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I think the only way for Ioan to put the kids first would have been to not date for the next 5-10 years or something (let's be real, the divorce would have taken years and Alice would never have let go of this, so he would have been forced to wait until the kids are adults to understand it themselves, if that even would work) or really hide the fuck out of the relationship (many fathers do this, but they are not famous and dont have a crazy ex-wife). But even then the outlook would be grim, Ella refused to see him (outside of the house) seemingly because Ioan demands more discipline than Alice does (and obviously Alice backed her here as we saw in the texts) and seemingly because the whole matter about whether he can pay the private school was already last year a hot topic. Then you have probably Alice poisoning her that he doesnt come home even when she is sick or when it's his only option to see her. Alice programmed the emotional blackmail from the start and he had no chance here. It likely would have gone on and on even without Bianca until he gives in.

I actually wonder if in the case of Ella his approach is exactly right: to show that emotional blackmail and tantrums are not the way to achieve your goals, and that she will have to live with the fact that daddy cant always appease mommy (and in extension them). Time will tell if this works or if he gave up too quickly on her, but what many commonly see as taking the kids first is not always the way to go. What I am unsure of is if he could have done better with Elsie, since that relationship was fine pre-Bianca (even if under wrong promises/assumption, whoever was responsible for this)
Yes it is right. She is old enough to learn that there are limits to what you can demand of another person, relation, friend or lover. She is old enough enough to learn that some behaviours should not and will not be rewarded. If she doesn’t learn this lesson then she will be the loser in life. Because she will be a very unlikable person.

Sure he could forget what being a good parent means and just indulge her. But I hope he learnt that lesson with her mother. Instead he is doing the courageous thing. He is risking what he most loves to save what he most loves.
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Just William

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A few interesting posts about Yo being indifferent towards her.

I'm not so sure as she's still a constant source of pain to him, incl' the ongoing PA.
Grey rock is the only way to deal with narcs but emotionally I imagine he's still in a lot of turmoil.
It's not that long ago he escaped after years of abuse & that will take time to come to terms with, even without the added emotional hit
of his beloved girls & their PA.

It's still all raw; the girls, the divorce not finalised, custody to be sorted, him having to file for a RO & reveal just some of the abuse, that's a
hellish amount of stress to deal with & never knowing what she will do next.

I imagine this trip to Wales has given him the first real chance to truly relax & breathe for awhile.
If/when he gets the PRO & can get custody sorted, hopefully he'll get 100%, then the healing for all three can properly begin but he's got
a tough road ahead with the girls & I think they will all need a lot of therapy.
I really hope some day he reaches the indifference stage as I know from personal experience just how liberating it is.
If I'm wrong & he already has then I am very glad for his sake. (It took me years but I'm maybe projecting.)

If he doesn't go for full custody & it's 50/50 he faces years of torment, at least until the girls are old enough to decide for themselves,
as she'll never co-parent reasonably. Even when the girls become young women she'll be looking to point score.
Didn't she say "until we die" ? so he's never going to be truly free of her toxicity & I think she'll always obsess over him as she lost control of
her prize possession but also when he left he took with him her life of leisure (courtesy of him paying for everything) him being her trophy &
punching bag & I don't think she'll ever forgive him.
She still hates her dad & step mum all these years later which shows how long she holds on to hate when she thinks she's been wronged.
The fact she's an abuser means nothing to her as she's always been the victim.
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Just popping in to say that I quite like Bianca's ringing endorsement of Mama G. That poor woman, who lives a quiet and private life, has, along with the rest of her family, had her name and character dragged through the mud by Alice Evans, Even if she was the MIL from hell, she isn't a celebrity, and so doesn't deserve to have her name smeared by AE. We can probably assume that Bianca's insta posts are welcomed by IG, who may see them as a small, but significant gesture of apology to his mum for what he inadvertently put her and his family through. Not that any of it was his fault, but he must feel dreadful about it.
Alice Evans is a nasty and vindictive woman. I hope that I & B are having a wonderful and peaceful family trip. They deserve it.
I get the sense that the Gruffudd family don’t really do SM. Even Ioan didn’t delete all those nasty messages on his Instagram like he never looked there or checked. There are a lot of people and families that just don’t do SM. I think they are one of them. They may have an account name doesn’t mean they use it either.

Have we got to the bottom of saltinthesea account? Was this IMDb days?
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Chatty Member
I stand with ya dear @Just William in January when I saw it on the Fail I thought oh what a shame for Alice, then heard not a great deal more, until October (ish I think) and then the Yo & B picture - I saw the words & actions from mAlice and something just clicked for me (recognising in Alice the abuse red flags) was guided here thanks to a certain someone! I suppose at points early on I felt she deserved a second chance - not from Ioan (bet there's been hundreds of them) but from my sympathy, as a 9 year sober recovery addict myself. But I think the absolute end was that lower than lower than low CP blackmail slur. Recognising just how deep her manipulation goes, it seems that everything she ever says or does always has a supposed only known to her ulterior motive, but she is clear as day and I put absolutely nothing past her.
Oh and I am also self employed, however haven't been able to work for a while due to ill health (my job is very physically demanding). However my clients would definitely support my thoughts I would think. My mum and best mate can't believe all the shit she's pulled and want her held accountable for her actions and agree that male voices definitely need raised awareness when it comes to abuse by their partners.
Tik Tock Alice Tik Tock-you can't talk or make any of your half arsed usual acting attempts at getting out of this, it ain't going away.

ETA the Hornblower boxset I ordered has just arrived, know what I'll be watching tonight now😉
I just have to congratulate you on your 9 years of sobriety! That's an incredible achievement, you should be so proud of yourself. It's genuinely inspirational 💕💕
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I think the only way for Ioan to put the kids first would have been to not date for the next 5-10 years or something (let's be real, the divorce would have taken years and Alice would never have let go of this, so he would have been forced to wait until the kids are adults to understand it themselves, if that even would work) or really hide the fuck out of the relationship (many fathers do this, but they are not famous and dont have a crazy ex-wife). But even then the outlook would be grim, Ella refused to see him (outside of the house) seemingly because Ioan demands more discipline than Alice does (and obviously Alice backed her here as we saw in the texts) and seemingly because the whole matter about whether he can pay the private school was already last year a hot topic. Then you have probably Alice poisoning her that he doesnt come home even when she is sick or when it's his only option to see her. Alice programmed the emotional blackmail from the start and he had no chance here. It likely would have gone on and on even without Bianca until he gives in.

I actually wonder if in the case of Ella his approach is exactly right: to show that emotional blackmail and tantrums are not the way to achieve your goals, and that she will have to live with the fact that daddy cant always appease mommy (and in extension them). Time will tell if this works or if he gave up too quickly on her, but what many commonly see as taking the kids first is not always the way to go. What I am unsure of is if he could have done better with Elsie, since that relationship was fine pre-Bianca (even if under wrong promises/assumption, whoever was responsible for this)
I hope to hell I'm not right but I think Elsie would be scared of her mum's reaction and story and certainly swayed to her big sisters reaction against Ioan leaving, then Bianca and then everything that came after that. Gloria, the school money, everything. I hope she's not too far gone that something with her dad can't be salvaged.

End of the day I think we can all say we're afraid for the kids, but Alice has them all day every day apart from when they're at school and she neither has the time nor the inclination to have broken anything to them with tact and with the fragility of their wee hearts in mind.
She's a wrecking ball.
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Thanks for the offer of a hat. I do respect you that you don't agree and understand why. It is a bit of a hill I will die on though. My kids have had to grow up knowing that their father put himself and his partners first and still does to this day, refusing to pick up his daughter that he hadn't seen for a year on Christmas Day because of covid as he would be cooking and drinking with his new family. While I am thankful that my only involvement is 'that is disappointing' it hurts me on their behalf and his priorities have influenced their relationship with him and their own partners
I have an ex-husband who behaved similarly but not as bad as that!
I understand it from the girls point of view as the parent that has had to console upset and disappointed children because of the other parents failings. It does look like Daddy has left, went away with BW and all the other things Alice will have told them.
Until Ioan gets contact he can’t do much to appease that or change that narrative with the children. In time, hopefully he will be able to have a relationship with them that survives their mum’s behaviour.
It’s always upsetting having to hold it in for your children when they feel let down, Alice practically crows about it.
If Ioan doesn’t seek access then yes, chuck him in the bin too.
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She can't seem to accept that she is not seen as the victim but the perpetrator.
It'll be spelled out in court for her I'm in no doubt about that.
I really hope so. For once it would be nice to see a vindictive and nasty bully get called out publicly.
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Bianca posted about how his mom is baking every day for them and how she ("Mama G") is a baking whiz. Alice once said that his mom made it clear from their first meeting that she didnt liked Alice, so that seems a lot more positive LMAO
If only Ioan had been as perceptive as his Mama.
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Just William

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Just William said:
I'm a hard nosed bitch then cos' I've not felt sorry for her since he first left her back when I didn't know the real truth.
I'll show myself out! 🤭

Right there with you, friend. I felt sorry for her for maybe a week and since then I never have. Especially when she hinted at him having CP. I’m never forgetting that. Not ever.
Nice to know I'm not the only one. I can't forget all the vile things either, incl' that disgusting CP slur. All my sympathy/empathy is with Yo, the girls, little Emma, B, his family, etc - not a serial abuser who causes so much pain & damage & has no empathy herself. She gets none from me.
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I knew who he was because of Harrow and King Arthur. Had no idea who she was until she went off 12 months ago with that weird post about how he'd been abusing her for years and had run away. Made no sense about 5 nanoseconds in. Generally I support the sisterhood but I'm not stupid. An abuser in victim's clothing is easy to spot.
I only found this site after the explosion in late October. Had never heard of Tattle before. So I'm def a newby.
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Comment on Alice's Instagram. I assume left after Alice deleted something about Tattle.

Go right on ahead whoever you are. I don't have an employer and honestly, there is not a damn thing my family and friends would be shocked I ever said.

Nor my attorney. 😏 But have at it! View attachment 1107805
Caroline Flack was an abuser too #justsayin
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I'm sure he's thought about this over the years...

but reading all the IOL stuff.... she's been like this forever.

Why the fuck did he marry her ???????
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Telling, I say. And imagine spewing absolute hate in over 20 missives to your MIL, threatening to sue her and smear her entire family's name, and then casually dropping her into a comment like oh, isn't it great one of my kids looks just like her? You mean the MIL you recently refused to allow her to visit?

My brain can't handle that much mindfuckery.😑
Comparing Elsie to Mama G is an insult to both at the same time.

She really has no time for either of them.

She's clever like that.
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IG kept fans at arms length. AE waded in - she enjoyed taunting the fans with "Look what I got! He's mine ALL MINE!!"

However, in retrospect, April should not have taken the money from IG to run the website. I can understand why she took it - after all she put a lot of time into it and the money was used to make it a really good site but it left her very vulnerable because she became dependent on the money. She could then have told AE to get stuffed if AE didn't like people complaining about her shoes. Some old websites survive that talk about all that drama, but not IMDB sadly. This one is still going. I remember when IOL used to use proboards too lol. Still, to be fair, April didn't know AE was a psycho when she took the money.

Ioan Gruffudd | Crown Princess MarieChantal of Greece (
This is exactly the truth, it was a bad idea for Ioan to get involved but if it hadn’t been for Alice it would have worked out really well for him and his fans. I don’t blame April either, hindsight and all that. I think Alice already had a little group of flying monkeys out there trying to direct the conversation even back then (we called them sea monkeys) because there were people joining the semi private e-mail list I was on telling us we were bad fans if we didn’t kiss her ass. The owner of the list, who was initially agreeing with April saying listen guys, Ioan’s girlfriends are off limits let’s keep it polite, eventually got tired of the attempted takeover and said- you know what? Screw that she’s made her own bed. After that it was a free for all. 😂
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I'm sure he's thought about this over the years...

but reading all the IOL stuff.... she's been like this forever.

Why the fuck did he marry her ???????
Honestly I would give up my IPad for two days to hear from Ioan himself why on earth did he date that loon and then move to the US with her? Get a house with her, and then marry her? Let alone have children with her! Did he not worry about genetics? I know people have said before all the reasons and I could accept them if they had a whirlwind romance and married right away. But no, he had 7 years with her to show her horns and he still did it. No listening to Mam and Dad G, his friends, not noticing her treatment of others”chiefly OP” but probably waitstaff as well, and treating his mother poorly was a big no no. I’m not dissing him honestly, I am just really curious to know.
I know I’m beating a dead horse but she’s so horrifically awful that surely he knew what a shit she was after 7 years! Maybe at the time AE was the one with the Kinetic 😽. 🤢
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