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Chatty Member
Another "ice on the inside of windows" chick here. When I was a melodramatic teenager, I thought that one day I could writer a memoir called "Running from Fire to Fire" because our house was so fucking cold. I was always getting told off for having my fan heater on in my bedroom, but there was no other way to heat it. When I had my daughter I went back home for a time before getting a council flat (those were the days, when you could get a flat after being on the list ONLY A YEAR). I remember prodding her in her basket in the night because it was so damn cold in that house and I was worried she wouldn't survive it. Realistically I also had survived it as a baby (as had countless others) so...well you know what new mums are like.
My main memories of no central heating is clothes not drying (the 70’s smelled a bit musty tbh) and only ever being warm on the bit of you that was facing the fire, which would be uncomfortably hot, so you had to rotate like a rotisserie chicken to avoid burning on one side while freezing on the other. Plus whistling draughts at all times

edit: the ‘70s also stank of fags and BO.... magical memories
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Old Harold

Ash is pals with Jack isn’t she? I think both her and Jack are mates with Little OJ (not a murderer) anyway. Sadly, a takedown is unlikely to come from any media that’s left leaning, for a variety of reasons. And a takedown from an outlet that’s deemed to be ‘right wing’ just plays into Jack’s narrative and will be greeted with the usual load of whataboutery. I doubt the squigs would even read it.
Agreed. Ash is about as FORENSIC, granular and laser focused as Jack. During a clash in relation to gender ideology she recently accused feminist campaigner Julie Bindel of having no interest in the welfare of female prisoners, and "proved" this triumphantly by doing a word search on Twitter. In fact Julie Bindel co- founded Justice for Women in 1991 and campaigned for the release of many victims of domestic violence who had killed their abusers. Ash's reaction to this was Jacklike in its brazen disregard for facts, truth and any sense of embarrassment. I honestly wonder if it's some kind of Internet-reared generational thing cos it makes me feel old when I come across it🙄
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Congrats to @Valiofthedolls for the thread title, you win a new kitchen designed by Jack and her 42-year-old friend. Words spoken by Kirsty Strickland on Twitter, in response to Jack’s latest poverty playtime.

Yep, she’s back on the £20 pound food shops from her happy place (Asda) and she’s so proud of being able to feed two active (fnar) adults and a ‘teen’ on some bananas, porridge oats and tortilla chips. Such a budgeting marvel, if she can do it then why can’t everyone?

View attachment 1533617
She also thinks there should be Express/local style shops that only stock the Essentials range in ‘deprived’ areas.

She chatted some other bollocks (can’t remember it all, please jog my memory below if you can be arsed) and was tweeting about designing a kitchen at 7am on Sunday (🥴) with her previously-mentioned 42-year-old friend.

please use the words ‘thread title’ when trying for one, wiki if you’re new.
That’s her idea of Sunday morning sweet talking a new paramour. Planning how to do up their kitchen to serve her own needs, because obviously she’ll be living there soon HAHAHAHAHAHA
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Has she really tried to unleash the FMs on Kirsty Strickland?

My poor, sweet summer child - Scottish journalists have had your number for ages. There was an article all about you and Von Von Moyes. They just didn't name you. I doubt you will get that courtesy again.
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I've just been explaining Jack's confusion about radiators to my partner and a friend. One of them has expressed concern that now Jack knows that radiators have water in them she might do a maverick time/energy saving chaos and bleed her radiator to make a cup of tea. I'm scared.
I once knew someone who woke up so hungover and dehydrated that they drank the contents of their hot water bottle 😂
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Hang on a minute, I can only remember 2 fire brigade strikes in my life - one late 70s, so before Jackanory was born and the other ether late 90s or early 00s. So ONE strike in Jack's lifetime, which lasted what, a few months?

Unless Southend Fire Brigade was a hotbed of wildcat strikes, it's almost like her description of a Dickensian childhood taken entirely from depictions of the miners' strike in the early 80s IS COMPLETE AND UTTER BOLLOCKS.
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My editing timed out so I couldn't add the latest Tweet to my post. She's still going.

View attachment 1534843
Quiet bedrocks of the community?! I read an article (one of many where he’s talking about himself) the other day where her dad was moaning about how much work fostering was and how little money he got in return.
The pair foster for Southend-on-Sea, a unitary authority in Essex, and receive a total of £206.77 each week to cover the cost of both girls – £83.02 for the younger child and £123.75 for the 16-year-old. So is it enough?

“Not at all,” says David, who works for the fire service. “It sounds like a lot of money but one of the realities of fostering if you have children yourself is that you have to live in a large house, which, of course, is very expensive.

The family lives in a five-bedroom house, after investing £30,000 to build extra rooms when they made the decision to foster. Living in a larger property means that they now pay almost double the rate of counciltax they would have done otherwise, as well as more for heating and lighting. The family has also had to buy a seven-seater car so that they can all fit in – but of course having a bigger car costs more to insure and fill up with fuel.

“It comes out of my pocket as the foster allowance doesn’t cover it,” he says. David has done a rough calculation of how much he thinks he has spent on fostering.

“I’ve probably paid out £100,000 over the 14 years. Fostering is an expensive business and if we didn’t foster our circumstances would be very different – I would have to find a lot less money every month. I make no complaint because I volunteered for the task and have had many happy times, but I thought the cost of fostering would be met by the local authority and have found out to my cost that’s not the case. It’s like going to work and me taking the fire engine down to the petrol station and paying on my card.”

edit: source -
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Seriously, who the fuck do her fans think they are? "Sit down. Be quiet." And for her to like it! I'm actually fuming.
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Five hundred dogs

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The QT that says how carefully she has worded is the one that is so chilling.

It’s true. She never said that £18.01/£20 cash/£17.71 or whatever was going to feed the three of them 42 meals for the week.

She must spend hours thinking of how to word her tweets and it is why some of us think we are going round the twist here. She writes in such a tricksy way to never actually lie that we can never really pin her down on anything.

If that makes her happy then good for her. If she wants to spend her time thinking how to write wordy shite on the internet she can.

The cards are beginning to fall and the joker is always the first to go.
But last time she did a performative shop someone asked her how much she would spend if she wasn’t adding her own store cupboard items to bulk it up and she replied “still £20”, and probably added an upside down smiley and a go well pal for extra passive aggressive BS. She needs to do a £20 shop, then provide at the very least ingredient lists for all the nutritional meals for a whole week she plans to make, hell I’d be generous and let her use herbs, spices, vinegar and oil from her own stock. Either come up with the goods and prove once and for all that it’s possible to feed two or three on £20 a week or shut up about it. (Of course it’s not possible so she never will.)
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Oh Jack. People who actually work (honest work not dressing up in crop tops for performative shopping) don’t have time for that crap. We work, we do housework, we look after our families. When we get a bit of time to ourselves, we chill out. We don’t have the energy to spend it doing stupid shit like looking up the make of our fridge and calculating kw hours. That’s the kind of shit that people who’re speeding off their tits do. Not that you are of course #odaat
She thinks working class people are all unemployed and on UC, so have all day to watch TV and go to supermarkets. She doesn't know that lots of low waged working people are on UC. Because she's a thick middle class cosplaying grifter.

The WC academic I follow is calling her out big time this morning. She's Liverpool based, so will have seen real poverty, not Jack's LaLaLand version of it.
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Said dream kitchen is going to contain a 7 hob range which Jack is hoping to "borrow" for "filming purposes"
I'm confused, a couple of days ago she said she was turning down TV shows because they wanted her to film in hangar-like FANCY kitchens which would clearly be off-brand for our lil pixie. But apparently kitchens with 7 hob ranges are OK?
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I’m sorry Fraus. Life has been hectic and I know it’s probably in the previous few threads but who is this supposed other active adult? Theories or is it (another) blatant lie? I for one don’t believe Jack can work 100 hour weeks, be a parent, spend her life shouting on Twitter and form a new relationship 🤷‍♀️
It’s not a relationship it’s a friend

Actually, though this is Jack so she’ll be referring to her ‘partner’ and ‘in laws’ by the end of the week and changing the dedication in her long awaited cookbook yet again.
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Sorry way behind so god knows where this will land at the current chaos rate, but £20 in pocket, yet paid by card....typical bs.

So nice middle class lady has managed hook up with bit of rough so she can cosplay some working class banter 😡 just get laid / sublet / lie as appropriate. And since when do dino naps and tweeting make you active?
She spent 40p on 2x bags of life, could have had another 17 meals for that
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All we know is that she’s been chucking breadcrumbs the size of a small white tin about this 42yr old guy.
Unclear if it’s poor Harold reeled back in, or a totally different victim. He’s a laborer allegedly.
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VIP Member
Hang on a minute, I can only remember 2 fire brigade strikes in my life - one late 70s, so before Jackanory was born and the other ether late 90s or early 00s. So ONE strike in Jack's lifetime, which lasted what, a few months?

Unless Southend Fire Brigade was a hotbed of wildcat strikes, it's almost like her description of a Dickensian childhood taken entirely from depictions of the miners' strike in the early 80s IS COMPLETE AND UTTER BOLLOCKS.
But this is what she does as part of her self-mythologising. She takes her parents' experiences and makes out like they're her own. Everything from Big Dave and the picket lines to the fostering to the working class backgrounds and the small house they started out in (which Jack must have spent perhaps the first couple of years of her life in?), even her brother and the whole 'army around the edges' schtick. And also the whole running around the hills with the goats under the lemon trees in Cyprus or whatever her vision of her grandpa's childhood was like. She pilfers people's lives and pretends like she's the one living it. Get your own life, Jack!
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