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I’m reminded of the saying “when people show you who they are, believe them”

Any sympathy I had for Alice disappeared when she got deeper into vitriol and bile. I don’t care what you’re going through, but this is no OK in real life and nor should it be online. Bullying and abuse in any form is not OK. She’s surrounded herself with enablers (not friends) and is completely detached from reality.
The thing is, Ioan, Ella, Bianca and whoever else she’s firing at will be fine in the end. Because they live in reality and are adults. The real losers? Those poor fucking kids.
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Let’s hope Lorraine doesn’t disagree with her. She’ll be accused on National tv of having an affair with IG
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Alice hasn’t prepared her daughters for the changes in their life. She’s not accepted it so how can they?
It’s sad and it’s hard, but so is this life. None of us gets a free pass, not even children,
With help and love and encouragement they can move forward. But that will never happen because their mother doesn’t want to.
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Here's the interview in question for those curious. It was really uncomfortable to start with but with hindsight it's even worse.
This is a real toe-curling eye-opener. Ioan thinks this is a charmingly funny story, Craig Ferguson and the audience think why the hell didn't he run a mile. At this point, Ioan is still in love or in awe of Alice and it shows how naive he is if he thinks her behavior is not only okay, it is 'funny'. For Alice to treat him with such irritation and contempt when he was trying to propose, she clearly felt she was the prize. The tables have turned now, he is the prize and he doesn't want her.
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She's gone very far out of her way to express that she would never for a moment consider being civil to him, and instead just wants to interrogate him whilst refusing cooperation when it comes to communicating through the legal system. Are we supposed to believe they'd just sit next to each other quietly? She's been primed for a scene of epic proportions for months now, and the second she lays eyes on him that's being unleashed. Quite right he's not turning up if she's there. If anything she's turned poor Ella into such a little "defender", Ella would probably feel the need to protect her mother from her father. Nice way to twist the knife, sure, but it's a terrible situation for Ella to be in.

He needs to get her truly alone a few times to find out how deep the programming goes, preferably with a child advocate present.
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August 2020 "I just lost the plot. I tweeted this: 'Help. He's told us he's leaving us. I don't know what to do.'

His reaction was instant. (He read all my tweets, because he said he 'needed to keep an eye on me'). He grabbed my computer and deleted my tweet.

He was raging at me. Screaming at the top of his voice. 'How dare you?' His eyes were wide and white — it was terrifying.

I looked back at him. I said 'give me the laptop back'. 'No!' he said. 'Not until you've calmed down and learned to control yourself.' Again, I said: 'It's my laptop. Please give it back.' He walked out of the room, with the laptop.

Something seemed to break inside of me. I ran up to him and grabbed the laptop out of his hands. 'It's my f***ing laptop,' I said. 'And it's my life.'

I went back onto Twitter and re-posted what I'd written, explaining that he had deleted it but that it wasn't a mistake. It was a great big bloody scream for help.

Then the strangest thing happened. He stared me out, watching me retweet my cry for help.

And then he picked up the phone, called his parents and began to cry. I had no idea what he was saying as he communicates in Welsh with his parents but, well, obviously, it was bad. A line had been crossed."

April 2020

"Then something rather strange happened. When the pandemic panic kicked in properly, Ioan was in Australia shooting his show, Harrow, and people all over the world were frantically trying to get back to their families from abroad.

I kept bringing up him returning from Australia before planes stopped flying, but the panic I expected to see in him was not apparent. This is a man who panics about everything — but he kept saying: 'At the end of the day what's it going to be? Two months? Three months? And it is paradise down here!

I was gobsmacked! He hadn't seen me or his children for seven months (minus a week at Christmas) and now he was all gung-ho about extending that to a year.

Eventually, with the help of various agents, the production, our manager and calls to a handful of random agencies, we got him on the last plane home from Sydney in April 2020.

I was so happy to see him and it was a joyous reunion with the children. But once home, he sat in the bath for several hours drinking bourbon, strangely morose."

I kept asking what was wrong, but that only made him angry. At one point he stood up in the bath, stark naked, and shouted: 'Do you realise we were only one episode away from the series finale and now it will never be finished?' I felt like he blamed me for this, for wanting him home. I told him that, of course, the series would get finished and, of course, it did.
Yeah this broke my heart. It was those tweets that shone a light on how unhappy he was and how controlling she was.
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Chatty Member
lol I didn't even know about this CBS interview at all! Where did you find the info? I really want to record it now and share, if possible...
Welp found it! Fuck knows how he does it, I’ve just googled and found nothing lol. Maybe he is Alice….

Here's the interview in question for those curious. It was really uncomfortable to start with but with hindsight it's even worse.
Wow I hate this so much.
“You’re boring”
“I hate you”
Slapping his hand
Storming out
^all of this on NYE

and he just told that story to thousands like it was nbd.
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Chatty Member
There just isn’t enough juice in this story, that’s the problem. She thinks everyone is fascinated with her obviously, but no one is famous enough or interesting enough to get a book deal from this.
She does have one interesting, and in my opinion, strong angle that she could go on. The social fabric of marriages and careers has changed over the last 50 years, divorces are at an all time high. It used to be that traditionally the woman would forgo paid employment to concentrate on rearing the children/house, with the expectation that they would reap the benefits of the husbands salary into old age. They would undertake unpaid labour vs his paid labour but in the end both be protected as marriage was for life.

Slowly, societies attitude towards the permanence of marriage has changed and now we see women being divorced by the husband (and replaced by the oh so cliched younger model) and he takes not only his earning power with him but the woman is left with a 15 year gap in her CV.

If she was able to articulate herself clearly she could go on Lorraine and talk about this phenomenon. What did her and IG decide back in the day? If one of them was to give up the career was it automatically assumed to be her? Was there a conversation about how she would be protected if she was to concentrate on raising the children? What does she feel she is owed now?

There is obviously no right or wrong answers to this, it’s a conversation that would generate debate, maybe some new ideas and she could lead it. But I genuinely don’t think she can get out her own way.
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It makes me sad he can’t speak to his kids without the conversation broadcast to the world. It should be private between child and father only.
I don't think anything she is saying is real.

If the kids are crying, it's probably from her harassment. Kids, even young kids, know what upsets parents and learn not to engage in those convos.

I think the kids are walking on eggshells with her - more likely lying to her to avoid her maelstrom of emotions - and she really thinks they are being honest.

What I can't understand is how she can't think of the predatory nature of the internet. She's giving a frickton of information about the kids and leaving it wide open for terrible people to groom and connect with them. There's so much personal data she's spewing and her older daughter might want to be in entertainment. How easy would it be to flatter and drop tidbits to gain entry into their lives.

Maybe it's because I've got so many people in my life who have been abused, it's a huge red flag to me. AE put that picture of her daughter in underwear and there's something deeply wrong that it's out there like that.
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Strange to hear Alice bleating on about sisterhood. I mean the sisterhood is alive and well, she was just never a part of it. Why is she trying bang the door down now?
Away with you Alice the Malice, be gone you wretched shrew.
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So the video call was actually scheduled by the court not just ordered by the court. And it was apparently in a line provided by the court and monitored by the court. Just how stupid is she?

See Alice is doing her kids a disservice that will live forever.


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To start with I thought this was revenge on AE part. Now I realise with the pre nup she is likely trying to get them to back down and give her what she wants. And she will not stop until she gets it. Give me the house and more income and I will stop with Twitter.
Also i find it amusing that anyone that picks Alice apart must be in love with IG. I can’t speak for everyone but a lot of us have never heard of him or watched his movies. We are not pro IG we are simply against what Alice is doing and can see past her lies and manipulation. Also a lot of us are 40-60 year old woman who have been cheated on or had marriage woes and we still do not support her. But I would like to say that I for one am now backing IG all the way and now want to watch his movies and series and I hope he now has a happy life whether that be with Bianca or someone else. We are all suffering through this with you Ioan I assure you.
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Well-known member
This thread is the most addictive substance I have ever encountered (although I mostly lurk).

I notice a lot of people on here quite rightly think Malice is batshit crazy, but also think IG is a shit for having a “mistress”. Are people not allowed to fall out of love with their batshit crazy spouses any more? Divorces can take years, are we supposed to remain celibate whilst estranged? Someone well known like IG is likely to get outed with their new partner, so I guess he wanted to announce it himself hence the Insta photo.

Is it not possible he fell out of love with his wife and her exhausting ways, and met someone new There’s no proof he cheated. I’m not some super fan of his - id never even heard of either of them before all this kicked off - but I just don’t see what he’s done wrong.
He’s absolutely entitled to fall out of love, I just think the way he “announced” it on IG, in synch with his GF, was cringe at absolute best but ultimately calculated, unnecessary and pretty shitty for his kids. Even if they knew about her ahead of the post, I have absolutely no doubt they’re struggling with the changes, and I think they should be #1 priority above everything, including petty Instagram BS. AE is clearly the worse of the two, but I don’t think he’s above it either.

FWIW I don’t buy his “I’m just an innocent welsh boy from the valleys” nonsense either. He’s an actor, he knows the game, he understands how the internet works, how important image is and let’s face it, he was with her for 20 years. Birds of a feather and all that.
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Idk, if he cheated, that’s shitty but the more she carries on I do feel like he didn’t have options and has possibly tried to leave before and she’s just not let him. We can see there is a level of abuse by her to him and the kids online alone so I can’t even begin to think what happens behind closed doors.
This is what I'm thinking. The more I read, the more history I've got, the more I think this has been a domestic abuse situation for a long time and he's been happy to be away working because its kept him sane.
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Lorraine really shouldn’t be having her on when she’s not mentally well. Already worried for it to be a car crash.
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"AE is quickly turning into a horrible POS"

She was always a horrible piece of shit. She had him by the balls though for 20 years and now that she doesn't her true colours are on display on the daily. She has a long track record of smearing innocent people and bullying.
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If IG is sensible he’ll leave his girlfriend Australia over Christmas and dedicate time to them and them alone. His next steps are crucial to those girls happiness but also for his own PR.
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House of Tea

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Alice wants to go on Lorraine etc so that she can
  1. Get it all off her chest and for revenge
  2. Set herself up a a spokeswoman for dumped women - she will say she is doing it for the greater good
  3. Get herself noted as a spokeswoman and that will be her new career
  4. She will write a book/set up a website
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