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I’m 🍾🦉at the idea of some one who’s forgotten they are even paying for her patreon suddenly receiving a huge box of beige postcards randomly in the post
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We have a number of ADHD/autistic/chronic illness fraus in here - myself amongst them. It's so insulting that she uses it as an excuse. I have a family member and a very good friend who are autistic and they would be mortified if they found themselves unable to fulfil obligations - autistic women especially feel the need to follow social rules and mores to the letter, as social interaction doesn't come naturally. She's medicated for her ADHD, has access to therapists (obviously ADHD and autism can't be cured, but there are management skills to be learned) and still can't fulfil the most basic aspects of her "job". It makes a mockery of us and is extremely ableist and classist.
I don't have ADHD or autism (I'm bipolar type 1 though) and I totally agree with everything you've just said.

Honestly, end of last year I was contracted to do work which resulted in me commuting like 3 hours every day (doesn't sound a lot but I had a 2 year old and 11 year old at the time) and to tell my boss that I needed some time out due to exhaustion at the end of my contract really swallowed up all my pride. I could see myself slipping into a depressive state and just didn't want it going any further.

Honestly, it choked me to even mention my disability. The way she throws it around really annoys me; like some kind of get out of jail free card.

The majority of people living with a health condition just want to be seen as typical folk getting on with every day stuff and for who we present as individually, and not some caricature or archetype.
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Winthropp Tuesday

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View attachment 1546675
The correct way to make amends is to apologise, without reservation or excuses and to ask them how you can make amends.
This makes me so very angry. You’re absolutely right JL. IRL I get like this. I get overwhelmed by stuff then just can’t do it and panic - because I’m actually properly diagnosed with Autism. The major difference is, I’m not stealing money from people whilst it’s happening.

She knows damn fine what she’s doing and doesn’t give a Tinkers Toot about anyone but herself. Blaming it all on ‘Poor Mentals’ is just an insult.
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The tiers:
£3.50 - access to exclusive patreon content
£7 - that plus 3 art postcards a month
£10 - double sided, premium thickness, A5 recipe cards with full colour photographs of new recipes which won’t appear on her website for 2 months min. One weekly for U.K. subs, sent monthly for overseas
£12 - 6 monthly art cards (it’s kind of unclear if this also includes the 4 recipe cards)
£24 - 10 art cards plus pre release signed book copies
£44 - signed framed print for first month, then mounted print every month after, plus ALL the previous rewards (am assuming this isn’t 3+6+10 postcards a month).

All subs exclude vat.

That‘s a hell of a time and money commitment even if you’re on top of it. With 18 months to catch up on, she doesn’t have a hope in hell

She’s sunk like the easy to spot submarine in a game of battleships
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If she's serious about fulfilling the patreon rewards from November 2020 onwards then she needs to shut down her patreon now and stop taking any further payments. Every month (or week for the thrifty beige people) that she lets it run makes the problem worse and more unmanageable.

These are scary amounts of discount codes (how do you compensate people for those?) postcards and prints due to people. And I guess there's no money left to pay for all this? So refunds aren't possible. Literally how will she fund this?

She can't catch up. She needs to cut her losses and shut down the patreon. It's frankly disgusting to continue to fleece people in this way. If this is her general attitude to life then I can see why hers is an utter bin fire.

She was poorly advised in setting up her patreon to start with. Offering physical rewards was a recipe for disaster.
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Chatty Member
Once again she is a complete cunt to someone and uses “and then I was at an AA meeting so not on my phone…” why is where you were relevant Jack? Unless of course you are ONCE AGAIN using recovery / anything as an excuse to try swerve your behaviour. Then to say she is working a programme and explained how she reached out and was forgiven which is NOT working a programme.

She is vicious to so many - why does this person deserve an apology for her savagery rather than others?
Not a Tory but she is pretty personal and nasty about those who are and on the public web then complains that everyone is doing the same to her.

She really is the eternal victim masquerading, in her mind, as a “strong survivor”Fuck off
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Brian Butterfield

VIP Member
Creators pause their Patreon when they aren't able to provide content for one month. She's been happily accepting payments without a single word on it for YEARS

And she seems to forget that the whole world has seen her spend every waking moment on Twitter when she should have been fulfilling her Patreon commitments.
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She’s up and I don’t believe this for a moment

View attachment 1547593
I can’t fathom living in a world where:

a) my mum uses social media
b) my mum talks about me on social media
c) my mum knows I see her social media but still posts all kinds of horrors
d) my mum asks me what nickname I prefer for when she’s talking about me on social media, as if that’s a normal thing to do

My heart aches for this poor boy.
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I keep trying to work out how her mind’s working.

For a decade she’s been told she’s doing amazing work and that she’s a wonderful person for helping so many others. Just look at the sycophantic replies to any of her tweets; one of the most used adjectives used to describe her is ‘good’. I think she fully believes it every time someone tells her she’s “one of the good ones” and that people shouldn’t have a go at her because she “does so much good” and so on.

Also see the encouragement of parents, school ('gifted'), telling her she did brilliantly in her 11+ (but not sending her there), probably the first high school - then the shock of finding out she wasn't the best at reading and writing in the room at grammar school, then the ego boost of a well paid job via Pa H, then the reality shock of not actually being able to do it all when childcare (ie, his father) wasn't able for very good reason to look after the kid anymore and work not actually being that keen on her after all - then the friend getting her the paper job, then some appreciation for the writing, complete with arse licking publishers, then the media coverage, sponsorship deals and the exceedingly rich girlfriend probably praising her like she did her own toddler - and then the crash and burn when she fucked up with the Ivan abuse. Every time she was praised, it taught her to keep doing those things, right down to being an irritating little child being indulged in her 20s. As soon as somebody in public or private voices disquiet or unhappiness with her behaviour, she flips out because she's been conditioned to expect fulsome praise for everything she does.

She truly believes she’s good and therefore can do no wrong. And if she is aware of doing something that could be construed as bad or a little bit naughty, she thinks “Well, I’m a good person all the time, so what harm can this little thing do?” and her behaviour will be defended by the same people who always tell her how amazing she is and her goodness battery gets fully recharged once more.

It's what those people always said to her and probably used exactly the same reasoning to justify their own behaviour. 'Oh, I'm a nice person, this cocaine that's been smuggled in the intestines of a trafficked woman and then accounted for 30 deaths of mostly brown, black and poor people before it went up my nose is just a little naughty treat, darling. We're allowed some treats, aren't we?'.

Of course, she could just be totally manipulative, devious and conniving. Nobody wants to think that, though. I don’t want to. The natural human response is to give someone the benefit of the doubt but I’m finding it almost impossible to do that now, especially where Patreon is concerned.[

She's been taught to behave like that to get rewards of praise and presents. And when she doesn't get them, she freaks out and steps up the childish behaviour as that's always worked in the past. Because she's not doing anything different. It's just not seen as charmingly adorable when she's looked at as a fully grown adult rather than a child.

TL;DR: Jack believes her own hype. Maybe. 🤷🏻‍♀️

Because she's been trained like a Spaniel to expect praise and treats for doing exactly the same things.

The only person who probably tried to bring her back to earth a little was her Mum. And we know how harsh she can be to her. And then the various exes probably started to try to do it, but failed because she had other places - online, the publishers, other coke addled media twats - where they'd say she was so refreshingly authentic and fascinatingly gauche, so they left. And she's stuck alone with people she knows deep down don't really give a fuck about her other than as a mere curiosity. Which doesn't give her the comfort and reward of feeling protected and safe like a child, with almost unquestioning adoration and gifts. But the gifts and compliments are still a slight taste of what she actually wants. Which also probably accounts for all the spending - she's buying herself presents because nobody else is there to do it, much less do nice things for her just because they're nice and love her.
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Naboo The Enigma

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Y'know all this ADHD and I'm ill is such ****. I have an auto immune illness that is quite difficult, I had to give up a job I loved because of it and now earn about a quarter of what I did. I have days when all I can do is sleep. Yet I've still managed to organise on my own and off my own bat charity music festivals (with a proper stage and bands etc and not a few bearded blokes in a tent) attended by a few thousand for four years (pre Covid etc). Yet she cant send out some damn postcards.... she's such an arsehole....
We have a number of ADHD/autistic/chronic illness fraus in here - myself amongst them. It's so insulting that she uses it as an excuse. I have a family member and a very good friend who are autistic and they would be mortified if they found themselves unable to fulfil obligations - autistic women especially feel the need to follow social rules and mores to the letter, as social interaction doesn't come naturally. She's medicated for her ADHD, has access to therapists (obviously ADHD and autism can't be cured, but there are management skills to be learned) and still can't fulfil the most basic aspects of her "job". It makes a mockery of us and is extremely ableist and classist.
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Chatty Member
I’m back in hospital after 2 weeks of in and out and god knows what other fuckery. They’ve now told me I could have a blood clot and I’m proper freaking out. Literally the only thing that is keeping me from worrying so much I spontaneously combust (ADHD means I find it v hard to ‘rationalise’ anxiety) is reading these threads, none more so than now. It’s nothing to do with taking pleasure in Jacks chaos, it’s because of the wonderful, funny, kind words of you ninnies. I’m so glad I came back here after my extended hiatus, and maybe a little glad that I came back RIGHT at the AM/patreon/mega chaos JM 😂
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Chatty Member
So sorry Fraus. Sweary venting. Please forgive x

YOU FUCKING SELFISH SPOILED LAZY ENTITLED WHINY DELUDED person. (sorry couldn’t think of a suitable bad word). Your poor lad. Tiptoeing around you - FOR FUCKING WHY? He shouldn’t have to parent you! Yes, his kindness is laudable but WTF have you done to merit such care? Undercut your hair and snarked? JUST FUCK OFFFFFFFF


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I remember where I was when I saw that announcement. It was a bonkers idea to me then and I still have little sympathy for anyone who signed up to a scheme in which they'd pay a premium to receive a Freddo in the post.

It was like when I went through my Graze box phase and realised I was spending several tens of pounds a month to receive some desiccated coconut and a handful of peanuts through my letterbox. (Jack is DEFINITELY a Graze box wanker).
Mate, we all fell for that cheapo Graze trial back in the day, don't feel bad.

I see she's overpromising and underdelivering today. This will go the way of the Kickstarter, mark my words. Squigs will get 40-50 emails, escalating in tone from 'ooh its all happening how exciting' to 'I'M LITERALLY SITTING IN A PILE OF POSTCARDS BORBORA DO YOU WANT ME TO DIE?'.

She can't do the simplest fucking task without a hooha and a half.
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The thing that gets me with the patreon thing is the fact that she and Mum continued to advertise and encourage people to sign up even after long term subscribers had been left without their contracted purchases- that to me is much more criminal than just burying her head as it shows that she was solely interested in the money rather than fulfilling contracts- it's abhorrent.
Exactly - imagine withdrawing, every month, for several months, a few grand from your new Patreon balance and not ever stopping to think:

- I should update my subscribers
- I should really start posting some stuff
- Maybe I should pause it so it stops snowballing into a bigger problem
- I’m going to refund everyone for the months where nothing was provided

Things happen in life so a couple of month’s delays could be reasonably explained away, but given it’s been nearly two years this is nothing but outright, deliberate fraud.
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I reckon big Dave has given her a house. She is going to do one final mega grift blog and will then disappear from socials. Never to repay a penny.
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