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Satisfying Click

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Appalling that Jack still uses poverty as a shield to mask the real reason why she doesn't have contents insurance: because she's disorganised, selfish* and irresponsible with money.

* SB's bike has also been stolen, poor kid, but Jack shows such little care towards his things - putting up selfies of her wearing his clothes, he couldn't even have a nice dinosaur-shaped biscuit from the greengrocers without her taking a huge bite out of it first.
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There's another piece following her Sainsbury's sacking;

" Monroe is a ghastly creature, a sanctimonious hypocrite, a liar and a manipulative, calculating, nasty piece of work. She has enjoyed far too much privilege for far too long and it is long past the time karma caught up with her. There is a certain wisdom in a Twitter mob and if you live by the sword then you WILL die by the sword. The only pity is that the sword is a figure of speech. "

Wow, he really doesn't like her, does he?
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Chatty Member
Why does she never get better at anything? She had presenting training and goes on tv (well used to) and yet never improves. She takes photos of what is suppose to sell her recipes and they always look shit and are filtered badly. It took me a really long time to work out what the cloves were - there’s no detail because of the bad lighting and poor filter application. Not to 🔺 myself but I started my own handmade business a few years ago (I’m sorry please don’t groan - it isn’t resin bloody pyramids) and looking back at the product photos I used to take vs now, I’ve improved massively. I don’t have a fancy camera or lighting etc I just tried and researched and looked at other photos I liked etc. If you spend YEARS doing the same thing and still are crap at it surely there has to come a point where you go actually perhaps this ain’t the right path for me. But then call me crazy because I actually deliver what I say I will on patreon - what kind of idiot does that?! 🙄
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Luxuries like contents insurance…

But a water rower (known to be the most useless and most expensive type of rowing machine is currently retailing at £1049 in JL and is ~generally~ only bought by those who are mainly interested in aesthetics) is not a luxury.

Okay then.

(this is not an #ad or a #paidpartnership for concept 2 by the way).
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Er, Fraus, I have just realised that the friend I am meeting for a late lunch tomorrow afternoon has spent the last 20 or so years living in the same suburb of Southend as the smol pixie and his most recent ex has a Small Boy who I think might be SB's age or thereabouts - Jack follows her on Instagram anyway. I'm not promising anything, because he is notoriously clueless about anything internet-based (to the point where he doesn't have a smartphone or an email address), but I will ask.
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The (nice lady) doctor told her to eat more fish? How is that even possible!? She's practically a seal as it is.

Also, is this the doctor she couldn't get an appointment with just a few days ago?
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Lizzie Mintdrop

VIP Member
I just had a thought does her kid have any outside school hobbies?

It would be nice for him if he did, these clubs encourage children to be independent and discipline outside the normal constraints and whilst encouraging socialising and fun at the same time.

I dont have much to spare but i have got my children into some outside school activities.
His dad probably takes the responsibility for this. If Jack had to juggle the responsibilities of parenting such as school pick up and drop off, after school activities, parents evening, shopping, taking him to birthday parties or dropping him round at friends houses or arranging babysitters or any of the other usual responsibilities we would be hearing non stop about the struggles of regular life. As it is we hear about her working 75 hours a day on 3 minutes sleep but never anything about actually being a parent.
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Jelly Bean

VIP Member
Why didn't she go and spend Christmas with her family???
That is the point where her whole poverty story becomes so disjointed.
Now she bangs on about the close relationship with her family and SB's dad. Yet from her descriptions they would all appear to be utter uncaring bastards.
Why did she never pop round to her parents for meals? They all lived near didn't they? Why didn't her parents ever call on her and see the state their grandchild was living in?
Why did she sell her toddler's shoes for food instead of asking for help? She said 'when I reached rock bottom I called my Mum' - but why selfishly wait that long when she had a small child, and help ready and available?

All possible I'm sure, but if that was me it would be a part of my life I would want consigned to history. I would occasionally look back and think 'what the fuck was I thinking. How did I handle it all so badly'.
I certainly would not make a career out of it and look upon it with a certain pride.
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I really hope Jack just keeps silent on this. I’d rather more ghost buster slop than her two pence about this incident.
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Lots of support on twitter for GPs ('My GP' is trending), mere days after Jack did a big thread slagging hers off.
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A one year old wouldn’t even know what Christmas Day was though. I’m not saying it’s nice not having a present but it’s not exactly going to scar a one year old for life.
Didn't the child's grandparents on either side buy a Christmas present for him? Nor his father, nor his Uncles or Aunties, Jack's friends or Jack's grandparents or wider family? The child would have no idea where the presents came from at that age. To be honest they would have no understanding of the concept of presents at the age of one.

Surely her parents would invite her around for Christmas, knowing she was a single parent 🙃. I can not believe that anyone close to her would not invite her and her son for the day, it is after all the season of goodwill. She supposedly has so many friends and supportive relatives, but they all stood by and let her stay on her own, regardless of whether they knew her financial circumstances. As soon as her mother heard that Jack's son would be at his fathers, wouldn't she offer for Jack to come over for Christmas lunch?

What sort of heartless people does Jack have as friends and family?

Or it could all be exaggerated for effect, even if there is a grain of truth.
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Here’s another cracker from her pinned insta stories
View attachment 810169
This peaked me on Jack. Why do poor people only deserve questionable “hacked” toiletries? Christ you can get big bottles of Bubble bath at home bargains/Poundland/B&M and such shops!

when I have spare cash I donate decent but not expensive bottles of shower gel etc to the women’s shelter/refugees shelter.

everyone deserves the dignity of a hot shower/bath with somethingthat smells nice and HAS AN INGREDIENTS LABEL.
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So Jack is learning more about food and nutrition, health and wellness everyday, is her new ’job’ sales assistant at Holland and Barratt?
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The childcare thing gets right on my mushrooms. I've never had a minute's childcare from my parents because a) they live in a different country and b) they are permanently on call to look after my (shiftworker) sibling's kids. Every minute of childcare I've used has been paid through the nose for, sometimes let down at short notice and having a subsequent impact on my career. At one point the childcare cancelled out my wage completely, at that point I told myself I was staying in my job for the sanity, career progression, example to my child and pension. This is not an unusual situation for new parents to be in. Perfect campaign opportunity.

I can't imagine throwing away the immense privilege of having your parents around and able to help out. Such a Monroe move.
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