Autism. And then had a nap with the cat. On the mat.
  7. Rereading her own work (Potatoes) really kicked her in the feels. She had to take a step back from all the praise for Marcus Rashford and the supportive action amongst food outlets and councils for his campaign to end child food poverty.
  8. Now that she’s woken up, say does anyone have any stats on ... zzz ... stats on what it would cost to feed ... hhnngg ... and those MPs, those MPs and their fancy meals paid for by US ... ooh, eggs!
  9. People are arguing in her name so she’s stepping off Twitter. Job done.
  10. ‘It’s ok Jack. Others have taken up the baton. You can take a break if you need it.’
  11. GTAFuuuuuuuuuuuuuck.
  12. Feel it’s necessary to repost this on behalf of @Alansbigplate , because it really highlights her plight.
  13. [*]
    For new joiners to the thread, here is @Passive_Aggressive_Lemon ‘s ‘Jack for Dummies’ post (edited to include updated info):

    Thought it might be useful for new followers to have a post at the start of each thread with some info.
    Limegoss article about Jack versus Jamie Oliver :

    Thread #31 is the infamous one in which Jack turns up to talk to us directly. She makes her appearance on p. 17.

    For anyone wanting to relive the glory days of her two-week stint on Daily Kitchen Live (DKL), have a grunk a through threads 2-9.

    *** JACKISMS ***

    Jack’s most oft-used reply to questions on recipe substitutions:

    Yes, absolutely x

    Some other favourite Jack quotes:

    ‘Babe, same’

    ‘I did a chaos’

    ‘My maverick brain’

    ‘My sad little face’

    ‘I’m BUSY’


    ‘I laughed up a lung’
    One of Jack’s followers once referred to Tattlers as sad hausfraus and Jack herself has likened us to a cabal. Therefore we have become the Cabal of Hausfraus™️. She also recently referred to us as ‘gossip mavens’ (so, we are gossip trusted experts). ** Recent additions to her terms of endearment for Tattle: conspiracy wankers, obsessive groups of completely unhinged bullies, bullying ninnies, and malign, vicious bullies **

    To ‘GrunkaLunka’ your way through a thread means to catch up on posts. Named after a member who rather epically caught up on many threads in a short period of time (and is also a fearless pioneer of the space-time continuum. She really was here both Now and Then).

    Jack once threatened to use her Liam Neeson skills to TRIANGULATE our whereabouts in order to intimidate us, so that’s what we mean by that. * She may also threaten to take us to court - do not be afraid, this is not the first time and it won’t be the last. *

    Jack once sideboard modelled a Vivienne Westwood dress, seeming to infer that it’s what Viv would have wanted (as if she were dead), and then got snippy when corrected otherwise. There may be some ‘RIP Viv’ jokes (she is, of course, NOT dead)

    We sometimes joke about being on Vladimir Putin’s bitcoin payroll list for being evil trolls.

    During her stint on Daily Kitchen Live, Jack produced a godawful looking lasagne, with a thin white sauce that never thickened up, just disappeared. It was widely likened to ‘horse spunk’ - there may be some horse ‘spirit’ lasagne jokes.

    Her last-uttered line to Matt Tebutt on DKL was: ‘Thank you so Matt much, Matt’, which made us all HOOT.

    Jack ended a tweet that listed her (not unimpressive) four-and-a-half GCSE results (A*, A, B, B, C) with: ‘Now fuck off’. We sometimes like to use this in our own posts for comedic effect. We are NOT telling other fraus to fuck off, simply paying homage to Jack’s own genteel humour.

    *Back in the mists of time, one funny frau used a Jimmy Nail ‘She’s Lying’ picture to illustrate their thoughts on one of Jack’s latest tales. @Alpha Beta thought it was Novak Djokovic, the cabal hooted and Novak Nail was born. You may see reference to Jimmy Nail, Novak Djokovic, or the combination of both: Novak Nail. All demonstrate that she’s lying.*

    • She grew up in a 5-bed (mortgaged/owned) house
    • She got a £4.5k Omega watch for her 21st birthday
    • Her dad's a fucking LANDLORD (an oldy, but a goody)
    • Jack and Louisa are no longer in a relationship - in Jack’s words: ‘She [Louisa] left’.
    • Her record for staying off Twitter since the start of these threads is 114 hours and 47 minutes.
    • She is 90% vegan. The other 10% likes to nom nom on Five Guys burger and discounted chicken slices.
    • During her appearance on DKL, she was asked why some mince has a higher fat content. ‘It just does.’
    • The information held on her by Companies House has her year of birth WRONG. She was born in 1988, not 1978.
    Here is a link to Jack’s Tattle Wiki page, which also includes clips of Matt Tebutt muttering ‘Terrible!’ on Daily Kitchen Live, courtesy of @Yel) and @Bookweevil ‘s hilarious Glossary of Jack.

    We are terrible for going off on tangents and using too many gifs, so there is another thread where we don’t discuss JM but instead talk about biscuits and stuff. For good light relief when JM is doing too much chaos, come to the Food & Drink threads in Off Topic.
your summaries always remind me of why I stopped really following her thread here, I feel my blood boiling at just this :LOL:
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