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I do not get why Louisa is living like this. Surely one of the benefits of a good salary is being able to buy nice things, inc. food? Living off of dried noodles and dusty beans is miserable and completely unnecessary. She could easily afford as many deliveries and takeaways as she likes. God it infuriates me!
I don't think either of them are living the way Jack pretends they are
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Tbh I'm amazed Jack hasn't (at least, on her main account 👀) faked Covid yet. She could get a lot of attention...

I imagine all her Christmas work is done - all she has to do is wait for the cheques to roll in. What better to brighten up the monotony of the rest of December than developing symptoms at Christmas and ruining everyone's fun? So many doggos and sympathy tweets to hoover up. Just thinking out loud here m'lud...
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Probably another crock of shite anyway. All about the content darlings! Very conveniently happens the week after she gets all her photo shoots out of the way.
"Rattle, rattle rattle I've just lost six months work in the space of 48 hours due to having SEVERE Covid through NO FAULT OF MY OWN (BB&SB). Anyway this has developed into SEVERE Long Covid so I am howling in a nappy and an eye patch wondering if I shall ever taste butter again rattle rattle rattle rattle."
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What a coincidence that just as SB has to isolate due to one of his teacher’s testing positive, which would ordinarily mean only he has to isolate, another adult in the household has also come into contact with that teacher or someone else who has tested positive. Which was only mentioned after multiple people pointed out she didn’t have to isolate too.

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If it's negative she can be down to the Post Office first thing!

Funny thing is, her story keeps changing? Almost like she is making it up as she goes.

Jack tweets every brain fart. I refuse to believe she had a test and didn't tweet about it.
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Bitter LOL at her blabbing a teacher's private medical business all over twitter and then clamming up suddenly "out of respect for others" when called out on a simple detail that doesn't suit her attention seeking narrative. He's at primary school so should be easy to work out who if you follow her and know the school.

That is NOT ok.
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So she wrote “not my circus not my f***i g monkeys” on her referendum ballot, yet now she’s furious about the changes in food prices...these matters are more closely connected than the fish and eggs in her food.
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The entire premise of the Breakdown just reminds me of this Dril tweet:

View attachment 346303

Rich girls who’ve done restrictive eating and have anxiety and maybe got prescribed Prozac and then their parents paid for therapy for them so now they feel they have the authority to talk about “self-care” without anything more than a cursory acknowledgment that self care is a dereliction of responsibility on the part of institutions, placing the onus on the individual to make themselves better while nothing is done to address the structural reasons that so many people struggle with mental health.

So. Very. Jack.
This is perfect. These types of articles somehow manage to miss the mark on two fronts. As you say, they never address the structural reasons (or if they do, there's never any discussion of possible solutions to those structural issues). They also place the responsibility on the individual, but ALWAYS in exactly the wrong way. It's always shit like 'if you do X, you'll get better', which is not true and essentially blames people who suffer from MH issues, because they clearly can't do X. But at the same time these articles perpetuate the whole 'I have ADHD therefore I'm a chaotic mess' type crap, which is reductive and doesn't give people an out.

My personal MH experiences have taught me that the route out of dealing with in my case c-PTSD, but this is probably applicable to other conditions is

1) full acceptance of what has happened/is happening/ is real
2) being truthful about one's own feelings
3) understanding that feelings aren't permanent
4) letting go of guild and shame
5) building an ongoing support structure, which will involve other people, perhaps medication and WORK which has to be done by you, no matter how unfair that may seem
6) being honest with yourself about your strengths and weaknesses
7) seeking and accepting help

These steps don't necessarily happen in sequence, you will stumble and fall and have setbacks. Certain tools will help you, but none will fix you - like a wallpaper planner is not going to fix things, neither is a chemical rollercoaster. Because life isn't easy, but it's worthwhile getting yourself better, because you are worth it (insert swishy hair ad).

I know so many of you on here know this, but perhaps this is useful for some of the newer coven members. It's also why JM triggers me so much. She's doing a lot of damage with her 'campaigning'.
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Classic Jack -

Screen Shot 2020-12-14 at 12.29.56.png

Also I must have read this before because I remember the doctor saying "you're a drunk" and we discussed that so sorry if I'm repeating stuff.
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