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Here’s the link to her deleted tweets from that time. These screenshots are the posts on 15th, 6th and 3rd September.
I've either never seen some of these or have just forgotten. She's so ghastly. Did you know, though, she's got 2 doctorates in the subject of "eating well on a nothing budget"

Screenshot 2024-05-17 at 12.01.44.png
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For anyone who’s new here and is wondering why she’s a byword for grift, our Wiki at the pink button above at top of page is a wonderful resource.

This 2023 Medium piece from “Pollyana” is a great quick and clearly laid out primer, with sources/evidence all in Jack’s own words

(click anywhere on what looks like the ss-it’s the link, or it comes up if you do an online search for it)
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I think other places have their share of scammers, especially the US where privatised healthcare and some extremely gullible Christian populations affords a nice little grifting opportunity to pretty much anyone. The Scamanda podcast is a good one to start with, for example. But the UK is, IMO, probably quite unique for these austerity scammers like guest, the Depher dude, Sarahvajayjay etc, because what they essentially do is tap into either working class solidarity or middle-class guilt.
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Sokay, the smell of battered tin mouldy family radiator orange peel shake n’ vac salad dressing garnish dust masks it
View attachment 2953458
EXTRAORDINARY SMELLING indeed. ETA table salt bath salts
View attachment 2953479
So lemme get this straight. Poor people don't have the time/energy to batch-cook food - which would save them considerable amounts of time, food and electricity/gas. But they do have time to dry oranges on a radiator, grow their own eucalyptus, dry it, and blend it (because we all own blenders?!) to use as a bath soak. When you can buy bubblebath for less than a pound in a supermarket.

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Do you think some tabloid will do a 'where are they now" in 20 years time about Guest? I wonder if tattle will still be around too.
One of those Do You Remember The 2010s TV shows for sure. The celebrities of 2044 will watch the VT and piss themselves laughing at “And that will thicken up in the oven then will it?”

“Omg, did people really eat shit like that during COVID?”
“Well I guess so , and I hear there was no bog roll either”
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rage naan

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None of us know how much she got either, all we have is people saying they’d donate and a couple of specific donations so maybe she did get a lot less than we think. Plus she had said originally if it wasn’t needed for the action it would go to charity so while we know she’s a scammer based on her past actions, I’m not sure it would be quite the gotcha article it seems on the surface unless it turned out she got a lot more than we reckon.

CCJ squig being so dodgy ruined any chance the media would pick the Patreon up IMO. He was doing exactly what she’d said about her trolls and the “site that must not be named” connection meant the BBC etc wouldn’t have touched it with a 10 foot bargepole. The earlier patreon begs coincide with LJC who I’m damn sure doesn’t want her role in the grift questioned and surely has influence in news rooms.

I’m sure Jack would love a massive “She’s a scammer” article but sadly she’s just not remarkable enough for it. She’s a punchline on twitter now and the only person she has to blame for squandering all her chances is herself.
This bit - Plus she had said originally if it wasn’t needed for the action it would go to charity - this is what she wants people to believe.

In actual fact she said, please donate if you can, if the case ends up being pro bono I'll donate your donations. she said this in a tweet that was up for a very short space of time iirc.

So a) she didn't say anything about what she'd do if the case didn't happen at all, she only said she'd "donate" the money if Pal wouldn't do it pro bono

and b) as that tweet was swiftly deleted, many donators presumably never saw it, and could easily have assumed they'd get a refund

c) she never specified who she'd donate it to. She seems to think she didn't have to. I strongly believe that she should have told everyone who sent her money where she proposed to donate it, and asked them if they were okay with that or if they'd prefer a refund. I don't know if it's illegal not to but it is immoral.

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The latest Private Eye has an item on Big Lin.

"A busy week for Linda Riley, publisher of DIVA magazine, Labour advisor on LGBTQIA issues, serial creator and dissolver of businesses, and one of the key figures behind the Jack the Ripper museum, which was pitched to planners as a "dedicated resource to women's history" but turned out to consist mostly of dioramas of them being sexually mutilated and murdered.

On 26 April the DIVA Awards, one of several lucrative prize ceremonies overseen by Riley's labyrinth of companies, culminated with the Outstanding Contribution to the LGBTQIA Community gong, which the mag billed as the "induction of one special person into the DIVA Hall of Fame". It went to...Linda Riley!

This came just two days after the inaugural DIVA film festival, which kicked off with a brand new documentary, The Life of Riley, devoted to, er, Linda Riley. The film got a glowing write-up on the DIVA website, which noted that "one of the marking features of The Life of Riley is its candid look at the life of Linda Riley ", reported that the director had to battle to edit it down from a "first cut over five hours long ", and upped the title race yet further by noting that "audiences waited in anticipation to learn more about the trailblazer who has often been described as the 'Head Lesbian of the World' ".
Head lesbian of the world? Is this an annual event or like a 4 year presidency/Olympics thing?
Do you get to vote or is it an inherited title? Do you compete in a Hunger Games style fight to the death thing?
I'm hoping it's some sort of medieval quest where you are set tasks and have to slay a dragon to win the hand of a fair maiden. Then you get to ride off into the sunset and wear a special crown with 'Head lesbian of the world' written on it.
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Just your standard mid-life crisis innit. guest could always hook a partner in their forties. What is it with this one, a 13 year age gap?
Oh and Daily Mirror here… Jack Jenner? 🤣

View attachment 2942652

Thanks to @VeniVidiVicki sharing guest’s Mrs Gloss greatest hits horrors, we have the pictures from that day, cos clearly she was so enamoured of herself she plastered them across multiple platforms. She’s not Jack Jenner here tho. She was lacking confidence but now she’s bolder.

(FFS the notion of this deluded insufferable complete berk “lacking confidence” in anything IRREGARDLESS of any aptitude or ability for it is preposterous, but anyway…).

Bellows I WANT YOU FOR MY WIFE at LJC during Eastenders, spends the following day not having lovely, lovely romantic walks to the Harvester salad bar with her new fiancée, but playing dress up, plastering on makeup with a trowel, taking selfies, then posting this “bae caught me doing the Shein version of Only Fans” for claps and cheers from strangers on the internet.

Oh, and rubbing a fuckton of Pringles all over her gob if that lilo lips pic on the left is anything to go by.

Just call her Jack Jenner a complete prick

❤ @VeniVidiVicki collated gloss archives here if anyone fancies another go at cringing themselves inside out
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It's the equivalent of guest playing Glastonbury, to use her beloved analogy, and 43000 people can hear some kind of honking from a nearby PA system, 470 people have observed 'oh look, Jack Monroe's on' and 2 have actually bothered to stop and watch. How the mighty have fallen.
Fucking hell. I bet she had more than that freeze in horror outside her musicstudio-bed-nest-sepia-shower to try to figure out why the fuck Soho Farmhouse keeps giant gak-addled American cuteastinyshinybutton geese who loudly honk out
alarming unsuspecting passers by.
Have just re-read and the horror of being there live is summed up perfectly by @Veronicaaa
Starts here:
@Bugger13 is completely correct
And as POOOO BALLLS would have it! It’s in our media section, added by @That Forensic Man
Edit: even if you do it with the sound off, it’s a pearler. But you’re missing out if you don’t have the volume up. Have seen it dozens of times, just watched again and laughed til I cried.
Especially at this bit where she gets so animated she goes off camera.
FFS wot a nob🪿🇺🇸❄
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So what did you study in these doctorates guest, do enlighten us

Either that or Wikipedia, anyway (from 2020)

As spotted by @kachoochoo
Original tweet post
Katch’s spot
Agitprop and Asparagus brought to you by @Marmalade Atkins and the letters L I A R
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