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Soapy Dolphin

VIP Member
She's getting quite a bit of push back to the Patreon "it's coming" post.

Tweets all the same person. All perfectly reasonable points. 👍


Too many bumhole words from her today.
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Well-known member
Having spotted a few new Frauen on here, I wanted to give a quick PSA.

This is one of the friendliest, warmest, most compassionate corners of the internet I’ve ever come across (to clarify: these threads specifically; I’m scared of other parts of Tattle).

Tattle gets a rough deal from the media (no doubt fuelled by influencers who stoke the narrative), but I can assure you this thread is not the hissing cesspit people – including Jack – would have you believe. Nope, we just hold her to account and prop up that mirror.

These threads, and specifically the people who post on them, have provided me with solace in some of my darkest times. Even when things have just been too horrible, I can still get a nose-snort from the funnies on here, and the kindness of strangers is actually a bit mind-blowing.

Additionally, while we’re a funny bunch (not really including myself in here; I’ve got a GSOH but I don’t think it’s the level of others here), I would assure anyone that they shouldn’t be intimidated by that. Just enjoy it; no-one’s expecting anyone to crack out a line that has them spraying their Professor Peppy (other law-bending own brands are available) over the monitor.

Lastly, this is a smart part of Tattle. People with insight, life experiences, humour, wit, experience, and perspective. I have learned a lot in my two years here.

Lots of love to you all x
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Welcome to thread #384. What a week, eh? (Captain, it's only Thursday)

Congratulations to @auntylil, who nominated the winning thread title from a squig post. You win Jack's spare floral boiler suit. I'd give it a long boil wash before wearing if I were you.

Please keep title thread nominations past post #500 at least, include the words "thread title" in the message and no swearing in them.


Jack shocked the whole canal into silence for a whole minute by posting a facetuned-to-hell picture of herself in a floral boiler suit. Said boiler suit is £55, from a high street shop, and she's casually mentioned she bought two of them because she ordered the wrong size the first time but couldn't be bothered to return it. As you do when you're on the bones of your arse.

She also claimed she would be flying to Dublin and back on the day for "work". The "work" is an alleged interview with an alleged Irish journalist who was probably expecting to chat to her via Zoom and now won't know what hit him, bless his soul.

She was also quite vicious to a social care worker squig who dared question the frugality of the trip to Dublin. She also picked up a fight with other squigs who suggested that flying to Ireland for a day was maybe not the most environmentally friendly option.

She's also lost over 40 patreons.

She keeps on talking about her downsizing as if it's Operation Overlord or something.

She's currently gathering inspiration to design her new kitchen. Her tenant-designed kitchen in her landlord-owned flat in Pixieland.

Please feel free to add anything I might have forgotten!
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Ms Biscuit

Well-known member
Jack, I can see that you are struggling with this, so I wrote it out for you. You can have it for free.

Dear patrons and supporters,

As of today, I am closing my Patreon. I am so very sorry, but I am not able to meet the obligations I set for myself. I know that I owe many of you recipe cards, discount codes, and other goods and services. I will be in touch with you individually to discuss what, if anything, I can do to make you whole. Unfortunately, I will not be able to refund any money, as I have spent it.

I am also removing my tip jar link to PayPal. I do not wish to be transparent about my finances or income, so I realize that it is unfair and manipulative to expect people to simply give me money when there are so many others in greater need. Furthermore, I will not be accepting tips through Twitter.

I will be monetizing my blog/recipe site with ads. I will also provide a list of worthy causes and organizations that you may donate to if you wish. As for the VBI, I quite honestly have no idea when I'll be able to finish it. Again, I am truly sorry to those I have let down. I want to thank you for holding me accountable.

My hope is that from now on you will see me focused on centering others, those who truly need help. Shouting on Twitter isn't enough. I want to use my platform for real change. I hope you'll see great things from me. No more "behind the scenes" work--I want it all out in the open, the better to serve others.

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I’ve caught up; but can I have a moment to share please tender canal?

I don’t want to go to sleep as tomorrow i’m helping at the foodbank. Every week now the whole time is spent listening to pretty harrowing stories of what is to come over the next few months. People genuinely at a complete loss of what to do.

And Jack, their self-proclaimed champion, did one morning of retweet’s & radio interviews on the day of the price cap release. Before having an erratic weekend followed by 36 hours of image re-management - because her number of financial supporters had dropped down.

People give her money, often money they can’t really afford, because they believe she is spending every waking hour trying to negotiate help for the poorest. And in reality she spends her time on Twitter, reading here & buying herself various trinkets.

I am in all seriousness enraged by her behaviour. The biggest & scariest time for our country in her life time ahead of us. In particular for the poorest. And all she can manage is a few Liz Truss jokes, a couple of retweets & some rent-a-quote nasal appearances in the media which are 90% about her profile.

Sorry to be so down. But I actually have to speak to these people tomorrow, and try to find something hopeful to say to them. Whilst Jack happily plans her jolly jaunt to Dublin.
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Hello, Von89 here (someone reported my previous account so I couldn't post for whatever reason. Just to make it clear I have only had Von89 and this account). Hunger Hurts 2 and 'I'm so poor send *rattles tipjar* is apparently because bailiffs were at her door and she had to get money fast (according to her family member). They've also told me that Jack has fallen out with various relatives because they have told her to get a job/ offered her a job in their work and she has told them where to shove it.
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I see so many posters saying they aren’t funny enough to post - please don’t anyone ever feel like that. I’m not sure I’m funny at all but just post on regardless

I have genuinely learnt so much from peoples posts of their experiences here, like yours and I’m so grateful for people being so honest and open.

and when it comes down to it that’s why we are all here because Jack lies do such a disservice to those with actual lived experience

the humour is just to stop it grinding us all down
Your response has pushed me to make my first post. (I'm sorry I haven't figured out how to spoiler a long post yet!)

I've been lurking for about a month (is it a week? a month? Everything happens so fast in Jack Monroe time!). My origin story? I followed JM for a couple of months on twitter, but I think it must have been around the time of Molly's first posts, I somehow ended up searching her name + 'grifter' and 'liar' and Tattle shone like a beaming light of brilliant glorious truth... and dear Fraus, I have not looked back!

I've done a LOT of grunking - all the new threads over the last few weeks (it is IMPOSSIBLE to keep up - is it always this chaotic??) and I've read the wiki and thread 31 - the kitten broke me. I cannot bear it. I can only hope that like many suspect, Content is not actually living with her, but with SB. At least Cooper seems to get fed. 😩

I'm female in my early 40s and like so many of you, I've had multiple traumas in my life and have multiple chronic health conditions, including autoimmune stuff since childhood, and other stuff as an adult including chronic widespread pain, a severe heart attack at 27, the list goes on and on - I get the full PIP award (don't get me started on battling with the ****s at the DWP!), as well as other benefits as I'm unable to work because of those physical health issues, alongside a multitude of mental health conditions - I've been through lots of counselling and 2 different courses of intensive therapy (DBT & CAT) and I'm still learning to process and live with all those things.

Finding Tattle and the JM threads has been enlightening, to say the least! I've learnt SO much from people here, reading how JM's behaviours mirror their own experiences with similar people in their lives, things they've gone through themselves. Seeing it all laid out - the grift, the dodgy charity stuff, the ever changing medical arsenal she uses to excuse away her behavious, the animals, the way she treats/speaks about SB, all of it, the lies upon lies upon more lies... it's shocking!

She is willingly, knowingly, seemingly gleefully, taking money from people and providing nothing. Some of those people are idiots, plenty of them are, but some of them are just naive and kind-hearted people, often the poorest and most vulnerable, who have been taken in by her tales of woe, sending her their last £10 because she says she's removing lightbulbs and boiling soap - I am boiling with rage at how she's been able and enabled to get away with this for so long.

But the humour helps! 🦉🍾 It is the community in these threads that has kept me sane over the last few weeks of utter madness. Humour is such a good way to get through a horrible situation and what pushed me to make an account was that I kept wanting to react with a laughing emoji because the Fraus/Herr here kept making me laugh and I couldn't do that if I didn't have an account.

Now fuck off! (am I doing this right?) :ROFLMAO:
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Just Lou

Chatty Member

The correct way to make amends is to apologise, without reservation or excuses and to ask them how you can make amends.
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Potatoes O’Houlihan

Chatty Member
hello Fraus and Herren
just a quick 'I am here because...'
first post, sorry I don't know how to spoiler yet if it's too long x

I've been aware of JM for ages, thought she was some sort of lone warrior out there and first thought she was 'ok, on balance probably had good intentions, eh? Started to feel really REALLY uncomfortable about her when she posted that never-ending set of hideous slop smoothie bowls with the cringey hands like a filthy Victorian urchin as apparent tokens of love:sick: (just WHY?)
Then I realised she was forever going on about 'trolls' and endless hate. I'd never seen any evidence of this so I was really confused, started to think she was just being dramatic/attention seeking. Then AM's post was retweeted on my timeline. I then Googled because I still didn't 'get it' and now I am here!
But, the absolute first time I had to catch my breath from something she said was the time she posted a Tweet saying one of her RELATIVES had just dropped a still-hot plate of food round to her. I HAD NO IDEA she had any family, let alone a quite extensive one that also LIVED NEARBY. I still feel so utterly shocked by this, I thought it was literally just her, the wee waif, plus stricken small child against the world.

Wow. Just wow. how can people not see all this??
Thanks for letting me in, I am not a sweary Frau but now... fuck off x

PS She bought Asda Essentials Wholemeal bread last Saturday on her performative shop, but the 'publishers' meal this week definitely looks like white bread was used there. Really makes you think...:unsure:
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Brian Butterfield

VIP Member
I’ve had to jump ahead from the past having seen the photo. I cannot stop laughing. I think the neighbours will be performing an intervention soon if I don’t shut the fuck up. Is this what she looks like without a filter or make up artist?!?
I'm thinking of setting up an Etsy store and selling them as a nice framed photo.
Screenshot 2022-09-01 at 21.40.36.png
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She’s losing it. That tweet said she sent them and she replied confirming she sent them.
Or are you quite deliberately missing the point there Jack that you sure as shit didn’t give them away or lose out financially-in fact, surely you made money from that endeavou?
She'll regret answering it.

Screenshot 2022-09-02 at 13.34.12.png
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I have had to report myself to HR today for a mental health incident. Not proud of it, feel very ashamed that it’s been building for a while and I’ve not got over the hump. I’m trying to fulfil my duties but I’m struggling so I’m fortunate to try and use the help that my employer offers. I’ve been mostly well for ten years, this also upsets me. I’m sure from the outside people see a downshift in performance and think mental health is an excuse. It think that about myself too, but that thinking doesn’t help me get better.

TLDR her weaponisation of mental health as a shield against criticism is offensive.
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I know a lot of our posts start with the phrase “I can’t believe”, but i can’t believe this woman was three weeks ago posting about being in the depths of poverty and today is buying multiple versions of the same vile boilersuit and eagerly planning her fourth holiday of the year. And claiming she’s gonna catch up on two years of Patreon rewards ONLY now that she’s getting called out. The sheer brass balls of this woman. The. Sheer. Brass. Balls!
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Lucy Aeroplane

VIP Member
I’ve finally caught up properly and want to add my voice to those of the other actually diagnosed ADHD/ASD Frauen who are cringing at the very thought of letting so many people down for so long. I won’t be the only one who, if I was failing to deliver on something I’d promised, would simply vanish/go to ground instead of publicly twatting about on Twitter. I’d be too ashamed and feel sick at letting people down - I wouldn’t be posting constantly online looking for back-pats, I wouldn’t be tweeting everything that came into my head, I certainly wouldn’t be broadcasting a one-night stand to half a million people, and I wouldn’t be ignoring good faith questions. I’d be lying awake at night anxiously hoping nobody asked me anything and during the day would be working furiously to actually deliver what I’d promised.

It’s not an ADHD trait to completely let people down whilst simultaneously and very publicly acting in ways that very strongly indicate you have no shame about that whatsoever. That’s a cunt trait. Nothing to do with ADHD.

It’s deeply offensive that she’s weaponising it as an excuse, and it’s actively harmful to all of us who actually work incredibly fucking hard to overcome our invisible barriers every fucking day. People are going to read her “waaaah poor me it’s my ADHD making me act like a cunt” posts and will go away thinking that ADHD means someone will be as shit as Jack. When, in reality, and especially in the “professional” workplace, we’re often conscientious to the point of becoming neurotic and anxious about our work being high quality and on time. And we have to overcome people’s stereotyped views of our abilities which Jack has just reinforced by using ADHD as an excuse.

Jack, every time I think you can’t sink to a new low, you manage to go lower. Using harmful stereotypes of ADHD as an excuse for your actual laziness and crapness is sooooo damn low.
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