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Meanwhile, Southend’s favourite taxi driver is leadlining their boot space in anticipation of transporting multiple jars of Gold Rush around for Christmas Jack.
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Is it likely that someone who's had to face what's been noted here on Jack's unending misfortune, gifts and puddles ever have to contend with issues such as this- Why providers might reject your insurance claim?

What would be the consequences for future eligibility? Sure there'd be providers but at a cost.

Filling out a comparison site insurance quote with a semblance of accuracy would prob be like an internal enhanced interrogation for them.
Thinking about it she’s doomed for life insurance, saying this as someone who had a really difficult time sourcing ours (ironically cos of my husband - a year or so later I went on to get cancer and am now the uninsurable one 😂).

Jack’s between a rock and a hard place because:
A) declare every ailment she’s ever spoken to an NHS or private care provider about, and also the press and social media, and come back with a monthly payment that would be equiv to the capital repayment on a mortgage.
B) tell the truth as to what her actual ailments are and then inevitably have claims refused for failure to declare xyz.

Similarly whilst LJC and Allegra etc probably had private health policies they tend to not want to touch pre existing conditions, so she’s fucked herself there too. Lol the tangled web we weave!
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I don't believe anything she says tbh. Not the selling of lightbulbs, not the starving child, and not any of the more sordid stuff (especially not that actually)

The hidden autism diagnosis is definitely absolute crap. Twenty or so years ago, it was difficult for a boy to be diagnosed with autism unless they were high on the spectrum. A friend who has a son now living in residential care couldn't get him diagnosed until he was 6. Moderate/low presenting boys will have been missed simply because we understand the spectrum more nowadays. Girls present differently with both that and ADHD too, and the diagnosis process even now relies heavily on the 'male' criteria, which makes it that much harder to even get to that point. It would have been basically impossible, with the understanding of the times, to have diagnosed a girl like Jack, with autism. She'd have had to be at the high end of the spectrum to even get a look in. And if that was the case, we'd never have heard of her. It's not a simple process even now, and certainly doesn't involve a casual chat with someone coming to your house!
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She makes me so cross! You do not get to speak for all people who have been poor. I have been poor and I’m not far off it now - I RENT! And I can assure you that contents insurance is top of my list as I wouldn’t be able to replace everything I own in a hurry. I don’t have a tip jar or public facing PayPal that I’m ready to dish out at a moments notice tho! Call me cynical but seems funny that this might be happening right before Christmas or right before she may or may not have a tax fine to pay!
Flashback to over a year ago (I think) when we were all on here telling her to get contents insurance.
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I have previously worked for a high street bank and I was the home insurance lead in branch and had also been a mortgage advisor so 'sold' plenty of policies. Contents insurance alone started from as little as £6 per month provided no previous claims and non-smoker. This was even taking into account there were quite a few previously flooded areas nearby. One of her many sideboards would potentially pay for 4 or 5 years of cover.

I was constantly astonished though at how many people would not take out insurances of any type except where obliged to as a condition of the mortgage. The amount of people with children who had no life cover, critical illness cover or income protection was shocking. I would often hear 'i'm never ill' or 'my family will help me out'. Insurance is one of those things that nobody likes paying for, particularly if you never need to claim, but can be life changing when it does pay out.

I have previously mentioned on here that I have recently finished treatment for cancer. I had a critical illness policy that cost us £77 per month (expensive as I had other pre-existing conditions). The policy paid out on the last day of my treatment and it has changed our lives. My work sick pay is about to be cut to half pay but I am not concerned in the slightest and I do not need to worry about rushing back to work before I am ready. Our mortgage is now paid off and we will able to finally get rid of our 1970s yellow kitchen!!!!

Not sure where I am going with this but I am so annoyed that her son will now have to be without his bike just because she put buying fridges, sideboards, Burberry scarves etc above contents insurance. I don't buy the whole 'too traumatised ' to buy insurance.
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It was a human level, not a political one. Heartbreaking for any parent
Exactly this!

Jack said Cameron used his son for misty eyed rhetoric whilst selling the NHS to his mates - even the god awful woman Sarah Vine got it right when she said that actually Jack had used her son to build her “career”, single mum who couldn’t feed/clothe/warm her son. She’s such a Fuxking hypocrite 😏
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I suspect the real reason she's not got insurance is she's so fucking disorganised. Piles of paperwork everywhere, promises to delivery on nearly everything never materialise, unopened bills. She's clearly a hoarder and terrible at life admin. The amount of time she wastes on social media and sleeping 15 hours a day is the main problem here not poverty.
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Chatty Member
Schrodingers Jack is my fave Jack.

Scarred by poverty = a house full of crusty tat, a spray painted Kitchen Aid (don’t know why but that in particular always makes me sad), two Burberry jackets and enough sideboards to furnish a Home Counties retirement village. Basically a taste-free high level hoarder, due to poverty PTSD.

Also scarred by poverty = the inability to insure the above, due to poverty PTSD.

The level of batshit fuckery that goes into simultaneously holding these two contrary positions is frankly impressive.

The only reason I can possibly undo this nest of raw eeg noodles is by suggesting this: the effort it took to get her immuno-compromised self down to Wilkos during lockdown, carry an HRH of paint home, remove a window and decorate the shed to resemble some sort of desperately cheerful hospice for ingredients enduring a painful end of life process to eventually die putrified in a pink saucepan came with a huge capacity and hope for content and those sweet sweet LIKES. Having a quick search for contents insurance and buying a cheap comprehensive policy just doesn’t have the same potential.

Jack babes, if it’s easier to get that policy sorted tonight, maybe put the iPhone camera on a self timer, pop a sports bra over your massive honkers while you have a look at Compare the Market and tell yourself you can post it all for engagement later xx
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Marmalade Atkins

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"everyone is extremely happy with it"

Of course they are. No one is going to say 'fucking hell, Jack, that's disgusting and it didn't heal anything', because that's not how people generally respond to gifts. They lie if they have to. Like that time my fucking mother in law gave me a fake fucking hydrangea.


No, I'm not Madonna.
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Sideboard Bob

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" Monroe is a ghastly creature, a sanctimonious hypocrite, a liar and a manipulative, calculating, nasty piece of work. She has enjoyed far too much privilege for far too long and it is long past the time karma caught up with her. There is a certain wisdom in a Twitter mob and if you live by the sword then you WILL die by the sword. The only pity is that the sword is a figure of speech. "

Wow, he really doesn't like her, does he?
It‘s good that he saw through Jack so early on. But he really does sound like an absolute prick.
You don’t have to look far in his blog posts to find some really nasty misogynistic and classist comments (not even about Jack, but in general). And I think it kind of works in Jack’s favour when she can make her followers think that we’re all like that too.
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