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I am in Dubai at the moment traveling back from my time as a militant extremist (thanks Rushi) marching in London, its just on sunset and I was walking past a mosque watching all the workers sitting in the courtyard, I think they maybe get food donations from the mosque goers (but I could be wrong), there is a real buzz in the air as you see everyone out breaking fast and sharing and enjoying their meals, anyway my point is it did make me feel sad thinking of the Gazans unable to really celebrate and enjoy their Ramadan. Being in this part of the world during Ramadan just makes it all the more real. 😢
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This is where I get really frustrated at people. I remember in earlier threads hearing about how apparently in Israel people live peacefully together, how they're the goodies because there's democracy and rights and whatnot. Can you really call a country a democracy when they occupy an area and give those within it no right of self-determination? Can you claim it's a country that affords its people rights when there are laws on the books specifically outlining that rights will be limited for a group based on their ethnicity?
People get up in arms at the accusations of an apartheid system in Israel, but it's not a matter of reading into the situation - there are streets Palestinians aren't allowed to walk on. There are different requirements for the travel of Palestinians. A Palestinian who marries an Israeli is legally barred from holding the rights of any other spouse that Israeli may have married.

Israel is an apartheid state. It was long before October 7th, 2023.
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How is it March, how are we still here and things are worse 🥺
( I know I wasn’t with you guys from day one, I was in heart)

Absolutely lost for words at this point 🖤❤💚
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You think I couldn't find a dozen Palestinians saying something similar about Jews? It doesn't prove anything
The problem with this line of justification, and it is a common one, is the power imbalance.

Two men stand facing each other, one with a gun to the other's head, one with a small stone in his hand. Both say "you deserve to die" to the other. Which has the power to make those words come to fruition? And yet why is it we act as if the words hold the same weight?

One party has the power to stop the other achieving statehood, and does so. And we justify it by saying that the other side says the one with power shouldn't have statehood.
One party has the power to withhold rights from the other's population, and does so. And we justify it by saying that the other side wants to restrict the rights of the population of the one with power.
One party has the power to commit genocide with the world's support, and does so. And we justify it by pointing to a massacre, while ignoring all the history, massacres, apartheid, and injustices that pre-dated that massacre.

Words cannot be held as having equal weight when the ones saying them don't hold equal rights.
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How can anyone 'sick face' a post about starving, dehydrated and desperate children? It's just beyond horror.
I've said all along - grown ass men, fighting a war - right on, go for it. Keep it out in the deserts or some uninhabited place, fight it out, bash on. But not civilians, and certainly not babies and children. It's horrific.
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I dont normally comment because in all honesty i dont know what to say to people that defend this...How can anyone, regardless of race /religion sit and say that its okay an justify it. Mothers holding their dead babies that have been bombed for just existing, it's disgusting to even try and defend that. Whether you are a mother or not yourselves have some humanity man.
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I can’t believe the pics I’m seeing on instagram. That poor poor boy. The poor mum who lost her twins. . The toddler who had to identify his family , the baby who had her arms amputated.
How is this real , how is this happening ?
Countdown just came on. I had to turn it off. I can’t even look at that genocidal witch Rachel Riley
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This is where I get really frustrated at people. I remember in earlier threads hearing about how apparently in Israel people live peacefully together, how they're the goodies because there's democracy and rights and whatnot. Can you really call a country a democracy when they occupy an area and give those within it no right of self-determination? Can you claim it's a country that affords its people rights when there are laws on the books specifically outlining that rights will be limited for a group based on their ethnicity?
People get up in arms at the accusations of an apartheid system in Israel, but it's not a matter of reading into the situation - there are streets Palestinians aren't allowed to walk on. There are different requirements for the travel of Palestinians. A Palestinian who marries an Israeli is legally barred from holding the rights of any other spouse that Israeli may have married.

Israel is an apartheid state. It was long before October 7th, 2023.
The people who want to live peacefully in Israel are the exception, like 5%. That is what you get when you actively encourage right wing extremists to settle in other peoples land, pump them full of propaganda and tell them they are the chosen people. It really is no different from the Nazis. I don’t known how you fix that in a people, it’s quite a frightening prospect.

That boy who set himself on fire in Washington has done me in this morning. I’m putting this video behind a spoiler, if you’re feeling anxious or in any way fragile don’t watch it. 💔

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Rest in peace, Aaron Bushnell. The ultimate sacrifice and form of protest. I hope it is not in vain.
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Why is the discussion by Zio’s ALWAYS ‘oh it’s a shame 30,000 have been killed but if tHEy’D jUsT rElEAse tHE hOsTAgeS 😵💫

Say Hamas release their hostages tomorrow. What happens then? Big Netanyahu says ‘great, thanks guys. Sorry about everything, we’re square now’.

Of course it doesn’t! Even when Hamas DID release hostages, Israel shot their own citizens 🤦🏽‍♀️ is Israel going to release all the Palestinian hostages too? Or even just stop killing civilians?

Why does Israel have the right to defend itself, but Palestine/Gaza doesn’t? What’s the criteria to be classed as a terrorist group? Luring people into traps and shooting them… ? Oh wait that’s Israel. So maybe they are also terrorists?!

Lastly, Israel are so dumb dumb that they can’t even put 2+2 together and realise that you cannot eradicate resistance by brute force. If anything, they’ve strengthened Hamas multiple times over and by generation after generation. Absolute own goal.
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Could you imagine if people started making jokes about the holocaust, or other despicable comments. There would be uproar. Why’s it ok to do it to Muslims? And more importantly to the Palestinians. I don’t understand it. Imagine choosing to starve children, babies then fucking laughing about it.

Fucking murderers. I honestly wake up and think this can’t be still happening people can’t still be thinking this is ok.
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Powerful ✊🏽

And at the same time, the propaganda is overtime

Apparently there’s a lot of pages / posts mocking Aaron like this - no surprise, they have no compassion or human decency. Aaron had more courage and bravery than any of those little shits. I’m feeling so numb and hopeless since little Hind and Sidra were murdered, I just hope that Aaron’s sacrifice makes some difference and he didn’t die in vain. Rest in power Aaron ❤
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I am not going to post it but I am sure most of us saw the video a couple of days ago of Israel dropping bombs on children flying kites closer to the Egyptian border. I can't stop thinking about it. Children who made kites from rubbish, finding what joy they can and they are a threat and deserve to die.

What a world.
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Have a laugh at us - sis and I went on another march through London yesterday, we didn't actually look like this or I think we would have been arrested, but took the pici for the kids ;-)


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will never understand how sunak saw someone squashed to fuck by an israeli tank and thought 'now's the right time to call them terrorist sympathisers and tell them to shut the fuck up' ???????
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I'm not quoting the disgusting genocide apologist.

It's a genocide. We're against it. It's that simple.

I refuse to be gaslit by or interact with people who laugh react to, defend, and enjoy the maiming and murdering and starving of innocent civilians.

If someone like that hearts your posts then you need to take a long, hard look at yourself and ask yourself when you lost all your humanity.
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It's like the hospital bombing all over again, everyone was in uproar over the first one, Israel denying it etc. but not a word about the 2nd, 3rd or 4th hospital. It's the same with shooting at people waiting for aid. All the men cowering behind a wall for cover. It's such bullshit!!!!
This is depressingly true. People see an atrocity, shout for justice, and none comes. When the atrocity repeats we barely murmur.
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It's all so surreal isn't it? I have to say I think we fall into the trap of being very western focused in all this when it comes to why aren't the western world stopping this BUT why aren't the middle eastern countries doing more!?? Why is no-one, bar Yemen and South Africa, really putting their neck on the line to show support for Palestine!??

I of course mean the politicians and leaders of the world, not the people I do think the majority of the people stand with Palestine.
A lot of the Middle Eastern countries are walking a finer line than those outside of the area. Lebanon, Syria, Iran, and Iraq in particular are always one wrong move from a campaign of violence from the largest military in the world.

Israel's position is maintained aggressively in large part because they serve as a colonial power in the Middle East. While they did not begin as an American colony, militarily they function as one. If the Arab nations aggress or are even perceived as aggressing, they will have nuclear powers putting a target on them. Let's not forget how the US and UK have gone straight to bombing when just their financial assets were targeted.

We won't get into sectarian differences and the historical impacts of taking in Palestinian refugees, but suffice to say the closer you are to the conflict, the more your nation has to lose if you get involved. Israel is used by the US, UK, etc. to ensure Western interests keep a strong foothold in the Middle East just as much as Israel uses them to maintain its own power.
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I've never seen anybody say the killing of israeli civilians and the taking of hostages is deplorable. I've seen people mock a kidnap victim for not being raped and try and lessen the massacre by denying the slaughter and rapes. Seen a lot of that.
Delayed by work, but I saw this post and wanted to respond.

Any harm to Israeli citizens is deplorable. Even where a militia form as resistance to inequality, I do not condone them targeting civilians.

The killing and hostage-taking of Israeli civilians is unacceptable. But it is not justification.

No country has the right to massacre civilians as collective punishment for the killing of their own civilians. No country, be it secular or a religious ethnostate, has a right to deny others rights based on their ethnicity or religion (and before it's asked, absolutely I boycott and protest against other nations doing the same) with the justification of fear for their own civilians. No country has the right to ignore or excuse sexual assaults by its own soldiers while using rape accusations to justify collective punishment.

There has been much condemnation of the actions of October 7th. There has been much condemnation of Hamas, which again I would remind you is used as a catch-all term for not just Hamas (the name of the political group, of whom the al-Qassam Brigades are the militant wing) but various other military groups of varyingly close connection. Not one word of that condemnation provides an excuse for what is happening to the civilians of Gaza.

What makes the killing and uplifting of civilians by Hamas different to the killing and uplifting of civilians by the IDF? I abhor both, do you?
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