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VIP Member
That gas pipe thing. She’s absolutely 100% off her tits. No straight person would ever type that. She’s been tooting away all night long
You can tell by the manic tweeting all night, followed by the radiator tweets in the early hours.
She and the 42 year old labourer have been partying hard and chatting shite all night. Thinking radiators have hot gas inside them (ffs) and you can run an oven on the pipes (again, ffs) is clearly the result of some sort of chemical in your brain.
I've done some stupid things when I've been off my tits but removing radiators is something else.
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Chatty Member
My kettle is 2000w. It must be using £896.75 a month just sat there 🤣. I'm so forensic meticulous and amazing maths 🧐
I don’t know why but when I read this I had a sudden mental image of your kettle sitting there menacingly staring at you whilst silently burning through your cashos and I am now mildly hysterical 😂
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Jack, you're replying to a tweet saying she's muted the thread. Stop jumping up and down for attention like a toddler.

Screenshot 2022-08-28 at 19.58.17.png

Screenshot 2022-08-28 at 19.58.23.png
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I'm sure in the article with Big Dave he said they built a 30k extension to make their house bigger for fostering?

Also my mum and dad fostered briefly and they were always paid (we lived next door to a safe house / interview suite and my dad was a policeman so I think they were approached about this - in the end my mum found it too emotionally tolling on us as a family and they ended their fostering).

I remember waking up and there was one boy in particular who cried all night long. Really awful really. My mum would rock him to calm him down. You wonder if Jack got a lot less attention as a kid and that's why she's in this juvenile state screaming for attention all the time now.

Makes you think. 🤪
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Marmalade Atkins

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For anyone wondering, Jack's current tweet record is

200 tweets, midnight to midnight.

(social blade isn't midnight to midnight, obv)
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Amanda Lin

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I’m a thread behind Frauen. But came to share my two Penneth on this nonsense:


She heard this prison recipe on the ear hustle podcast (recommended this canal, it’s very good). That podcast is recorded inside San Quintin prison which is based on California, where people eat Mexican food.

How are they getting their hands on tamales in wormwood scrubs? Is Jack smuggling them in her denim cargo pockets?

What is even the purpose in that lie?
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I do think that this is a desperate downward spiral. I think she needs to be in hospital receiving mental health support and am astonished that her family haven't stepped in. She's a self-absorbed monster and a horror show, but I'd still prefer to think of her getting some kind of help than bottoming out. Edit, because I lost my train of thought - there are also living beings relying on her for food/safety. This really worries me.
So agree. The media need to step away now, people booking Jack should be running some bloody due diligence on her behaviour and check out her SM, it’s clear she’s unravelling. There are enough people pointing out that Jack’s takes are becoming problematic, everything she’s done over the last few days is just perfomative ’poors’ cosplay, the latest £20 shop really was awful, and justifiably is getting slated online. Add in stuff like the photos at the play park and leaving her house for the Asda shop, she really needs help, none of this is normal. Doesn’t help her squigs are still supporting her, how can they not see what we see.

No one here wants her to come to harm, think we all want her to get help, someone needs to stop this now, but sadly there appears to be little evidence of that happening. If she is on TV/ Radio in the next few days it will be a travesty, anyone booking her will be adding to whatever problems she is currently having. I'm afraid this will not end well if she carries on unchecked, even for Jack the behaviour over the last few days is seriously troubling.
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Jack really has a strange relationship with these mysterious partners of her’s doesn’t she? For example they’ll all happily chip in to fund a new home, but never a few pounds towards the weekly food shop meaning they could have a few oven chips and frozen pizza for dinner instead of yellow stickered slop.
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Might be a bit behind sorry but her tweet about the basics shops in deprived areas reminds me of when our corner shop got took over in the mid 00s and suddenly stopped stocking Warburtons bread, instead there was this weird cheap bread that tasted like sugar.

My mum asked the new owner why he didn’t stock it anymore and he said he’d assumed that people in our area wouldn’t be able to afford the branded bread. Despite the fact the shop had always sold it 🙄 in fairness to him, he did listen to what people actually wanted and brought it back in.

Sorry if it’s a me-rail, but you’d think a poor like Jack would understand that people don’t want to be dictated to on what they can and can’t afford to eat? Also how does she square her pitch with the comments she’s made about value food and uneven grains of rice etc?
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Once again coming to you from the past but LOL her fridge freezer costs £50 a month to run whilst she’s feigning she’s not showered in 2 months?
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Well, I've actually learned something off Jack. 🤯

I've stopped drinking (nothing overly dramatic, just came out of lockdown with a bottle of wine a day habit and no ability to moderate consumption any more, so I stopped). I'd been looking for a substitute for red wine in recipes, I'll keep an eye out for these.
As MrGroovy is a recovering alcoholic, he isn’t comfy having open bottles of red wine in the house so we tried those gel thingies. Not bad, but lack the richness of red wine. We now get those little half bottles of wine, which get used in totality in a spag Bol etc, but have the gels in reserve in case we forget to get the half bottles.

edit: he’s nearly 11 yrs sober, and we didn’t have any booze in the house for the first couple of years. He’s the primary cook and is now happy to use wine in cooking, but I have to buy it, bin any leftovers down the sink etc.
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Formal Chicken

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The feeling when you finally get to the next thread and find it’s already done and you are still behind. I can’t skip due to FOMO so I have given up my social life instead.

In other news i dreamy about @Geetbo last night. He was giving a cooking demonstration with his OH and I was shocked when he revealed his face (tanned with floppy blond hair 😂).
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