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I’m not sure having Gloria and the friend’s father in family court will be quite the slam dunk Alice thinks it is. They may not have witnessed this incident but I’m sure they will have witnessed other concerning things.
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A lot of Ella’s anger will be out of fear. She’s spent 2 years scared her mum is going to die (Alice even getting so drunk she can’t stand up) be homeless, be destitute so Ella is so afraid of what’s happening she’s angry. She can’t be angry at Alice, because Alice has placed herself as the victim in all this and Ella does not have permission to be angry at her. Alice actively rejects any suggestion of her own involvement in this
The psychology of this is simple in that Ella is going to be angry with everything that threatens her perceived safety with Alice, and anything that threatens Alice’s wellbeing. Ella is protecting her mother from evil Ioan at all costs. She is so enmeshed
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It's also weird that the kid who didn't want to be on her mom's SM is now in so many papers re the attempted PRO. She has sacrificed her privacy to vilify her dad and B. That's quite a turnaround and suggests she's not the one behind this.
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I think something the old timers here know that some people newer to this weird little play don’t get is the only way Ioan could have avoided her going into a very public psychotic rage, doing everything in her power to turn his kids against him, and basically try to ruin his life was to stay with her for as long as she ordered him to, pay for everything, and let her do whatever she wanted all the time. This didn’t start when he left her, I don’t think it even started when she demanded he alienate most of his not-so-big fan base because people were talking about her ugly ass clothes, she already had him terrified by then or he would have laughed at her childish tantrum instead of making himself look like an asshole. This has fuck all to do with Bianca, if he stayed by himself for the rest of his life she still would have bullied those kids into hating him and publicly maligned him if he wouldn’t come back to her and grovel at her feet. She’s an evil poisonous self-centered monster completely devoid of empathy, and no one except those kids will ever really love her as long as she lives and she knows it. She’s burned the love out of everyone who ever did love her. She needed professional help for her personality disorders a long time ago, and now it’s too late. Pointing out all the shit Ioan might have done ‘wrong’ is a waste of time, nothing he did other than stay with her and let her abuse him would have stopped this garbage fire.

Just MOO from one of MAlice’s fat, jealous, pie-eating old IMDB buddies. 😂
This sums it up. Alice has been exactly this way for decades, long before Bianca and long before he left. The one consistent thing has been her malignant behaviour.
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From 2019. Alice is a cunt. Pass it on.

She 100% to blame for what happened to this close relationship which is now in the toilet.

IG and Ella 2019.png
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They won’t testify against Alice though I don’t think
I don’t think they will lie for her. Let’s hope the judge doesn’t ask any difficult questions.

I suspect they had to pick up the girls because they couldn’t get hold of Alice. One of the socks said Alice is not allowed to take their calls during visitation but Ella’s statement says Elsie was on the phone to her mum from her dance class.
Planning her next move. She’s so transparent.

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It's so mAlice: think of the worst thing in the world, and throw it at the wall to see if it will stick.

So far we've had:
  • we had the perfect marriage but he abandoned us
  • he's a bastard because he doesn't want to see the babiezzz
  • he's a bastard because he wants to take my babiezzz
  • he never cared about my illness
  • he cares about his girlfriend's illness more than his kids
  • he was abusive to me
  • he is being abused by his girlfriend
  • his girlfriend is a child abuser
  • and now everyone who is not on my side is a child predator
^ What did I miss out? It's unhinged. They put Britney on a 5150 hold for less!
"he never cared about my illness/he went to over 100 doctor's visits with me"
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I can just see Ioan and Bianca having oatmeal Gruffudd but I think they call theirs overnight oats 🤭😂
I assumed Bianca was making porridge, like the lentil porridge (which simultaneously went in the bin untouched and tasted awful).

That is the level of depravity of I and B - they do not just torture the kids with porridge once but it is an ongoing and sustained attack.

It is well known that porridge is child abuse and hopefully porridge is also what Mommie Dearest will be doing soon.
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I think something the old timers here know that some people newer to this weird little play don’t get is the only way Ioan could have avoided her going into a very public psychotic rage, doing everything in her power to turn his kids against him, and basically try to ruin his life was to stay with her for as long as she ordered him to, pay for everything, and let her do whatever she wanted all the time. This didn’t start when he left her, I don’t think it even started when she demanded he alienate most of his not-so-big fan base because people were talking about her ugly ass clothes, she already had him terrified by then or he would have laughed at her childish tantrum instead of making himself look like an asshole.

This has fuck all to do with Bianca, if he stayed by himself for the rest of his life she still would have bullied those kids into hating him and publicly maligned him if he wouldn’t come back to her and grovel at her feet. She’s an evil poisonous self-centered monster completely devoid of empathy, and no one except those kids will ever really love her as long as she lives and she knows it. She’s burned the love out of everyone who ever did love her. She needed professional help for her personality disorders a long time ago, and now it’s too late. Pointing out all the shit Ioan might have done ‘wrong’ is a waste of time, nothing he did other than stay with her and let her abuse him would have stopped this garbage fire.

Just MOO from one of MAlice’s fat, jealous, pie-eating old IMDB buddies. 😂
THIS. I think people still assume there is a reason behind the nastiness. No there isn't. She's just vile - always was and always will be.

I don't like all the blaming of Ioan and Bianca. If you think there is any good in Alice it's because you are projecting your own better personality traits on to her. She is a black hole of fuckery.

Entertaining though which is why we have #176 threads.
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Alice, in a response to an article early on about the effect she was having in her children said something along the lines of - ‘Do you really think they’ll care about any of this 15 years from now.’
It’s literally going to impact their personalities, emotional development and all of their relationships for their whole lives. She just doesn’t care.
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Boring Monday

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She’s a mini Alice. There I said it.
I think just about every 13 year old girl has the potential to be a mini-Alice. it’s an age that is horrible with all these feelings swirling about. I certainly wouldn’t want to be that age again. It’s just that most aren’t actively encouraged in that direction
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I find it interesting that Ella believes Ioan's financial declaration is faked. she is in for a surprise if she rather believes her court-certified abuser mommy than that one of the best lawyers would risk their career for it. It's actually pretty concerning that a 13 year old does not appear to have the capacity to understand how money works. They lived and still live a upper class life....where does she think this much money comes from?! Where does the idea come from that Alice is excused from providing? It shows the degree of manipulation. As do the claim that the accusations against Alice are fake (her main also liked this) when about 95 % of it are actually proven with texts and such. In fact she herself used to be intelligent enough (2 years ago) to point out her mother's flaws. It really shows what isolation and trauma bonding can do to a teenager, and in this case I cant see it being undone. And in a way Ioan is at bigger danger around her than he was with Alice, because Alice does to an extent know some boundaries because she wasnt raised by a complete failure, throwing with food on someone and vandalism probably wasnt her final stage of escalation.

I like the complain that they have pictures of themselves together in the apartment...good on them.
It is sad to see she is turning Ella into a miserable loser like she has always been. No real friends, no life, no family.

I hope the damage can be undone.
yeah the manipulation is one thing but she has made her as vile too. at least most braimwashed kids avoid that destiny and build their own personality. not in this case seemingly...
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Good. It won't be easy for her to find another man to torture and turn suicidal. And the only thing hurt is her narc pride.
The risk she takes though is that as no normal, decent man wants anything to do with her, she'll end up with someone who is highly violent to her or is a creep or interested in her daughters she seems to offer to creeps so freely.

Remember when Ioan left her he told her that he'd rather be dead than live with her? He was that miserable. Perhaps Alice would have preferred him unalivened -- then she would have been able to play the role of a poor widow (she thrives on pretending to be a victim).

I am glad Ioan started to date Bee, fell in love, and got back his will to live again. His daughters should be grateful to Bee; without her, they might no longer have a father. Who knows...

She does not make me angry, just disgusted. And worried about her daughters.
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And I'm not trying to be mean here but I think in Ella's teenage mind she is living her best life. She has always gotten what she wants with a stomp and a scream and I'm sure Alice is heavily rewarding her.

She doesn't have to go to school or have any learning - as we can see by some of her purported tweets. Phew! Grammar and spelling anyone?

She gets unlimited media time on sites deemed inappropriate for her age. She gets to freely boss her little sister and I'm guessing Alice too.

I would bet she's never had to wash a dish, clean a toilet or do a load of laundry. Or any household chore. Or gone hungry.

Ella has really led quite a privileged life compared to abused children I've seen and know in real life as an abused child advocate in court on a volunteer basis.

And some of them do not become monsters but become humans filled with empathy to do better as adults.

When Ella starts trying to be an adult with adult relationships and is constantly in a world of hurt, she can thank her Mother.
She’s being emotionally abused and Alice’s payoff for this is to let her not go to school. This just enmeshes her more to Alice. She isn’t being physically abused and is being rewarded for being a loyal girl to Alice by being allowed to do what she wants otherwise. It’s a huge heavy price to pay.

What 9 year old wouldn’t have a panic attack by the time ella had spent what, an hour yelling screaming and wailing? Imagine how Elsie will have felt to that point, trapped in this horrible atmosphere, feeling like it’s her fault about the forgotten leotard and feeling bad she caused everyone to get upset. I am not even surprised she was upset
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She’s been liking a lot of tweets about mothers separated from their children by family courts. I think she knows the threat of losing custody is very real and why they pulled the latest stunt.
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If Ioan gets full custody he can still work on location. Wouldn’t be at all surprised if the grandparents helped out and as they were both teachers that can help with the homeschooling.

Alice would be apoplectic.
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I an increasingly concerned at how far Ella may go at the behest of her mother. With "mommy dearest" pleading innocence if Ella does something that get herself in serious trouble.
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Chatty Member
I don't believe the door slamming at all. Even in Ella's statement IG calls it out as a lie. This was all part of the plan. I believe Ella got the bruise some other way and the plot was hatched from there.

Breaking news - we are all still jealous of AE (using a 20 year old pic) with her sock responding to a tweet that was posted in March. She will still be doing this when she 80. Narcs gonna narc.

View attachment 2228255


…Naturally? I’ve seen less makeup on drag queens than in that photo hun
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The recent escalation in SM activity is disturbing, and seeing how far Ella has regressed in a relatively short period of time is especially distressing.

I wonder if there's a part of Ella confused as to why people don't believe her version of events. Depending on what mommy told her, she probably thought a TRO would be a fait accompli. Daddy was able to get a PRO against mom "so easily" so this should have been a walk over. Surely everyone will believe a child!

She's obviously reading the comments, so she would see that the majority are unfavorable towards her. Of course she would put some of this down to "trolls" and "Alice haters", but there must be a part of her wondering why this hasn't all gone her way, why isn't she being coddled and why don't people believe a child? Is she starting to have some doubts and she's too frightened to articulate this to her mother? That part of this escalation is due to confusion, fear and anger?

Either way, if this makes it to court, I hope the judge spells it out to her in no uncertain terms about the seriousness of the situation she finds herself in.

At the essence of it all, the Abuser is an evil piece of work.
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