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From the custody documents:

"She said she would tell people I had abused her and the girls, take the girls away, sell false stories to the press, and destroy my career. Alice said I would pay the price for "fucking up." She said she wanted me jailed, and would not rest until I was punished. Alice said I may as well kill
myself because of the press damage coming, and said in front of the girls, "Please god make him die!"

"Alice said, "I'm going to tell my lawyer that you punched me last week. It's going to be like Johnny Depp and Amber Heard. It's not
going to end well for you!" Then she told Ella, "Please let me know if daddy is ever creepy or weird with you."

I absolutely believe she said both these things, and I believe she wants him dead.
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I think something the old timers here know that some people newer to this weird little play don’t get is the only way Ioan could have avoided her going into a very public psychotic rage, doing everything in her power to turn his kids against him, and basically try to ruin his life was to stay with her for as long as she ordered him to, pay for everything, and let her do whatever she wanted all the time. This didn’t start when he left her, I don’t think it even started when she demanded he alienate most of his not-so-big fan base because people were talking about her ugly ass clothes, she already had him terrified by then or he would have laughed at her childish tantrum instead of making himself look like an asshole. This has fuck all to do with Bianca, if he stayed by himself for the rest of his life she still would have bullied those kids into hating him and publicly maligned him if he wouldn’t come back to her and grovel at her feet. She’s an evil poisonous self-centered monster completely devoid of empathy, and no one except those kids will ever really love her as long as she lives and she knows it. She’s burned the love out of everyone who ever did love her. She needed professional help for her personality disorders a long time ago, and now it’s too late. Pointing out all the shit Ioan might have done ‘wrong’ is a waste of time, nothing he did other than stay with her and let her abuse him would have stopped this garbage fire.

Just MOO from one of MAlice’s fat, jealous, pie-eating old IMDB buddies. 😂
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I am not too overly familiar with this thread. Only read snippets here as it moves too quickly for me to catch up. But just want to say, how sad I am for those poor girls having malice as their mother. She is ruining them. The latest fiasco clearly has her name written all over it. If I was Ioan, I think for his own safety & mental health, I would have to say to E & E, “I love you & my door is always open but I am not tolerating this behaviour anymore”. It must be heartbreaking to see your girls turning into little monsters (appears on more so than the other). This isn’t going to end well at all. I don’t even know malice but I’m scared of her! Is there no other family members who can step in? Why aren’t the girls being removed from their mothers care before it’s too late?
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yeah the manipulation is one thing but she has made her as vile too. at least most braimwashed kids avoid that destiny and build their own personality. not in this case seemingly...
The daughter doesn't realise this yet, but she will be carrying around the stigma of this for the rest of her life.

Anytime someone searches her name in the future, they'll get the whole crazy story. Potential employers, dates, friends etc. will all know about her effed-up childhood and the vile things she did to try to destroy her father.

The tantrum at IG's apartment and restraining order request might be gleeful acts of rebellion now, but in 20 years she will either be cringing or dealing with the emotional fall-out of being raised by a narc.

Her mother is ruining her life and she's just too young to see it yet.
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He's damned if he does (fights for them - look at what's happened re the set up and RO request and reputation-ruining headlines) and damned if he doesn't (gives MAlice full custody and loses his children :( and is accused of abandonment). There's no happy ending here.
I'm in two minds whether he should see out the custody hearing (so the girls will always know he fought tooth and nail, and wanted them) or throw in the towel now because the girls are too dangerous/weaponised and are going down the false accusation route.

Alice should burn in hell for this. She is lower than a snake's belly.
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I mainly lurk. My tuppence' worth is I think things have gotten so terrible that Ella doing this will actually stand to Ioan. (You'd swear I knew them the way I'm dropping their first names :ROFLMAO: ) Every time they go to Court he wins. I cannot see a Judge allowing them to stay with their mother given the damage she is doing to them; which they themselves documented in the RO application. I don't know what the threshold for CPS involvement is but surely it has been reached here? They just cannot be left there with her much longer.

This is a light hearted gossip site but I have somehow become invested in this because I'm aghast at how terrible a mother she is. She seems like a strong character (monster more like), she could have done so much to help them. Gotten them into therapy etc. Why would you destroy your own children to spite your ex?? They need to be removed from her. Supervised visitation only. Maybe I am being incredibly naïve but I think the eldest would soon settle down. I would say the mother needs inhouse therapy/rehab/something to get through to her to move on, with the logic that if it benefits her then her children benefit in turn, but she is actually irredeemable.
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Chatty Member
Thread title suggestion:

Alice: As trustworthy as a cat with an unattended prawn cocktail

Brought to our attention by @IKickLikeKatya

Apparently from MN..but it's too good to pass up
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After a 6 hour drive, we arrived at our holiday destination...

I have been on my phone while signal allowed and as we arrive
I say "Well I finally caught up with mAlice"

My husbands reply?

"Shame the bloody police haven't caught up with her yet"...

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For sure it’s tough that Ioan left the marriage and met BW.

But I do feel if AE hadn’t reacted so viciously then he may not still be with BW. Somehow they had to unite against AE which really strengthened their relationship for sure. At least initially. BW either loves drama and the notoriety it’s bringing her, or else she is very tolerant. It’s a test of her love for Ioan.

Had AE (despite the rejection and hurt) behaved more nobly and been the ‘better person’ then it’s quite possible that Ioan and BW may have fizzled out.

I think there are some tough years ahead for E and E but eventually as adults they will be able to make their own minds up and have their own experiences with each parent. For the moment they view the world through children’s eyes and they are living in a torment with no end in sight.

Do BW and Ioan plan kids? I guess they plan to marry once able. They are very loved up.
That's a weird comment. On one hand you are saying Bianca is only with Ioan because she is either very tolerant or she loves the drama and notoriety, but on the other hand you say they are very loved up... I took a long time to warm to Bianca, was suspicious of her for a long time but I've come to have a lot of respect and admiration for her. I don't think even the hungriest famewhore or drama queen would stay in this relationship with Ioan and behave the way she has - with great respect, dignity and prudence. If she was either of those things I believe we would have seen her deliberately and publicly fanning the drama by now. Her past abusive relationship, her serious medical issues and her meditative outlook seem to have given her great maturity and depth and she seems to love Ioan very much.

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Unregulated Loon

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Top story about a 13 and 9 year old surviving a plane crash and keeping their siblings alive for 40 days and Ella is throwing food and calling for restraining orders because she met someone mom told her to hate. Smell the privilege and entitlement. I’m so over that kid now. Sat in her Beverly Hills apartment covered in takeaway boxes abusing her dad online.
How does mom pay for that exactly if your “dead beat dad” isn’t paying and she’s doing go fund me and claiming to have only $26 and gave up her prestigious Hollywood career as a gameshow harpy to sit on her ass while Gloria did the heavy lifting? IMDb is on your mom’s insta, math question for you, how much did she make during that career to afford a $7000 a month apartment while simultaneously not working?
I’m sure your Twitter pals will help you out if you get stuck.
Tone, Marcia, Boring Sian and the socks (mostly Alice sometimes Ella) telling people to “get a job”. Laughable. None of them have any sort of semblance of a life or job. Give me a break.
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you know I read through Ella's declaration again and wonder how hard the judge will laugh or cry

first you have this, alright

well, then under "history of abuse"

well, no wonder if this is how you always tick off!

Then as a grand final

so you are the one who is causing havoc, and who the police action is considered against, but YOU need a RO for your personal safety?

Spell it with me: D - A - R - V - O
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I'm kinda amused by Ella's filing, to be honest. Normally, when somebody accuses another of some wrongdoing, it's really bad, and then you hope the other party will be able to reasonably explain their side.

But not here. Ella comes off badly in her own report, and Ioan and Bianca reasonable. No need for the other side. Maybe it's my upbringing in the coutryside in the 80s/90s, but if I did what Ella writes she did, no adult around me would even for a second entertain me. (Or call the police. Or file with court, lol.) What staying in the car if averyone's off to the store? Move! I can guarantee you I'd only be able to throw one food item, then it's game over. And running away at night? Nope.

Ella IS a brat. Yes it's Alice's fault, but it's still the truth. I'm surprised she doesn't take it as a compliment at this point.

Also, does she even have any friends? I mean with that behaviour? The arrangement for ride is made with Elsie's friend's dad.
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I don't get the need to hate on a 13 year old girl who is actually the main target of MAlices abuse. No wonder the kids angry her dad got to leave and move on, travelling new life. She's had to stay with her, while she's drunk and on drugs wondering if she will kill herself , take responsibility for her sister called a bitch by her mother , moved out of school , moved house, lost a stable adult in Gloria. An adult would struggle with all that , she feels responsible for her mother and sister, rightly or wrongly she feels her dad has let her down. I think some could have a little empathy here she's actually the biggest victim here of abuse.

I hope for peace and healing for Ella.
No one is hating on her. I think a lot of people are expressing the sense that while they can understand what she’s going through, it doesn’t excuse her behaviour. I am one of those people. There is no hate involved. Many in my family went through severe extended trauma at very young ages and while the circumstances were awful, they did not use them as excuses for lashing out, and yes, some were Ella’s age. And they had far fewer resources than she does. I get that everyone’s circumstances and lived experience is different. But there is a difference between explaining and excusing.
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Feather fans

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To me the fact that the age makes children uncomfortable (ok, you can think anybody over 30 is ancient when you are a teenager (I didnt, but we all different) but feeling uncomfortable in their presence is another thing). I realise that the age reference was added for histrionics (and partially I agree that a stranger can make you uncomfortable, but we know the reason is different in this case) but the mere fact she adds his age into equation thinking it is one of the valid explanations for her "panic attack" is telling.
I come from the culture where majority had very close relationship with extended families. Both parents worked full time, grandparents practically brought us up. I love my grandparents (both now sadly passed away) as much as I love my mum and dad. Both had formative influence on me and were my friends, guardians, advisors - everything, since I remember myself. Sometimes they understood me better than mum and dad. We definitely had less conflicts. For generations of people brought up like this, including all my friends and myself, older people were seen as a protective, benevolent force, a place of safety, trust and security.
It has been discussed in the media by many therapists and anthropologists, that early brain development of a human depends on being part of extended intergenerational dynamic, we all evolved as species living in extended family communes. Contemporary life with increased isolation from extended family and intergenerational bonding is considered one of the big factors in modern physical and mental health crisis of the western world.
Many unfortunately are not lucky enough to be able to build strong relationships between their kids and grandparents either because they live too far away or grandparents no longer around.
mAlice did live far away. But they had the means to travel regularly. It appears they were very keen on being present in their grand children's lives. They could have had a strong bind. She chose to alienate grandparents from her children's’ lives and that, together with her abysmal behaviour, humiliating of their father in front of them on the daily basis and many other factors would have unfortunately added to the damage she continues to inflict on them.
I know it’s a big essay to write based on picking on a bit of a sentence in the filing, but it really “triggered" me to think of all the above. How much damage she did, how much the girls are missing out on and how much she actually deliberately took away from them! She singlehandedly set out the basis for all sorts of issues now and later in life and is well on the way to turning her older one at least into a version of herself :( She is truly a hideous creature
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Congratulations to @Ametrine & @wrongshoes for the winning title. It’s a belter! 👏

Actually in all fairness @JoJo76 did get the most votes with her title suggestion but I couldn’t use it (see spoiler 😂)


She does however win the Turd golden cunting cup award. So well done JoJo! 👏 💩🏆

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Carry on Turds and Seahags!

Edited: to copy and paste info over from beginning of last thread (curtesy of @Bridgeofsighs)
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Ella: I'm uncomfortable with Iris because she's there
Ella: I'm uncomfortable with an elderly psychiatrist because he's there
Ella: I'm uncomfortable with Bianca because she's there

Ella: Perfectly comfortable with loopy being...well, loopy. With obvious support from her own mother, posting stories about her online, talking about defiling, abuse and posting photo's online of a 13yr old child

Please make it make sense
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