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Some people have been brainwashed against Muslims by MSM and generational racism and I get that what I don’t get is how anyone could condone or make excuses for a Genocide of women and kids.
If Hamas were the major casualties maybe they would have a little credibility but come on the stats are very very clear at this point that Gaza is a graveyard for women, kids and the old/vulnerable and there is zero defence it’s an abomination period and I have no time for people that try and make excuses for the inexcusable.
Exactly my feeling! I saw someone post a picture of a family with a caption about how the whole family was wiped out during an airstrike, one amongst the 30,000 deaths. Some Israeli bot then commented 'but what about the 5 members of the same family killed on Oct 7th?' - like wtf?? I am appalled at ANY innocent civilian deaths, one doesn't matter more than the other - but the proportionality needs to play a massive part here because it is absolutely off the charts.
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I care about people on both sides. That is possible
Right, so why do you never mention them?? Why do you gloss over the atrocities that the Israeli government are responsible for every day of the last 6 months. Why don't you care about the Palestinian women and men who have be sexual assaulted by the IDF? Why don't you care that they are being forcible starved by the Israeli government and it's civilian citizens who are physically blocking aid at the boarder?

You are so hung up on one day from 6 months ago but what about the assault on the Palestinians on October 6th?? Why don't you care about that? Why not a word from you about that? Why don't you care about the rise in Muslim hate crimes? The Muslims who have actually been killed since October 7th in other countries because of the stroking of hate and dehumanisation by the Israeli, British and US government's??

You don't care about Palestinians. It's evident from every word.
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Honestly don't even know why we're all bothering with this genocide apologist.

What's the point in pretending to be a neutral voice of reason if your whole opinion on this genocide is informed by statements from the White House and your Jewish zionist friends?

Nobody's denying that killing Israeli civilians and taking hostages is deplorable. But that in no way erases the full history of the conflict and the very obvious genocide we are seeing today.

If you can't be bothered to see that, I don't know why anyone should be bothered about what you have to say.
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It's the fact that the world has sat by and done nothing that gets me. (And I know all about vested interests and blah blah.)

In WW2 we didn't have social media. No-one really knew about concentration camps until closer to the war ending. The true horror was only revealed at the end of the war.

But this? We can see it in glorious technicolour from the first lies at the beginning of October up until now and men being shot at trying to collect flour. Flour. Not a 3 course Michelin starred meal. A simple bag of flour.

Israel has obviously lost all its standing going forward. But how has the rest of the weekend lost its spine because they didn't want to upset the Jews. Well. Wake up. It isn't about Jews and it never has been. Look at the children who only have darkeness behind their eyes, mother's with empty arms, the fathers wrapping their wives and children in plastic because there are no graves.

Fuck your real estate.
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This government is an utter shambles in any case, but how on earth are they questioning people's right to assemble and people's right to protest?

James Cleverly should be utterly ashamed. If the protestors really have "made their point", the UK would've called for an immediate ceasefire and imposed sanctions on Israel.

Tbh I'm not even sure what to say about a black man who doesn't understand how protesting for people's rights could make a difference...
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Tell me where I said that
That source is not accurate
You’re antisemitic
You have an echo chamber
Run away quicker than a Zionist to a Palestinian home in the West Bank

The 6 stages of Zionist bullshit
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If I had to guess, I'd put good odds on the Al-Qassam Brigades getting new members as this goes on.
As reasons to join a militia fighting Israel go, seeing your loved ones killed, your home destroyed, and the world not caring would be pretty strong.
Plus the next generation of resistance. If my family has been murdered and my people starved and displaced, you better believe I’m going to hate who did it.

Thats how every Palestinian will feel and rightly so.

That’s why (of course, after the fact it’s a genocide) this strategy is nuts. It will not succeed.
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Everyday it just seems worse and worse.

I'm not talking about Palestine for a second. I am talking about us. The wider world. Everyday a new decision to stop this funding or that, everyday a negative choice, everyday another head turned, everyday a new policy that seeks to protect Israel, everyday another attack on innocent civilians that doesn't register with any Government.


How these people live with themselves I will never know. I can only imagine they are not seeing the images we are or they genuinely believe that the extermination of Palestine and its people is the end goal and they will do whatever is needed to reach that and the news we see is irrelevant.
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The death penalty is a no for me, even for these fuckers, but what justice Id like to see- remove all settlers and houses CANNOT be demolished (like they did when they left Gaza) house all Gazans in those illegal settlements until Gaza is rebuilt, funded exclusively by Israel. Reparations for all Gazans £500k each for every man woman and child in Gaza, £500k for every business they destroyed and looted in Gaza and the West Bank. All IOF soldiers assets frozen until they return all looted gear. Special dispensation will be given to any soldier who can provide evidence that one of their colleagues had loot they’ve not returned (🤭 make them complicit) - all government members to go on trial. All Palestinians released. Public apologies by every soldier, every government member knee cap that vile settlement woman…I think that for starters, so much better than becoming as barbaric as those fkrs! Hit them where it hurts, their pockets and their egos!
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Jonathan Barlow said “we stand here as men who refute their Jewishness and the holocaust being hijacked by an occupation which has led to conflict for so many people”

So many of the usual accounts - Eva Barlow, Aviva Klompas - and the other paid shills are quoting him “we stand here as men who refute their Jewishness” and using that deliberately shorter sentence to mislead and attack him. The usual Zionist playbook out in force
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I cannot imagine the levels of trauma and fear in Gaza I knew the west were fully complicit when they stopped funding UNWRA.
Netanyahu stopped the investigation into 7/10 because it wasn’t the time to address who was at fault and it was not the time to apportion blame during a war and since then they have systematically destroyed the evidence, fast forward to UNWRA there was no such considerations given and they are somehow supposed to investigate while in the middle of a Genocide and all funding was withdrawn without so much as a preliminary investigation talk about double standards 🙄
Now that aid can’t be distributed properly and kids are dying all western countries that have supported Israel are responsible.
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I can’t believe how sick and sadistic these people are and I feel so much anger that the western media portrays them as victims. It really does feel like we’re living in the Truman show.
I know right? I feel like such a conspiracy theorist wanker but then we have Sir Kid Starver admitting he’s consulting the Israeli president before writing an amendment on a ceasefire…I mean wtaf? It’s truly dystopian!
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It's worth remembering that in many cases where genocide is occurring on an ethnic or ethnoreligious basis, what happens to the bodies is often part of the dehumanisation process - particularly where targeting a religion, the dead are deprived of the cultural burial rites. Mass burial or burning of bodies is not a greater respect to the dead, it's usually a case of seeking efficiency of space or disease prevention.

In the case of Gaza, the abandonment, exhumation, and seizure of bodies is a less efficient but particularly visible means of depriving burial rites.

Rarely does dehumanisation of a people cease at their death.
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This stuff was amplified internationally. It manufactured consent for genocide. Like the 40 beheaded babies. And now these fascists are beheading babies and killing Palestinian women with impunity.
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@Humphrey Rudge given you are using the sick/nauseous emoji on posts regarding Ramadan, I am going to make an assumption about your character.

Please know that Islamaphobia is just as harmful as antisemitism, and indulging in a belief structure that relies on fearing or hating your fellow man for nothing more than the religion, ethnicity, or country they were born into is how we ended up with shameful conflicts like this.
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This was just one part of it, would recommend watching it all -

Absolute bastards. I can't even watch all of that, my blood pressure rises too much. There is no going back for those fuckers, they are utterly, utterly broken. Cowards shooting an unarmed man in the stomach just because they can, drunk on power. God they make me sick.

What do we do with these people, once this is all over and Palestine is free. What do we do with these twisted fuckers who are too dangerous to live in everyday day society. They are serial killers. They need to be locked up for the rest of their days.

So they go to prison?? They can't be allowed to gather together so they go in isolation?? They are absolutely dangerous.
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I think Aaron Bushnell's self-immolation protest and death has really driven it home to me how we all know what's happening isn't normal. That although everyone isn't voicing it the majority of us are struggling every day and night with what is happening because we are empathetic humans. I wish I could have met Aaron.

Maybe I shouldn't but I admire what he did so much and I refuse to take away from his sacrifice by saying I wish he found another way. For me his actions weren't a suicide. It was a humanitarian statement. A protest, a stand against what is happening. He knew exactly why and what he was doing and was articulate throughout. He screamed Free Palestine until the end. He is a hero in my eyes and even this morning on the news they are saying they are closest to a ceasefire than they ever have been. I believe the US were terrified of the optics of his protest and also afraid of copycat protests as I am sure there are lots of military aged personnel who would rather die the way Aaron did rather than die invading a foreign land and aiding a genocide and "war" against children.
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Anyone who legitimately cared about the fate of the hostages would be urging an immediate ceasefire 🤷‍♀️
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