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VIP Member
Jack's photo of her £20 shop (with no mention of pet food) just made me think of this classic.


I did this professional standard editing FOR FREE and it took me eleventy hundred hours so I'll pop the link to my tip jar here in a few minutes.
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He had to buy his ladder rung by rung, it took him years to get enough to get cats out of trees.
Once Jacks dad fought a fire and they docked his wages to make up for all the water he used and when he complained they said he should have shut his legs. It was awful and everyone starved for a month but they still made him hitch-hike to work, even when it was to fight a fire.
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Definitely not a Jack fan, I'd never heard of her until a few days ago. I did forget to introduce myself, let's just say I'm a veteran of uh 'gossip culture', had heard good things about tattle and finally checked it out. Immediately noticed Jack was a very popular topic, did a bit of grunking and was hooked. Have checked out the wiki and cliffnotes but it's a lot to take in, the 🦉🍾 makes it worth it though (you're a hilarious lot).
Hopefully I can bring something new to the sideboard, like isn't it curious that there are twitter accounts associated with at least 3 of Jack's e-mail addresses? Makes you think 🧦

Now fuck off x
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Chatty Member

Well that idiocy over fridge freezer consumption gone. The madness is people were still saying how amazing she was despite it being wrong on just about every front.
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One of the squigs commenting on her performative Asda shop absolutely nailed it. 'Poverty isn't a hobby'.
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Curious thing that is how her parents were allowed to foster if the tomato sauce wad thinned out and baked bean tins were shared...makes you think.
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Brian Butterfield

VIP Member
I can’t even right now and aware of how I am totally missing the point but what full time working single mum has the time or energy to write a fucking review of so many places? Is she that desperate for engagement and likes that she performs for Google reviews?
I can't stop laughing at this one.

Screenshot 2022-08-28 at 15.37.33.png

Screenshot 2022-08-28 at 15.37.28.png
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Doesn’t work for them but regularly meets with them at HQ? Hmmmm
So she doesn't work for them and is just a nobody from the internet but has regular meetings at Head Office... yet doesn't know if they're Tory donors or not... but still thinks she might be able to influence them to both open a chain of local shops and rethink their political donations 🤔

The reckon is looking very chinny on the Asda front.
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I wonder what Jack thinks Kirsty's motivations are, if it's not about the shopping.
Kirsty posted an absolutely gorgeous thread earlier this week about her little girl hosting a cake sale on their street for Child Poverty Action Group and raising nearly £300. In the comments people were signing up to direct debits. It seems like a really important cause.

So all of Jack’s pathetic flying monkeys sneering “what have you ever done for anyone, columnist?” can get to fuck because at the very least she’s raising an extremely altruistic human.

Jack’s transparent attempt at creating a pile-on (and then going back for more) is both unwise and outright cruel.
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I don’t think we’ve ever had such an influx of new canal members all at once - the notoriety is spreading and not in a good way for Jack
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Gonna do an origin story here as I think it's relevant to what other fraus have been saying about the wind finally actually changing now

I suppose I'm a bit unusual in that I've lurked on the JM threads since I first joined Tattle early last year, to follow the Alice Evans saga; but to be perfectly honest, aside from believing that she was probably an overall force for good, I never had any strong feelings about JM one way or another. I just really liked her threads because the fraus are just so bloody hilarious (sorry for the obsequiousness, but you bloody are, so fuck off x)
But lately, post Awfully Molly, I've paid more attention to the things that don't add up. I still think Jack wholeheartedly believes she is a force for good, but I now realise that she hasnt actually done any tangible good - in fact she seems to be causing harm in a number of ways. I've experienced a bit of a scales from the eyes conversion re her origins and her current activism: if she was struggling as much she says she was, there's absolutely no justification for why she didn't ask her son's dad or her own parents for help. And her efforts to help others in need don't seem to have amounted to a hill of rinsed beans. This latest £20 shop has me absolutely perplexed - there are literally no actual meals in that shop. It's all Emperor's New Clothes. When you really look at her origins and her 'work' it all just crumbles into dust. Like osteoarthritic bones or J1g.
Like the rest of the canal I don't wish her ill - I want her to get a handle on her clearly shaky mental health, and be happy and successful in whatever she chooses to do in her life. And I also want her to put her hands up, and back away from a fight that she has inserted herself into but was never really hers to begin with, and in which she's now doing much more harm than good.

PS my wishing her (go) well is contingent on the supposition that her tip jar rattling is a result of her being incredibly shit with money and continually ending up in financial trouble. If it's ever revealed that she's simply ruthlessly fleecing her good-hearted if naïve Jackolytes for all their worth, then I hope she goes to jail for fraud. Then she can try making her fucking Dorito tamales.
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