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Yes the bags are bad but could we all please take a moment and look at these f*cking TRAINERS!!?? 🤣

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One of her tweets that bothered me was declaring that IG made a big fuss and demanded his own hotel quarantine and that BW stayed for 2 weeks with him, against the law. I’m from Australia. We are strict AF back then, not so much at moment with vaccines. Tom Hanks arrived in Queensland at start of pandemic. He quarantined in his own luxury house and the premier Anastasia got in hot water over it. So she made a screen industry covid safe plan that allows actors to quarantine in their own places under police guard. An example is that in NSW it costs $100k as they have to pay for 24hr around the clock police guards. We are so strict that during the pandemic Katie Hopkins threatened on SM to open her hotel door immediately when meals are dropped off and not wait the required 30 seconds for guard to move away from her door. She was deported the next day. Barnaby Joyce joked that if he can deport JohnnyDepp dogs he can deport her too. They do not fk around here. Firstly IG was entitled to stay in his own hotel room and not a mandated quarantine hotel, it was guarded by police. He was escorted from plane by police. There is no way BW got into his hotel room. I have no doubt about that.
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I'm wondering how Ioan handles this in the privacy of his own company. Scrolling social media in his flat. Lying in bed just before lights-out. Like, I can't imagine he doesn't read any of these internet takes on his divorce, and I am REALLY itching to know if he ever slips into these forums for a quick read. Surely, he must be monitoring Alice's Twitter.

If I were Ioan—reading glaring lies about my personality, my motivations, my behavior towards others and particularly my children—I would pop off. That's just one of my personal, tragic impulses; if I witness something that seems unjust to me, I don't hold back. I can't tell you how many times I had to go do some brief, impromptu meditation sessions or stress-eat Cheetos or some shit to keep from firing back at one of Alice's tweets.

How this man is quietly watching her set fire to a good chunk of his reputation by outing his personal cosmetic decisions (I'll still never get over that), revealing private conversations between the two of them, and slandering his character and especially his title as a good father to his children is incomprehensible to me. I know—the guy has lawyers who advise him to stfu. I know—he naturally avoids confrontation. But there are lines you don't cross, and Alice has hurled herself right over them, again and again, so I can't believe that strong legal advice will always prevent the victimized party from losing their shit. We all have a threshold.

I assume God just blessed him with a saint's patience!! Because I would have combusted by now!! At Alice, and at her winged primates, too, like GOD I am never watching The Wizard of Oz again. 👠👠
The narc wants the victim of their abuse to engage with them directly...because that gives the narc her power back. She has bullied him for twenty years and he has finally escaped. She thinks if she can just get him to speak to her she will be able to talk him round /coerce/bully/blackmail/threaten and get him back under her control.
Ignoring her deliberate provocation and not engaging with her in the way she wants him to (ie only through the lawyers) , refusing to set foot in the house or deal with her is driving her crazy because she knows she can't "get to him" anymore.
He's escaped and she has lost control of him.
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There is no way IG blabbed on about BW like that to the 8 year old. Alice may say he never wanted to be part of her social media presentation of their life but from what she did manage to capture he is clearly a loving and gentle father. I think what is more likely is he is trying to use age appropriate language to introduce some big ideas in an effort to prepare his daughters.

“There’s going to be big changes when I get back!!”
“Things are going to be different and new but that’s ok I’ll be there and we’ll work through it together.”

“Bianca and I did this, Bianca and I did that”
“I went to the cinema this weekend with my new friend remember this one I told you about? We went to see XYZ film, would you like to see it? Then we went on a walk, maybe we could all go on a walk when I get back?”
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Sadly this has all the hallmarks of a classic narcissistic rage....
I have experience of this and it scarily follows a similar pattern to my own situation.

The parental alienation is very difficult to win against.

You are damned if you do and damned if you don't. If he goes to Australia for Xmas he will have "abandoned his children over Xmas for his mistress" if he stays in LA and tries to see them he will "be upsetting them over xmas" and can you imagine the rage if he dates bring BW to LA?

Everything he does will be presented as wrong to the children.

The only way he will win is if he gives in and does exactly what she wants -hands her ego a victory and spends Xmas with her in the FMH - and he will never do that because of the emotional abuse...and can you imagine the trauma that would inflict?

The fact that he left with only the clothes he had on his back speaks volumes. When abused women do this people recognise it and see it's the only way to escape an abusive relationship.

It must be heartbreaking for him to know what she is inflicting on his children when he is so far away and having to work.

She will alienate his children from him and his entire family (she has already started on his parents and brother) unless he goes for sole custody.

This is not about money or revenge or having a voice - it is out and out narcissistic rage, which knows no bounds and will destroy everything.

How dare he leave her?
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Girl, you have been lying for years
View attachment 856861
Surprise, surprise (also MASSIVE own goal)

Who of you thinks she will try invent something to deny him any custody (besides supervised visits)?
View attachment 856862
So to clarify. He posted a photo on Instagram of him and another woman, 18 months after separating from his wife.

AE has turned this into
* IG was having a 3-year affair
* BW is trying to be her kids' new mom
* all IG's co-stars were conspiring against her.
* BW has met all his friends and family members

Yet she has provided no evidence of any of those things. Beyond her own insane imagination.
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I came back on here to like TEN new threads, it was like a game of leap-frog trying to find you big-mouths! 😩😂😉

Just a thought, don’t mind me…

It disturbs me that she repeatedly positions herself in this chaos as one who supposedly sacrificed her life for the health of IG’s career. Again and again.

“I was doing him a favor!”
“I stayed home and looked after the kids!”
“I gave up my career!”

You can say I’m just spineless as a jellyfish but, damn, if I were one of her children and eventually managed to grasp the implications behind my mother making a “sacrifice” to raise me and my sibling…my guilt would be unreal, man. I’d feel like the good memories she shared with me were just little reprieves from her perpetual depression. I’d feel like the favors she did for me were more a chore than anything else. I fear her girls could one day grow up considering that they were a burden on their mother, that they’ll wrongly incriminate themselves in her frustration…all because she couldn’t glue her flat-tire lips together for ONE MINUTE and shouted to her social media military about how much of her life she “sacrificed.”

That’s not fair. She has and for a long time had social and financial privileges, among many others. She could have returned to acting auditions and acquired roles. She could have traveled the world. She could have done whatever IG enjoyed (with some careful planning and patience and optimism, sure). She could have done all of those things that she complains about never having accomplished. I don't think I can be convinced otherwise.

All I’m saying is, she had choices. She made this one. It was a willful choice. She may not have foreseen what it would entail, but we never fully see what our choices will entail. We just choose them. When she laments about the sacrifices she’s made in her world, she’s being completely oblivious to how that reads to those who also live in her world. I mean, there are implications behind those words!

Fussing on Twitter about basically not fully living the life you wanted for yourself when you have two kids with active social media accounts who have spent 99% of their existences under your guardianship is, at best, revolting.

If they internalize this garbage I will be shattered af.

PS, I kept previously catching hints of people saying she has fat-shamed others in the past. If possible, could someone provide me with those screenshots, or direct me to which thread I'd find them in? I used to be on the "chunky" side—if you wanna call it that lol—and I'm kiiiiiind of blown away at the thought that she would have the audacity to fat-shame people (PERIOD!)...but also that she would fat-shame people while being as big as a damn buffalo herself. I mean, if she was skinny when she spewed that garbage...then I guess karma is sweet as candy, lmfao. 🍭
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Checking in again this morning to see what has happened overnight. Do we know when the Lorraine interview will happen? And will it be available on line in real time? Because I can and will re-arrange my week around watching it if so.
"Do you remember what you were doing when JFK was shot/Armstrong walked on the moon/Elvis died/Alice gave that interview?"
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Hindsight is 20/20 with these things though sadly.

If I could see the individual incidents then as I did now what I did then there's no way I'd have touched my ex even with someone else's barge pole!

I reckon Ioan is sitting somewhere shaking his head going back over all the fucking mental shit he's put up with over the years and is wondering WTF was I thinking?!
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Her fan tweeted to Alice: "You’re being punished for being a good, normal person." I'm in an alternate universe.
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Here is a copy and paste of another favorite comment about Alice and her stbx from the Daily Fail.

Why is this man not allowed to be happy? His wife is a nightmare, it's a wonder he stayed as long as he did. She is neurotic, self-absorbed and obsessive. She constantly contradicts herself, because that's what pathological liars do, they can't remember what lie they told when. First he was her soulmate and they had "20 perfect years", she was blindsided, etc. Then suddenly he was abusive and cold, told her summer 2020 that he wanted out. Which was it? And why on earth should a Welshman not speak Welsh with his parents, especially when he's upset? She never paid the slightest bit of attention to his wishes to keep private things private, always added a gleeful "hee-hee" when she posted a picture of him sleeping on the sofa, etc, knowing full well that he didn't like that. That's disrespectful. Maybe it was a classic case of opposites attracting, but I always wondered how a classy man like him ended up with such a loud, vulgar woman. I wish him well in every way.
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You know, as someone who's been aware of them for a bit longer (Horatio Hornblower, IG's first big break, used to air at half past ten on thursday evening over here in the Netherlands and I remember being a kid sneakily trying to watch it with the sound low so my mother wouldn't catch me at it), a lot of stuff is seemingly sliding into perspective now. I remember in 2007-2008 IG was on the talkshow circuit and he'd bring up that the "his 'n hers" nicknames they settled on were "angel" and "baby angel" and how the way they spoke to one another was always completely OTT lovey-dovey and it always just seemed like... too much. Like they were overcompensating, or like it was a front of some kind. Like they were performing love rather than feeling it, if that makes sense. IG told the story of his proposal on Craig Furgeson (again, this would've been 2007-2008 ish when Furgeson was still in the game) and not only did it only come about because of an ultimatum, he put the ring in her glass and she didn't notice it and instead went off on a tear about how much she disliked him. The fact that was a funny talkshow anecdote for IG and not a red flag really explains how it ended up taking him two decades to bail.
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She's thanking the people on the internet who said they would be tuning in when she announced it. Didnt think we'd get a shout out!
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Any sympathy I did have is now gone, how horrible she is being to Ella Newton who isn’t much older than her daughter is beyond disgusting. She should be ashamed of herself. It’s not ok to bring everyone else down into your shit storm by calling them fat and using your ex husband to belittle them. Stand up and belittle them without hiding behind Ioan! Go on, if you going to bully someone, don’t use someone who isn’t there to defend themselves as your weapon. AE is quickly turning into a horrible POS. If someone spoke to my 20yo daughter like that I would have them for breakfast
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