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Puddy Muddle

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''Hello, is that Delmonte HQ? This is Monroe's agent calling. Sorry, but she won't be able to fulfil that obligation she was payed for, she has covid. Or the one next month either, it's long covid. Okay, BYE''
This just reminded me of a lie I told when I was 7. I was invited to a birthday party I didn't want to attend and blurted out, "I can't because I'm going to be sick that day."

As the words came out of my mouth, I realised what I'd said, and thought fast, adding: "Because my cousin's coming to stay and she has measles and so I'll be catching it."

Smooth, no?

Then birthday girl said, "But I haven't even told you when the party is yet."

And as true as that was, I was forensically gifted, so I replied, "Well I don't know when my cousin's coming yet either, so ..."

If only I'd had an agent.
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I really relate to thinking you're going mad as contrary to what she says she gets very little grief on Twitter for an account with so many followers. It was always quite puzzling to me to be watching her increasingly embarrassing dramatics only to click the replies and see an army of squiggles blowing smoke up her arse. It was something of a relief to come here and find I wasn't alone.
Exactly this. She would go on and on about all the 'abuse' she received and I would look through her tweet replies and it would just be constant arselicking and talking about her like some sort of martyr for the poor. I kept seeing her being rude to people, contradicting herself, constant theatrics. I just thought, why aren't people just telling her to give it a fucking rest and get off Twitter? And why aren't people critiquing her for choosing to share every detail of her life on social media and then throwing almighty strops any time anyone dare say anything that doesn't fit with her narrative?

A particularly funny one for me was the incredibly transparent wheeling out of her brother 'who has an Afro' out of the blue, conveniently timed with when she was getting shit for not following through with her (non-existent) BLM work, and the total meltdown she had when people questioned why she was cutting his hair during a pandemic. 'I DIDNT SAY I WAS CUTTING IT NOW'.. but you asked for advice... now... that never got mentioned again.
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I'm a few pages behind but just had to pop into the future after reading her tweet concluding that the universe is "forcing her to take a break."

A break from what exactly!? She spent the entire summer recuperating from "burnout" FFS! Some people haven't had the luxury of being able to take time out at all this year and have had to work right through (and that's actual work, not fannying about on Twitter for 8 hours a day and posting the odd slop picture).

She gives me the RAGE.
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I couldn’t go any further than her accounting for men finding her aggressive and awkward as being down to her being “a bit butch” and “a lot gay”.

WTAF is she trying to say? That men find all gay women awkward and aggressive?

I thought I was angry before with isolation Jack. Now I am absolutely mindbogglingly furious. I am furious for all the gay women whose existence was denied, I am furious for all the gay women ( and men) who fought for the rights that people like me can enjoy today. I am furious for all the gay women (and men) who live in countries where they are persecuted just for loving someone of the same sex.

She is like a teen who thinks it is funny to live the stereotype. “Eeee, isn’t it funny that I am a lesbian, men hate lesbians don’t they?”

No Jack, they don’t. Men find you aggressive and awkward because you are. Not because you are gay.

I am in tears here Frauen and Herren. I am going to look over my civil partnership / then marriage photos and see all the men there just to be reminded of the fact that men don’t find me awkward and aggressive because I am a lot gay.

Blaming her aggressive nasty behaviour on being gay. A new low.
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Classic Jack -

View attachment 346368

Also I must have read this before because I remember the doctor saying "you're a drunk" and we discussed that so sorry if I'm repeating stuff.

So, after the ‘period of poverty’, since when she’s so terrified of not having enough money she squirrels it away, she was spending SO MUCH at the Groucho that they rang her up wondering why she hadn’t been in??
Just. Fuck. Off.
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Will SB still be allowed to go to his Dad and siblings’ house for Boxing Day or has she wangled it so that he’s trapped with her and the luxe Ocado delivery BB will be forced to order by the BARE SHELVES* in the Asda?

*perfectly stocked but she’s not fucking Bob Cratchit she deserves nice things, ok?

Wonder how much of this news is broken to SB’s family via the medium of Twitter. That Southend girls WhatsApp group will be aflame once again tonight, solidarity fraus from afar x
I would literally pay a monthly subscription just to be an observer of SB’s dad’s wife’s WhatsApp groups.

Mrs SB Dad - this is not a drill. Get a Patreon up and running.
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Covid-drama-faker bloggers/influencers/slebs are my very least favourite. That being said, I’m here for the drama. Cos guess who’s got isolating kids for the FOURTH time since effing September, and work snowballing by the day. I need to break up the stress somehow. Also 👋 actual high risk over here! Somehow managed not to make self pitying Covid posts on any form of social media. It’s shit for everyone, but she’s got it so good in comparison to most. She don’t know she’s born, spoilt brat. I thank my lucky stars I’ve got a garden, ways and means to entertain, feed, and nurture my kids. That’s something millions are struggling without, and “I’ll say this only once” she’d do well to remember that once in a while. Also, I have what’s considered a big house where I live, and hers is about three times the size with less people! The audacity of the moaning. Ok. Enough 🔺 for now.
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To be fair to Jack, I do hope that she either hasn't contracted it, or has a mild illness. Whilst she is no doubt culpable for her exposure to the virus, I would not wish anyone to end up on a ventilator or worse.

People that have, and are, taking unnecessary risks, base on selfish wants, puts the NHS under greater pressure. I include Jack in that category.

ETA, she spent time in A&E with a pretend black eye in the middle of a pandemic (to prove a point to the Fraus, though only posted pictures of her feet and ugly gifted bag that you can put stuff in.....available by an affiliate link).

I don't think she gives the NHS staff's workload a second thought.
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I went to take a look at The Breakdown magazine, got as far as the title of the first article "Why Make-up Is Perfect For Self Expression". Reminded me too much of 'lady doctor prescribed red lipstick' so I noped out 😂.
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Classic Jack -

View attachment 346368

Also I must have read this before because I remember the doctor saying "you're a drunk" and we discussed that so sorry if I'm repeating stuff.
The Groucho. Rang her. I just let that sink in a bit. The Groucho. The exclusive, presumably expensive, Groucho. Rang her. To find out if she was okay. Because she spent so much money there that they noticed her absence. And yet she's poor enough to talk about it on twitter and take people's money (people who are only donating because she paints a picture of being poor). If it's a joke it's a pretty off colour one in an article about alcoholism. If it's true then she was a loyal and missed patron of an expensive club despite being a poverty campaigner who has to follow a £20 a week food budget for her household. Unless she was spending Louisa's/someone else's money there I guess
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Well, this is all horribly predictable and, depressingly, why we are all still in the shit. People seem to justify why THEY have to go to place A or visit person B, when the reality is most of it is not urgently needed or required. I can’t be arsed to trawl through the pages of posts to refresh in my memory her convoluted list of who and why she can visit all the different people but I remember at the time that it was wildly unnecessary.

Frankly, what is clearly apparent in this happy family scenario is Louisa is also a complete prick. If she has the means and place in London, and didn’t need to be “bubbling because we both struggled last time” with Jack and her son, then she shouldn’t have been. We all know people, or are the people, that have been sacrificing times, special events, even the mundane regular visits, in order to limit potential spread. Now there is going to be more cases in Southend because SB was a potential spreader, Jack with her open house to anyone who will throw her a few coppers for a picture, and, most of all, Louisa schlepping to and fro, crossing paths with god knows how many, especially on public transport.

Shame on Jack for being pathetically, selfishly needy and grasping at straws to get Louisa back in the shitty bungalow. And, most of all, shame on you, Louisa, for being an apparently intelligent and educated person but allowing yourself to be sucked back into this ridiculous charade. I just hope you don’t have further cases, with the consequences they might have, on your hands. You both deserve all you get, however.
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BB (who originally LEFT Jack during the first lockdown) now spending 10 days with her, unfiltered and unable to escape. Excellent.

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live laugh loathe

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Did anyone listen to tonight’s PM programme on radio 4? They’re running a series called ‘isolation diaires’ or similar where families who are having to self isolate record audio clips of their experiences. A mother was saying how they were running low on food and with only £22 she wouldn’t be able to get shopping delivered cos of the minimum basket spend. There was a bit of panic in her voice but she sounded stoical. So fuck off Jack with your clip board and 14 fridges and 18 chest freezers and mammoth store cupboards or whatever the fuck it is you have. Just fuck off.
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