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waffle maker

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Once a poster came on here and said they were a taxi driver in Southend. They fondly reminisced about driving Jack round on Christmas Eve delivering presents…
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I'm always baffled by these sort of pseudo-scientific gurus who seem to make a living by suddenly bursting on the scene and saying things like "Hey! Did you know heavily processed food is bad for you and you should eat more whole foods instead?" Most people already know this, many of the ones who know don't care, many of the ones who don't know probably won't care either. People who do care will likely already know. Who is this stuff for? Who's buying this shit? Where can I make a living by essentially telling people that water has health benefits and they should drink more of it or other equally Captain Obvious declarations?
They always advocate unpractical extreme measures aswell not taking into account the constraints of budgets, working lives and disposable free time. Lots of them demonstrate disordered obsessive miniscule eating like that Deliciously Ella rubbish where the recipes are all something like a moths fart and an eighth of a courgette flash fried in a hunger pang. I'd rather be a bit fluffy round the edges and able to enjoy food with family and friends ta luv.
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Jelly Bean

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Late to this conversation but those Van Tullekin twins are completely ghastly. They seem to have enveigled their way into both Radio 4 and The Guardian. Self satisfied bores the pair of them.
No wonder the artist formerly known as TD wrote this. Though I also hope she is including Nigella.

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As it happens, I follow a nutritionist NHS doctor on Twitter (sorry but it will never be X for me), and he's not keen on Van T. Apparently the book is sensationalist, overblown and poorly researched. A diet of *only* UPF is certainly bad, but not all of it is - for example, formula milk is UPF.
The doctor also thinks Van T and his twin brother have a complicated and possibly not healthy relationship with food - that would totally explain him endorsing JM, wouldn't it.
There's been quite a few academics and clinicians who've criticised Van Tulleken's book and I'm immediately skeptical of anyone who does restrictive eating "experiments" on TV. Same for anyone who also launches a line of pricey food replacement products as a by-product of their "research".

He clearly either hasn't read Monroe's books or doesn't understand nutrition at all. And that's a loud fucking warning bell not to buy whatever schtick he's selling.

The problem inherent to most of these popular science diet books is that they are aimed at middle class people with enough time and disposable income to pursue complicated eating regimes and buy expensive ingredients or products. Then, some journalist or social media commenter will ask: "How does any of this work for people on low incomes who can't afford xyz?" And the diet guru panics because they've haven't thought about this at all because they haven't actually conducted proper, double blind trialled research and their own world view is solidly middle class. So they reactively point to Jack Monroe because that's the only source they can think of. It's potentially harmful and speaks volumes about the level of competence in Van Tulleken's research.

Unfortunately, I've read today the book has been shortlisted for the Baillie Gifford prize so clearly some people are drinking the Kool Aid. It's infuriating when so much popular science literature is just rubbish and potentially harmful.
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Sadly (or mercifully) it’s in her locked down Twitter, so unless someone archived it at some point, we have to wait for her RELAUNCH as a cruise ship entertainer (sort of like a reverse Jayne McDonald on a cruise ship for masochists)

I am, however, delighted to be able to answer your question from the very end of the last thread:
“Jesus Christ what has she come as?”

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Poor Ol’ still working through her TEENAGE REBELLION Jack rearing HER CHILD BORN OUT OF WEDLOCK
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She’s gone full on
View attachment 2420059To sing with (if the accent’s anything to go by) Danny Fuckin’ Dyer, Oi Oi!
A child born out of wedlock. No matter how many times I’ve read this it still blows my tiny mind that a young woman would write this in modern day Britain.
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It used to pay quite well and suited the service people's shift patterns.
We stopped using one (a fireman) when he started bragging and criticising some elements of our parenting that we couldn't do because we were skint at the time.
His wife was lovely but very timid and did most of the care.
When we moved to a different County it was the same type of people who were doing it there too.
Interesting. Sounds like the sort of person who’d become a foster carer and then set up awards to thank foster carers for all the good that they do. Awards that they themselves are then eerrr… awarded 🙄

LJC I’ve never read the rest of this before. 😮@Florid Language you’re not kidding. Who the fuck are these people?! It reads like 1955 not 2015.

This is what the other awardees have to say

And a different one.


Thank FUCK they all “amounted to something” eh. One of them with THE QUEEN! Bonus awards to you all for taking on the “Albanians” and the “multicultural” ones then making a point of telling THE NEWSPAPER about it, too. 🤢

Ugh, I can just imagine D and E standing around with these people, all talking loudly and trying to show off in earshot of the mayor in a massive “I’m the best fosterer because” elevenerife session.

If Jack spent her childhood and youth around adults like this it’s no wonder she was an insufferable old prick (retired) writing pompous net-curtain twitching letters to THE NEWSPAPER at 24 years old.
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Ms Biscuit

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Felt like reiterating the observation made by many that Jack Monroe has brown eyes because she is full of merde.

Her claims of being sneered at and looked down upon, whether by Leggy's pals, store managers, or randos on the street are virtually all made up. She's projecting her own tendencies to judge and belittle others.

The few occasions she may have been snubbed were not because she didn't get much education or had a child out of wedlock. It was because she is an unpleasant and inauthentic person. And a shit cook.

I've been well off and I've been poor. I've spent time with the well off and time with folks without money or education. I bring my authentic self to encounters with others and don't make myself the center of every story. The only time people have been awful in the way that Jack describes was when I was targeted by some mean girls in high school, and I was smart enough even then to know that it was not worth taking to heart. I didn't track them all down years later to spite stare at them. I don't even remember their names.

She's just aching to be a victim.
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Not directed at you really MiceIntheShed but I bloody hate people using the term 'woke' to insinuate that something isn't good these days. Like when films don't perform as well 'well they were too woke you see'.

It always seems like you're ignoring the myriad other reasons why a film or TV show hasn't done well in order to support the idea that (for example) people don't like movies featuring people of colour or LGBTQ folks. Because that's what you're saying really when you use this phrase.

Audiences want engaging, original stories, well told. That's it.
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First do no harm - brought to you by the woman who got famous telling the tories you could feed a growing child on a tenner a week.
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Long time lurker and appreciator of all of you.
I was in Bluewater Waterstones yesterday and they have a large cookery book section.
I was not surprised to see her there, but I was surprised to count the copies of Grifty Kitchen and find eight!
Is this where they are all being held.


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This delusional idiot’s decade-long obsession with her “muscles” will never ever fail to entertain me.
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Insufferable is the word isn't it? When for the love of god would one have the time in the day to be worrying about whether you're being properly rewarded 'for all the good you do' if you're busy fostering youngsters and also it seems being unwell with a variety of ailments. Why wouldn't you just be *doing it* and being in the moment instead of looking over one's shoulder and loudly shouting hey hey everyone someone needs to notice all that we're doing here and celebrate us.

Total lack of humility. It's all making sense.
I’m a total wanker for it but I still love it that when Kirsty Strickland called out Jack’s nonsensical £20 shops last summer, none other than bastion of PillarsOfCommunity Southend Rotary liked the post calling it out.
Bit of a blow (read: embarrassment) to PillarsOfTheCommunity Big Dave and Ma Jack, that.

The good folk of Southend (even the “types” you care about impressing) see your appalling daughter for exactly who and what she is, and they’re distinctly unimpressed.

(Screenies captured by @Limey and @DisgruntledGoat)
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The carlin

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Her DEAD grandad got her into his chip shop too, so she’s Nepo Nepo Dr Dr Jack. ✅✅

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This bullshit narrative she does really pisses me off. I've said before that im very familiar with the type of 'guest houses' that her grandad operated and got rich from. The dss homeless will have been given the shitty attic rooms to share and then quickly sent down the housing benefit office with a completed form so the rent could be paid directly to the landlord. This isn't about altruism it's about profit.
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rage naan

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2- beer mither: if you know you're becoming known as a grifter, why tf would you name your book a word that rhymes with grift? Like what on earth was she thinking?
Like if I was annoyed that people kept saying I set fire to things in a criminal fashion and wanted them to stop saying that and then also released a book called The Parson's Kitchen or something. I'd deserve every Photoshop I got.
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I think anyone who criticises Jack for being “woke” is not paying attention. She’s so not aware of social injustices. And she’s not a “Trans Rights Activist” either, she’s just a Jack‘s Rights Activist.

It’s not for me to say this, but I don’t think she helps the non-binary community in any way. And I don’t even think every LGBT+ person should be an activist of some kind, we should be able to just “be“, the same as anyone else.
It’s just that since she uses (and only ever mentions) her gender identity and sexuality as a shield against criticism, in that case, I think there should be some give and take.
She does this all the time to close down discussion she doesn’t like.
a perfect example of this is her mum’s roast spuds. Someone on Twitter said they looked dire and she brought in her mum’s disability which had NOTHING at all to do with anything.
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Jack is like every tedious middle class girl from Surrey who winds up living in an “edgier” part of London or the SouthEast and then lectures people less privileged than her about how she’s the really underprivileged one, typically for doing worse at school than her actual social status would suggest would be average. Skipping or messing up your A-levels and choosing to get some tattoos and work in a bar doesn’t really make you working class, in fact.

Of course, actual working class people aren’t obsessed with their own class or education the way the very mediocre children of the middle classes like Jack are.

Saying “I’m unemployed” and then this inviting horror at a dinner party… I don’t believe it because plenty of people with actual money don’t work and live off family money or other cash they didn’t earn and would probably laugh this off as a joke rather than being horrified they had a “benefit claimant” amongst them. Middle-class professionals wouldn’t care either as plenty of them have career breaks. In fact the issue would be saying “unemployed” as though you were down the dole office and were inviting challenge. “Look at me! I don’t have a job!” Okay love.

It’s a nice fantasy for the Surrey “rebellious” lesbian / non-binary / single mother / voice of the people to roll out as part of the narrative though.
Great post. Jack was just getting a tingle in her drawers at playing at being a poshos bit of rough.

I don't see Jacks patreon support as coming from trans activists. She does fuck all for that cause and has only reinforced the idea of trans identity being a bandwagon hopping trend rather than a deep instinctive sense of self. Also enormously disagree that sex based rights activists are funded by the right in this country- they're mostly left wing lesbians and working class women keen to defend their spaces and materialist experience as a sex class. There are extremists and bullies on both sides who shouldn't be accepted as representative but it ain't women wanting to keep their toilets and sports categories harassing people out of jobs and declaring those they disagree with LITERAL FASCISTS.
Even if they were snide behind her back why would they have been rude to her face when leggy was there? They didn't like Jack but leggy was their friend/social climbing passport.

Also three trips to Italy, didn't she claim a few years ago that she hadn't been on holiday in years?
She hasn't been on 1 she's had to pay for herself she means.
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That was SO funny! My favourite thread visitor ever.

His posts start here if anyone‘s not seen it.

😂 I forgot quite how transparently Jack that was right from the off.
Poster comes on here to say smol little special scamp Jack is QUIRKY:
Literally nobody bites or even responds so they pipe up with more (with your usual great use of apostrophe’s there Jack, you taxi driving fantasist) :

That actually sounds very much like this tale of good deeds from Saint Daddy about HIS Daddy. The wankee does not fall far from the wanker indeed
Lol and Jack, next time you play act at being someone else who coincidentally wants to say how QUIRKY, GENEROUS and AMAZING you are (oh, or a great employer, with DELICIOUS cooking), get someone else to write your posts for you

also, hi 👋 oddly over-invested Guardian commenter!
ETA: I’ve literally lost count of the times in her old “local rag” columns and letters where she refers to herself as a “young woman” or similar. Other than this one where she’s a 24 year old unsanitary “tough old bird”. Eleven years a twat.
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I’m nearly 50. No one ever asks where I went to uni and I’ve been twice. Except maybe when I was very young (summer hols from uni or just graduated meeting similar).

I think the lack of university education wasn’t the problem it was her lack of knowledge. She gets her politics from Twitter, her classical musical knowledge from Classic FM. She’s not interested in the theatre, cinema etc. I don’t believe she reads any books ESPECIALLY the cook books. I’m sure she said she didn’t watch cookery shows. DKL showed her poor knowledge, I imagine Allegra’s friends know lots about food and she embarrassed herself.

I very much doubt SB went on any of the Italy trips. I very much doubt SB has been anywhere significant with her. One of the main defining features of her poor parenting that despite earning lots of money she has used none of it to improve the knowledge or education of her son. How many museums/galleries in London do you think she’s taken him to. Teenagers are prime for taking on weekend breaks around the U.K., they love it. I bet he’s never been to Edinburgh.
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As we are at the risk of thread derailment and as these are the Jack Monroe threads after all, it seems only fair to ask for Jack’s perspective on the trans/gender critical/woke/anti-woke off topic and shit/good comedy debate.

Jack, what do you think?

Thanks as always for all that you do! MWAAAH 💋 kisses love you you’re the best ❤send more lasagne and curry!!! Xxxx
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