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This is going up there with the Owen Jones murderer stuff for me. Just absolutely crazy for coco pops. I would love it to be true because it's just so insane.
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Hint on the thread title of the mithering mothers please?
Sorry, many hours later. I don't have an account there. I just typed in "what is a guset called when the knicker elastic has given way" or sth? Can't quite remember now.
Jeez imagine being an amazing dancer and trained for years just to be bunged in a dangerous shark suit where you're liable to trip down the steps any moment :(
No, I am sorry. I'm NOT doing an unsmiley face. That is funny af. Especially at this hour.
Now, I've lost my page. Why does tattle do this?! I was on p 36 or sth. Reverse Grunking at 4am is... So difficult. If I end up on another thread, lost, you will all know why...
Sorry, many hours later. I don't have an account there. I just typed in "what is a guset called when the knicker elastic has given way" or sth? Can't quite remember now.

No, I am sorry. I'm NOT doing an unsmiley face. That is funny af. Especially at this hour.
Now, I've lost my page. Why does tattle do this?! I was on p 36 or sth. Reverse Grunking at 4am is... So difficult. If I end up on another thread, lost, you will all know why...
However, whilst I am still here... I'd just like to say... I only came out of hiding last November, after months lurking, and it gives me mucho delight that guset is a shadow of herself now, mere months later. This time last year, it didn't seem possible. And now, well, done deal. Innit? Or......

I've spat more tea across my bed, desk, dining table etc, than would seem possible, rescued cats, shared pukka recipes, and lived through the slopalong, laughed my socks off so many times, and have tried to say thank you to many, many folk. If I have failed in that last, this is my huge thank you for being the best canal of frauens..... ever.

Guest, you are a goner. And we took you down, collectively. If you fancy a comeback, go on, go on, go on. (no really, please do!!!) We aren't the usual suspects.

We haz receipts, here not anywhere else, you muppet - the wiki is pink button above. Read it, and then read it again. Nobody is trying to stop you breathing. Unless you die laughing.

You have pissed off many folk, inc me. You stole from a family member of mine. Who still can't quite get why you did that with the books and Patreon. AndI can't explain it to her. I suspect she is one of the last 350+ people who you are stealing from. Scamming. Grifting. Whatever. Some People are now so devastated at what they believed about you... They can't actually admit it.

Shut. Your. Fucking. PATREON. Down.

I am asking you again.

I will be reporting you to hmrc AGAIN this week. I am not going to stop until they take action and shut you down.

Sorry, many hours later. I don't have an account there. I just typed in "what is a guset called when the knicker elastic has given way" or sth? Can't quite remember now.

No, I am sorry. I'm NOT doing an unsmiley face. That is funny af. Especially at this hour.
Now, I've lost my page. Why does tattle do this?! I was on p 36 or sth. Reverse Grunking at 4am is... So difficult. If I end up on another thread, lost, you will all know why...

However, whilst I am still here... I'd just like to say... I only came out of hiding last November, after months lurking, and it gives me mucho delight that guset is a shadow of herself now, mere months later. This time last year, it didn't seem possible. And now, well, done deal. Innit? Or......

I've spat more tea across my bed, desk, dining table etc, than would seem possible, rescued cats, shared pukka recipes, and lived through the slopalong, laughed my socks off so many times, and have tried to say thank you to many, many folk. If I have failed in that last, this is my huge thank you for being the best canal of frauens..... ever.

Guest, you are a goner. And we took you down, collectively. If you fancy a comeback, go on, go on, go on. (no really, please do!!!) We aren't the usual suspects.

We haz receipts, here not anywhere else, you muppet - the wiki is pink button above. Read it, and then read it again. Nobody is trying to stop you breathing. Unless you die laughing.

You have pissed off many folk, inc me. You stole from a family member of mine. Who still can't quite get why you did that with the books and Patreon. AndI can't explain it to her. I suspect she is one of the last 350+ people who you are stealing from. Scamming. Grifting. Whatever. Some People are now so devastated at what they believed about you... They can't actually admit it.

Shut. Your. Fucking. PATREON. Down.

I am asking you again.

I will be reporting you to hmrc AGAIN this week. I am not going to stop until they take action and shut you down.

I'm not sorry. I will keep reporting you to any and every authority until you are properly investigated for fraud and tax evasion. I and many others believe you have stolen hundreds of thousands of pounds from kind, caring and generous folk, simply to support your shopping and hoarding habit for a decade. Or longer... Enough now...
Sorry, many hours later. I don't have an account there. I just typed in "what is a guset called when the knicker elastic has given way" or sth? Can't quite remember now.

No, I am sorry. I'm NOT doing an unsmiley face. That is funny af. Especially at this hour.
Now, I've lost my page. Why does tattle do this?! I was on p 36 or sth. Reverse Grunking at 4am is... So difficult. If I end up on another thread, lost, you will all know why...

However, whilst I am still here... I'd just like to say... I only came out of hiding last November, after months lurking, and it gives me mucho delight that guset is a shadow of herself now, mere months later. This time last year, it didn't seem possible. And now, well, done deal. Innit? Or......

I've spat more tea across my bed, desk, dining table etc, than would seem possible, rescued cats, shared pukka recipes, and lived through the slopalong, laughed my socks off so many times, and have tried to say thank you to many, many folk. If I have failed in that last, this is my huge thank you for being the best canal of frauens..... ever.

Guest, you are a goner. And we took you down, collectively. If you fancy a comeback, go on, go on, go on. (no really, please do!!!) We aren't the usual suspects.

We haz receipts, here not anywhere else, you muppet - the wiki is pink button above. Read it, and then read it again. Nobody is trying to stop you breathing. Unless you die laughing.

You have pissed off many folk, inc me. You stole from a family member of mine. Who still can't quite get why you did that with the books and Patreon. AndI can't explain it to her. I suspect she is one of the last 350+ people who you are stealing from. Scamming. Grifting. Whatever. Some People are now so devastated at what they believed about you... They can't actually admit it.

Shut. Your. Fucking. PATREON. Down.

I am asking you again.

I will be reporting you to hmrc AGAIN this week. I am not going to stop until they take action and shut you down.


I'm not sorry. I will keep reporting you to any and every authority until you are properly investigated for fraud and tax evasion. I and many others believe you have stolen hundreds of thousands of pounds from kind, caring and generous folk, simply to support your shopping and hoarding habit for a decade. Or longer... Enough now...
And your recipes are shite. Just saying. Truly shite. Dreadful. Appalling.

If all of this comes as a shock ring one of your therapists on speedial. I've truly had enough of you. Face up to what you have done and own it. Repay at least some of the money - not to some random food bank, but to the people who donated it.
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2020: THRUST into the cold world of minimum wage employment


2021: the rug is pulled out and she is PLUNGED into hunger, poverty and endless aching cold


2022: CAST out from a secure lifetime job into poverty and destitution.



Don’t know about you, but I’m starting to get the feeling that maybe, just maybe…

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Ahh, this explains why TD has commented just now, over on Twixxer. I bought his book second hand, but sent it back when I discovered he'd recommended JM. Petty, but necessary.
Just to say Nicola Miller has 10k followers now so we don't have to call her Trifle Defender anymore!
Although I quite like Trifle Defender as a name...
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rage naan

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aunty Pat's time share villa
Auntie Pat at the sales pitch meeting, after telling Uncle Derek not to worry, she wouldn't get sucked in by those high pressure sales techniques, she'd just take the free toaster and go:

Auntie Pat's imagination, fired up by said high pressure sales techniques, moments before signing on the dotted line:


Auntie Pat on discovering the reality of her two week slot in Marbella being in early February, and making the most of it:
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I can’t even open my own front door! 😭😫😩

I just went to answer my own front door, even though I wasn’t expecting anything/anyone and look what they sent lil Ol me! 🤪😜😝 😂

I can’t even open my own front door! 😭😫😩

🎵🎶Cannot cannot cannot cannot open my own front door,
It comes and goes, it comes and go-oooo-o-oes 🎶🎵
(Book ss @Silver Linings)
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Since the Jacktionary has been mentioned I thought you might like to know I've just added twenty new words (a big Thankyou x to the peripatetic frau who added a few things as well). It's now on page six of the wiki as it is now a stenching, statuesque and smutty behemoth that has outgrown all its former homes. It's almost moved as many times as guest.
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Chatty Member
This is a controversial thing to say - but -

I wonder how many of the people who are funding her patreon are trans activists - the deranged sort who want to propel the concept that a minor person can declare their gender or sexuality and be instantly believed and must lawfully be treated as thus, with nothing really there to back it up. I believe Jack (let's face it, Melissa) was weaponised by that movement and maybe it's been nothing to do with food and poverty activism.

There's been countless people over the decades advising people in financial poverty how to to eat basic but nutritious meals, since rationing during the war. There's been Tories and haters of the working class banging on about how anyone can eat on £7 a week for many decades. She's not a chef, she's not got TV or interview appeal, she's not a nutritionist, she's not a politician, or an economist, and she certainly wasn't working class or in poverty. She's an actor, a bad one.

I would make an argument: maybe the reason guset was picked up and promoted by the Guardian types right at the beginning was because her 'unique selling point' was her gender confusion / difference. I never followed anything to do with her life or career from the beginning, wasn't even aware she had a child or was speaking on poverty or the cost of food as I swerve mainstream media and quit reading the Guardian many years ago. BUT the one thing I do recall permeating my consciousness even so was the news about a young woman who wished to be called Jack and not be identified as female. That precipitated - or at least was in line with - the sudden explosion in young women feeling gender confused, wanting to be 'non-binary', wanting to have their breasts removed, wanting hormone treatment. That movement was not propelled by the Guardian or the Tories it was a whole other international mechanism, much of it landing up with huge international pharmaceutical companies, very unethical at that. Hence why the Tavistock gender reassignment clinic for children was roundly closed down in recent history, not before a huge damage was done.

I wonder if the people who are *really* funding her are the global queer / trans movement activists, for they have a lot of money to throw around, and not just soppy guardian readers who hope her child will be well fed.

Please note: I'm not homophobic nor transphobic but I do know what horrific destruction to young people's (especially young girls') mental health I have personally witnessed including within my own family because of this whole trans agenda being pushed onto school aged girls, including a completed suicide that I can't detail here because watermelon. I wonder if guset was always more so a vehicle to push that agenda into the mainstream. I don't see how she was ever pushing nutrition or political activism, she was undermining everyone in poverty and buying into the Tory 'pull up your bootstraps' agenda, even using that as her name (albeit a malaproprism as it should be 'cooking on a shoestring'). I think she's a very stupid young woman who has been used like a puppet and now she's very obviously dropped but she always was going to be because there was never any substance. She's been exploited. If the people who exploited her are now funding her lifestyle then maybe there's something 'fair' about that.

Just my ideas, not intending to offend or upset anyone.
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Chatty Member
In honour of this piece of absolute genius, I would like to nominate “Every now and then she falls apart” as a thread title 🤣
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pumbilical cord

Chatty Member
I've been introducing my new Old Harold (poor guy) to Jack (he was terrified by The Pumble).
I'd shared this and he asked if it was a Jack Monroe, and was surprised it was not!

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Five hundred dogs

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You know what’s worse than having a baby out of wedlock? Being forced into a shotgun marriage with someone who you’re deeply incompatible with because of an unplanned pregnancy. It happened to my parents. My childhood would have been a damn sight easier if my parents had been allowed to have a relationship like SB’s dad and Jack have.
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Great post. Jack was just getting a tingle in her drawers at playing at being a poshos bit of rough.

I don't see Jacks patreon support as coming from trans activists. She does fuck all for that cause and has only reinforced the idea of trans identity being a bandwagon hopping trend rather than a deep instinctive sense of self. Also enormously disagree that sex based rights activists are funded by the right in this country- they're mostly left wing lesbians and working class women keen to defend their spaces and materialist experience as a sex class. There are extremists and bullies on both sides who shouldn't be accepted as representative but it ain't women wanting to keep their toilets and sports categories harassing people out of jobs and declaring those they disagree with LITERAL FASCISTS.

She hasn't been on 1 she's had to pay for herself she means.
BiB: every bit of this is me. I’ve been on the fence about gender for so long and I think I’m now pretty much dipping a toe in GC. I hate that it’s been politicised. I’m as far from right wing as you can be.
the whole gender activism thing is REALLY pissing me off at the moment.
Other than what you’ve said I don’t think I can fully articulate my views on it yet, but thanks for posting this.
I’d hate for anyone to think I was on here moaning about Jack because of her lies about being trans. I’m here because she’s a lying charlatan.
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Forever J

Just to clarify, I knew Monroe briefly, she used to be a malingerer in a group of people I knew (know) that often drank in the Railway hotel. She was insufferable even then. Most people that knew her tolerated her. She had few friends and fell away quite quickly

Lots of people of that era that knew her know she's a charlatan, she's a false and manipulative person, nothing was ever about anyone else, it was always about her.

I could easily water melon myself but later knew big D and Ev much better. Monroe is like them in many ways. They are completely money and status orientated (especially big D, status is important to him, evidenced by his insistence of including his honour letters after his name).....note the similarity with Dr Dr Monroe

Ev has even more ailments than Monroe herself, and loves to tell the world about all of them, again note the similarity with Monroe

Big D and Ev are embarrassed about Monroe's antics but only in so much as they think it reflects badly on their status as saints and all round good eggs. They are neither, Monroe learned much from them. In many respects she is a chip off the old block

There are quite alot of people who would love to spill some beans, but were scared of the flying monkeys response and legal threats. Monroe weaponised both to good effect. As the potency of these threats has diminished I expect more stories to emerge, and there are a few. She always used to use people for her own ends. This was obvious from the start, and no matter what facade she adopts I doubt she has the capacity to change

Her demise will be a slow one of a thousand cuts though, she's too much of a little and ever diminishing fish for a big take down. She'll just fade into obscurity and she'll keep on collecting the dregs of her I'll gained income from the gullible

Talking of her Patreon pay pigs, she'll be laughing at them. She has contempt for people she considers beneath her, which is almost everybody. She really is toxic
Ah, thanks for the update. I've disliked her and not believed her from what I believe was her first TV appearance and could not believe the amount of people that fell for her. I've been incredibly skint and I know others that have too but I have never ever heard of people doing the crap she claims she had to do to survive. I just can't for the life of me see how on earth she got as far as she did. Her food is shockingly bad. Her stories are ludicrous. Her arrogance can be seen from space. I honestly resent the stupidity. My OH and I work so bloody hard and to see people like her thinking every bugger else owes them a living (and much more besides) really pisses me off.

Off my soap box now. Thanks again tenderstem.
It's @essexgirl101 posts you're after 😊

Thanking you kindly tenderstem.
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I was watching Con Air last night (what a LITERAL wild ride that was!) and may I present to you:

Jack as John Cusack

Honestly, that effing suit was SOOOO big on him I swear they’d originally cast The Rock in that role, measured him to make the suit, then John took over the role at the last minute and they couldn’t afford to get him a different one because they’d spent all their money on EXPLOSIONS 💥
That was the day after attention seeking dipshit Jack cosplayed Belle on the internet. I suspect the two things were not unrelated and that Jack was jealous of Leggy getting attention and an award for all the good that she does. Twat.
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I’m slacking on thread participation lately because of real life being frustrating/busy, and I’ve had to deal with some seriously infuriating bullshitters for a while now via work (dodgy public sector managers lying about stuff and then lying about their lies on top, and seemingly getting away with it, because accountability isn’t actually possible in this country any more).

anyway the answer I have to your query above is in multiple parts:

1. for most people it’s because we didn’t give a shit about her. Like, she was a mild irritant if we saw her in the pub, but other than not wanting her to glom on to our groups and throw off the dynamics of a night out, I just don’t think many people really ever thought about her much at all.

2. for some people it’s because they’d had some close involvement with her, and had been subjected to lies and manipulation and suicide threats and abusive messages and all that jazz.

3. she is extremely vindictive and capable of being really vile to people - including stuff in point 2. there - and most of us boring normal people just don’t want to have to deal with that sort of shite intruding on our own lives. Life’s hard enough already without attracting drama llamas like Jack. It’s similar to why nobody wants to work with her, too much hassle. People who genuinely live the life she’s cosplayed don’t, as a general rule, have the mental energy spare or the social capital to kick off about someone the press were painting in such a favourable light. Too busy doing other things just to get from one day to the next.

4. even if we had written to the Guardian or whatever, about the fact they’d spent so much time platforming a compulsive liar who’s horrible to people, it wouldn’t have made a difference - the media classes would either have refused to believe us or would have just not cared.

5. going back to 1., I seriously cannot emphasise enough how much of a non-entity she is locally. Despite her desperate efforts to paint herself as local politics genius, or local creative, local food bank activist. or whatever, most people just don’t know who she is - and don’t care even if they do.
Agree with your points. My southend connections fall into 2 groups, don't know who she is, and don't care who she is. These are people, some very much around her age, who have lived within a mile of her, for decades. They still don't know or don't care. Such is her fame and all.the.good.she.does.

Give me a sign Lucy if I ever am in the same place you are. Maybe just wearing a badge with a pineapple on it or carrying a lamp shaped like a rabbit under your arm. Something subtle like that.
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Mr Triple S used to work in the bars and clubs in her area when she was in her 20s (no tea unfortunately, if he did ever cross her he has entirely forgotten her). Anyway I asked him if you would “minesweep” at closing time and he said “not unless you wanted to die”.
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VIP Member
Mr Triple S used to work in the bars and clubs in her area when she was in her 20s (no tea unfortunately, if he did ever cross her he has entirely forgotten her). Anyway I asked him if you would “minesweep” at closing time and he said “not unless you wanted to die”.
Her minesweeping drinks story is like her getting a half eaten big mac out the bin story. She read it somewhere and thought it'd land well with a few cloud heads who'd tear up at the desperation and get their debit cards out their Radley bags.

Drinking other peoples dregs is not insouciant, naughty, devil may care behaviour, it's rock bottom, awful alcoholic behaviour which she has never been and certainly wouldn't have been in her late teens. She has no concept of keeping stories plausible with reasonable details. She over eggs the cake that much they'd all be omelettes.
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